"The ring of the devil. The matter of the devil has not yet come to fruition, and the devil has appeared again. The person who took the ring of the devil disappeared in the military world. The whereabouts of the ring of the devil is also unknown. It's time to enter the fighting world, and it's the world of great contention. Green."

Another masked man.

"The devil."

The green masked man was quite burly, with a big knife dragging on the ground, looking so domineering and brainless.

No brains, why do you say that.

If he hadn't been brainless, he wouldn't be trapped with chains on weekdays.

Judging from the fact that this person can only use a broadsword to refine his skills in the fighting world, his brain is indeed not as good as usual.

Nor does it mean to elevate one side and belittle one side.

Even if you are a tool cultivator or a physical cultivator in the Doujie, you will more or less learn some useful spells because you have been exposed to them since childhood or when you have nothing to do.

If there is nothing at all, really ~ forget it, be tactful.

"Go, fight Ling Fengyu."

"The command of the Lord Demon Lord."

I understand, this is to send this person to his death.

Although Ling Fengyu was not an evil person, but somehow he went to him to fight, without explaining the reason or showing weakness, he must have been beaten to death with a single blow.

I just said it later.

"As for you, Zi Zi, go and compete with the two of Mozun. I'd like to see if these two will make a move when they see their former friends."

A plan to kill two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, it is to see whether the demon king has brainwashed Mu Qing and Luan Yi, and on the other hand, to test whether Mi Lan has woken up because of the demon king's ring.

"The command of the Demon Lord. The gesture is to kill or to test."

This is a battle of wits, and it can be regarded as a kind of battle.

Mi Lan could see it and resist it.

"You are smarter than Green, and you are reluctant to die. If you can't beat it, you will retreat."


Raising his hand, Zhizhan Zhishang flew over.

leave silently.

"In this way, the combination of the Demon Lord's pair of rings is far beyond my strength. Ling Fengyu's strength is above purple, and one of the Demon King's pair of rings is in his hand. Should I wake up a beast?"

Do what you say.

A bone flute appeared.

Pressing against the red lips, the melodious sound of the flute was passed to the sleeping beast.

Pterosaur-type beasts emerge from the ground.

Every generation of devil emperors has produced a lot of biological weapons, and she is also working hard, but it seems that it is not very successful. The lifespan of the monsters made with three-way fish roe is not satisfactory.

Now she is just digging out the legacy in front of her, rather than creating wealth by herself to leave to future generations.

Such wealth will eventually be exhausted.

This woman also began to plan ahead.

But, how many people have been harmed like this?

Too much.

When meeting Ling Fengyu, unless he has the hard power to escape, Ling Fengyu will kill her directly. No, there is another situation, that is, living is more useful than dead, such as Chong Ming.

If Ling Fengyu didn't think Chongming was useful, he would have killed her.

So ~ when this woman wants to have an intersection with Ling Fengyu, the ending is already doomed.

What's more, the subordinates controlled Mi Lan and Xingyuehan, two known existences.

Toad Palace.


The wind is a little cool.

But this is the wind that breeds new life.

"Green is the color of life."

Ling Fengyu drank a cup of tea that Yanyu poured for him.

"Why did you mention green all of a sudden?" Misty Rain also took a drink.


Ling Fengyu suddenly formed seals with both hands.

A crystal flew out from Ling Fengyu's storage place.


It was the stone that gave Ling Fengyu his speed back then.

"You remember him."

Misty Rain stood up and stroked the stone.

"At that time, I never would have thought that a monster that had nothing to do with me would risk its life to save me."

"Have you ever thought about it, in fact, you saved the weak one before, and then thought you were exhausted~"

Misty Rain's words seemed to draw the relationship between her and Ling Fengyu.

In other words, she would give her life for Ling Fengyu.

It's not stated, but it's obvious.

"I'd rather it be just a mortal bird, flying freely between the heavens and the earth."

"If it's an ordinary bird, it has the brains of a shrike and the flesh of a kite, okay?"

"Acting on instinct, ignorant and insensitive, not tasting is also a kind of freedom."

"Feng Yu, you seem to have been talking about freedom all the time. When you get along with me and tell me the stories you tell me, you have always been free."

"Hmm, maybe."


It was Chan Ning's voice.

"An envoy from Xuanmu Shengjiao came to ask for an audience."

In this case, generally speaking, it is enough to be entertained by the elders.Chan Ning is also an elder, she is enough.

However, now it seems that it is better for the suzerain to come forward.

Ling Fengyu accompanied them.

see people.


"Fengyu, long time no see." Hua Feiyue gave Ling Fengyu a look.

Ling Fengyu looked at the young talent behind him who did not belong to Xuanmu Shengjiao.


This is to take advantage of Ling Fengyu's momentum. It happens that Ling Fengyu is in a good mood because of the misty rain. If he is relaxed, he can help.

Although he doesn't have a good impression of Beiyu.

Those monopoly sects.


"Who is this?"

Misty Rain asked.

"Sect Master Misty Rain, the little girl Hua Feiyue, the holy daughter of Xuanmu Shengjiao."

"You are Hua Feiyue." Misty Rain's tone became a little strange, yin and yang.

The look in Hua Feiyue's eyes just now.


It depends on Ling Fengyu's wishes, if he helps, Misty Rain will also help.

Anyway, it's not about fighting for Ling Fengyu with him.

