Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 217 What is Surprise?

"Yu~drive~ are you Ling Fengyu?" A horse rider happened to pass by Ling Fengyu quickly, and then quickly turned the horse back, allowing himself to approach Ling Fengyu, then got off the horse, and respectfully saluted in front of Ling Fengyu.

"I am, brother?"

"Oh, this is~ the nameless person, just here to deliver a message, it's like this, please~"

Suddenly, black blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ling Fengyu hugged him into his arms, and then poured his inner energy into it.

However, the heart has been dissolved and is useless.

These internal elements merely allow the person to finish the conversation.

"Looking for Luanyi~cough~" In the end, the whole body turned black, turning into black mud from Ling Fengyu's arms, slipping from Ling Fengyu's body, and the part that touched Ling Fengyu also passed quickly, without any impact on Ling Fengyu.

This is definitely not the person's own idea, because if it is his own idea, why are his eyes full of surprises.

Although he has no fear of death, he knows what it is like when there is an accident.

This kind of accident is definitely not something I can pretend.

"Killing people in front of my eyes, hahaha~ It seems that I can't ignore it."

After feeling the composition of this black mud, Ling Fengyu remembered this power.

"This token."

The body has become muddy, but the things outside the body are still there.

"Star Chess Sect?"

Is this person a disciple of the Star Chess Sect?

"Well, let's go to the Star Chess Sect first, no, first look for Luanyi, because this person is looking for me because of Luanyi."

Such a situation appeared beside Yi Yang at the same time.

The same is black mud.

But in order not to threaten the people around him, Yi Yang didn't contact that person, so he didn't even hear the word Luan Yi.


It is the same token, but it is a different token, it belongs to Baishoumen.

"Where is Baishou Gate?" Su Fufang asked.

"Baishoumen is at the junction of the second-tier boundary and the first-tier boundary." Yi Yang knows where it is?

"But, Yiyang, isn't Baishoumen?" Mei Xiangyuan thought of something.

"En." Yi Yang nodded slightly.

"What? What happened?"

"The Baishou Gate was swallowed up by a cracked gully a year ago due to changes in the ground veins. At that time, it was said that it was to celebrate the birthday of the Supreme Elder, so almost everyone in the Baishou Gate was in the sect, and the entire army was wiped out. "

Mei Xiangyuan explained.

completely annihilated···

What about this person?

Su Fufang was puzzled, she frowned.

It seems like someone is targeting them.

Maybe it was aimed directly at Yi Yang.

In fact, the time point of the change is around the time point when Ling Fengyu defeated the scaled beast.

It's no coincidence that a book cannot be made.

Or maybe these aren't coincidences at all.

But a series of conspiracies?


Yi Yang thought about it.

He laughed suddenly.

"Mei Xiangyuan, you've seen a lot, I want to know what's more important recently?"

"My knowledge is not as long as my hair. If you want to talk about something important, it is the Star Chess Sect's Xing Luo Qi Conference."

Mei Xiangyuan explained things like Xingluoqi.

"Oh? It seems that we have to go to the third-order land first." After thinking about it, Yi Yang came up with such an answer.

"Go to the third step~"

Mei Xiangyuan was a little hesitant, after all her family was in the third rank, although his elder sister was betrothed to Meishan Town, which was under the sphere of influence of the Tianyang Army.

Thinking that it will take some time, but Yi Yang has not been to the third level and needs to be reviewed, Mei Xiangyuan still decides to go to the border now.

Yi Yang's heart and soul for the king of Shu, those matters were pushed to the end.

Over and over again.

I really don't know if it will have any important impact.

But even if something happens, Yi Yang can't predict the future.

Because I don't know what the King of Shu thinks.

Is he also from the Monster Race, a traitor from the Human Race?

It's not right, because the Sky Demon King at that time was the enemy of the human race and the traitor of the demon race.

And so cruelly transformed his own child into that look.

Although Yi Yang has never met the Sky Demon King, but considering the current situation, he is extremely disgusted with the Sky Demon King.

So, these things can be postponed?

Can't it?

Indeed not.

But so what?

How to do?

Again there are no clues to use.

Just have to wait.

"Who are you? Trespassing on the barracks, and going one step further, you will be dealt with by military law!"

The soldiers at the gate stopped Mi Lan.

"Okay, okay, stop now." Mi Lan opened her fan to fan herself.Seeing that the soldiers were no longer at war, Mi Lan continued.

"I'm here to look for your general. I told General Zhong Liang that his friend Yi Yanyan recommended me to come."

General Zhongliang?

"How can I trust you!" The soldier was dubious.

"Well, tell Zhongliang, thirty and a half miles to the east."

"Here~ I'll go talk to the general."

A soldier enters it.

Waited a long time.

Changed soldiers.

"How to say?"

"General Yu said that at this time tomorrow, he will be waiting for you outside Xiangdong Shili Pavilion."

At this time tomorrow, head east to Shili Pavilion.


Mi Lan leaves.

next day,

Mi Lan had been waiting there long ago.

Zhong Liang was almost late.

He came alone.

