"Tell me, I believe you." Yi Yang said.

The two looked at each other and were silent for a long time.

Because of silence, there is loneliness, and because of loneliness, someone needs to speak first.

Yaozi has plenty of time, but Yiyang doesn't.

He needs to go back.

"You're in a hurry." Yaozi was convinced of Yiyang.

The corner of Yi Yang's mouth twitched slightly.

"Go back and call Mu Qing over."

"Mu Qing?"

"Ling Fengyu is fine too, but isn't Mu Qing free?"

"So, as long as it's not me, anyone can?"

"No, choose the one you can trust among those who care about you."


Yi Yang didn't bother anymore, then turned around and left.

"You turned around too decisively, I can't bear it."

As Yaozi spoke, it made Yi Yang stop.

"Let me tell you a little bit, I am selfish, I don't want to die, if you speak well, I will not die easily, so I will help you."

Out of selfishness, it fits Yaozi's current character very well.

"Does it mean that if I commit suicide now, you will be gone?" Yi Yang asked suddenly.

"Not at all."

"That's boring."

Yi Yang exchanges with Mu Qing.

Mu Qing was indifferent.

In front of Yaozi, Mu Qing has no weakness at all.

"Guests come with courtesy, treat guests with courtesy."

Yoko smiled.

On the table in front of him, there are teacups, wine glasses, delicacies, and~

Hahaha~ There are erotic pictures.

Interesting person.

"People always show off what they don't have." Mu Qing smiled and drank a cup of cool tea.

"Nice words."

Yoko also drank tea.

Take back the rest.

"Drinking tea draws the mind." Mu Qing has a wide range of studies, so he seems very stable, "The black firebird and the black scorching sun bow represent a solar eclipse."

"Of course."

"A solar eclipse is as dim as the night without light. However, if the sun disappears, the solar eclipse will also disappear."

What do you mean?

It means that if the scorching sun and bow disappear, Yaozi will also disappear.

"Hahaha~ It should be the first time we have met, you already know so many things, Mu Qing, you are really good."

Yaozi admired Mu Qing's intelligence from the bottom of his heart.

"So, if I say these things, you will also say the corresponding things. This is in exchange."

"Mu Qing, Mu Qing. Mu Qing, Cheng Luan, Mu Qingcheng is chaotic." Yaozi looked at Mu Qing's face, and he suddenly got up slightly to caress the strand of blue silk left behind Mu Qing's crown.

Rubbing, rubbing.

Yoko's hands turned black.

And Mu Qing's blue hair turned into white hair.

"Your lifespan has been reduced by one-third."

After Mu Qing patted his hand away, Yaozi smiled and said.

"The Burning Sun Bow can be used three times in the hands of non-successors. In fact, it consumes one-third of the lifespan like the Blood Darkness." Yaozi explained.

"I know about this."

Mu Qing said calmly, speaking very easily.

"So, are you going to cast it a second time?"

Yoko asked suspiciously.

"Is there anything more important than your own life?"

"Yes, my own strength, the life of the person I value, or the death of my enemy." Either way is what Mu Qing hopes for.

This is contrary to Yaozi's philosophy.

Because Yaozi valued her own life most.

For this reason, he does not hesitate to kill other people who are not related to him to absorb life.

"It's really strange that human beings are really complicated creatures."

"People are a group, the complex is the whole, and the simple is the individual."

"Really?" Yaozi didn't go any further in this aspect, "We can seek common ground."

"Tell me?"

Mu Qing poured herself a cup of tea, there is no need to say anything about herbal tea.

"You have to pass on the scorching sun bow to the perfect Yi Yang, and if Yi Yang lives well, I won't die."

Smiling and speaking strange things.

"Okay, we've got common ground, what about differences?"

"Different? Yi Yang."

"Hahaha~ What a Yiyang."

Mu Qing stood up, ready to go back.

"there's one more thing."

"What's the matter?"

"The three chains imprisoned in Yi Yang's body, the chains of heaven, earth and man."


"The people among them, the Emperor Renhuang's disillusionment chain is related to Ling Fengyu. With the help of Ling Fengyu, the first seal can be unlocked. After untiing, the troubles about the twins of the sky demon and the evil world can be solved temporarily. solved."


"Also, Renhuang, Ling Fengyu is not, but he can resonate with Renhuang's chain of disillusionment. I am afraid that his life experience is even more mysterious."

"Ling Fengyu is alone, unless he tells it himself, it's better not to search."


Yoko disappeared into her own darkness.

"Is Emperor Ren's disillusionment chain?" Mu Qing recalled what he had learned.


Just the fact that there is a chain in the human body does not have any memory.

Forget it, don't care about it for now.

Yi Yang is becoming more and more like a savior, and he is just a stepping stone for the savior to grow up.

Stepping stones also have their own hardness.

For example, the matter of the beacon fire.

Not only to consider for the guidance of the beacon, but also other ideals in mind.

"go back."

Ling Fengyu woke up.

"Who is Ling Ziying? Your mother?"

Bai Zi was nearby, guarding Ling Fengyu all the time.

Ling Ziying?Did you call out the name yourself?

"Oh. Just a friend."

