"It's very strong, strong in Wuwei's heart, his state of mind is something we can't touch, but his strength can be surpassed and surpassed by us."

That's what Mu Qing meant.

It means that other people's realm is different from ours. What realm is we, and what realm is he?

Although the realm is different, the strength can be compared. If you continue to practice and work hard, you will eventually catch up with or even surpass.

This is not nonsense.

Because everyone's experience is different, but the strength can be the same.

Experience can be added to strength, but strength is not just experience.

The two are still different.

"As expected of Ling Fengyu whose memory has fully recovered, his strength has improved to a higher level than before. It seems that the opponent he faced at that time was also a strong man." Yi Yang was playing sloppy for Ling Fengyu, he had already seen that Ling Fengyu was a fake Amnesia, but others can't see it yet, but it can be concealed, some things that others will never know in the future will come true.

"Amnesia? Recover memory? Is memory related to cultivation?"

Everyone was neutral about this.

The game continues.

But people's hearts are divided.

Because of Ling Fengyu, because of the demons in the world, because of Chi Wuyue, and because of Bai Zi.

It is because of everything that is fused together.

People are weird, they are serious when they should be distracted, and distracted when they should be focused.

Chi Wuyue sat proudly on the referee's seat, her legs were still open, and the high-cut cheongsam made people feel that a little wind blows, and the beautiful scene will be displayed in front of everyone.

Is this Chi Wuyue, Elder Chi, who is in charge of the Star Chess Sect?

It's funny enough.

Different from Chi Wuyue, Bai Zi's clothes wrapped her body tightly, but the exposed healthy skin made people feel that this is a kind of natural beauty.

A kind of beauty that a woman should have, a quiet, elegant and natural beauty.

Of course, there are also differences in aesthetics between people. Some people like Chiwuyue more, and some people like Baizi more.

If you ask Ling Fengyu?

Ling Fengyu definitely answered that it was another woman, Misty Rain.

In fact, Ling Fengyu also thought of it, how come he has a good impression of people who are much older than him.


Let's not discuss this matter.

The focus is on the competition.

In this competition, a big demon appeared, and the world spreads demons.

Although Ling Fengyu was targeting, almost everyone was absent-minded, except Mu Qing.

Mu Qing was able to concentrate.

"Xingjiu, longitude thirteen and latitude sixty, you lose." Mu Qing smiled.

Obviously, there are nearly one-third of the free positions on the chessboard, but if you say you lost, you really lost.

This is much faster than Go.

The reason is still that Go pays attention to the harmony of yin and yang, while Xingluo chess is more about the confrontation of Tao that each thinks.

"I~" Mu Qing's opponent looked at the chess game, the chess piece in his hand had no place to fall, and sighed, "I lost."

Decadently stood up and walked downstairs.

Mu Qing grabbed his sleeve.

"Although you lost, the chess game is not lost."

Mu Qing took the man's chess pieces and placed them in the empty space.

"Injury one thousand enemies, four hundred self-injury. Although our own side also suffered some damage, but the situation has been brought back to balance." Mu Qing said.

"This~ is different ways, and we don't conspire with each other. Your Excellency's chess skills are superb, and I admire you!"

Although it is possible to go down, and you may not necessarily lose in the end, but this kind of discarding behavior, that person can't do it.

Some people just can't let go of their own identities. They think that chess is the same as people, that they are their relatives and friends, and they would rather lose than have a discarded piece.

This kind of person is really not good at playing chess.

Because there are too many willingness problems in chess.

Which chess piece is discarded can get the most benefits and win the final victory.

Isn't this a question of trade-offs in the military?

All right, because whenever there is a war, there will definitely be casualties, whether it is one's own side or the opponent's enemy.

It can be seen that Mu Qing is a person who can choose, and in the eyes of others, he is also a ruthless person.

"If only I could be so ruthless in this world." Mu Qing shook his head helplessly.

There seems to be a story.

Hope it's a good story.

No, it should be said that Mu Qing's past is really a good story.

can be written as a novel.

"Congratulations." Yi Yang said with a smile.

