The Proud Sect, because of the existence of Yi Yanyan and Mi Lan, seemed to be in a state of affairs.

The aftermath of the burning of the eight-sided pagoda.

In order to maintain stability, the entire Proud Sect sent out law enforcement forces, although those criminals who fled were all wiped out by the opposite scorching sun.

It may be out of consideration of self-interest that law enforcement forces are searching in various names.

One of the disadvantages of Zongmen is the absolute power.

Except for strong people like Mi Lan, these personnel almost searched the entire territory of the sect.

However, this is a kind of bullying behavior.

Mi Lan looked at the ever-increasing number of law enforcement forces in the city, and sighed inwardly.

Mi Lan even felt that Yu Zhongliang's idea was right.

Zongmen is the cancer of the world.

It's even more so than casual cultivators.

Yu Zhongliang always considers the vast majority of people.

Maybe Yu Zhongliang is the right idea.

"what are you worried about?"

Yan Yanyan got up from the bed, and Yan Yanyan, who had practiced all night, didn't feel that she was much stronger.

Although Yi Yanyan without dantian can practice differently than ordinary people, but because of lack of proficiency, the effect is very little.

Looking at Mi Lan who was sitting on the window sill and quietly looking at the people below, Yan Yanyan could see through Mi Lan's emotions at this moment.

"I'm worried, if the sect is allowed to develop like this, what will happen to the entire military world."

Wanting to see an invisible future, Mi Lan couldn't see the future he wanted.

"If you think about it differently, aren't we just changing the future and wanting the future to go in the same direction as us?"

Yi Yanyan walked up to Mi Lan.

"The guidance of the beacon is the first step, he is the second step, and the last step, your or my death, in exchange for the destruction of him and the world."

Here it comes again, the solution of exchanging lives for lives.

Does it have to be someone's life?

They are not what that place is.

"So you and I must be alive now, even if it's not good enough to be alive."

Mi Lan smiled.

A flying letter came through the open window.

Mi Lan caught it.

"Xing Luo Chess Contest, the stage is in the Star Luo Sect, and the host is the Star Chess Sect."

Mi Lan read it out.

"Although I have known for a long time that this year's competition is uncharacteristically held in the Star Luo Sect, but the personnel are still from the Star Chess Sect. It's funny."

Yan Yanyan said with a smile.

"Really, these things have gone wrong too much. The change of geographical location, the destruction of the Jiuyuan sect, the abnormal change of the aura between heaven and earth, and the early birth of the Heavenly Demon Twins, these are all extraordinary changes."

Mi Lan shook her head helplessly.

"Hahaha~ I don't know about the front one, but isn't the Sky Demon Twins in the back the result you want?"

Yi Yanyan couldn't help laughing,

That's right, the appearance of the twin towers, and all kinds of arrangements, aren't they all arrangements by Mi Lan and the others?

"Go ahead, I'll take care of myself."

Seeing that Mi Lan has something to do, that's why she said so.

"Are you going to die?"

Mi Lan joked.

"Don't worry, even if you die, I won't die."

Yi Yanyan also joked.

"Stop talking, let's go." Mi Lan left hastily.

Yi Yanyan withdrew her smile.

In fact, he is still worried.

Alone, and now his strength is so weak, he may die at any time.

"Find a chance to get out of here."

As for Ling Fengyu.

He met the real Elder Bai.

A woman who still has charm.

Ok?Is it a woman again?

That's right, most of the people who are on stage now are women.

Especially red, really.

old woman.

It doesn't have any flavor.

Strange, why I think so,

Ling Fengyu laughed at himself inwardly.

Once Elder Bai swept the dust away with his whisk, Ling Fengyu sat down.

Just sit cross-legged.

Elder Bai smiled, got off the futon and sat on the ground.

"Adoptive mother, this is Ling Fengyu, the candidate chosen by my daughter."

Bai Zi said with peace of mind.

Elder Bai smiled and nodded.

"Your Excellency is very popular in the military world. When I saw you today, you are indeed a monster among people."

Strange words, monsters among men.

"The elder is too praised. I don't have the qualifications to be praised by the elder."

Ling Fengyu was very modest.

After all, without his sword by his side, he simply lost his confidence.

"The first question." Ling Fengyu was very alert, and pulled the initiative to his side, "What happened."

