
Obviously it was this anxious time.

Mi Lan received a flying letter.

"In the middle of the month, the second level, Lintan."

The middle of the month is the time, the second level is the boundary, and Lintan is a place name of the second level.

Why is this time?

Mi Lan was thinking.

What are you thinking about?

Think about whether you should go or not.

Luanyi will also go, so go by yourself.

Mi Lan makes her own decision.

Go, be on the same front as Luan Yi.

Yan Yanyan is still alive, and the fact that there is no trouble in the past is the proof.

So even if you can't find it, you can rest assured.

What's more, Bai Ye Day Xie, this guy is probably going to make trouble.

Although he has had enough of suffering, but the sudden appearance of Bai Ye and Day Xie.

Mi Lan panicked.

But at the moment, he calmed down.


"The first step is to go to the appointment first, and then discuss the next thing with Luanyi. The second step is to listen to what Luanyi has to say."

Well, this is Mi Lan's plan?


I don't know how to judge people.

Maybe Mi Lan has no opponent like Qin Zhengming.

So I didn't develop the kind of thinking that I can think at any time.

Star Luo Chess Competition finals.

Mu Qing, who holds the sunspots, will have a final duel with the winner of the previous session.

To put it simply, it is that, um~

Yes, let the winners win more, and make the losers more miserable, the way of heaven is to make up for what is more than what is lost.The way of man is not.

Therefore, the so-called winners of the last term have been elected for four consecutive terms.

It is equivalent to comprehending that stone tablet four times.

Good guy.

This made it clear that I didn't want other people to comprehend it.

"Can we start?" The middle-aged man opposite was very polite at the moment, he didn't lose his courtesy just because Mu Qing was a junior.

"Senior, please." Since he is the challenger, Mu Qing has a chance to be the first to settle.

One shot is in the middle, which means there is no layout at all.


The middle-aged man smiled and followed suit.

Follow Mu Qing.

One child and one follow.

This didn't show his strength at all.

not to mention.

Mu Qing could tell that this person was forcing him to admit defeat.


He is still using inner energy to interfere with Mu Qing, trying to interfere with Mu Qing's wrong moves.

Mu Qing turned his head to look at Chi Wuyue, he smiled and said, "Is there a time limit?"

"Generally not, but there has never been more than three months in history." The second half of what Chi Wuyue said was to let herself have a way out. She didn't say whether there was a time limit, but she also said In the past, the longest period was three months, which created the illusion that the longest period was no longer than three months.

"That means the deadline is three months?" Mu Qing smiled easily, as if that person's internal energy could not have any influence on him.

In fact, the impact on Mu Qing was minimal.

However, Mu Qing was very angry at this behavior of using things other than chess to interfere with the game.

something other than the rules.

There are no rules and no rules.

"Senior, can I ask you to play chess seriously?"

Added one, if not, it will only feel like mocking people.

"As you wish." The middle-aged man said so, but Nei Yuan did not cancel it.

Outsiders can't feel it and don't know it.

And Mu Qing didn't know how to fight back with her internal energy, she was afraid that an impulse would shatter the old man's waist, what should he do if others criticized him?

Fortunately, Mu Qing has her own solution.

Every move moves at a constant speed. In this way, that person's internal energy and energy for control will be consumed even more, three months?Mu Qing wanted to see if this person's internal energy could be consumed for three months?

No way?

But when it's his turn, Nei Yuan can be restored.

Regarding this point, Mu Qing also has a solution.

"I heard that the senior was immersed in Xingluoqi for a long time."

"Where is it, it didn't take so long."

It's over.

OK, missed an opportunity to restore inner element.

"Xing Luo Chess, the way of chess, I can see a real senior from such a chess way."


Well, I was lied to again.

down several times.

The smile on the corner of Mu Qing's mouth could hardly be suppressed.

"Mu Qing seems to have the upper hand."

Yi Yang and Su Fufang returned to the scene.

"Mu Qing is also a genius I haven't seen for a long time. Hey, the young hero seems very weak?" Chi Wuyue approached Yi Yang slowly and gracefully, and just in time saw the blood dripping from Su Fufang's body. There was an inexplicable blushing on Xiang Su Fufang's face.

