Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 218 What is a * * * surprise

The sword is very long, and it lies quietly on the ground beside a pile of copper water.

People, double points.Half was hung on a tree, and half was buried in copper water.

As for people, they are about to disappear, and they still have a breath.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Ling Fengyu asked.

Because he was going to find Luanyi.

Ling Fengyu wandered around the first floor like a headless chicken.

"And~ (breathing) you come here."

"Brother, do you have any last words?"

"I hate two kinds of people the most in my life. Those who see a woman can't walk. The other is the person who refuses to save her."

Isn't most of his body gone, and he can still speak so fluently?

"So I killed him."

Kill him, kill who?

"So, I need help now."

"Okay, how can I help you?" Ling Fengyu didn't give up, eh~

Well, in fact, I felt that this person still had some lingering vitality, and maybe he could be saved, so I agreed.

"Like this, you pull me up first."

"I didn't find the force point, can I poke your nostril?"

"There's no time, just poke it!"

So, Ling Fengyu stretched out two fingers, wrapped them in sackcloth, and then thrust them into the man's nostrils forcefully.

Good guy, Leng is not torn.

It's like fishing.

Ling Fengyu fished it out.

It is not too surprising to say that the person's body is fine, because there are meritorious elements to protect his body, but this person's clothes are powerful, what is the reason?

In the flowing copper water, was it not burned?

Yes, it's that amazing.

"Brother, thank you very much. My name is Kuo"

Kuo covered his nostrils that had been enlarged by Ling Fengyu, and said in a low voice.

"You don't have to thank me, if it's okay, I'm leaving."

Ling Fengyu turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute, brother."

Kuo greeted Ling Fengyu.

"It's very embarrassing to be rescued by a stranger this time, but a thank you is a thank you. How about this, brother, I have a treasure map here for you. The copper water that can keep flowing is a person who betrayed me I took it from it." As he said, Kuo stuffed the crumpled piece of paper into Ling Fengyu's hand.

Before Ling Fengyu could speak.

Kuo just removed the back of his sword, waved his hands and left.

"Go away, no face, no face."


Ling Fengyu was confused.

far away.

Kuo tore off his face, revealing his real face.

"Come on, I've already given him the treasure map of that trap."

"Well, Kuo, let's go there and guard."

I don't know.

"Copper water that flows? Hehe."

Ling Fengyu suddenly smiled.

He stretched out his fan sword and lit some copper water.

Then he licked it with his tongue.

"Sweet and hot, although it is not as hot as real molten copper water, this taste is probably sorrel flame, the only flame I know that can be drunk without killing."

It is said to be a flame, but it is actually a kind of liquid, but it has a certain temperature.

It can only be said that nature is really wonderful.

Ling Fengyu waited.


After Ling Fengyu waited for a moment, Yu Pangyan cooled and turned into jelly and slowly flowed into the soil, becoming a part of the nutrition of the earth.

There are still fresh lower body corpses hanging on the tree.

So, Kuo, killed someone.

Then this matter was a conspiracy against himself.

Why not.

Let the pigeons go.

Going, it is definitely going, but let's wait until the things at hand are over, and then take the time to go there.

"Well, leave."

"Hello, where is the nearby flower and bird market?"

When he arrived at a town, Ling Fengyu asked everywhere.

"Oh, go east for one mile and turn right at the end of the alley."

"Thank you very much." Ling Fengyu thanked.

"However, there was a murder there not long ago. Law enforcement forces have sealed off the place."

"OK, thanks."

Is it such a coincidence?

Wherever I go, people will die unexpectedly. When did I get into such a disaster?

Really are.

"I thought of Yun Haishen back then. He really died wherever he went. Who told him to be the heir of the Shashajue?"

Ling Fengyu had a smile recalling the beautiful past on his face, and he was talking happily to himself in his heart.

"Wait a minute, Your Excellency can't go any further."

A person from the law enforcement force stood there, facing Ling Fengyu with straight palms, indicating that he was not allowed to go forward.

These law enforcement forces are obviously Zongmen's clothing.

Before he knew it, Ling Fengyu had stepped out of the territory of the three warlords.

Ah this.

Not necessarily, in case it is within the territory, but it is not within the control of the warlord.

"Bingge, what happened inside?"

Ling Fengyu started acting after a long absence.

Ling Fengyu took out a piece of gold and gave it to the law enforcement forces in a handshake.


The soldier silently withdrew his hand.

Gold went into the pocket.

"It's like this."

The soldier explained.

A charred corpse, another charred corpse.

Same imprint.

However, what this charred corpse lost was its ears.

Jiao Shi was a strange person during his lifetime. He could understand the words of all kinds of birds, and he could manipulate some interesting birds. The jewels fell to the ground, and he went down the cliff to look for them. He really found those jewels, and buried the accidental dead who had turned into dry bones in the unnamed cemetery behind the town.

Famous since then.

So, was he killed because of something strange about him?

So, do I need to go and see the corpse?

"The next one is Bai Yu Meteor. My ancestor used to be a scorpion. May I have a look at the corpse?"

Ling Fengyu asked tentatively.

"White Feather Meteor..." The soldier was very familiar with this name.

