Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 276 Bloodthirsty Bat

These armored cavalry revolved around Mi Lan, and the dust they stirred up formed a sky full of splendor.

These cavalry are formidable.

But it doesn't look that great.

At least for Mi Lan, it was still a bit close.

The cavalry moved.

He stabbed at Mi Lan with his spear.

Mi Lan blocked the horizontal spear, and the three cavalry spears landed on Zhizhan Zhishang.

Silver and black swirl.

Spin hard.

The three cavalrymen dismounted from their horses.

It was rolled down.

Lost the ability to move for a moment.

Mi Lan continued to attack.

Today's Mi Lan is full of unusual aggressiveness.

Is it a little too much?

The silver gun swept across the world.

"Wind of black and white!"

The silver gun turned black and white.

The black wind turned the dust all around into dust dragons.

The dust dragon overturned all the rest of the cavalry.

Then, Mi Lan kicked off the ground, and she flew up.

Then, the spear fired.


Mu Qing snorted coldly.

It also flew up.

The Scorching Sun Bow and Zhizhan Zhishang clashed together.

what happened?

The clash of bow and spear,

The flames and gentle murderous aura actually triggered a soaring light beam.


Mi Lan's anger is Mo Long, he~

Luan Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the military world before, Mi Lan didn't show herself in front of them.

However, now.

The main goal is.

The reaction between the scorching sun and the war of war.

Why does such a change occur after the fight.

The scorching sun and fierce bow can produce such a fire tornado, but with the addition of the death of the war.

This kind of power seems to have awakened something in the fighting world.

far away.

The woman sensed the situation here.

"It's done." She smiled smugly.

"The giant beast wakes up, but it has nothing to do with me. Let's see what kind of masters in the fighting world will appear on the stage."

After an exchange of blows, the two retreated separately.

It is ten feet back.


"Silver, come back."

The woman gave the order.

Damn, I seem to have been cheated.

What's going on, have you been tricked?

Made a substantial help ah.

"Well, let's go back to the Devil Emperor City first." Mi Lan thought so.

"Luanyi, what should we do next?"

Mu Qing asked.

"Find someone to investigate, what changes have been caused by the Scorching Sun Bow and Zhizhan Zhishang."

"Well, I'll get someone to take a look."

Mu Qing made a hand seal.A message flew out.

Each ring has its own hidden powers.

Those cavalry were no exception.

As for Ling Fengyu.

I also saw this soaring beam of light.


"This is?"

Hua Feiyue asked.

"Scorching Sun Bow."

There is also no mention of the death of the war.

What is the reason for the communication between the two?

Has Yi Yang also come to Doujie?Have you also got the Scorching Sun Bow?

at this point.It really made Ling Fengyu start to worry.

Yi Yang hasn't grown up yet. It seems that no one of the younger generation can intervene in the Doujie turmoil.


"Are you worried about the man who is burning with the sun?"

Misty Rain asked.

Ling Fengyu nodded slightly.

"A junior who has something to do with me, I don't want him to die halfway here." Ling Fengyu said coldly.

The key is.

The holder of the War of War is Mi Lan. . .

They all know each other too.

Could it be that Mi Lan's consciousness was swallowed by the spell?

Either way, it's a bad thing.

"Go." Misty Rain said.

"I'll be right back!" Ling Fengyu said seriously.

Ling Fengyu didn't leave for long.

Black bats blot out the sky.

Green is still in the future, but another crisis has emerged.


"The person in the way is gone, and you can kill as much as you want."

This person's spell writing is conjoined bats.

Black bat, red talisman paper.

The ground was black and red.

It turned out that Ling Fengyu really couldn't leave.

"Ghost phoenix ten claws to this seat, this seat is to give you eternal peace."

In other words, he was going to die anyway, but on the one hand, he was infarcted, and on the other hand, he was tortured to death.

Hua Feiyue gave Misty Rain a look.

Sure enough, the hearts of people who are not of our race must be different.

"Open the mountain protection formation!"

"It's late, but I also want to see if your so-called mountain protection array can protect you."

The bloodthirsty bat is already impatient.

After the big array is opened.


Just two words can reflect his absoluteness.

Seeing the semi-circular mountain guard formation, there really was a character.

Bats landed on it densely.

The sound of gnawing makes the goosebumps almost rise.


The so-called mountain guard formation.


Couldn't resist for a moment.

This force can be said to be very powerful.

The bats covering the sky and the sun were about to fall on everyone in Chanming Palace.

Mobei and Hua Feiyue stood up to resist, and Yanyu Channing also took out her own weapon to describe the spell.

Several disciples had already been caught by bats because they retreated in a hurry, so there was not even a bone left.

This person has no intention of holding back.

too strong.

Only elder-level characters can barely resist.

All right.

If it goes on like this, the group will be wiped out.

far away.

"The green masked man jumped and went in another direction."

"Well, the direction is the place where the beam of light appeared not long ago. However, if you look at the top of the mountain in the distance, there are bats covering the sky and covering the sky. There should be something serious. Let's go there and have a look first." Guan Haichao said.

It's also thanks to the woman's order to do two tricks with Ling Fengyu, and also attracted Guan Haichao along the way.

Otherwise, this Toad Palace really doesn't know how many people will die.