"This talented person is not wearing the clothes of the holy religion, is your Excellency?" Ling Fengyu asked.Shouldn't this be Misty Rain's question?

Everyone could see that something was wrong between Ling Fengyu and Misty Rain.

It hasn't been picked out yet.

"Disciple Mo Bei in Xiazhang Tieling."

"It turned out to be a high-ranking apprentice under Zhang Tieling, so I'm disrespectful and disrespectful."

Ling Fengyu made a full posture.

It can be said that yin and yang have reached the extreme.

Divide the left and right main seats.

Misty Rain is on the master, Ling Fengyu is on the right, and Chan Ning is on the left.

after that.

"So, the Holy Maiden hasn't received my letter from the Flying Crow?"

Ling Fengyu asked between one topic and one topic.

"Oh? I've heard that Feng Yu and you can become friends with the crow, but it's a real pity that you can't experience such a miraculous thing. I wonder if there is something important for you to write to me, Feng Yu?"

"Hahaha~ It's nothing serious." Ling Fengyu looked at the First Elder.

Say something.

The situation at the moment is.

Hua Feiyue thought that Ling Fengyu was creating a close relationship with her, at least on the surface.

The great elder thought that his plan had succeeded.

What about Misty Rain?I want to know what Ling Fengyu wants to do next.

Chan Ning~

Ling Fengyu, besides the suzerain, also has this woman.

Mo Bei really believed it.

He was going to make gestures with Ling Fengyu.

"Let's talk about private matters after the meeting is over. There should be many things besides private matters in the journey of the saint."

Misty Rain asked.

"There are indeed many things. First of all, it is about the alliance. I think there is a strong bridge between us, Ling Fengyu, and we can communicate and exchange news very well."

"Is that so, what is the alliance that the saint mentioned?"

"Ten Commandments of the Demon City, Ten Claws of the Ghost Phoenix~"

The Ten Commandments of the Demon City, the Ten Claws of the Ghost Phoenix.

"Although Ghost Phoenix and Ten Claws were on the same front as us humans when the Demon City was still there."

Misty rain paused here.

"The hearts of people who are not of our race must be different."

That makes sense.

Ling Fengyu also believed in this,

Just, Sparrow.

Of course, Guan Haiyan is different.

Ling Fengyu had his own ideas.

The matter of the alliance can just rub the power of the Great Elder, after all, he is the biggest voice of opposition. In addition, it is also necessary to prevent the enemy's enemy from being a friend.

Mobei and the great elder interest group.

Qin Zhengming still made Ling Fengyu grow a lot.

"Oh, of course I'm not talking about your sister." Hua Feiyue apologized.

Misty Rain frowned slightly, not knowing whether Hua Feiyue said it on purpose or not.Undoubtedly, it pushed Ling Fengyu to the forefront.

Oh Huo, Ling Fengyu's younger sister.

"This is what I said, my sister can live without relying on ten claws, and she has already escaped from the imprisonment of the ghost and phoenix."

Ling Fengyu explained.

The brow is slightly wrinkled.

Because why did Hua Feiyue mention ghost sparrows?

This point should be carefully considered.

"Human race, blood and talent coexist, and what they rely on is the inherited blood, so, I am worried about you~"

It is because of the fact that I can have helpers in the future, and the reason why Mo Bei thinks that he and Ling Fengyu really have those aspects.Another thing is to sell favors and tell some things you know in advance, so that you can get the favor of others.

In this way, the matter of alliance can be more grasped.

A smart man is worthy of being a businessman.

This is possible.

If you are attracted by blood, it is not something that can be controlled by ordinary will.

Ling Fengyu frowned silently.

The heart that was originally let go is now raised again.

Just hope nothing happens.

Critical should be fine.

Misty Rain also frowned.

Although Guique was spoiled by Ling Fengyu, she is also Ling Fengyu's sworn sister.

The atmosphere became silent.

Frowning slightly.

Everyone is frowning, thinking about their own affairs.

"Well, since it's late. Why don't we have a meal together and talk about flowers and moonlight, of course we have to wait for a formal occasion to talk about it."

Chan Ning suggested.


What the hell, why hasn't Gong Mingchan come back yet? I still have something to do.

Ling Fengyu's inner patience is getting less and less.

Watching the tide.

Look around carefully.Well, no one.

"This flower is called Li Fan." Guan Haiyan broke off a flower.

Is it out of the ordinary?

Guan Haichao took the flower.

The fragrance of flowers is very strong.

Guan Haichao inadvertently took a breath.

All kinds of unpleasant memories of the past scenes popped up.

that man.

The man who overthrew his own family.

He was my good brother at that time.

Brothers of life and death.

However, emotions are really easy to deteriorate.

I have no real emotion.

"Oh~" Guan Haichao sighed unexpectedly.

"Big Brother, Big Sister, Tianbuluo, this is Jixue's territory, if you get the right Li Fanhua, then leave. Although Jixue is beautiful, she has a bad temper."

it is good.

about to leave,

"My temper isn't bad, it's very bad!"

a beautiful woman,



Male heart and female body?

Not right either.

Is it Yin and Yang?

Guan Haichao uses limited knowledge to define this person.

Jixue made seals with both hands.

The way of black and white emerges from both hands.

Watch the tide and take a step forward to deal with it personally.

"Although it was our mistake to step into your territory without authorization, I won't let you hurt them by Shan Si!"

"What a funny answer!"

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