Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 232 Alienation

"The kindness of life, the kindness of raising, the kindness of raising, the kindness of the elders, the kindness of birth and upbringing, these are different. In your opinion, which of the two is more important."

Ling Fengyu asked.

This question is inexplicable.

"Birth and nurturing, the elements of growth."

Mu Qing said something.

"Yes." Ling Fengyu nodded.

"I think life is the root, nourishment is life, and nurturing is the continuation." Bai Zi said so.

It's something everyone understands.

Only then can we have the opportunity to grow.

Nurturing is the most important foundation for the continuation of life, and education is education, including life, cultural knowledge, and cultivation.

It can be said that compared with nurturing and nurturing, birth seems to be a momentary thing, a transient state, while nurturing is a steady state.

Both positive and negative feedback are steady state.

So, this is a well-known truth.

"So, Elder Baizi, you should have your own considerations."

Ling Fengyu smiled.

"Understood." Bai Zi suddenly took out a pack of tea leaves and made tea for Ling Fengyu and Mu Qing herself.

Soon, the crimson tea was swirling in Ling Fengyu's and Mu Qing's cups.

"I have known you for a while, and now I have a doubt, and I would like to ask Ling Fengyu to answer it." Seeing that Ling Fengyu had finished drinking the tea in the cup, he continued a cup, and then asked cautiously.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Ling Fengyu took another drink.

Sweeter than bitter tea, compared to bitter tea, Ling Fengyu thinks this kind of tea is very suitable for drinking when you are depressed, and it can also quickly replenish water.

"Why are you helping me?"

Bai Zi asked.

"Obviously we met for the first time at that time."

Hey, Mu Qing thought there was something interesting, so he said: "There is something about the strange bird, let me go find Mei Xiangyuan, the target of the strange bird is Mei Xiangyuan, I think, start from Mei Xiangyuan, see if I can get some clues , and those disciples who have not yet come to their senses, I don’t think it was your handwriting, maybe there are some good things from them waiting for us to discover.”

After finishing speaking, Mu Qing drank the tea in the cup and got up.

Although it was an excuse to leave, I couldn't find a reason to refuse, because this excuse was really easy to use.

"Does Mu Qing think that you are interested in me, so you left in such a hurry. Really, what do you think of me? I don't think I have that kind of charm."

Ling Fengyu preemptively cut off the possible road ahead.

"Back to the question, I think it's because of sincerity. Well, it should be sincerity."

"Sincerely?" Bai Zi was really stunned.

Bai Zi even forgot to refill Ling Fengyu's tea.

"You are telling me the truth." Ling Fengyu came by himself, "Because it is the truth, it needs to be taken seriously, and there is no excuse."

This kind of emotion is unacceptable to sincere people.

Otherwise, Ling Fengyu would easily lose his trust. Of course, he did it rashly. Ling Fengyu wanted to do this, so he did it.

"What about the mother? Is she telling you the truth?"

Bai Zi continued to ask.

"Elder Bai?" Ling Fengyu paused.

It is true that Bai Ye is hiding something, but during the chess game with him, Ling Fengyu knows that Bai Ye has true feelings for Bai Zi, and there is no false feeling.

Of course, Bai Ye also has other ideas, for example~


This matter absolutely cannot be said to Bai Zi now.

"At least, tell the truth about your matter."

Ling Fengyu concealed part of it.

"My parents, where are they now?"

"Your father~ um~ passed away for your mother, and your mother left for your safety."

All for your own good.

It's such a good phrase.


But is this what your child really wants?

There will always be a generation gap between adults and their own children. No matter how perfect the communication is, the thinking is different.

There will still be a generation gap.

"Then where is my mother?"

"Hmm~" Ling Fengyu couldn't say that the water torture sword sword soul took a fancy to her mother's body, took that perfect body as his own, and became the scabbard of the water torture sword.

It's tantamount to murder.

However, it was also a deal, his father sacrificed everything in order to keep his mother, and his mother sacrificed everything for Bai Zi, that is to say, in order to make a deal with Ling Fengyu, all the sword souls who accepted the water punishment sword.

Well, well, for the sake of the water torture sword, Ling Fengyu agreed to his mother's request, and the condition of the deal was to protect Bai Zi and let Bai Zi grow up to the point where she could protect herself.

Although Ling Fengyu agreed, he also knew that this kind of protection would probably last a lifetime.

Because of the path of cultivation, there are mountains beyond the mountains, heaven beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

Ling Fengyu didn't think that with much strength, he could protect himself.

Unless one day, Bai Zi's strength surpasses her own, and she can no longer do anything, otherwise she will always protect her.

The responsibility on the shoulders is heavier than the mountains.

"To put it another way, what do my parents beg you to do?" Bai Zi saw that Ling Fengyu had unspeakable words, and it must be her parents who asked Ling Fengyu not to tell more things about them.

"Well~ protect you."

"protect me?"

Bai Zi was puzzled.

"I don't know why I said that, but." Ling Fengyu paused.

Perhaps, Ling Fengyu himself didn't know if he would arouse Bai Zi's resentment by saying so.

"Do I need protection?"