"Oh, this." Ling Fengyu took out the Zhizhan Zhishang.

"The War of Ending the War? But, in the picture scrolls I've seen, isn't the Baiyu Meteor like this?"

"The Zhizhan Zhishen is an artifact, whoever holds the Zhizhan Zhishen in his hand is the Baiyu Meteor, and whoever holds the beacon fire is the Heiyu Yiren."

Godly babble.

The purpose is to cover up Yi Yang's identity.

As for myself?whatever.

Others think that Ling Fengyu is Ling Fengyu, and Baiyu Meteor is Baiyu Meteor.

With many identities, there will be more legends left in the future, although it may become the legend of two people or even an organization.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask my superiors." The soldier gave a military salute and left.

Ling Fengyu didn't even go in.

In order to be open-minded first.

It's also because it's not good to go in. The reason here is to prevent someone from attacking, saying that you went in and destroyed the evidence, or even because you are the murderer, in order to wash away the evidence of the murder.

Some people are upset when they see you, even if they are strangers, they will be speechless.

Small half day.

Ling Fengyu could finally sit down.

Because the soldier's superior came.

"Please sit down."

Ling Fengyu was at the top, and Wu Zhang sat sideways.

Fruits and vegetables are all on the wave.

No meat.

"Oh, our sect has always been vegetarian, and meat can only be eaten at the dinner party."

Then, the corporal took a moment to explain some customs here.

The Proud Sect follows the natural way, um, the natural way to do things with money.

Make the choice they think is right between people's appetite and natural balance.

Oh, it's up to you as you like.

They were eating melons and fruits and discussing the charred corpse.

The corporal leader was very eloquent and described everything about the charred corpse very clearly.

how to say.

Although the fruit in his hand was not meat, Ling Fengyu could still taste the meat...

Well, it's better to have less of this kind of association.

"Master Wu, after talking so much, can you let me see the corpse?" Ling Fengyu asked with a smile.


All men look masculine,

This kind of expression is really problematic.

Yiyang side.

On the way to Baishou.

Asuka came.

Yi Yang got a scroll again.

"Once again, charred corpses appeared in the Proud Sect Realm."

In fact, there has always been a question, why Yiyang also has birds to deliver information, and at the critical point, it is the only secret technique of Ling Fengyu's family.

Who wrote Yiyang's flying bird?

Ling Fengyu had tried it before, and these birds would not listen to Ling Fengyu at all, even if it was coercion or lure.

The instructions have already been trained.

Well trained.

Full of humanity.

"Actually, Yi Yang, I've always had a question. What exactly is this intelligence department for you? It can pass through the sect's territory to deliver information for you?" Mei Xiangyuan still asked, she was too curious.

"Yeah, Yi Yang, what exactly is it?"

What about Su Fufang?

Not out of curiosity, just in agreement.

"This is my little secret."

Yi Yang didn't explain.

Little secret?

Not too small, if this kind of secret is really exposed all of a sudden, it will be a shocking secret.

Bah~ What a secret, it's a big surprise.

Every time, Yi Yang was fooling around.

This kind of thing can't be said.

It seems that Yi Yang also has some connections in saying that he is the descendant of the Chiyang Army.

how to say.

Yi Yang also has his own secrets.

This kind of secret needs to be guarded by oneself.

Forget it, let's not talk about these things.

"There is one more thing, the King of Earth Ling has appeared in this world."

What is the order of the king?

It is one of the identity certificates of the land king.


Yi Yang still needs it.

However, what he needs more is not the token, but the power of the land king who can truly unlock the chain.

Although they may not be of the same origin, they are of the same root.

He expected that he could draw the arrow out of the Sky Demon Twins and use this to unlock the chain.

The chain is long, longer than a human life.

Yi Yang didn't understand.

Why do I have to be so special?

"Yi Yang, what are you thinking?"

Su Fufang stroked Yi Yang's forehead, it was actually very hot.

But it's not a fever, it's just thinking hard.

"Oh, I wonder if we're going in the wrong direction."

"Hmm~" Su Fufang looked up at the sky, and the sunset in the sky was in that direction, "There is no problem according to the sun's trajectory."

"It's the military world that has moved." Mei Xiangyuan frowned.

Because the mountain is still a mountain, and the water is still water, but it is no longer southeast but northwest.

"Yes, the whole continent moved."

Yi Yang frowned, thinking of something.

"Su Fufang, do you still remember the wine your mother brewed?"

"Well, I remember, Ling Fengyu seems to say that the time for this wine has not yet come, and it can be drunk but not mature." Su Fufang replied, she had already walked out of the shadow of losing her parents.

"Changes in brewing are the cause of changes in climate. The premise is that brewing is done step by step according to the same method."

Mei Xiangyuan pointed straight to the center.

Yi Yang nodded.

Changes in the environment tend to cause premature or late maturity of things that have been accumulated over time.

This can also verify the offset of the continents from the side.

Yi Yang intuitively recognized this deviation as the cause of Ling Fengyu.

"Finally, I found you."

A man's voice, a handsome man.

"Oh, let me introduce myself first, I'm Mu Qing."

Mu Qing found Yi Yang.

Something in the plan?

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