So Chi Wuyue's smile became playful.

"Who said it wasn't?" The smile on Yi Yang's face became helpless. After seeing Chi Wuyue's playful smile, he felt that this person might not be thinking of something impure. "It is difficult to only have one man." .”

There is something in the words.

This is not just talking about what Chi Wuyue thought, but more importantly, mentioning Ling Fengyu.

It means that there is a strong person behind him, so don't make trouble.

"Yes." Chi Wuyue heard the meaning of Yi Yang's words, "A useful man can really save me a lot of worry."

After Yi Yang glanced at Chi Wuyue, he turned his attention to the arena.

This man's words are boring, but his behavior is interesting.

Chi Wuyue put a label on Yi Yang.

funny man.

Well, it's ok.

At least it's interesting, isn't it?

Ok.That's it.

For Yi Yang, it is not a good thing for one more person to monitor him.

Especially a woman who dresses herself up like this.

"Looks like I'm here early." Ling Fengyu rushed over pretending to be a traveler.

"Did you beat that Tianxia Bumo to death?" Yi Yang asked.

"How can it be. That old guy is proficient in all kinds of pornography, gambling, and drugs. I'm still too young." Ling Fengyu didn't say that he let him go, "But I still picked up a good thing."

Xuanhui stone.

Ling Fengyu finally took it out.

was divided into two parts.

He gave Chi Wuyue and Bai Zi respectively.

"That old guy's butt is not tight, and his things are exposed. Just in time, if your sect suffers losses, I will give them all to you."

The aura of Xuanhui Stone almost attracted everyone's attention.

Such a big xuanhui stone, give it directly?

"Ling Fengyu, are you serious?"

Mu Qing looked at Ling Fengyu distractedly.

"What? Is this something good?"

Asked knowingly, could it be something bad that could be taken out by the world's demons to buy one's life?

"Let me explain." Bai Zi didn't take it directly like Chi Wuyue did, but looked at Ling Fengyu after a glance, "Xuanhuishi is."

"Hold it first and then talk." Ling Fengyu forced it to Bai Zi.

What is Xuanhui Stone?

After all, Ling Fengyu didn't listen to it, because it wasn't for learning, and it was something useless to him.So basically he didn't listen to any effects, no, he did listen to one characteristic.

The wind blows.

Okay, very good, Ling Fengyu probably understood a thing or two about the tragedy in that town.

Very rare materials, even if they are not suitable for themselves, they can be exchanged for many other good things that they need.

In short, Ling Fengyu's open-mindedness made others admire him.

Especially the women present.


Either think it is feasible, or feel that the upstarts have no brains and can be used.

"Mu Qing is very good, when will I have such chess skills." Ling Fengyu praised, this is to lead the topic to another place.

There is something wrong with deliberately and bluntly bringing up the topic.

Xuanhui stone.

This kind of thing, a person with a bit of common sense would want to have it for himself, but Ling Fengyu gave it so indifferently, it doesn't seem like someone who really doesn't know the effect, not to mention, this is still after hearing Bai Zi explain the characteristics and say it. After such rare and rare characteristics, he is still so indifferent, even disdainful.

Either he really doesn't understand the rarity of this material, or he really doesn't like this kind of thing that needs to be fought for to get it, or in other words, Ling Fengyu has a lot of these things.

No matter which one is envied by others, the former is state of mind and the latter is wealth.

They are all enviable existences.

"Senior, you lost."

It's night.

Mu Qing looked at the middle-aged man who was panting heavily and covered in sweat, and smiled flatly.

As if to say, you're nothing but trash,

Even though such insidious means were used, he still failed to win, but it was Xiaodaoer.

"Mu Qing, I'm a senior, so don't go too far." Ling Fengyu said in a timely manner.

"Well, that's right, I didn't obey the rules." Mu Qing also replied in a timely manner, "Senior, I'm sorry, I got excited."


Ling Fengyu's sword intent was aimed at middle-aged people.

