Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 233 Blood Bream

The firework of the alarm flickered from the sky, but the sound disappeared, no, it never appeared.

Is the sound absorbed?

Fireworks and visions are enough.

It's OK for someone to notice here.

Bai Ye, Bai Zi, and Chi Wuyue, three elder-level figures came together.

"Ling Fengyu, what happened?" Bai Zi asked.

"Leave me alone, I need a moment to complete the things I can't move, help me stop the blood beast!"

Ling Fengyu actually knew this strange bird?

But why is the pale bird feather crowned with the word blood?

"it is good!"

Regardless of Bai Ye's obstruction, Bai Zi insisted on rushing forward.

Chi Wuyue glanced at Bai Ye and stepped forward.

The eyes seem to say, you are not a qualified mother.

Does Chi Wuyue have children?No.Is that eligible to comment?

Yes, I can see it.

Bai Zi holds the sunspots, Chi Wuyue is the Bai Zi, and the twins draw a mysterious chess game on the martial arts field.

This is the real magical effect of practicing Xingluoqi, and the general trend of the world is for my use.Simulate a natural scene to restrain weird objects.

Strange birds and bloody beasts are also rare beasts, and they feed on their own kind, and they are also exotic beasts.

That is to say, blood crowfish usually eat birds and beasts, and do not eat other races.It is a strange creature.

But this one is not just a blood crow, more importantly, it is a monster that has already started self-cultivation.

Black and white twins keep appearing in the teaching field, and each chess piece is a chain that binds the body.

Step by step to restrain the blood bream.


Blood crowfish are not simple birds and beasts, the feathers on their wings are as sharp as swords.

When the sword crossed the chain, he broke free from the shackles in an instant.

With another snarl, the blood crow swooped down, its sharp crows like spears.

The speed is unimaginable.

At this moment, Bai Ye made a move, and the moment he made a move, it was the stars and the black and white twins.

It can be said that his cultivation base is higher than that of Chi Wuyue and Bai Zi.

"Yue Yin Xing Ming Ju Di Chen!"

This is a type of chess game.

Using the power of the Emperor Star to suppress a bird or beast, if it is really the Emperor Star, it is really overkill, but, is Bai Ye capable now?

No, this is just a phantom simulated by my own cultivation base.

It can be regarded as temporarily suppressing the blood crayfish.

It's only temporary, and I hope I can stick to this moment.

If it is really just a blood crow, a moment is enough, because Bai Ye, Chi Wuyue, and Bai Zi are all strong.

But, is there really only blood grenades?

Probably not.

In the distance, a sword formation started.

A stream of swords composed of hundreds of sword qi attacked Bai Ye.

Bai Zi and Chi Wuyue noticed this flow of swords.

The flow of swords was like a torrent, so Chi Wuyue and Bai Zi could only join forces.

Black and white vertical and horizontal, forming a chessboard defensive air wall in front of Bai Ye.

However, the sword flow broke through the air wall, and the remaining sword flow hit Bai Ye, who was unable to move in order to control the chess pieces.

Bai Ye spit out a mouthful of bright red, stepped back a few steps, and the chain gave up.

The blood bream flew into the sky again.

After the maneuver, dive again.

The three of them lost the ability to attack again in a short time because of the front impact.

"Damn it!" Ling Fengyu almost wanted to give up, first he drew his hand to deal with the blood beast, and then solved the alienation problem on Su Fufang again.

at this time.

Another high-pitched roar.

A huge flamingo appeared on a hill not far away. Like a burning Suzaku, the huge flamingo broke through the dark clouds in the sky.

Huge dark cloud.

Just like that, it was scattered by the scorching heat.

It's the scorching sun bow!

However, whoever is using it must not be Xu Fufang, Xu Fufang does not have such ability.

The huge firebird turned into nine arrows, four of which were shot at the blood crowfish, and five of which were shot in the distance, which should be the direction of the sword array.

All four arrows hit the blood crawfish.

And didn't get into it.

The whole blood bream is roasted from the inside out.

But the sword array in the distance didn't have much impact.

Not far away, Mu Qing wanted to use up his second chance.


A huge black firebird suddenly appeared.

Except for the color, it is exactly the same as the firebird of the scorching sun bow.

It also turned into nine arrows, and the arrows flew to the same place.

At this moment, I did my best.

A moment passed.

Ling Fengyu circulated his energy and pulled Su Fufang out of the tree trunk.

This time, Ling Fengyu's own consumption was also great.

Really big.

His body was also soaked in his own cold sweat.

Yi Yang hugged the unconscious Su Fufang with one hand, and held Ling Fengyu with the other.

Yi Yang was amazed by Ling Fengyu's vigorous energy, but what Yi Yang was even more amazed by was Ling Fengyu's unruffled determination, because at the last critical moment, Ling Fengyu was able to abandon the previous progress. This kind of determination is something he doesn't have now .

I have to learn more from Ling Fengyu.

"Yi Yang, the next thing is up to you. I need to recover my energy, and it will take a while."

This time it really took a while.

It's merit, not inner strength, which means that one's own cultivation has also been affected, um~ the influence can be reversed, and it needs to be re-stabilised.

This is facing the scale beast.

