Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 275 Jixue Black and White

Fight the spell with your body.

No, not just spells.

The magic of the environment rises.

The surrounding vegetation is rendered in different colors.

Under this blessed environment, Jixue's speed was a bit faster.

Unsheathing the long sword brought countless black snows.

Instantly getting close, the tip of the sword is only a tiny bit away from Guan Haichao's chest.

Guan Haichao puffed out his chest, the sword stuck straight into his chest, but he couldn't move any further.

"Huh? Physical training?"

Jixue saw that this was a body only possessed by physical cultivation.

As far as the human body is concerned, only a pure body can resist such an attack without panic.

Heixuejian once again increased the output of power, but Guan Haichao didn't move at all.

"Frost and snow are dark for a thousand years!"

Hei Xuefeiwu wasn't cold at all, but it contained murderous intent.

Watching the tide will never take half a step back because of this.

"The sea waves are endless, and the waves are like snow!"

Watching the sea tide stamped on the hand.

He grabbed the Black Snow Sword again.

"Huh?" Ji Xue couldn't move forward or retreat.

Jixue resolutely gave up the sword and took two steps back.

Tap the ground with your toes.

Using the earth as the medium, the technique is shaped like a black snow sword, trying to pierce the soles of the feet watching the tide.

For some reason, Guan Haichao remembered the conversation with Ling Fengyu at a certain point in time.

"Why did you deliberately sell a weakness, it's obviously your strength."

"Who is the person on the other side?"

"Those above strangers are most likely to be enemies."

"Deliberately give a shortcoming, and then let them look for this shortcoming to find what is restrained. If they waste their time, they may not find the way they are always looking for."

"so smart?"

"I've been at a disadvantage in this regard."

thought here.

Guan Haichao smiled inwardly.

Then calmly took a few steps back, the sword shape flew out from the ground, and then dissipated in the air.

Watch the tide knock down a tree and stand on it.

"Do you think you can avoid it when you reach the tree?"

Jixue whistled softly.

The sword-shaped land took shape again.

This time there are several.

This is the time to watch the tide.

Use both palms to move the inner element.

Hit the ground.

Then flew out.

Iron Claw appeared.

Grabbing the blade of the sword, he threw the Black Snow Sword to Jixue.

"What? Give up?"

"I don't want to lose both."

Guan Haichao took a step back.

Said that he did not want to fight with this person.

"it is good."

Ji Xue put the Black Snow Sword back into its scabbard.

The field of spells spread out.

Heaven and earth returned to Qingming.

"But you broke into my territory, didn't you show anything?"

"Okay, sister Ji, stop making trouble."

Guan Haiyan trotted over and hugged Jixue, and then put her whole face on her chest, um~ that, doing a stroke exercise.

Watching the tide just feels a little weird.

Because of watching Qi, this person is somewhat gender-neutral.

This is also the reason for the exercises.

Magical exercises are the easiest to change the balance of a person's qi.

Similarly, it is most difficult for qi refiners to change the established inner qi, unless they want to express a different qi externally.

"Come in without saying hello, tell me, what's the matter with you."

When Jixue met Guan Haiyan's acting like a baby, she calmed down a lot.

I understand, this is to test whether I have such a powerful ability.

Guan Haichao thought of this.

Fortunately, I didn't miss it.

Although it sold a flaw that didn't exist.

Why there is a feeling of tragedy in the future.

Guan Haichao thought so.

"Who are these two?"

"Watch the tide from below. This is my colleague, the sky never sets."

Guan Haichao introduced.

"Oh? Watching the tide?"

It is true that there is only one word difference in pronunciation from Guan Haiyan.


Absolutely not the same kind!

Guan Haichao considers himself a pure human being, not a mixed race.

Well, those who are qualified and capable are called hybrids, those who are incompetent are called bastards, and to be more ironic, they are called bastards.

"Of course, this is not the name given by my parents, but I gave it to myself, and I changed it two or three times."

Watching the tide is nothing at all, yes, there is no emotional fluctuation at all.

"Then I'll tell you to watch the tide for now."

Guan Haiyan tells a story about the need to leave the world.

"A critical person, right?" Ji Xue looked at Guan Haichao.

"You are not a borderline person."


Tian Buluo covered his mouth in surprise.

Watching the tide is not critical.

Where will it be?

"I was not."

"You betrayed your hometown." Ji Xue looked at Guan Haichao calmly.

"It was my hometown that betrayed me first."

This is another story.

"Li Fan's shielding of spells is useless." Jixue is worthy of being a master of spells, "If you want to forcibly arouse his deep emotions and break through the confinement of spells, then he will be the only one who will be hurt. .”

"Sorry, it was my suggestion."

Guan Haichao took the responsibility on himself.

"I don't blame you, because you don't know the art, at least not very well, that's all, since it involves the magic city, it's not a breach of contract if I take action, I'll do it."

Guan Haichao knows that there is a but behind.


as predicted.

"Let's talk about what to trade."

"The rescued man belongs to me!" Ji Xue made an extremely impossible request.

"Okay, I agree." Tian Buluo frowned.The promise was too decisive.