"No congratulations, the real difficulty comes later." Mu Qing smiled.

Didn't refer to anyone in particular, but knowing who it is, at least Mu Qing has identified an opponent in his heart.

Who is this opponent?


"There's still time, Yiyang, let's play some chess too." Su Fufang glanced at Baizi who was sitting next to Chi Wuyue, and said to Yiyang.

She noticed that after Ling Fengyu left, Bai Zi's eyes would often fall on Yi Yang.

She can't.

"it is good."

"Then I'll stay with Mu Qing." Mei Xiangyuan didn't follow closely.

"it is good."

Su Fufang took Yi Yang and left to find a quiet place. Was it really to play chess?

No one's corner.

"Yiyang, I really can't help it." Su Fufang said coyly.

Yi Yang frowned.

"Did Xue Yihua do anything to you?"

Ling Fengyu said it when he met Yi Yang alone before.

"Yiyang, among the characteristics of blood and flowers, there are some things that cannot be said to Su Fufang. You are the only man around her, and your blood is not much better than mine. If Su Fufang can't help but shoot at you and suck your blood Jingxue, you can indulge her once or twice, but it's only three times, the third time you must completely kill Xue Yihua!"

The first time was when I fought with Yuelin, let’s count it as the first time,

Will now be the second time?

"I, I want to bite you!"

Blood Yihua needs the vitality in the essence and blood.

And obviously after devouring the essence of the puppet, Xue Yihua's desire to devour became stronger.It seems that it is not a habit that a plant should have.

Su Fufang suddenly hugged Yi Yang tightly.

With the small mouth open, two small canine teeth pierced the skin of Yi Yang's neck, and blood overflowed.

Su Fufang sucked all the blood into her mouth, it was obviously such a bloody drink, but at this moment it became an incomparably wonderful drink.

There were also a few drops of blood missing, which landed on Su Fufang's clothes, forming dots of stars.

Bright red stars.

Because it was the second time, Yi Yang tried his best to bring the excess essence and blood to the wound.

Yi Yang thought for the better, this wave is for new blood.

But as agreed, there are only three things, next time, it's not Yi Yang's blood loss, but Xue Yihua's death.

a long time.

Su Fufang let go of Yi Yang.

She hung her head, blushing.

I don't know why I am shy.

Yi Yang wiped the wound and wiped away the remaining blood, leaving no scars.

It may be that this body has been injured a lot, so it recovers so quickly after exercise.

"This is the second time, and the third time. It's not that I lose my essence and blood, but that I will wipe out the blood and flowers." There was a little more gentleness in Yi Yang's plain tone.

He didn't know what comfort was, and he didn't know what to use to stabilize Su Fufang, so he could only tell the truth.

But this gentleness, Su Fufang understood as concern for her.

"Not next time."

"I will find a new practice method for you. Don't use this kind of out-of-control thing that you can't control yourself."

Yi Yang said so.

"Let's play chess, who told us that the reason is to come out to play chess?"

Yi Yang smiled slightly.

"Well, okay." Smiling.

The place where each smiles is so beautiful.

As for Ling Fengyu.

After all, the world cloth demon was caught by Ling Fengyu.

"Bu Wu Tianxia, ​​Tian Bu Wu Mo, are you waiting for me?"

Ling Fengyu floated down and landed in front of Bu Mo under the sky, blocking his way of leaving.

"Why do you know I'm here?" Bu Mo under the heaven took two steps back.

The black mist on the heels turned into black water, which began to flow to the ground and finally seeped into the ground.

"Because of your smell." Ling Fengyu did not continue to push forward.


"The smell of being a demon."

"The taste of a demon? Hahaha~ What is a demon?" The world cloth demon suddenly smiled.

Laugh wildly.

"In my opinion, the Yaozu is a natural race, and anyone who harms creatures meaninglessly is a demon, just like you."

Ling Fengyu was not caught in the trap, and was lured away by the world's magic cloth.

It is also possible that only Ling Fengyu was so indifferent that he missed the trick.

"Let me guess, you have brothers and sisters, one is called Tianxia Buwu, and the other is called Mowu Tianxia. And~"

Ling Fengyu's words came to an abrupt end.

