"What can we do? Hehe, we are getting old." Shen Bujue said so.

"Are you old?" Feng Yehong smiled and took a sip of her wine.

Looks like he's in his prime.

"It's very old, this Lin Li should know us, how many years have passed, old, cough cough~ cough! cough! cough!"

Unknowingly, he coughed twice on purpose.

"Stop pretending, you are the only one in the best physical condition among the few of us."

Feng Hongye said with a smile.

Lin Li felt the physical condition of the two, well, it was exactly as Feng Hongye said.

However, God doesn't realize that his real physical age is definitely not the prime of life as he is now.

It's the dying years.

However, this dying year is relative.

"Actually, responsibilities and obligations are the mutual manifestation of a person's self-cognition, just like this glass of wine."

Lin Li raised his wine glass.

"Some people can taste the absolute bitterness, some people can taste the sweetness of Lingquan, some people can taste the sourness and color, and some people can taste the bitterness first and then the sweetness, this is The difference between people has nothing to do with what you think is right, but it may be wrong for others, and imposing what you think on others can easily make people feel that you are torturing him.”

What Lin Li said was a compromise, he did not offend any party.

"Well~ well, it seems that we have to do something, let's discuss it slowly and see who is right."

"As long as the direction is correct, the problem will become clearer and clearer."

A wise man is rational, and simple words can understand.

Lin Li's words made it clear.

The three chatted casually first.

Because of certain relationships, the three have different comrade-in-arms relationships.

So they were able to chat happily, and Shen Bujue knew what kind of existence Lin Li was, and Lin Li also knew the subtle relationship between Shen Bujue and that God unhappy.

"You mean, can I invite you down the mountain tomorrow?"

Three parties, no, it should be said that after the talks between two and a half parties, Feng Hongye was still unwilling to give up, and wanted to make God unhappy come out of the mountain, not to mention, when monitoring Ling Fengyu, this own disciple met Lin Li, who was very powerful. Strong existence, and I have a certain amount of confidence to do things that were not done at the time.

"My disciples are busy with the things we didn't finish at that time, the legacy of the Gui family, the internal and external troubles of the dynasty, and elders like us, shouldn't we be the first role models?"

"You still said that the Gui clan, if you didn't pay attention to your injuries at the time, causing me to knock you unconscious and take you away, I wouldn't have made it into what it is now, allowing the Gui clan to live on for so many years because how many people have you killed?"

In order to abide by certain rules, they cannot directly attack the Gui clan now.

Also because of such a feeling of remorse suppressed in her heart, Ling Fengyu's initiative to confront the Gui clan sparked some hope in Fengyehong, so Fenghongye was very motivated at this time.

"No! Look at you."

Unconsciously, she suddenly raised Feng Hongye's cuffs, and as a result, the gold and jade were ruined.

Similar to twisted scars after being burned by fire and then plucked.

This is just a part, there are more places.

Almost all of them are scars like this except for the exposed part.

"What's this?"

Maple Hongye withdrew her hand and covered the scar.

The expression on his face was still flat.

That's probably why Ling Fengyu's cold taste came about.

The current Ling Fengyu is imitating so much, he needs an opportunity to evolve.

Perhaps it will not be possible to change completely until the injuries on his body disappear completely.

"Feng Yehong, your internal energy should not have improved during this period of time. And the internal energy that can be mobilized now is only the slightest, because the rest of the internal energy generated is to keep itself from collapsing. Am I right? .”

Lin Li said with a smile.


This is indeed the case.

So Maple Leaf Red's strength is relative, I don't think it is very strong.

"Look, with your current body and strength, not to mention enemies, I'm afraid even your own disciples can fight you a few tricks now."

Even Ling Fengyu can fight him?

There is indeed something to be said about this old injury, and it is so serious that I don't know what adjective to use.

"You look like this, letting you walk alone is our greatest relief. Really, do you still want to make trouble?"

God rolled his eyes unconsciously.

"Hahaha, it's better to have close friends. Someone can worry about you, worry about you and find a way for you. Unlike me, I have always been alone throughout the ages."

This is awkward.

Because I am alone, many things will be taken for granted and not fully considered.

Let these old guys who can't keep up with the times discuss it here, really, it's still something young people should read.

this day.

The sea of ​​clouds was deep and Ling Fengyu came to Lingyan Mountain one step at a time.

But today there are people.

However, it is the enemy.

When Yun Haishen walked up Lingyan Mountain slowly.

Xingyuehan was waiting for him.

"It's you, Xingyuehan!"

Yun Haishen directly drew out the Moon Shadow Sword.

No other verbal thoughts at all.

"You guys, are you okay?"

Xingyuehan, who had been looking at Bingquan Lake before, turned around.

"What is good?" Yun Hai was puzzled.

"Not long after Ling Fengyu left, you came here, and you didn't let people practice meditation."

Xingyuehan said impatiently.

"Oh, it seems that Ling Fengyu of our family really connects with me."

Yun Haishen breathed a sigh of relief at the moment, think about it, Ling Fengyu was the one who uttered that line, and it must have been because of Ling Yanshan.