Ling Fengyu has never been so troubled.

That's right, one only wants to destroy, but the other wants to protect the person he wants to protect in the midst of destruction.

Naturally, it takes several times more energy.

Bai Zi brought Ling Fengyu into her own cave.

Ling Fengyu was practicing with peace of mind.

Protection is much more difficult than destruction.

So many people choose to destroy.

Fewer and fewer people choose to guard.

"Blood beast?"

Mu Qing who rushed over stroked the big bird that was roasted inside and out by her, almost edible.

"Blood bream, what kind of bird is it?" Bai Ye asked.

"It's what a bird evolves after gradually liberating its blood after cultivation." Mu Qing explained, "Oh, it's a bird that is born with a blood crayfish, but it's a rare species, so it's hard to see."

"Since it's a beast, it should be able to be domesticated." Yi Yang interjected.

Mu Qing nodded slightly.

indeed so.

Any human and beast can be domesticated, but it is best not to use the word domestication between humans, because ~ some people just stare at these two words and criticize them.

It is hard to guard against like ants.

"There is also such a sword formation. This kind of sword formation has its own style. It is not like the handwriting of ordinary soldiers."

Yi Yang frowned tightly.

"Yi Yang, how do you know?"

Mu Qing asked.

"Ah." Yi Yang frowned, "I think so."


Look at Yi Yang's inconsistent eyes.

Mu Qing felt that something had happened to Yi Yang too.

See it.

I have already taken over the stick of the scorching sun bow, and I must pass it on to the perfect successor in its entirety.

"How is Ling Fengyu?"

Seeing Bai Zi walking slowly, Mu Qing asked.

From what I saw at the time, only Ling Fengyu was the most dangerous. Not only did he have to be distracted to take out Su Fufang, but he also had to protect Su Fufang and not hurt Yiyang. , there is a danger of falling into the realm.

"Oh, Ling Fengyu is cultivating in my cave, there is no danger." Bai Zi said calmly.

"Let a strange man enter my cave to cultivate, Elder Bai, you are just like your mother." Chi Wuyue smiled and broke her mouth.

"If a person doesn't even trust anyone she can trust, then her whole life will be sad."

Bai Zi actually refuted.

That's right, the original relationship is a sharp contradiction other than superficial peers, and this kind of refutation is also possible.

"It's okay, at least the highest combat power is preserved."

"Mu Qing, let me leave for a moment. I think I know who the black firebird that appeared before is. I need to ask to clarify." Yi Yang said suddenly.

"Is it okay to be alone?" Mu Qing asked.

He also looked at Su Fufang who was currently in Mei Xiangyuan's arms.

"Alone can do it."

Yi Yang said firmly.

"Okay. But you have to come back early, Su Fufang needs you."

What did Mu Qing mean?

Su Fufang needs Yi Yang?

"I'll be back quickly." Yi Yang said briefly.

Yoko waited.

In fact, he was waiting for Mu Qing, but it was Yi Yang who came.

"Why did you help me?" Yi Yang said bluntly.

"Hmm~ Do you think a strong person needs to do a certain thing for a certain thing?"

Yi Yang really didn't know how to answer Yaozi's question.

"But everyone will die." Yoko continued.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, is there a relationship between before and after?

"The instinct to survive allows me to find the hope of survival."

"So you killed so many innocent people?"

Yi Yang thought of those charred corpses.

"How many people are truly innocent in the military world? You are one, Ling Fengyu is one, and Mu Qing is one." Yaozi said slightly, "My eyes can see the accumulation of innocent people's innocent people. resentment."

This kind of white-washing words actually doesn't apply to Yi Yang.

Because evil is evil.

"Let's just say one, the one from the Proud Sect." Yaozi recalled the past.

"The Proud Sect?"

"Oh, Ling Fengyu hasn't told you yet, I cut off both ears. He said that he can understand the language of birds and beasts. He pushed people off the cliff and took them out after the limelight passed. It’s not like birds eat lamb intestines, but people get lamb.”

"So, what about near Linshan Town?"

"I didn't kill it, nor did my people kill it." Yaozi smiled, taking the life and death of others very lightly, and only cared about his own life.

"Why do you have bird-shaped marks on your body?"

"I know the traces of the scorching sun and scorching bow." Yaozi didn't panic at all, "Could no one leave such traces except me?"

Such a question.

"Xu Fufang~" Yi Yang blurted out.

Yes, Xu Fufang.

Only Xu Fufang was present at that time.


Yi Yang lost his voice.He knew he was talking too much.

"Who knows." Guan Yaozi's expression clearly knew.

"You know." Yi Yang said bluntly.

"It's better not to know some things." Yaozi likes to break in the middle, talking at both ends, "Like the things about the Proud Sect, if I don't tell you, when Ling Fengyu tells you, what you get is probably the truth. I killed an innocent man."

Indeed it is.

This is the truth under the information gap.

"But if you don't tell me, the truth I get may be different from yours."

"The truth I give you is what I want to give you, in my favor."

"This sentence is also given back to you. The truth that others tell me is what others want to tell me, and it is beneficial to him." Yi Yang can also speak.

"It's true, that's how trust between people is worn away."

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