Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 219 Loops

"Mu Qing?"

Three people are puzzled.

"Oh, you don't know me yet."

Mu Qing explained.

"It turned out to be Mi Lan's good friend. Back in the Twin Towers, we had received a lot of care from him. Without him, we probably wouldn't be able to get out."

Since she has a relationship with Mi Lan, it is natural to rely on that side first.

"Actually, it's not Mi Lan's request. The reason I came to you is~"

Mu Qing shot suddenly, without any murderous intent.

He just turned his hands into branches and attacked Xiang Yiyang.

Yi Yang's keen sense let him know that he was just testing himself.

Also fight with the strength that you think is equal.

Mu Qing's inner cohesion is too strong.

It's like a vine.

That is to say, Mu Qing is the vine at this moment, and Yi Yang's body is the trunk around which the vine wraps.

The speed alone lost the opportunity.

It is also possible that Yi Yang's judgment was wrong, which caused him not to use the corresponding power.

That is to say, Yi Yang is weaker than the current Mu Qing in at least one aspect.

"What are you doing!" Su Fufang was anxious.

"Fufang!" Yi Yang stopped Su Fufang's movements with his free hand.

"What is your Excellency testing me for?"

Yi Yang asked.

"See if you have the strength to go to Baishoumen."

Of course, this is not a reason, but an excuse. Mu Qing wanted to see Yi Yang's explosive ability and his ability to deal with things, because the requirement of the scorching sun bow is to shoot a large amount of energy at once, and it is fatal in one blow. Therefore, it is necessary to The most important thing is to accurately calculate how much internal energy is needed for an attack, and only one blow is needed to resolve the battle.

Mu Qing stopped and stood there alone.

It's isolated, but it doesn't feel lonely.

They are all wives, how could they feel lonely?

"You know I'm going to Baishou?" Yi Yang became more vigilant.

"This direction. Apart from Baishoumen, there is no other place worth noting." Mu Qing has been reasoning and thinking.

"I see."

"However, because the mainland has changed its position, the status of Baishoumen has changed because of this change, and the entire sect has sunk. It is useless to go now. Because there is no specific building."

Yi Yang also thought so, but.

"Your Excellency, please look at this." Yi Yang took out the token.

"The token of Baishoumen?" Mu Qing was really confused all of a sudden.

"And, have you noticed the time on the token?"

Yi Yang continued.

"Hmm~ The date of casting is one month after the door is destroyed. May I ask Yi Yang, how did you get this token?"

Mu Qing asked a question.

Yi Yang explained it again.

"Damn it, you've been tricked. This is why you want to find Luanyi."



Ground shaking.

Another puppet.

It is the puppet of the beast.

A deformed puppet.

Because, several puppets were kneaded together.

"King of Shu!"

Yi Yang lost his voice.

"Shu King? Indeed, it was written by the ancient Shu family."

Ancient times, said to be ancient times, were only a few hundred years ago.

Ancient is ancient.

The puppet in the shape of a human centipede, compared with the human centipede, has only hands and no lower limbs, as if every section has been cut in half.

But these are the interweaving of wood and iron, not the kind of splicing of human puppets and monsters.


The three of them cooperated very well.

Yi Yang restrained the puppet, then Su Fufang and Mei Xiangyuan strode away, looking for a commanding height for sniping.

Now Mu Qing is older.

Mu Qing subconsciously reached for the Scorching Sun Bow, but at this moment, she couldn't take it out because there were only three chances to use it.

Moreover, why do I keep thinking about other people's things?

Although I don't have any weapons now, I will always meet them in the future.

Yi Yang and Mu Qing teamed up for the first time, but they felt very familiar. Mu Qing's moves carried a woody wind, vines and bushes appeared, restraining the puppet step by step.

Mu Qing took out a dagger, which he temporarily used as a weapon.

For this reason, Yi Yang can concentrate on concentrating his strength.

So one arrow condensed [-]% of Ling Fengyu's internal energy.

"Yiyang, I think something is wrong, please don't use the inner element!"

However, it was too late.

Yi Yang had already aimed at the center of the puppet's movement and shot it out.

All the arrows entered the body of the puppet.

The power is absorbed by the golem.

Another person sprang out.

The lines on the body are like skeletons.

If Ling Fengyu was here, he would know that this is the same existence as the low-level people of the Gui nationality.

This person put his hand on the spot where Yi Yang opened the wound, and the suction increased greatly.

Absorbed all the remaining power of Yi Yang.

Suddenly disappeared again.

Both Mu Qing and Yi Yang combined their eyes with other senses, but they still couldn't find this wandering person.

The reason is that the perception of power is still a little weaker.

Yi Yang chased a little more than Mu Qinghui did, but he didn't chase for very long, he just knew which direction to go.

And obviously the puppet didn't suffer much damage, but it stopped moving at this moment.


The puppeteer disappeared.

what happened?

"It seems that it is a step too late."

Mu Qing scratched her head.

"Does that mean I was tricked?"

Yi Yang also understood everything.