Elder Bai also became serious.

like this, like this,

Elder Bai spoke much more clearly than Bai Zi.

The story is complete, complete to the point of being too perfect.

Because it was too perfect, Ling Fengyu felt that there were other things in it.Of course, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it, but said that this incident was to hide its true purpose.

Assuming that Bai Zi is real, what about Elder Bai?

is that true?

No, it's not, it's false.

Because what is true and what is false can confuse people.

"Before this matter, let's play a game of chess."

Ling Fengyu suddenly moved the futon.


Elder Bai moved the stone lotus seat.

go hand in hand,

After triple.

Ling Fengyu already knew everything, so he looked at Elder Bai.

Ling Fengyu understood the little thought in Elder Bai's eyes.

Chunqiu's writing style is true and none of the words are false, but what is left unsaid is the part that Ling Fengyu wants to know the most.

And from the chess game.Ling Fengyu knew a little bit, and then saw something in Elder Bai's eyes to be verified.


Ling Fengyu asked.

"After the finals of the competition, a mountain gate will be opened at the middle mountain range, and the normal path is for those who win the finals to understand the unsolvable moves in the endgame. There is a secret passage in the middle, and the deepest part of the secret passage is where Baizi's biological parents are."

Elder Bai said.

"That is to say, if I don't participate in the competition, I won't be able to enter?"

"No, you can go in, but you will be blocked."


"You will enter the game of repenting and keeping your hands. Failure is death. If you kill them all, the secret path will appear."

"That's why you are looking for a master?"

"It doesn't have to be a master, it may also be a formation mage who is proficient in formation."

"Okay, I'll take it."

Ling Fengyu accepted next.

Regret the game and keep it.

A real gentleman is a real gentleman who has no regrets, but the opposite is the opposite if he regrets a game and keeps his hand. So it is the meaning of a villain.

A real gentleman, a fake villain.

Don't say it, it's really possible.

Especially villains, it is easy to be attacked from behind,


Elder Bai heaved a sigh of relief.

Ling Fengyu smiled slightly.

He opened his folding fan, and specially showed the fan to Elder Bai.

"Then can I leave?"

Ling Fengyu stood up.

"Xiao Zi, let's go to the arena with Ling Fengyu."

Elder Bai said to Bai Zi.

Bai Zi nodded slightly.

"Ling Fengyu, follow me."

on the field.

Sure enough, Yi Yang, Su Fufang, and Mei Xiangyuan were eliminated in the first round, too quickly.

Chi Wuyue walked to Yi Yang's side.

"Young Xia only took one step to admit defeat. I can't understand this." Chi Wuyue said it directly without asking for his name first.

"Elder Chi." Yi Yang saluted.

"Boy, I'm just here to take a look. I was invited by Elder Bai Zi to participate in a round. The scene is full of masters. How can there be a foothold for juniors like me who have never met before?"

Yi Yang smiled.

"The young hero is too modest." Chi Wuyue returned the salute.

"I don't know if you can borrow a little time from the young hero and play a round with me?"

This sentence came out of my mouth, and I only said it when I was close.

"Oh?" Yi Yang was a little reluctant.

However, they are also elders and organizers, so if they refuse for no reason, wouldn't it be too good?

It's not very good.

"Oh, it's fine if you don't want to." Chi Wuyue thought of retreating.

"It's not that I don't want to. The elder has been immersed in the chess and cards for many years, but the kid just stepped out, and he doesn't even count as an entry."

Yi Yang smiled.

But Chi Wuyue said: "Where, those who have mastered it first, but the ways are not the same, and they are interlinked."

In this way, Chi Wuyue really wants to make two moves with Yi Yang.

"Elder Chi said so, if that kid doesn't agree, he will look down on Xing Chess Sect." Yi Yang smiled slightly.

He winked at Mei Xiangyuan and Su Fufang.

Mei Xiangyuan nodded slightly, and she led Su Fufang off the stage to where Mi Lan was playing chess.

Chi Wuyue saw everything in her eyes.

"Please." Chi Wuyue opened a new table.

Reversi is a disciple, male and female respectively.

Jiuxing is nine fat disciples.Regardless of gender.Well, there are two people who really can't tell who is male and who is female.

