Luan Yi spoke slightly in his own tone.

"Luoyang Valley, Yiyang. The twin pagodas, the twins of the sky demon, the king of the earth. The guide of the beacon fire, the end of the war. The scorching sun and the bow, the benevolent emperor's chain of disillusionment."

"Stop, ask a question first." Ling Fengyu interrupted Luan Yi.

"what is the problem?"

"What is this so-called Emperor Ren's chain of disillusionment?"

"Then please sit down and talk about it?"

"Okay, please sit down." Ling Fengyu invited Luanyi and Xu Fufang into the place assigned by Ao Ranzong.

Renhuang's chain of disillusionment is said to be heaven, earth and man, and the weapon inherited by Renhuang's seat is a chain-shaped sword blade.

There is also a saying that it is precisely because of the Renhuang disillusionment chain that Renhuang is between heaven and earth.

In short, no matter what, the Renhuang chain of disillusionment really exists.

Even if the provenance is unknown.

"The Renhuang chain of disillusionment. That is to say, there is heaven and earth first, and then there are people?" Ling Fengyu explained.

Luan Yi nodded slightly, expressing his agreement with this point of view.

She could hear what Ling Fengyu said,

It is about the relationship between man and heaven.

It is also talking about the things between the emperors of heaven, earth, kings and emperors.

Threesomes must have ghosts.

Heaven and Earth, Emperor Ren, and the King of Earth, who is the inner ghost?

Ling Fengyu's thinking has already risen to this level.

Because Ling Fengyu felt that he still needed more verification.

"A charred corpse doesn't have to see it."

Finally, they finally talked about the charred corpse.

"I've seen it before. It's not only a charred corpse, but also evaporated to dryness in an instant, so as long as it is not placed in a humid place, it can be stored for a long time. It can be kept dry for thousands of years, wet for ten thousand years, and half a year if it is not dry or wet."

"Are you moving mountains?"

"No, I've done it before."


Ling Fengyu is really black-bellied.

"It's mainly the bird trace, I've seen it on a good friend."

Bring the topic back again.Let's go on and talk about that unspeakable field again.

"Oh? Sorry." Luan Yi subconsciously thought that Ling Fengyu's friend was gone.

"Oh. My friend is not dead."

At the moment, Ling Fengyu told about Yun Haishen and Mo Rufang.

"The skill is fire, and the trick is to leave such a mark on the chest even if you don't kill the opponent, Ru Fang, milk~"

"Don't, don't, don't say this word, I'm afraid."

Although I felt that the name Mo Rufang was a bit wrong a long time ago, but she is a girl, so I seemed to be teasing her by saying this.

"This bird is called Jinwu. I think you should understand what Jinwu means."

"Golden Crow, that's normal, no, it's not normal." Ling Fengyu frowned suddenly.

"Although logically I shouldn't ask about your affairs unless you tell us yourself, but I'm curious as to what happened."

"My friend had a friend (matryoshka) before he met me. He insisted that this is not a golden crow, but an extinct bird, the kind that he said he would never see again."

"Oh? Now that friend of your friend should be gone by now?"

"Yes, dead. Without warning."

Critical things are linked to things in the military world.


It's fun, it's fun.

"Let's put it this way, the injuries caused by the scorching sun bow will also leave such marks in certain moves."

Luan Yi gave a surprising enough information.

Good guy.

"I don't know if it was brought by the arrows of the scorching sun bow or its own users."

"Is there any more information?"

"The arrows of the Scorching Sun Bow were perfected and lost. It took a lot of time. As far as I know, there were originally nine arrows that were lost in the long river of history. Now the latest two are imitations. , except for the similarity in shape, it has no effect at all."

Good guy.

Didn't Yi Yang tell himself that he was practicing the skills on the arrow?Then the last chapter is impossible.

Not right, maybe, when I get back to the critical point, I can ask Mo Rufang and Yan Miao, maybe they know something, the main reason is Mo Rufang, the main reason is that Yan Miao was brought out by himself, how could he not know about his temper?

I'm sorry, Ling Fengyu, this temper doesn't seem to have much to do with what I know...

This is where Ling Fengyu miscalculated.

It cannot be said that the calculation is wrong, but inertial thinking.

Think that the person who is familiar with you has everything.

"I think, this person should also have the arrows of the scorching sun bow?"

Luan Yi thought about it.

Ling Fengyu also thought of it.

Now?I don't want to help my relatives.Once found, he will take the arrow and hand it to Yi Yang.

"Ling Fengyu, I hope you don't interfere in this matter."

"Oh? Why?"

"This is something within our military world, and you just said that you are not from my military world."

The eyes of the two met!The interlacing of blades and feathers.The sword is screaming.

"Speaking of which, if you don't go to the third level now, you may not be able to catch up with the opening ceremony of the Xing Luo Chess Competition."

Luan Yi looked away.

"The direction is?"


Luan Yi pointed in a straight line.

