Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 231 Give birth to grace, raise grace

"That's true. Li Zhan, when I knew that you would come to assist in the defense and I got a report that Yu Zhongliang would go deep alone because of the military order, I felt that something was wrong." The matter of Yanggu also means heading south. What is the ending?"

"The ending is that the Tianyang army will have the strength to take back Luoyang Valley, at least the border that is easy to defend and difficult to attack will be in the hands of the Tianyang Army, but they withdraw their troops on their own. When they arrive in the Gobi desert, it is a delicate balance of horns forged with human blood."

Li Zhan thought about it.

"The problem is this. If the Luoyang Valley is still in the hands of the Tianyang Army, then although our Banner Army and the Tianyang Army will still have their own offense and defense, it will definitely not be as heavy as it is now."

"Someone wants to confront the three sides, and then create the most blood and murderous aura!" Li Zhan's pupils shrank, and at the same time he was puzzled, why he did this.


"This is not clear, but our superiors suppressed a piece of information about the Tianyang Army that was uploaded by me."


"Look at the copy."

It's about the twins of Moonscale and Sky Demon.

"It's the monster clan!" Li Zhan, who was suppressed after reading this supposedly important information, only felt a chill coming from the back of his head.

"Third son, you are close to Tianyang, what did the Tianyang Army do?"

"Block everyone who knows."

Bo Hou said something lightly.

Ah ~


"Who makes our bows and arrows?"

Bohou said suddenly.

"I don't know. Unless we handle the luggage within our own defense range, the Military Affairs Office is responsible for it."

Li Zhan repeated common sense.

"That's the problem. None of us know where the bows and arrows come from."

"So, third child, do you know?"

"The Shu family."

"The Shu family? The King of Shu? The Heavenly Demon King, the Heavenly Demon Twins!"

Connected, these things are connected.

Now that it's connected, then.

"Our top management has been invaded." Li Zhan only felt terrified.

"I'm afraid not only us, Tianyang, but also the rapidly changing military regime in the south have all been invaded." Bohou said.

"That's why you're going to let Yu Zhongliang go?"

"No, we won't let Yu Zhongliang go. For our own sake, we need to catch Yu Zhongliang, because now is not the time to tear our faces apart."

"Since that's the case, why not call An Yu Zhongliang?"

"What do you mean?" Bohou also had some thoughts.

"Of course I know that it is impossible for a warlord like Yu Zhongliang to succumb to us, but Yu Zhongliang definitely understands the current situation and definitely wants to change the status quo."

"You mean, recruit Yu Zhongliang, and then, on the one hand, if the surrender is successful, Yu Zhongliang's combat unit, as well as his personal guards far away in the Tianyang Army's territory, will also become our combat forces. Now, even if it is a false surrender, there will be a buffer between us and the inner ghost, and conflicts will not erupt immediately."

Bo Hou said with a smile.

"I thought so."

"Then how about asking Big Brother to persuade Yu Zhongliang to surrender? I'll sit in the middle of the town, warming the wine and roasting pigs; good news for Big Brother."

Bo Hou smiled.

"The next time you come to our army's tent to help defend you, I will order you well."

Li Zhan half-jokingly said.

Among General Yu, these three were the only ones who could joke like this, and the others were not like-minded.


Bo Hou did not refuse.

He even agreed wholeheartedly, because he knew that Li Zhan and Li Wang might not be able to go back.

Those who can be here, I am afraid that the final outcome will be regarded as a traitor of the Banner Army, in the end, hehe.

Bohou had already prepared for the worst.

no way.

For their own sake, but also for their own ideals.

and the people behind the scenes.

The one who got himself the position of General Jade.

"Yu Zhongliang! You know~"

Li Zhan returned to the cliff.

To Yu Zhongliang, it was a mouthful of output.

Then wait for Yu Zhongliang's response.

"It's what Bohou meant."

Yu Zhongliang watched the sunset from the cliff.

There is a relaxed smile on the corner of the mouth.

It seemed that his life was saved.


"I came to your banner army, how much benefit will you give me? My power and army in Tianyang are comparable to yours." Yu Zhongliang said.

Yu Zhongliang wanted to guide Li Zhan to tell the senior officials of the Banner Army that he might be surrendered, so as to buy time for Bohou.

Speaking of which, Bohou.

"Since there are negotiable conditions, it means that there is room for maneuver. Our Banner Army also cherishes talents."

Another long paragraph.

However, for negotiations, it is very useful,

"I'll wait here."

"Wait for the general for three days!"

Three days, is it enough?

Li Zhan himself didn't know, but he felt that Bohou might know.

"Okay, I'll give you three days. After three days, the balance between Chalcedony and Waquan will be broken."

Yu Zhongliang felt that three days was enough.

Now let's see what Mi Lan will do.

As for Mi Lan, although the matter of Yi Yanyan is more important, wrong, the most important, but other things will not be easily given up.

Just like Yu Zhongliang's.

But Mi Lan needs to pay more attention to Yu Zhongliang's matter.