So it makes sense to be able to investigate, but Yun Haishen still doesn't know what Ling Fengyu came here for.

Definitely not in the same mind as Yun Haishen.

"You smile like this. Do you want to fight?" Xing Yuehan also took out his sword.

"It turned out that I didn't want to fight, but seeing you raised your sword, then I really want to make gestures with you again."

"Oh? Interesting."

Well, people in the Jianghu like to draw swords and draw swords when they disagree with each other.

The internal energy of the two had already been poured into the sword, and it was short of a hand-to-hand combat.

at this time.

"If you want to fight or fight, you really shouldn't be in Lingyan Mountain."

Ling Fengyu, who had not been away for a long time, stood proudly in front of everyone in a few steps.

"Ling Fengyu?" One was surprised, and the other was surprised.But they were all talking about Ling Fengyu's name.

"Okay, okay, both of you, take your swords away, is that okay?"

Ling Fengyu exerted his strength with both hands, holding the swords of everyone on both sides with their two fingers.

The output of power is mainly aimed at Xingyuehan, because the other side is Yunhaishen, my family.

On the one hand, Yun Haishen has been gradually withdrawing his strength after Ling Fengyu appeared, on the other hand, Xingyuehan has some feelings for Ling Fengyu.

So there has been no withdrawal of strength, what's more, some more strength has been output secretly.

However, Ling Fengyu didn't take it seriously, he just moved slightly to force Xingyuehan to take back the sword slowly.

"Can the two of you leave Lingyan Mountain?" Ling Fengyu asked?

"Oh? Why? This Lingyan Mountain is not a land with an owner~" Xingyuehan said.

"Oh~ is it?"

Ling Fengyu's footsteps moved slightly, and a natural wind blew up, and the muddy water on the side of the ice spring lake was separated, as if someone sprayed it with a high-pressure water gun.

What was revealed inside was a boundary marker that had been polluted by muddy water for many years.

"Chen Li's gray stone engraved a noble book on the black dead tree on the left side of the ice lake Chaoyang six feet to record the misty rain as a boundary marker. Sometimes migratory birds fly in the sky after autumn, and they are fresh in front of Li Ziyan. Gushan is called Lingyan Mountain. The lake is like jadeite, It's as cold as a cold wind, and the water is like a spring of ice."

Well, it seems that the current Lingyan Mountain and Bingquan Lake are owned by the owner.

"How do you know this?"

Yun Hai asked deeply.

"Because. These words were written when I was a child. It can be said that I am the owner of this Lingyan Mountain. Of course, I only established it after all the cold jade was mined. Even if I don't come these years Seeing that few people come up to play, today is also very fate, you two came here at once."

. . .

Well, Yun Haishen really doesn't know this.

So the words at that time were just out of emotion?

Isn't there something deep in it?

Am I thinking too much?

Yun Haishen couldn't help scratching his head at this moment.

"Since it is your land, can you let me practice here for a while? I need to use the cold air here to stabilize my realm."

Xing Yuehan lost his temper, because he is also sensible, knowing when to make a fuss and when not to make a fuss.

"The cold here is not suitable for the physique of most people." Ling Fengyu didn't remind me kindly, but told the truth.

"No problem. This is what I requested." Xing Yuehan didn't care.

He didn't notice that the cold air had penetrated into his body at all.

"It's fine, anyway, I'm just clearing up my relationship, so don't get involved with me when something goes wrong." Ling Fengyu shrugged, "However, I can't let you stay here today, I still have things to do. You can come at this time tomorrow, and the little sea cucumber, if you have something to do, you have to wait until tomorrow."

Ling Fengyu's tone could not be refused.

There was no intention of negotiating.

"Okay." Yun Haishen naturally wouldn't refute, this kind of person can tell at a glance that the other party is in a bad mood, so don't let anyone bother him.

Xing Yuehan took a deep look at Ling Fengyu and left slowly.

Only Ling Fengyu remained.

Actually nothing happened.

It's just because Xingyuehan was there, there were outsiders, so he couldn't tell the truth, and he couldn't let Xingyuehan see what was going on.

I had no choice but to get the two of them away because I still had something to do here.

"Alright alright."

Ling Fengyu said it several times.

I don't know where the flagon was turned over.

The flagon contained high-grade spirits, a treasure that Ling Fengyu didn't want to taste.

"Back then, the teacher's rule was not to drink alcohol. You and I, one old and one young, had one wine and one sorrel. I had a gourd and you a pot. We forgot the years and were happy. But now, it seems that you can't drink what you want. Wine."

Ling Fengyu just took a sip.

All the rest of the wine was poured on the boundary marker.

Then lit, the flame of alcohol not so beautiful, just flickering, providing redundant, useless warmth.

"You like this place, and your child likes it because of you, but your child's apprentice doesn't." Ling Fengyu murmured.

"I'm really sorry." Ling Fengyu heaved a sigh of relief, "Because I let you die."

It seems that Ling Fengyu still has some unknown stories.

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