"Same surname, same attribute name. Just a friend?"

Bai Zi smiled.

"Yes, my friend who has seen the body."

"Are you also the kind of person who has seen the opposite sex and stayed together for a lifetime?" Bai Zi smiled.

"Who knows? Hmm~" Ling Fengyu stretched.

"I'm hungry. Any food?"

"Yes, follow me." Bai Zi smiled.

Feng Feng passed Ling Fengyu with downcast eyes.

"The smell on you."

Ling Fengyu stopped.

"What's wrong?" Bai Zi also stopped.

"You are a virgin, but you smell like a man. You seem to have been tricked."

Wait a minute, wait a minute, how did Ling Fengyu know that Qi Feng was a virgin in an instant?

"My body, what's wrong?"

"do not have much left."

Ling Fengyu stopped again.

"Go to Mu Qing. He will help you."

Does Mu Qing have such ability?


Ling Fengyu's intuition told him.

Intuition, intuition, intuition again.

Is there anything that is not intuitive?

Yes, Ling Fengyu's courage is getting smaller and smaller. This is not intuition, but a loss of self-confidence.

Without a sword, there is no self-confidence. This is actually very bad. It is said that the sword is an extension of the human hands. This kind of derivative is not connected by flesh and blood, at least not at present, so why can it be guaranteed that it will never be lost by your side?

There is no guarantee.

"Mu Qing? Okay, I'll look for it."

"Ling Fengyu, you said that Mu Qing smelled like a man, but she was also a virgin. This is the same as other female disciples." Bai Zi said.

"Other female disciples?"

Bai Zi explained.

It was those disciples who had gone mad because of their rebellion, and hadn't woken up after being stunned by Ling Fengyu.

"What about those male disciples?"

"Oh, male disciples are usually from the Star Chess Sect. My Star Luo Sect has no male disciples."


Ling Fengyu was puzzled.

"Although the relationship of affiliation is like this, there is still communication between the two parties, so there was also a man at the scene at the time, and he also went crazy."

"So what about their scent?"

Bai Zi suddenly became shy, her cheeks blushed.

Well, Ling Fengyu understood.

"This is the method of the demon clan."

Ling Fengyu made a judgment.

"No, it should be a monster."

Young life.Even said it was a monster.


Bai Zi poured Ling Fengyu a glass of wine.

These dishes are ready-made.

Hmm~ I bought it from a small town where ordinary people live.

One thing that the military world does better than the borderline is that the sect will protect the mortals.

Rather than critical.

critical?Emperor Ren?

Such an idea suddenly popped into Ling Fengyu's mind.

"By the way, Elder Bai, do you know Emperor Ren?"

"Emperor Ren?"

"Yes, Emperor Ren."

"Renhuang~ I remember that the peak of the world is called Renhuang, the king of heaven and earth, Renhuang."

"The ultimate human?"

"Using the human being as the ultimate basis of cultivation, our own internal energy will change our physique. Although the appearance is still human, the essence is no longer human."

"This leads to another topic." Ling Fengyu drank a glass of wine with a smile, "Is it true that someone has a human heart, or a person whose appearance is human, or a person whose body is human."


Ling Fengyu was puzzled.

It's not that I don't really understand, but that I know my own position, and I am a human being.

"This~" Bai Zi couldn't say it all at once.

What is a human being?

No one knows.

Bai Zi didn't know.

"So, Emperor Ren is the ultimate human being, do you think that people can only reach the height of Emperor Ren?" Ling Fengyu said with a smile.

Ling Fengyu here is disrespectful, arrogant and unruly.

People are like that.

No, it should be like this, respecting heaven and righteousness, honoring the earth and valuing virtue, but when it comes to people being inferior to other things, it must not be the kind of spirit that people are not weaker than any race.

how to say.

One must have the pride and self-confidence of being a human being.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. Does Emperor Ren have any legends?"

"Hmm~ Destroy the monster clan, drive away the monster beasts, divided into nine levels, stand up~"

"Wait, wait. Stop it, we're talking about Emperor Ren."

"That's right, the legendary Renhuang's shocking strategy has done so many things against the sky."

"What about reality?"

"Emperor Ren, emperor of heaven, king of earth, heaven, earth and people, are all human beings, what we know about Emperor Ren's achievements is~"

It's a lot of talking.

They are all real things, and this is true. These things that can be felt personally are all real things.

Such as ditches, such as canals, such as tree planting, all the inheritors of Emperor Renhuang, who inherited the name of Emperor Renhuang, are doing such trivial things.

However, Ling Fengyu still knows some other things. Those who can work with the emperor of heaven and earth must be as great as the emperor of heaven and earth. Take the matter of the twin towers as an example.

"Ling Fengyu, Su Fufang hasn't come to her senses yet, come and take a look with me."

Yi Yang is here.

"Where's Mu Qing?"

"It's Muqing's fault for being entangled by Ji Feng, otherwise Ji Feng will annoy me to death."

There is one more sentence behind.

"You are the attraction that a successful man should have."

Ling Fengyu made a joke.

"So you think you're not a man anymore?" Bai Zi even joked.

"After the burden on me now, I will be a man." A serious sentence.

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