Many people feel it too.

They just glanced at Ling Fengyu, but no one raised it.

If the matter is shaken to the bright side, then it is not good for public or private.

not to mention.Ling Fengyu didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but just secretly pointed his sword at others.

"I~" Feeling the sharp sword intent delivered by someone, Middle-aged Fever had no choice but to admit defeat, "I, surrender."

After all, the last wave is the first, Xinmu Xiulin.

The winner praises more, the loser is indifferent.

From all the eyes, most of them are for Mu Qing.

As for middle-aged people.

Chi Wuyue looked at the middle-aged man with the expression that you are useless.


Yes, like looking at garbage that needs to be discarded at any time.

Ling Fengyu glanced at Chi Wuyue.

"Elder Baizi, after the closing ceremony."

Ling Fengyu's painting has not been finished, and it doesn't even need to be finished, only a part of it needs to be said.Because the listener knew what Ling Fengyu wanted to say before he finished speaking.

"Well, I understand." Bai Zi took a deep look at Chi Wuyue and left with the Xuanhui Stone.

Moreover, he carried the Xuanhui Stone and left in a grand manner.

He doesn't care about other people's eyes at all.

It was as if the disciples who died before were not as good as her Star Luozong.

"Ling Fengyu, I'll excuse you, Elder."

Chi Wuyue saluted and left.

"Yiyang, come here."

Yi Yang followed Ling Fengyu and left.

"As you can see."

Yi Yang was once a riddler.

Of course, for others, it is a riddler, but for our own people, speaking less Braille saves time and effort.

"Well, it's the second time. How did Su Fufang act?"

Ling Fengyu asked.

"Like her own desire, Su Fufang couldn't control this desire."

"Well, that's not necessarily the reason for Xue Yihua." Ling Fengyu thought of something else.

Because Xue Yihua can forcibly control other people's bodies but cannot control other people's thoughts and emotional desires.

But it can't be ruled out that Xue Yihua has mutated.

This aspect still needs someone to have the energy to verify.

"In this case?"

Yi Yang actually already had a plan.

"Just do what you want, don't worry too much."

Ling Fengyu smiled.


There was a woman's scream.

what happened?

Why didn't I feel anything.

Find the source of the sound.

Ling Fengyu and Yiyang arrived at the place where the voice came from.

Good guy.

"Who are you?" Chi Wuyue asked.

It is a person who dares to expose his face to the sun.

His complexion is dry gray, like a person who has lost all the blood in his body.

On his back is a pure black bow, a bow in the style of a scorching sun bow.

At this moment, in his hands is a female disciple of Xing Luozong.


Hmm, very quaint name.

"Suddenly appeared, and clamped down on my sect's disciples again, why?"

Chi Wuyue continued to ask.

"It's your disciples who are unruly, with unclean hands and feet, groping on me."


This female disciple's tendons had already been severed by Feng Rui, of course it was like beating a cow across the mountain, the skin and flesh were still intact.

If you don't intervene in treatment as soon as possible, even your cultivation may be abolished.

"Female disciple of the Star Luo Sect, what have you done?"

Chi Wuyue asked.

"Look at her waist."

Ling Fengyu said something.

is a feather.

Tail feathers, you must know that tail feathers are one of the important components of arrows, and high-quality tail feathers are even more expensive than arrowheads.

"This kind of feather, one feather can be exchanged for one or two gemstones."

Chi Wuyue explained.

Oh, that is indeed a valuable thing.

"Tell me, what do you want? Put her down first!"

Chi Wuyue continued to ask, at any rate, the other party had disciples from his own sect, even if he made a mistake, the sect should handle it himself, even if the other party was one of the parties involved.

One of the disadvantages of Zongmen is that there is no unified law and regulations to treat things in a relatively fair place with reasonable judgment.

"It's a joke, if it's decided by the inside of your sect, I'm afraid you will bend the law for personal gain."

Quite right.

Yaozi is also a rational person.

Or clear, smart people.

This is the case.


Ling Fengyu said suddenly.

"With your current strength, one step is enough, but I can also kill her when you take one step!"