"How do you know." After Tianxia Buwu said it, he realized that Ling Fengyu was just talking.

"Okay, you are lying to me!"

He was going to grit his teeth.

"Hey~ You can't say that." Ling Fengyu smiled, a little wickedly.

Ling Fengyu here is obviously starting to deceive people, and his belly is getting black.

"When am I lying to you? I'm just telling what I know." Lie, lie.

Ling Fengyu is good at deceiving people.

"Tell me, how can you let me go?"

The world cloth demon is already thinking about what benefits to Ling Fengyu and let himself retreat completely.

"Let you go? I can let you go. After all, there is no enmity between us."

Hearing Ling Fengyu's words, the world cloth demon was relieved.


Good guy, the sudden loud noise almost made Bu Mo under the heavens unable to get over it in one breath.

"I have no problem, but I have inherited the benefits from them. If I don't give them some explanation, I won't be able to go back like this."

Ling Fengyu smiled.

Looking at Ling Fengyu's deceitful smile, the world cloth demon thinks that Ling Fengyu is the devil.

"Okay, what do you want to explain!" Xia Bumo gritted his teeth.

"The explanation I want is very simple. They are sect forces, and all life and death can be measured by interests, so that's why."

Ling Fengyu gestured for money.

I still need money

Zhizhan Zhishang also misjudged the person this time.

Wrong, Zhizhan Zhishang didn't misunderstand the person, because Ling Fengyu only possessed it, and did not recognize the owner of the artifact. Ling Fengyu could not arouse all of Zhizhan Zhishang's strength.

"Okay, this is three catties of Xuanhui Stone, how about it? Can you let me go?"

The world's Bu Mo's face was full of distress.

"Hahaha, it's easy to talk about." Ling Fengyu smiled and took the cloth bag thrown by Tianxia Bumo.

Then his face changed.

Become chill and indifferent.

"Next time, let me see and hear, even if it's rumors that you are killing creatures, then I will make you into a pig and hang it on the city wall for people and rabbits to use!"

good guy,

Ling Fengyu's words were simply demonic.

Human rabbit, it is the kind of person whose nickname is rabbit, the extended meaning is~

All the demons in the world dare not think about it anymore.

"People are here, I am here, people are dead, you are a human pig, dying in despair!"

Zhizhan Zhishang appeared at this moment under the mobilization of Ling Fengyu's emotions, and the shining light broke through the sky.

Everyone can see this dazzling light.

The world cloth demon was dazzled by this light.

At this moment, Zhi Zhan Zhishang completely recognized Ling Fengyu.

No matter what the process was, the ending was the one it wanted, so Zhizhanzhishang approved it.

Damn it, Zhi Zhan Zhi Shang has recognized this person, and it's too late if he doesn't leave.

"Okay, I will remember your words, and when you are alive, I will hide from the world!"

Does Ling Fengyu believe it?

I must not believe it.

It's just a retreat strategy.

"I want you to be honest."

No, if you let an old fox bewitched to be honest, who would believe it?

"Bai Ye Day Xie let me remind you that death will only stare at you."

Ling Fengyu said so.

Evil day and night?

who is it?

Tian Bumo, who had gone far away, turned and looked at Ling Fengyu.


Once I saw Ling Fengyu's hair turned completely silver.

The pupils are also this vibrant silver color.

The corner of the mouth laughing maniacally, the insolent expression.


Ling Fengyu is a demon!

It's white night and day evil!

Tianxia Bumo quickly fled the scene.

After Tianxia Bumo left, Ling Fengyu quickly regained control of his body from Zhizhan Zhishang.He changed back to his original appearance with black eyes, black hair and yellow skin.

Terrible things are sealed inside Zhizhan Zhishen.

At this moment, Ling Fengyu felt a feeling called fear in his heart.

Is it because of the things inside that Nangongtian became a killing existence?

Ling Fengyu didn't dare to think too much.

He bit his index finger, and the blood trickled like a stream.

The blood glowed with a light that belonged exclusively to Ling Fengyu.