Bai Zi suddenly asked.


To be honest, Ling Fengyu didn't know how to answer.

"How should I say it?" Ling Fengyu paused a lot, because Ling Fengyu needed to think, otherwise, I really don't know if he would say something that didn't go through his head and make people feel uncomfortable.


"To put it another way, don't you have any utensils that are suitable for you? Your parents want me to get you something you can use. Strengthen your own strength, um, that's what it means."

Is that so?

Bai Zi could see that Ling Fengyu was lying, well, in fact, she could also see that her parents had paid a lot for Ling Fengyu to do things.

That's all.

"Where's Mu Qing? Forget it, Ling Fengyu, come with me!"

Yi Yang grabbed Ling Fengyu's wrist with a lot of strength, and it seemed that something unexpected happened.

"What happened to Su Fufang?"

Other than Su Fufang's big event, Ling Fengyu really didn't know who would make Yi Yang so excited.

Not long ago.

"Yi Yang, look quickly."

Su Fufang had a bow in her hand, but she didn't use any arrows, the bow was bent in the void, and the inner yuan actually composed the arrows on the bow and strings.

Well, Su Fufang has already started.

It can be said that a qualified and trained archer must have this skill.

After all, arrows are often disposable items for a war.

With the blessing of inner energy, he can shoot a few more arrows.


With these skills, the chances of inventory can be increased.

Although it consumes a lot of inner yuan.

Obviously just maintaining the arrow, Su Fufang was already dripping with sweat.

Intrinsic consumption is excessive.

"Shoot this arrow." Yi Yang said.

Yi Yang is already very satisfied to be able to make such efforts.

An arrow shot.

A wooden figure on the teaching field was destroyed.

Fortunately, there was no one at the scene, otherwise they would definitely be watched sideways.

"Precise, long-lasting is a big improvement, but the blasting power is not enough, but these are matters of cultivation base, as long as the cultivation base improves, Su Fufang, are you listening to me?"

Yi Yang turned his head and looked at Su Fufang, whose face was flushed, but whose eyes were dull, always felt that something was wrong.

"Yi Yang~" Su Fufang raised her hand slightly, trying to grab Yi Yang with her weak hands.

But Yi Yang's body was clearly one step away, but the figure in his eyes was so far away.

Yi Yang moved closer and hugged Su Fufang.Su Fufang, who lost her strength and fell into a coma, was soft and boneless, and her girlish smell was refreshing.

A sudden change occurred in Su Fufang's body.

Yi Yang saw Su Fufang evolving towards a flower.


The inner essence that I instilled by myself has no effect at all, and it is the kind that is rejected.

On the contrary, there was a slight movement of the chains of the sky, which gave Su Fufang such a shock.

Su Fufang also frowned and twitched in pain, and her body smelled of burning.

Oops, the chains of the sky have a sky-killing effect on Su Fufang.

My internal energy is useless to Su Fufang

Find Mu Qing and Ling Fengyu!

Mu Qing is because of his skills, what about Ling Fengyu?

It seems that practice is also one of the reasons.

So Ling Fengyu was brought to the martial arts field by Yi Yang.

Good guy, Ling Fengyu was also shocked by the scene.

Good guy.

A huge tree, huge vegetation.

Wait a minute, this vegetation.

Ling Fengyu shouted.

"not good!"

what happened?

Ling Fengyu had never seen this kind of vegetation, but Yan Miao had described it.

The critical southern region voodoo and the one of the lower class of the eastern region Gui clan.

How could there be such a mutation?

The only difference is that Sufufang is wrapped in the bark of the tree, rather than the vegetation growing from it.

The difference between symbiosis and absorption.

Ling Fengyu grabbed the tree trunk with both hands.

The huge suction began to absorb Ling Fengyu's inner essence.


I'm afraid I won't be able to support this kind of mammoth suction for long.

Frowning slightly.

Ling Fengyu tore off his hands forcefully.

"What's the matter?" Yi Yang asked anxiously.

"Su Fufang is evolving in a direction that is not human."


In other words, Su Fufang might not be human anymore?

No, absolutely not.

Yi Yang carried his hands on the tree trunk.

There is no suction force at all.

Could it be?

Ling Fengyu put his hands on Yi Yang's shoulders.

The suction is there, but not strong, just in the right range.

"Ling Fengyu?"

Yi Yang wants to let go.

"Yi Yang, don't move, I thought of a good way."

"Okay." Yi Yang trusted Ling Fengyu unconditionally.

above the sky.

Dark clouds began to gather.

And just like the scale beast was born back then.

The dark clouds are rotating, leaving a round sky in the middle, and the sun shines like this.

The power to change the color of the world.

Ling Fengyu began to worry.

A huge strange bird slowly flew down from the vacant place.

"Accumulation~" a beep sounded.

The sound waves cut off a piece of the distant mountain.

"Dangerous!" Yi Yang wanted to let go.

"Yi Yang, now is the critical moment, don't let go!"

Cold sweat broke out on Ling Fengyu's forehead.

The unexpected change left Ling Fengyu at a loss.

"It's aimed at Su Fufang." Ling Fengyu made a judgment.

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