"You have to get the token of the second-tier land next door to be eligible to go to the third-tier side for experience and then enter the third-tier. That's why I said you are running out of time."

Luanyi also made up his mind to drive Ling Fengyu away.

How could Ling Fengyu not know?

It's just that sometimes leaving is to carry out the plan better.

That's the plan, and that's the change.

Obtain the same purpose in the change.

It is also a good means of implementing your own preset plans.

"Arrows, you need to keep them."

"Don't worry, we still can't destroy the arrow with our means."

This is too self-deprecating.

In terms of Yan Yanyan.

got into trouble.

Because after the people under him went out, none of them came back.

These people don't know where they died.

was dead, and no one was spared.

Especially direct subordinates.

The loss of these manpower is the most fatal.

Without Yansheng's eyes, I couldn't see anywhere else.

This is a kind of constraint.

A kind of constraint that I didn't arrange properly.

However, since someone knew that those people belonged to Yan Yanyan, he would definitely be notified.

Mu Qing, for example, notified Yi Yanyan immediately.

But it was still a step too late, because someone had already set their sights on Yi Yanyan.

"Boss, boss. Something happened!"

One person staggered and ran up to Yanyan, who was half kneeling, losing his strength,

Yi Yanyan immediately knelt down and grabbed the man's arm.

"Who are you?"


The man suddenly raised his head and struck out with a palm.

All the power was released and aimed at Yi Yanyan's dantian.

In an instant, Yi Yanyan knew that he had been tricked.

The huge force made Yi Yanyan's Dantian start to vibrate, and most importantly, the Neiyuan, which was as thin as a needle thread, was actually at the dantian that wrapped Yi Yanyan.

It's scary.Because such a method is sealing the cultivation of others.

It must be a restrained internal element.

Otherwise, Yan Yanyan wouldn't be so tense in his heart.

between trade-offs.

Yi Yanyan struck out with a palm.

Knock people away.

The man laughed wildly and threw a black pill into his mouth.

Swallow it, then use life to activate the medicinal properties of the pill.

Maybe it was violent at first, so it quickly turned into black mud, without any painful stimulation, and even smiled so relieved.


This is meeting a dead man.

Yi Yanyan only regrets why she was fooled.

Maybe I care too much about others.

This is a bug and needs to be fixed.



But Yi Yanyan's dantian has been sealed, and cultivation is impossible.

He tried to break through forcefully, but his blood was rushing back, and even though he endured it, the bright red dripped from the corner of his mouth.

It's hard.

"Fortunately, my dantian is not limited to the lower abdomen, but the other place is not fully developed. I'm afraid it's not enough to only use that one place now."

Yan Yanyan thought so in his heart.

Well, I am afraid that no one can beat the current strength, so you need to be careful.

Temporary or permanent weakness of strength leads to cautiousness, so it may be safer, because you will not act boldly and boldly based on your own strength, and you will not deliberately confront others.

Water can carry a boat or capsize it.

The fire can be roasted or turned into carbon.

It all depends on the user's own adaptability.

"Well~ Dial Ye. Although you have just come back, the current situation does not allow us to take more rest."

Yi Yanyan said suddenly.

"My subordinates understand." Dial Ye is probably the last of Yi Yanyan's subordinates.

There was something wrong with the voice.

Yi Yanyan heard it.

Could it be that Dial Ye also betrayed himself?

"Dial Ye, I need an Earth Fire Mountain Range, go find it, I'll be here waiting for you to come back."

Yi Yanyan said tentatively.

"It's really hard to feel powerless."

Saying it deliberately attracts Dial Ye's thoughts.

"Yes, this subordinate will do it."

With that said, Dianye left quickly.

"Mi Lan, you must hurry over here!"

Use the secret method to pass the news that you are injured and need help.

Can Mi Lan get it?

Milan side.

"Oh, did you find the wrong person?"

Mi Lan patted her head with her fan.

Because he saw that everyone's eyes were on his fan.

Therefore, he already thought that he was here specifically for the fan.

What's the point of this fan?

What can be done?

It is nothing more than the same as the fan of the suzerain of that sect.


I was just cheated.

Was deliberately led to come.

"However, even if you don't go to me, you will go to him. Then I will kill you here first, which will also reduce the chance of finding him."

This is not to say that Mi Lan still thinks that Ling Fengyu has not been exposed, but that the purpose of speaking loudly to those who may exist in the dark is to confuse those who have doubts in their hearts.

What's the harm in saying more?


Yes, kill, kill all of them, kill those who are on the surface and those who are in the dark, and you will be afraid.

Mi Lan didn't use her own weapon, but only relied on her own hands,

Having hands is enough.

These are not masters, nor are they strong. They have exercises that have the ability to restrain their own exercises for themselves.

No, none of these.


For a moment Mi Lan even felt like letting those people go.

Some people always say, when standing on the top of the mountains, do you care about the ants who can't make a sound at your feet?

Mi Lan would answer like this, the ants will nail your feet, so you are willing to let them go?

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