"This is Toad Palace."

"It doesn't matter what palace it is. Let me help you."

Guan Haichao saw that Chanming Palace was not some demon organization, so he said so.

"it is good."

Guan Haichao rushed out first.

Hold the vastness of heaven and earth in your hands.

The sound of the waves is endless.

"A dark wave against the waves!"

Deep ocean currents are the most energetic.

The ocean is the body.

Hard yet flexible.

This is a great way to watch the tide.

The monstrous waves covered most of the bats.

But there was no energy left to attack that person.

Watch the tide and make another move.

Clenched fists.

A punch is to put one's heart on self-defense, and a punch hits that person with absolute strength.

That person started with defense.

Summon the remaining bats with spells to form a defensive formation of flesh and blood.

Watching the tide go down with a punch, flesh and blood flying, the kind of powder mixed with water.


The man waved his black robe.

Temporarily repelled the tide of watching the sea.

Watching the tide retreat a few steps and land on the ground.

"You Chanming Palace took another life."

The man wrapped himself in magic and left.

Black, bat-like spell pattern.

"Thank you for your help."

As the supreme leader of this place, Misty Rain is the best for her to speak up.

"You're welcome, you~" Guan Haichao saw Yanyu's face clearly.

Oh, isn't this the beauty that Ling Fengyu was talking about?

There is also Hua Feiyue here.



"Oh, sorry, don't know what to call it."

Guan Haichao apologized.

"This is Misty Rain, the suzerain of Toad Palace. The person next to me is Mobei, and the disciple of Zhang Tieling. Suzerain, this is Guan Haichao, who is the trade partner of me and Ling Fengyu, and that beautiful woman, my god! fall." Hua Feiyue explained.

"It turned out to be Sect Master Misty Rain, I'm sorry."

Watch the tide and salute.

"Where's this little sister?" Yanyu smiled and looked at Guan Haiyan who was timidly hiding behind Tianbuluo.

"Big sister, you, hello, my name is Guan Haiyan, yes, I am the sister who watches the tide."

Well, something out of nothing.

The younger sister who watches the tide?

Yan Yu didn't believe it, if she did, she wouldn't be hiding behind Tian Bu Luo but behind Guan Hai Chao.

It was Ling Fengyu again.

Does Misty Rain want his relatives to take part in politics?

The elder was not grateful, so he thought of this first.

It seems to have stopped there.

No matter how big the thought is, the distance it can go is as far as it can go. If the self confines one's own steps, isn't it the castration of the self?

"Thank you for your help. Right now, my Toad Palace is damaged, and I need time to repair it and make arrangements for the next stage. If you don't mind, you can stay in Toad Palace for the time being. I will thank you all when things are stable."

Misty Rain said so.

On the one hand, it does take time to repair.

On the other hand, it is also because if there is a strong man stronger than himself who temporarily sits in charge, the dark forces can continue to lie dormant for a period of time.


"President Guan, we are discussing the United Human Alliance. You are also in the human camp. How about discussing it together and making some constructive suggestions?"

Hua Feiyue invited to watch the tide.

Human Union?

What the hell kind of organization is this?

"Oh, it is to form an alliance of human beings to fight against the Ghost Phoenix Ten Claws and the Demon City Ten Commandments."

"Since there are tens on the opposite side, do we humans have any ten on the one hand?"

Guan Haichao asked.

"We can go inside and discuss this matter in detail." Yanyu caught the curiosity of watching the tide.


Guan Haichao looked at Guan Haiyan.


Three representatives from the four major chambers of commerce are already here.

how to say.

In the future, it is estimated that the alliance of various realms will be the first alliance between Judgment and Doujie.

get inside.

Hua Feiyue discusses the situation with Guan Haichao and Tianbuluo.

"The ten claws of ghosts and phoenixes, the ten commandments of the devil city, and we humans are like a mess." Hua Feiyue said.

"So powerful? Then how did you seal the five magic cities?"

Guan Haichao asked.

"Because the ghost phoenix and the group under it undertook most of the frontal attacks, the human race who sneaked into it had time and energy to develop." Hua Feiyue said very frankly.

"And now we also want to target Guifeng?"

Guan Haichao smiled.

"Yes, the hearts of people who are not of my race must be different."

This sentence, Hua Feiyue has been hanging on the lips.

"That's right, you and I are in the same place, so you should know what kind of existence Ling Fengyu's sworn sister is."

There is something wrong with the sound of watching the tide.

Hua Feiyue also saw that the mood of watching the tide was wrong.

"Ling Fengyu was here before and talked to him about it. He meant~"

"He said that he has very few bloodlines, so he is no longer a member of that lineage." Guan Haichao actually said something similar to Ling Fengyu.

"Yes, Ling Fengyu said the same thing."

"I knew it. I'm afraid he has already remembered you."

"Ah this?"

Hua Feiyue and Tian Buluo were surprised and puzzled.

"There used to be such a bird monster, thinking that Ling Fengyu had lost his strength and could not fight, so he burned everything on himself to kill Ling Fengyu's enemies, and his soul was completely wiped out." Guan Haichao said with a smile.

Ling Fengyu told him about this.

It was to ask why the foreign race would help him in this way, and the Gui clan, who should be of the same kind, did such unreasonable things.

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