"No, I have a question about this matter. It was Xing Yuehan who was treated, right? Shouldn't this condition be for Xing Yuehan to judge?"

Watching the tide is rational and authentic.

"That's right. People should be independent. Well, after I rescue him, I will explain the reason to him."

Jixue looked at Guan Haichao.

This person is too calm.

Not suitable for in-depth communication.

Let them go as well.

"You guys leave, I will go to the magic city after I deal with the business."

"Okay, sister Ji, see you next time."

Guan Haiyan jumped off Jixue and walked near Guan Haichao.

"Guan Haiyan, you can stay too."

Jixue wants to keep Guan Haiyan.

"Hey, I can get good things by following Big Brother Guan Haichao."

Guan Haiyan pointed to the hairpin on her hair.

Really hairpin.

So, does Guan Haichao know about the hairpins of other ghosts and phoenixes?

I can't let him go.

By the way, leave a tracking signal.

"Then~ well, wait for me for a moment."

Jixue left and came back again.

He handed the sachet in his hand to Guan Haiyan.

"Ten miles of chasing incense. Only those who have taken a specific pill can know your location within ten miles." Ji Xue said.

I didn't expect Jixue to have a reserve of knowledge about elixir.

"You remind me of my friend, who knows a little bit about everything just like you."

"Is that so? Then I really want to see him."

"There is a chance."

In this way, Guan Haichao and others left.

Unexpectedly, the ring of the Demon Emperor appeared in Jixue's hand at this moment.

It was another ring of the devil emperor, which happened to be opposite to the one of the devil lord.

"I killed my Taoist companion to get this ring, but I didn't expect that the other rings would appear before long." Does Ji Xue have something hard to say?

"You concealed me and wanted to kill me first, but I ended up killing you instead. It's a ridiculous ending."

It turned out to be the case.


Guan Haichao and his two daughters lost their target and were wandering around.

"The mask this guy is wearing is the same shape as Xingyuehan!"

It's the green guy.

"Catch up!"

Guan Haichao rushed out first, and he stopped Green.

"Friend, can you stop for a while and take a step to talk?"

Guan Haichao stopped this person.

"Step aside!"

but it is.

Green brandished a long knife and slashed towards Guan Haichao.

Even if it is watching the tide with huge power, it will be repelled by two steps in the first place.

But it doesn't break the defense.

"I'm angry if I kill you when I meet you."

I thought it was unreasonable, so let's fight.

Hands knotted.

The sound of the waves is endless.

After several fights with magicians, Guan Haichao also learned some auxiliary things.

It's worth it.

Just the sound of the waves.

The big knife made contact with the hard body.

Sparks appear.

A big knife can't hurt Guan Haichao in the slightest.


Get him under control first.

Guan Haichao didn't need to think too much about the paws on his hands.

Just tremble close.

The end is.

"Don't fight and continue the mission."

The woman ordered green from a distance.

"It's annoying."

The big knife slashed to the ground.

Pang Ran's Neiyuan turned into a ground thorn protruding and chasing Guan Haiyan.

He felt that Guan Haiyan was the weakest.

Watching the tide without thinking.

Another explosive step rushed towards Guan Haiyan, turned around, and held Nei Yuan's ground thorn mixed with mud.

With a firm grasp, the ground thorns shattered and disappeared.

And green is gone.

No strength or weakness can be seen in the brief confrontation.

But you can see your heart nature.

Watch the tide and think about those around you.

The little green man walks.

"This person doesn't know how to use spells, so he must be from another realm."

Tianbuluo asked.

"He has a strong body, but he uses a big sword. I'm not sure what kind of person it is." Guan Haichao replied.

He looked into the distance.

Eyes narrowed.

"Then, can we start with him, anyway, this person is not someone we are familiar with."

Guan Haiyan's idea is okay.

Although he didn't want to, Xingyuehan was worth doing it himself.

All he had to do was take off his mask.

"Alright." Guan Haichao thought, "We can take off his mask first and then talk about other things. Just to see if taking off the mask will have a negative impact on him."

Watching the tide doesn't have a merciful character.

What you do is nothing more than a businessman's trip.

The new Demon Lord is outside the city.

Mi Lan held a silver gun and stood alone outside the moat.


He jumped up suddenly.

The silver gun shot out a silver light, which turned into two in the middle.

Two silver lights hit the chains on both sides of the bridge respectively.

The bridge fell down.

It connects the two ends of the moat.

There are two more doors inside.

This is the last defense.

The door opens.

An armored cavalryman ran out quickly.

More than [-] people surrounded Mi Lan.

It can be seen that Mu Qing and Luan Yi, who became Demon Lords, have arrived at the top of the city.

The three looked at each other.


Mu Qing gave the order coldly.


The cavalry began to move.

Mi Lan was fearless.

He had come here to test out what was going on in his heart.

Let's see if there is a chance for Mu Qing or Luan Yi to directly confront that bitch.

He wanted to see if there would be any miraculous effect between the demon king and the ring and the demon emperor.

As for the demon king in his body, he had to find a chance for Ling Fengyu.

Only in this way can the plan proceed according to his ideas.


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