"The young hero is a guest, please treat the guest first."

"Xing Yi is in the middle." Originally, Yi Yang wanted to go in the formation to show that he was not a beginner chess player.

But a star was directly exposed in a while.

Chi Wuyue smiled slightly, she was young after all, hiding her head and showing her tail.

"Zero eight, twenty nine." Chi Wuyue pointed at a random place, and a black-clothed disciple arrived at the place she indicated.

"Zero seven, twenty eight." Using a living person as a chess piece naturally required dictation, which was a waste of time.

But since it was Chi Wuyue's request, Yi Yang couldn't easily change it.

The second round is also over, and there are no byes and resurgence matches in the five-five round mechanism, so many people are idle, so their eyes are focused on the duel between Yi Yang and the elders of the Star Chess Sect.

"Star two, horizontal one." Yi Yang moved another star.

"Xingyi, Zongyi." Chi Wuyue also moved the stars.

Is the kingly way and benevolence really not integrated?

"There is no solution to the endgame."

"Xingluo Wuhe."

These two sentences can already explain a lot.

"Does it have to be until death?" Yi Yang asked.

"Hmm~ No need." It was already very clear at the scene, Yi Yang had already lost.

Chi Wuyue didn't feel good, because Yi Yang obviously kept his hand.

I never thought that Yi Yang's strength is not very good, but he is very powerful in Xing Luo Chess.

He has been looking for a chance to draw, but Chi Wuyue doesn't give it, or Xingluoqi doesn't allow reconciliation.

If the reconciliation is really an agreement between the chess players not to play at the same time.

Just like Mo Rufang at that time, the kind of draw with smoke.

Yiyang's realm is so weak, why is the operation of the inner yuan so long?

It was also because of this that Chi Wuyue wanted to verify it with chess.

"Papa papa." There was audible applause.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound. It was Ling Fengyu and a beautiful woman?

"Elder Baizi, what wind brought you here?"

Chi Wuyue smiled and saluted slightly, but did not make any strong movements.

This is not even formal, it seems that the relationship between them is not very good.

"Yi Yang, how do you feel?" Ling Fengyu asked.

"Playing a game with Chiyang, I feel happy, and I feel that my mood has improved a lot." Yi Yang said so.

The improvement of the state of mind shows the tempering of the heart, that is to say, what the hell, it's boring.

Dirty words were used.

"Yiyang, come here."

Ling Fengyu beckoned and took Yi Yang away.

The game continues.

Everyone was busy, and the eliminated ones either left or watched the game in silence.No one paid any attention to Yi Yang who suddenly appeared.

Yi Yang waved his hands casually, using body language to explain what happened just now.

Ling Fengyu also talked about his own experience.

Baizi didn't approach, but just stood aside, and didn't bother to listen.

"So, you agreed so easily?"

Yi Yang asked knowingly.

"There is no difference between not agreeing and agreeing to me, but agreeing can make a beautiful woman fall in love and overwhelm the aspect of not agreeing."

This sentence sounds a little loud.

Yi Yang looked at Bai Zi.

Then whispered: "So you like older than you?"

ah this~

Ling Fengyu didn't think so.

But it seems that some people feel that they are much older than themselves.

Bai Zi glanced sideways.


"Scattered across the sky, it's really a good formation." The mysterious smoke came along with the mountain wind.

The voice of the elderly.


Ling Fengyu instinctively rejected it.

It must be an evil spirit, not the body is an evil spirit, but the heart is an evil spirit.

"Who?" Ling Fengyu asked.

"Old man, the world is full of demons."

Demons in the world?

Weird name.

Yi Yang calmed down in an instant, he quickly came to Su Fufang and protected the two girls.

"Magic in the world?" Ling Fengyu pondered the name.

"Bring out martial arts in the world, and spread demons in the world."

These are two extremes.

"Of course."

The world's demons have been hiding in the black smoke, throwing out some suffocated and lifeless people from time to time, most of them are disciples of Xingluozong and Xingqizong, regardless of gender.


The small town on the border of the Tianyang Army.

Ling Fengyu smiled.

Maybe there is some connection.

Ling Fengyu opened the fan, and the people around Ling Fengyu felt the breeze, but it turned into a strong wind not far away.

The wind prepares to blow the smoke away.

