Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 121 Bird of Prey


Xiaoqian looked at the few people who were slowly walking towards her.

The leader turned out to be Princess Huaique, whom she despised.

The sparrows I saw before were just little girls with underage psychology in the mind of a little woman.

Now it seems that everything is fake.

Xiaoqian has an intuition that what is going to happen today will not be easily resolved.

"Miss, Princess Huaique of Emperor Huai's Mansion of the Qian Dynasty is here." A maid said outside the boudoir.

"Well, please come in."

It's just that Xiaoqian put on a little makeup.

"The taste here."

Ghost sparrow also doesn't like the smell of Xiaoqian's boudoir, the rotten smell covered by all kinds of strong fragrances.

Ghost Sparrow subconsciously covered his nose.

Then, after taking a quick look at Xiaoqian, she quickly put it down again.

Xiaoqian sees everything.

She smiled, wondering why so many people didn't like the smell here?

She doesn't understand, really doesn't understand.

Ling Fengyu is like this, Nong Chaosheng is like this, Yun Haishen is like this, and now even girls like Guique are like this.

"Princess Huaique, Master Yun, come on~"

"Just call me by my name."

"Then call me Mr. Nong. The three of you please sit down. Go and heat up a pot of fragrant tea."

"Yes, the servant will go here."

Drink all the tea.

"What is the princess looking for Xiaoqian?"

Xiaoqian took the initiative to ask.

"Mainly this thing."

Ghost Sparrow actually took out the hairpin.

"Does the princess want to auction this hairpin?"

"No, I need that kind of hairpin in your hand."


Both Yun Haishen and Nong Chao Sheng had question marks on their heads.

I don't understand.

Where did this start again.

"Oh? Your lord princess said that there are indeed hairpins, but they were just bought randomly from the shop. If your lord princess likes them, Xiaoqian will go and get them."

"Hahaha," Ghost Sparrow suddenly smiled.

"What is the princess laughing at?"

"The bird of prey flies to the ground, and the black kite is hidden in the snow mountain."

After reading this line of verse, Xiaoqian became quiet.

Birds of prey, ferocious birds.

Mo Yuan, a black falcon, is also a ferocious bird.

However, the ones on the hairpin are obviously scale-like creatures.

Are you talking about Osprey?

"My lord, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Xiaoqian's voice trembled a little, an uncontrollable tremor.

"No, you understand, because this hairpin didn't belong to you originally, but it was given to you by a man. Brother Ling told me about it." Ghost Sparrow's eyes were so serious, so, um ~ Not like the original her.


Xiaoqian sighed slightly.

"The hairpin, I threw it away."

"Huh!" The mocking laughs were from Nong Chaosheng and Yun Haishen at the same time.

Combining the impression of the past, and the act of throwing away the hairpin.

The two people's impression of Xiaoqian has changed rapidly.

"Hahaha~" Ghost Sparrow suddenly laughed wildly.

"It seems that Miss Xiaoqian doesn't like to tell the truth today."

A kind of coldness that cannot be expressed by the voice, not as deep as the sea of ​​clouds and not as deep as the tide, but it can still make people feel the chill.

"No, the princess misunderstood me."

"It's not a matter of misunderstanding or not. Since I can't open my heart to explain some words today, then, let's change the time. Tomorrow, I will hold a reception in Tianfenglou for all businessmen who are doing business in the Qian Dynasty. Miss Xiaoqian is too. Among the ranks I invited, I hope that Miss Xiaoqian will show her face."

Pretty standard threatening words.

"Okay, since it is the princess's invitation, I will naturally come." Xiaoqian said softly.

"Since that's the case, then the princess is leaving. No need to send it off."


In the phoenix chariot.

Yun Haishen asked: "Que'er, was the you before you the real you?"

"Yeah, what you men can do, why should I use my brain? This matter is related to me, and Ling Fengyu and you are just providing military help."

"May I ask a question." Nong Chaosheng interrupted.

"go ahead."

"What is the meaning of this~ bird of prey flying to the ground, black kite hidden in the snow mountain?"

"Hehe, I have to ask Ling Fengyu about this. Brother Ling just mentioned such a sentence at the beginning, and I wrote it down as a good poem, and didn't go into it." Guique told the truth.

Well, Ghost Sparrow still didn't take everything into consideration, and no matter how shrewd and meticulous a person is, it's impossible to cover everything.

"Hmm~ Birds of prey and black kites both refer to ferocious birds, while the ground line should mean the sea, and the snow mountain is the high mountain, so it should be there."


When Yun Haishen said this, he became a riddler.


Nong Chaosheng and Guique didn't continue to ask.

Lingyan Mountain.

Yun Haishen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Do you want to go to Lingyan Mountain to investigate?

I have all the fragments of the Qian Dynasty on my body, and staying here can be regarded as a target of public criticism.

You might as well leave alone and avoid Mo Rufang for a while.

"Neng Chaosheng, can you be a security guard?"

"Bao, security?"

"Yeah, here to protect the sparrow for a while."

"Okay, this is the number for ordinary people."

"Ordinary people? Does that mean I have to spend more money?" After all, Yun Haishen understands the tricks of Chaosheng. Doesn't this mean that if you invite me, you have to pay more?

"It's dangerous to be around the sparrow, and you need to pay more."


"No, little sea cucumber, I can do it by myself."

"No, if in the past, Ling Fengyu and I would feel at ease when you went out alone, but now it's no longer possible. I used murderous aura, and Ling Fengyu also attracted the attention of the outside cultivation world. These unreasonable people can't beat me and Ling Fengyu I will definitely target you."