Yaozi stared at Ling Fengyu.

Well, it's really possible.

Again, Ling Fengyu lost his sword, so his confidence was gone.

That is the heart.

It is Ling Fengyu's second heart.

"You are very strong, I really can't save people after one step."

Ling Fengyu shrugged.

"Ling Fengyu, I'm coming."

Yi Yang patted Ling Fengyu's shoulder lightly.

Then take a step forward.

He bends his bow and draws an arrow.

"You're the one I've been waiting for." Yaozi said suddenly.

With a triumphant smile on his face.

"You, come with me alone."

Yaozi pointed to Yiyang.

Yi Yang withdrew the arrow, then nodded slightly.

"You, don't follow me."

Yaozi pointed at one person again, it was Mu Qing.

What does Mu Qing want to do again?

"whispering sound!"

Mu Qing snorted softly.

Things always have to go on.

But there are too many branches triggered, so it seems confusing.

This closing ceremony is barely there.

No, where did the middle-aged man go?

Ling Fengyu looked around.

It seems that the middle-aged man has not been seen.

Forget it doesn't matter.

It's just a demon corner.

It was someone else who caught Ling Fengyu's attention.

"Elder Chi." Ling Fengyu called softly beside Chi Wuyue,

"What's the problem young man?"

"Which sect are those people at the banquet table on the left?"

"Oh." Chi Wuyue looked to the left.

"People from the Yi family in Beiya."

The Yi family in Beiya.

Good guy.

If only Yi Yang existed, would he forcefully say that Yi Yang was a descendant of their family who was living outside?

"However, don't worry too much about it."

"They are now just almost dead camels, and they haven't breathed for a few years."

Although a lean and dead camel is bigger than a horse, but what has to do with death means that sooner or later there will be nothing.


Ling Fengyu got off the stage and returned to her own place.

"what happened?"

Mu Qing asked.

"Beiya Yi's house."

Ling Fengyu took a mouthful of food, and took a big gulp of wine before saying four words.

Ling Fengyu hasn't indulged himself like this for a long time, since he encountered good wine, he couldn't let it go.

"Yi's family? Is there a problem?"

For the declining family, Mu Qing is not interested, because it is useless for the time being.

"Oh, nothing."

Ling Fengyu was also not very interested, she just didn't see it before, but now she appeared again, and a new table was opened, so she asked about it, and coincidentally, it was the Yi family in Beiya.Simply.

"Be careful, the Yi family uses poison."


Good guy.

Coupled with the fact that the world is spreading demons, these two aspects are combined, and those tragic murder cases may not have the correct answer.

What is lacking now is evidence,

Evidence of one-hit kills.

"I want to get in touch."

Ling Fengyu whispered.

Mu Qing's opinion was: "Well, wait until after the banquet."

As he spoke, he raised his wine glass and toasted Ling Fengyu.

Ling Fengyu returned the gift.

Ling Fengyu toasted, Mu Qing took a sip, it was so simple, probably didn't drink at all.

Then Mu Qing took another big mouthful of food.

Ling Fengyu always felt that some people drink alcohol just to give themselves a reason to eat more food.

Not really like drinking.

and so.

Mu Qing obviously developed the habit of drinking small wine after marriage, in order to blatantly eat food in front of Luan Yi.

well, absolutely

Ling Fengyu thinks so.

"I need to go alone tomorrow, and Yi Yang is not here, Ling Fengyu, can you take care of them for Yi Yang?"

Mu Qing is still worried about what will happen when she is not around.

However, isn't Ling Fengyu also going to leave?

Enter the secret passage to find Baizi's parents.

"Can't it be postponed?"

Ling Fengyu thought for a while and said.


"Don't worry, we are in Xingluozong, the elders who have Xingluo Xingqi will be fine, you can go at ease."

That's right, even if there is another person like Bu Mo in the world, it seems that there is no need to worry too much, Chi Wuyue is here.

Here, Ling Fengyu has entered a blind spot of thinking. Not everyone is as strong as him, and accidents are easy to happen if they don't protect themselves.

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