As Ling Fengyu thought, the smoke cleared, and the survivors trapped in the smoke were all breathing heavily.

Although they didn't know who made the shot, their eyes were full of gratitude.

"It's quite an ordinary face." Ling Fengyu continued to fan himself.

Although it is not hot, it still looks like it has to be done.


At the beginning, Bu Mo only thought that there was only one strong person, Chi Wuyue, at the scene. He never thought that an unknown man just used the wind to blow away his own smoke.

Is this the true face of Bu Mo, the mysterious demon world?


"Who are you?" The world cloth demon just stared at Ling Fengyu.

Ling Fengyu took a step forward with a smile.

"Follow Bai Yu,


listen to everything,

Do what you want.

Below, Baiyu Meteor Ling Fengyu. "

Ling Fengyu also added a lot of settings to himself,

For example, this lengthy name, Baiyu Meteor Ling Fengyu.

"Oh? White Feather Meteor?"

What white feather meteor?

But Baiyu Meteor doesn't look like this.

Everyone started talking.

Those who thought they were strong all started to approach Ling Fengyu, trying to improve their relationship.

Ling Fengyu became famous in the battle with the so-called Yuelin.

Well, I still owe a lot of favors.

Here I want to mention that sometimes the so-called debt of favor is to get closer to the relationship and get more benefits than owe favor.

"Bai Yu Meteor, you are Zhi Zhan Zhi Shang!"

The world cloth demon was slightly surprised.

He is the holder of the War of War.

Ling Fengyu fell down.

Standing in front of the world cloth demon.

"Your Excellency is so dusty, is it because your hands are itchy and you want to fight fiercely with players from all walks of life?" Ling Fengyu was going to say something for his own benefit.

"Today is a major event shared by the Star Luo Sect and the Star Chess Sect. Isn't it too much for your Excellency to treat me and my disciples like this!"

Chi Wuyue stepped down, and she walked to Ling Fengyu, but was half a step behind Ling Fengyu. Does this mean that Ling Fengyu is stronger than her?


The world cloth demon waved his hand.

The smoke started again.

This fume is easy to suffocate.


Ling Fengyu frowned slightly, and he closed his fan.

"Feng Yu doesn't return at night."

Ling Fengyu tapped the ground lightly, and dust rose.

The smog mixed with wind and dust turned into sticky muddy water and landed on the ground.

In the first round of the world's cloth magic, it was at a disadvantage.

"Don't go, let's talk."

Ling Fengyu saw that the demons in the world had a tendency to leave, and Ling Fengyu arrived at the demons in the world in two steps.

Good guy.

What is Ling Fengyu trying to do?

The world's demons were very surprised by Ling Fengyu's speed.

Ling Fengyu only saw a bulge in the mouth of Bu Mo under the sky, and then a thick black smoke spewed out.

Ling Fengyu didn't know whether it was poisonous or not, so he backed away and dodged.

Therefore, Ling Fengyu did not have time to unravel the smoke of the world's demons in the future.

The world cloth demon escaped.


Very self-aware.

Ling Fengyu was on the cusp.

Alright, now the Star Luo Sect and the Star Chess Sect are going to fight for him.

"I have heard for a long time that Your Excellency is an unrivaled genius, and I am even more envious of facing the devil together today." Chi Wuyue bowed and saluted.

Boy, is this the start of seduction?

Ling Fengyu and Yi Yang exchanged glances.

Said to Chi Wuyue: "Elder Chi, I can't bear such a great gift. I'm going to hunt down the demons in the world. It's really embarrassing to let the demons leave in front of my eyes. Don't worry, I will come back after the closing ceremony."

The latter sentence was for Bai Zi.

Ling Fengyu left with an excuse.

It is true to say that it is to go to the world to clothe demons, and it is also true that the closing ceremony will come.

Sometimes it's not false words, it sounds like an interface to others.

This kind of excuse is also easy to be disgusting.

Chi Wuyue looked Bai Zi up and down.

"Unexpectedly, you really found a master."

Some did not say a word.

Bai Zi glanced at Chi Wuyue indifferently, but didn't say much.

As for the competition, it still has to go on, how can it not continue, this is their business for eating.


"Ling Fengyu, really strong." Su Fufang murmured.

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