"It should be like this. The general meaning should be that the puppet attracts you to attack, and now your most powerful move is the move of the power of the earth, so what he needs is the power of your land, and use the inner essence you shoot to do it. Issues."

Mu Qing said the situation that he thought of for a moment.


Yi Yang knew.

"Hey~ The Heavenly Demon Twins, you want to use the power of the earth to expel the arrows of the king of the earth and restore all the strength."

"I'm afraid so."


Su Fufang chased Xue Yihua.

Xue Yihua once again escaped from Su Fufang's control at a faster speed than the previous battle against Yuelin, which was equivalent to learning the lesson from last time, um~ it means evolution.

This time even Yi Yang failed to catch him.

Blood Yihua fell on the puppet.

The huge attraction is like a vortex and can be seen by the naked eye.

Such a powerful flower, what kind of flower is this?

"A curious flower with an ordinary appearance, but the aura that circulates is strange and unusual!"

Mu Qing praised.

"Xue Yihua." Since the interception failed, let's see what Xue Yihua is doing.

"Blood Yihua? A species I've never heard of."

Mu Qing thinks she is talented and knowledgeable, but after all, she has seen something.

Like this.

I just haven't seen Xue Yihua, and I haven't even heard of the name.

When Yi Yang mentioned some characteristics of Xue Yihua, Mu Qing knew that this was a plant he knew.

"It's medicine with three parts of poison, and poison with three parts of medicine. Sanjuhua, oh, it's the flower you call Xueyihua. The way to use this flower depends on people. If the heart is pure, use it to be righteous, and if human nature is turbid and evil, use it. Evil is evil, and there is a hidden usage." Mu Qing paused.

Mei Xiangyuan might be worried about Su Fufang, so she asked, "What's the use?"

"That is to take out the desired characteristics of each of the two effects, and when combined together, it becomes a piece of meat without the ability to think, without any feeling, and only instinct."

It's not bad to use a piece of meat to describe this state.

Because I don't know how to live or die.

In essence, a human being is a piece of meat with the ability to think.

But it is precisely because of the ability to think that it is so precious.

"I'm afraid, this is the method used by the King of Shu to create human puppets." Yi Yang said with deep meaning.

"Yes, King Shu, a very powerful existence."

I'm afraid the king of Shu in Mu Qing's hands is not of the same generation as the king of Shu in Yi Yang's mouth.

But it's definitely related.


Mei Xiangyuan felt goosebumps all over her body when she thought of what happened to her in the twin towers. I never told anyone about it, and even asked Ling Fengyu to tell about it.

This kind of thing is really a nightmare that can accompany a lifetime.

Mei Xiangyuan's body has actually undergone some changes, alienated changes.

I started to move towards the aspects that are not human, for example, the bones are a little more curved, and the pupils of the eyes are no longer round, but a little sharp.

It's just that you can't see it unless you look closely.

Mei Xiangyuan knew in her heart that according to Yi Yang's few words to the Yaozu, she might have evolved into a Yaozu.

"Now, do you still need to go to Baishoumen?" Mu Qing retracted his words and asked with a smile.

Yi Yang felt that it was really unnecessary, this was a very simple trap, even a conspiracy.

"Should we not have to go?" Yi Yang also hesitated a little.

"That's just right, there is another purpose for my coming, and that is Mi Lan's request, because the Heavenly Demon Twins have the arrows of the Earth King. Just use your power to solve him."

That's what Mu Qing meant.

The main thing is that the scorching sun bow belongs to the Emperor of Heaven, Yi Yang has the power of the earth, and Emperor Ren... Yi Yang is a human being. After seeing Yi Yang with his own eyes, Mu Qing believes that Yi Yang can combine the three The only one who combined.

I want to see this myself.

At the same time, Ling Fengyu who was in the Proud Sect was also contacted by Luan Yi.

Coincidence to say.

Also because of the scorched corpse.

Not only did Yi Yang get the information in a very short period of time, Luan Yi also got such information through his own intelligence network, but there was no information about Ling Fengyu.

The sudden meeting, if not for Xu Fufang, Luanyi would not have recognized Ling Fengyu all of a sudden.

"Ling Fengyu, Baiyu Meteor is the same person, it's an unexpected result."

"Ling Fengyu is me, and Baiyu Meteor, as long as he has Zhizhan Zhishang, he will have that name, and Fenghuozhiyin of the same period is Heiyu Yiren, just like the previous generation, Fenghuozhiyin Gongshoutian, Zhizhanzhishang Nangong Tian is the same."


Who stipulates that it must not belong to one person.

"Exactly, I'm here to see you. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Luanyi."

"You are Luanyi, I am looking for you too."


Several question marks appeared on Luanyi's head.

"It's like this." Ling Fengyu explained the reason and then gave the token to Luanyi.

"It's the big sect that is about to hold the Xing Luo Chess Competition." Luan Yi blurted out, "The person who sent the letter should be Mi Lan or someone close to her, but why is the token in his hand, and it was almost poisoned Didn't you say my name?"

If it wasn't for Ling Fengyu's awe-inspiring power injection, he would have almost lost the useful information.

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