Yun Haishen's eyes were filled with worry and sorrow.

There is no way, who told the sparrow not to practice well is on the cusp of the storm again.

"Okay then. Nong Chaosheng, I'll hire you now."

Sparrow said.

"Okay, this number." The number that Nongchao wrote was more than half less than the one at the beginning.

"Hey~ are you playing with me?" Yun Hai broke his defense deeply.

"Isn't this kind of transaction without a clearly marked price just allowing the seller to bid randomly?" Nong Chaosheng asked with a smile.


Yun Haishen's words were held back.

Okay, you are amazing, I am not as good as you.

Rolled his eyes.

This movement is exactly the same as that of a sparrow. If it is true, the difference is that each has its own nature, and it is not a deliberate parody.

Inside Huaiwang Mansion.

The sea of ​​clouds was deep, and after explaining a few words to Yu Niang, she left in a hurry, and the guard beside Guique was replaced by Nong Chaosheng.

After these days, Yu Niang has also aged a bit.

"Miss, breakfast is ready."

"Oh, Grandma Yu, it's already afternoon." Guique reluctantly picked up a bowl of hot porridge and placed it on the table.

And took Yu Niang's hand and said: "Grandma Yu, let's go to the garden to enjoy the flowers."

"Hey, enjoy the flowers, enjoy the flowers."

Looking at the porridge, Nong Chaosheng smiled slightly.

He sprinkled some fish floss on the porridge, and the heat stimulated the fragrance of the fish floss, attracting wild cats hiding everywhere.

Why did Nong Chaosheng do this?

Just before, Yan Miao and others did not eat any food brought by Yu Niang, even Ling Fengyu tasted it.

Is there something wrong with this girl?

No one understands.

Fortunately, Nongchao students are still rational, and choose one person to do it, and ignore others.

Anyway, the reason at that time is, ah, I like to serve porridge with fish floss, so what, I am still the personal guard of the princess.

Can't you not protect her at any time for the sake of stuttering?And who ever wanted to be gluttonized by wild cats.

No other reason can be found.

Everyone has their own tasks and missions.

It's just that this person in front of him is an exception.


In short, if you don't look at the face and only look at the body, you can't tell a man or woman, unless you talk, well, even if you talk, um~ it can't be said to be completely correct.

In short, the feeling of giving people is neither yin nor yang, unless you show your true self.

So pure and inaction, isn't it some idle cloud and wild crane?

Under the bamboo hat is a silent face.

He was obviously only on top of a snow-capped mountain, but he was holding a fishing rod, and the fishing line tied to it was swaying in the wind instead of being vertical.

What is this fishing for?

It is the unpredictable wind, the unpredictable human heart, and the unstoppable thoughts.

step, step, step

It was the sound of deliberate footsteps.

He is the master of Lin Li and Ling Fengyu.

Maple Hongye, and a stranger.

flat voice.

"Unconsciously, let me introduce you, this is Lin Li."

Ling Fengyu's master's real name is Feng Hongye.It seems that this name is a collection of death flags. After all, the maple leaves are red and the waiting ending can only fall to become the nourishment for the coming year.

"Lin Li? The surname is Lin." Unknowingly, he inserted the fishing rod into the rock and stood up, shaking the snow off his body.

This series of actions is very familiar, isn't this the action of Ling Fengyu?

"If I didn't know you before I found Ling Fengyu, I would suspect that you are Ling Fengyu's biological father."

"Hahaha, don't make such ethical jokes when outsiders are around. Besides, they are all people who like fishing. Isn't it normal to have similar habits?"

Say so too.

Unconsciously, he took off his hat.

He is a very refined and mature man.

And this temperament seems to be a very wise existence.

"God doesn't notice? What does it have to do with God's displeasure?"

Lin Li asked with a smile.

"Well~ The relationship between the two of us is a bit complicated. If you are willing to listen, you can talk about it."

"Hahaha, you can listen to it, but the most important thing today is that Feng Hongye said that a batch of old wine has matured and wants to unseal it with me and you. I have also prepared a kind of food suitable for snow mountains. Please Two tastings."

"Oh? Is that so? It seems that you are very familiar with Feng Hongye." Unknowingly, she was happy that she was about to eat something good.



Hahaha, the hearty laughter of the three big men almost caused an avalanche.

That night.

A hut in continuous wind and snow.

Candlelight flickers the figure is fat.

Three men sat around a small table, enjoying a small warm hot pot and old wine.

What's in the pot?

Dilong, ground tiger is the mutton soup cited by Tang, and the soup tastes extremely delicious.

"There's meat too."

Lin Li took out a bulging sheep belly from the ashes beside him.

Nei Yuan was cut open with a sharp knife, and it was a belly full of blood, but the meat was also extremely tender, not like the meat quality that an old sheep should have.

"Mmm~ not bad, not bad, it's delicious. Puff~um~ha~" There was a sharp drinking sound, and one could tell that it was an old god in wine.

I didn't expect that Shen Bujue, who felt gentle and elegant when meeting for the first time, also had such an unknown face.

"So, this time it's not as simple as drinking and eating."

Three tours of wine, food, and, uh, one.

The discourse also unfolded.

"Quiet and want to move, in fact, those little bastards are busy with their own affairs, and then we should have our own things to complete, right?"

Maple Red Leaf Road.

In fact, the combination of Shen Bujue and Feng Hongye's character is Ling Fengyu, even though Ling Fengyu has never met Shen Bujue.

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