He handed things over to his intelligence officers.

Now there is information coming back.

"Someone used the name of Baishoumen to sell Baishou pills in various places in the military world, but they were all powerful pills, without any effect. But someone asked, it was sold by Xingluozong."

"Xingluozong and Baishoumen are just like your relationship with women's clothing." Luanyi said with a smile.

"What do I have to do with women's clothing?" Mi Lan scratched her head.

"It just doesn't matter."

Luanyi enjoys teasing men very much.

"No, I used to dress up as a woman, when I was in the Banner Army."


The atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Okay, the next topic, they want to push Xing Luozong to the forefront. I'm afraid that some people who can't see the trend of the matter clearly will use this opportunity to persecute Xing Luozong and let the people in the dark succeed." Luan Yi jumped off topic.

"The core idea, the introduction of the flames of war, and the passing of the world, I am afraid that these things can be judged together."

"Understood. The affairs of the past come first."

"Why don't you use the power of Star Luozong to restrain the people in the dark?"

Xu Fufang suddenly interjected.

"what do you mean?"

The two looked at Xu Fufang.

"It just so happens that Ling Fengyu, Mu Qing, and others are all there, and with the help of Ling Fengyu, the people behind the scenes are brought to the stage. I think the person who can do such a bold thing should not be an ordinary person, and he will definitely It was planned in many ways.”

"It means, with Ling Fengyu, let us think less about things so that we can focus on the things in front of us?"

Luan Yi said so.

Xu Fufang nodded.

Mi Lan thought it was feasible.

"With Ling Fengyu's support, it's feasible."

"Where can we go? In other words, where should we go." Luan Yi looked at Mi Lan with a smile.

"Hmm~ Continue to search for Yi Yanyan, I know where he is, but I'm afraid I won't be able to go alone."

"can not go?"

"Back then, I went with Yan Yanyan to open the passage. Someone needed to cooperate with me to open the mechanism at the same time."

"Is that so? Where?"

Luan Yi asked.

"Remnant World."

The expression on Luan Yi's face changed after he said the three words Remnant Weapon World.

"Remnant Weapon World, are you crazy?"

Luan Yi called it impossible.

However, it is the Remnant Weapon World.

"I know that the Remnant Weapon World is a dangerous place. It was because of the danger that I went to take risks back then. It was also at that time that I met Yan Yanyan."

"It turns out that you were in the Remnant Weapon Realm when you disappeared."

Luanyi gradually regained her emotions.

However, the current situation is that I can go by myself, but Xu Fufang beside me can't, because Xu Fufang's own strength is not very good, and the residual weapon world is a dangerous place, not to mention that the creatures above are cruel and harsh, and the living environment is also cruel and harsh of.

I still have enough protection for myself, but I can't protect the people around me.

Mi Lan?He can protect himself.

"Well, go back to Luanyi Palace first." After Luanyi thought for a while, "Make a plan and go to the Remnant Weapon Realm immediately."

"it is good!"

Luanyi still has great leadership prestige.

Mi Lan likes Mu Qing and Luan Yi to think for herself.

This way I can think a lot less.

trusted person.

Star Luozong.

Ling Fengyu and Yi Yang were discussing about the strange bird.

Such a strange bird, no one knows.

It should be said that the small bird is a native creature, but it does not look like a strange bird after it has grown into a giant.

Later, Mu Qing was found, but Mu Qing didn't know about it either.

Mu Qing said that this kind of strange bird didn't look like a natural thing, it seemed man-made.

Ling Fengyu felt that what Mu Qing said didn't have any constructive suggestions.

"Yiyang, let's see how my bow skills are doing now?" Su Fufang was obviously very excited.

It seems that there has been a big breakthrough in the realm.

"Well, let's go to a remote training ground." Yi Yang got up and followed Su Fufang away.

The two left, and someone came again.

"Ling Fengyu, there is news about my parents in the kit you gave me, but why?"

"Are you their biological child?" Ling Fengyu suddenly smiled.


I'm afraid it's not good to ask like this.

But if there is definite evidence, it can be said so, as long as no one speaks against it.

"not understand."

Bai Zi sat down.

"Who told you everything you did?"

"People around, including those elders."

"That is to say, they all believe that you are the biological child of your parents, but the parents you let me find say that you are not their biological child." Seeing the change in Bai Zi's eyes, Ling Fengyu changed the subject, "But they are willing I voluntarily gave up my cultivation for you. From that moment on, you are their child."

After Ling Fengyu met Bai Zi's parents and chatted with them.

They lost their cultivation, but still maintained their middle-aged appearance, that is to say, their cultivation was gone, but their skills were still there.

As long as you do a little bit, you can restore your cultivation base.

I'm afraid~

At that time, Bai Zi's parents spoke so sincerely and perfectly, which caused Ling Fengyu to have some doubts about it.

But he still told Bai Zi everything.

Well, something has changed.

It's normal that plans can't keep up with changes.

"So, why do my parents treat me so well?"

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