Zhong Liang looked at the refreshments and bitter tea that had been prepared.

Tea is full.

But the teacup in front of Zhongliang was full.

It shows that Mi Lan really came to Zhong Liang because of a trivial matter.

"Mingyu and Renyu, which side do you belong to?" Mi Lan still turned her back to Zhongliang.

Renyu, Mingyu.

No matter which side.

Neither is a good thing.

Because they are all on top of high-rise buildings, they didn't listen to the insects' language.

Can't hear it, or say it~

"I neither belong to Mingyu nor Renyu." Zhong Liang drank the tea in his cup.


What else?

"Then which side are you from?"

"I belong to General Xiayu, the parachutist of the Tianyang Army."

"General Yu, I thought you had defected to the Banner Army."

"Hahaha~ General Yu is a military position to the Banner Army, but to me, it's just a name, Yu Zhongliang."

Oh, General Yu, that’s just a name.

People in the world only know General Yu of King Jingqi, but not Yu Zhongliang.

"Although they are all General Jade, my General Jade is much better than the opponent, and the quality of the troops in my hand is much higher. I made these all step by step!"


Yu Zhongliang couldn't help but be proud, because he had promoted his position to this point in just a few years, and he didn't rely on the methods of the big bosses at all.

It was all obtained after he hunted down the remnants of the Chiyang Army and fought against the warlords of the North and the South.

"The map of Zeguo Jiangshan entering the battle,

Shengmin He Ji Le Qiao Su.

According to Jun Mo's words, seal the marquis' affairs,

One will succeed and all will die. "

After reading a poem, Mi Lan turned around.

"This poem is for you."

"Then I'm sorry if I don't say a song?

The picture of bloody battle is invisible,

The broken halberd sinks into the sand to wrap the soul of the corpse.

Beacon March has no family book,

Soldiers guarding the fertile land of death. "

What do you mean?

It means that the whole world is in the flames of war, and there is no place that can be said to be a paradise.

These soldiers, they chose to become soldiers, dedicated their lives to everyone, opened up the frontier and expanded the land, shocked the small ones in the rear, and gave back to the earth with their dead bodies until they died, forming a fertile soil.

In fact, there were several more sentences, but Yu Zhongliang did not continue.

Because four sentences are enough, otherwise it would be too redundant to say seven or eight hundred words all at once.

"I think you are familiar with a few lines in this thousand-character poem." Yu Zhongliang asked back.

Mi Lan nodded slightly.

How could he not be familiar with it?

This poem was written to those in power when he was playing around in the Banner Army.

It roughly means that the soldiers are working hard for the people living in the territory, whether they open the border or guard it.

Instead of fighting against the outside world all the time, using war to support war.

"We will never be fellow travelers. Behind me is Tianyang, and behind you are practitioners who plunder and do not produce. Oh, one more word, those aristocratic families who accumulate wealth are not good things."

It can be seen that Yu Zhongliang is somewhat ambitious.

Contradictions exist all the time.

How could Mi Lan not know?

The Zongmen occupied the best land for cultivation, while casual cultivators occupied part of it, so who would consider for those who cannot cultivate?


In the military world, basically no one.

They were born to fight.

Regardless of warlords or sects and other cultivators.

Perhaps the critical dynasty is the best answer under the rules of this world.

But even in such a small place, those weak sects are thinking of occupying it, turning the people in the dynasty into their slaves.

Desire is really deformed and never-ending.

"Now it seems that you are not a member of Sanshen."

Mi Lan spoke bluntly, in fact, this sentence was also a test.

"Three ginseng? Oh, you mean that old man, he got the news yesterday that he died."


This character who hadn't appeared on the stage died so easily?real or fake.

Mi Lan was shocked for the first time.

"Yes, I didn't meet you in time yesterday because I received his obituary."


It's really a ring.

Mi Lan didn't believe that San Shen was dead, she thought that San Shen just concealed herself.

It is turning light into darkness.

It is estimated that something big is about to come out.

However, you still have to concentrate on your own affairs.

"If nothing happens, I'm going back."

"Walk slowly, don't send."

Say yes.

In the end, the two appeared in the barracks at the same time.

"This matter, let's do it like this, but there is a conflict between me and Shuigen. Even if we want to agree with each other while reserving differences, we still need a middleman. I think besides Sanyang, we also need an impartial outsider, that is you!"

Yu Zhongliang said.

Who is Sanyang?

It's just burning.

The use of nicknames indicates close words, indicating that there is an intention to improve the relationship.

However, there are irreconcilable contradictions between the two, the life of Shui Sheng and the contradictions between the family and the country.

The former can be explained as you found out the inner ghost, but what about the latter?Absolutely impossible to adjust.

Yu Zhongliang also wanted to invite Mi Lan into the barracks to have a meal together, but Mi Lan disagreed, he was not happy to eat.

Because he is afraid of being hot and cold, how can there be such patiently warm and cool food in the military camp.

"The matter is over, go find Yi Yanyan." Mi Lan knew in her heart that it was not because the matter was over, but because the matter was broken and a new breakthrough was needed.

He will definitely pursue the matter of Sanshen.

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