These blood and light covered the entire War of the War, forming a chain-like existence on it.

Ling Fengyu temporarily sealed the Zhizhanzhishang.

I'm afraid.

If Bai Ye and Day Xie really appeared from inside and took control of his body.Then I am afraid that the entire military world will be slaughtered because of him.

"Bai Ye and Day Xie, I saw another figure in the dark, it seems, it seems to be called the world? There are several figures. It seems that they are also strong people who have fallen into demons. Who created the war of war, And who sealed the day and night evil in it?"

Feeling the ancient aura of Zhizhanzhishang.

Is it the power from ancient times?

After Ling Fengyu was afraid, he was more amazed, how much did the great power who made great contributions to this world pay?


The War of Stopping War was taken back.Zhizhan Zhishang took the initiative to go back.

"Sorry, my current strength is not enough to help you undo the threat inside, I need to temporarily seal you, is that okay?"

Ling Fengyu coaxed Zhi Zhan Zhi Shang like a child.

Then Zhizhan Zhishang went back.



Counting the time, I still have time to wander around, so why not take a look at the middle place.

Go there and investigate first.

Then when the time comes to enter, you can gain the upper hand.

What Ling Fengyu didn't know was.

After Zhi Zhan Zhishang completely agreed with Ling Fengyu, the imitation of the so-called Fenghuo Zhiyin on Ling Fengyu's body also shone with its own light, as if to fight with Zhi Zhan Zhishang, and also agreed with Ling Fengyu.

Also children.

And as for the soul of the water torture sword?

It was as if he was looking at two mentally handicapped people, watching Zhi Zhan Zhi Shang and Beacon Fire Zhi Yin.

It was almost the same time that Zhizhanzhishang burst into light.


The long-lost criticality.

Northern Territory.

Snowy plateau.

Absolutely cold.

At this moment, in the frost, a palace was slowly uprooted.

Dark, deep and depraved.

"white night."

After taking a big breath.

"Day and night evil."

It took a long time to breathe again.

"Damn the world."

"Empress Gui, Mo Li, Emperor Chong."

Here, the Queen of Gui and the Emperor of Zong seem to have a lot to do with the threshold, such as Chongming's Emperor of Zong and the deformed Gui clan.

And the ones in the front, the ones who are evil by day, day and night, and those who ruin the world, are in the military world.

Could it be.

look back.

Milan side.

Because he was really worried about Yan Yan, he always wanted to finish what he was doing earlier and then return to Yan Yan to protect him.

But if things are done well, a little bit will pop up, and there is no time for Mi Lan to rest.

He is not only after the matter at hand.

He even saw the sky-brighting light from the Zhizhan Zhishang of the third rank in the distance.

In the past, the existence sealed by his own body actually wanted to break through.

Mi Lan could clearly feel that the world was shouting: "Day and day evil."

Bai Ye Day Xie, a peer of the world, is also a generation of evil spirits.

But no matter how Mi Lan searched during that time, she couldn't find it.

Therefore, the result of the discussion between Mi Lan and Yan Yanyan is that each has its own goals, and it is enough for them to deal with the affairs of the world.

But now it's different.

The roar of the world, it is obvious that Bai Ye Day Xie still exists, and it is very likely that he has already been born.

I can't take it anymore, I have to make a choice.

"Go back first and find Yan Yanyan."

However, when Mi Lan went there.

Yi Yanyan is gone.

Disappeared without warning.

An angry Mi Lan questioned the Proud Sect. After their investigation, Yan Yanshi really disappeared without warning.

Could this be what Yan Yanyan said about the backhand?

Of course not.

Got caught?

Most likely.

Mi Lan was in a hurry.

You can't be in such a hurry.

Is it the successor of the next generation?


Everything is so uncertain.

"Look for Mu Qing and discuss this matter!"

Mi Lan took a step forward, and then took it back.

"Find Luanyi!"

Luanyi is better, because Mu Qing's previous contact said that he had found Yiyang, so he must take good care of Yiyang, and Luanyi seems to be fine, so let's go to Luanyi, both of them is allowed.

But Luanyi seems to be more free.

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