The voice kept echoing in this peach blossom garden, but well, there was only echo left.

Nothing works.

Well, it looks like people really aren't here.

Is it true what the person in disguise said, that Yan Yu went out on business, and Yan Yu sneaked out because she didn't want to be lonely.

Hmm~ well, it should be.

Well, now I have to go to the place where the smoke is retreating to take a look.

See how long you've been away.

Therefore, Ling Fengyu stopped staying and went to the predetermined place.

After splitting a tree.

A stone door that seemed to have been left untouched for a long time was revealed.

Ling Fengyu put his hand on the stone gate, and this stone gate on the mountain wall greedily absorbed Ling Fengyu's internal energy.

It even wanted to directly absorb Ling Fengyu's own energy across the internal energy.

But how could Ling Fengyu, who was familiar with everything here, not know about Shimen's greed.

As soon as the attribute of the inner element was changed, the murderously cold temperature made Shimen stunned for a moment. It stopped sucking Ling Fengyu's inner element. After a short while of silence, the Shimen slowly opened.

The cold air continued to escape from inside.

Ling Fengyu stepped into it again.

What a power.

It's cold but not so cold, as if gradually robbing people's body temperature without knowing it.

Such erosion is the most dangerous.

Assimilated without knowing it, people finally deprive people of their own culture and die meaninglessly.

All right.

Nobody inside.

The futons used for meditation are absolutely clean, new futons, the ones that have never been used.

New, this kind of news made Ling Fengyu feel that something big had happened.

"It seems that something terrible happened here, and I have to find a way to solve it!"

While speaking, Ling Fengyu withdrew from the inside.

With a wave of his hand, the stone door closed.

The stone door cannot be opened from the inside, but it can be opened from the outside. Once someone enters and someone outside closes the stone door, then the inside cannot be opened anyway, unless it is forcibly destroyed, but as far as the current situation is concerned, no one inside destroy.

And the deepest ice spring eye is an existence that even Ling Fengyu dare not enter easily.

So, there was no one.

Then, Ling Fengyu's deduction is that the smoke was taken away by Misty Rain.

That being the case, Ling Fengyu had to find other ways to find this team of masters and apprentices.


Where to look?

"Well, let's go back to the Qian Dynasty first. Things are prioritized. Misty Rain is also very strong. At least there shouldn't be any major problems."

When Ling Fengyu was lucky enough to arrive at Misty Yu's residence.

It's normal, no one, but something caught Ling Fengyu's attention,

An old hairpin.

The style is like the hairpin of a sparrow.

But the animal image on it is slightly different.

It can only be said to be the same kind of hairpin.

Ling Fengyu didn't notice such a hairpin before, maybe it was obtained by Yanyu in the time after Ling Fengyu left, but if it is inserted on the facade like this, even if there is no so-called wind and sun, it will be weathered.

So, was it by accident?

Ling Fengyu touched the hairpin, and a tiny electric current was transmitted from Ling Fengyu's fingertips into his body.

Slightly numb.

This is not the power of the exercises that Misty Rain possesses.

"problem occurs!"

The plan really can't keep up with the changes.

Ling Fengyu had no choice but to look for Misty Rain first.

Slightly squinting eyes looked at the glowing crystals in the distance.

is it you?

The smell of lightning.

Hehe, hahaha~

The killing intent was soaring, what was gripped tightly in his hand was no longer a sword, but the man's throat.

Ling Fengyu's thought at the moment was to kill someone.

Crazy to kill.

And in the Qian Dynasty.

Calmly outrageous.

The storm is coming.

"Zhu Haiqing, Bai Muliao, why are you two staying in Huai Wang's mansion all this time?"

"Because I'm now the counselor of Princess Huaique. As for Bai Mulian, what about you?"

Zhu Haiqing smiled slightly.

"As a proton, a proton that gives the two countries a good chance to form an alliance." Bai Mulio said with a smile.

Shiraki has given back several reasons, but he will never leave the essence of the relationship between the two countries.

In the eyes of outsiders, it just adds a little more freshness to the words.

"Forget it, I can't tell you clearly, and I have no reason to talk to you. Princess, do you like it?" Nong Chaosheng took out a set of magnificent armor.

"Oh? How do you know that today is my birthday? Did you give me a birthday present?" Ghost Sparrow covered his shocked mouth.

"Hehe, we are just business partners, how could we just buy you a birthday present?" Nong Chaosheng said with a smile.

"So, why send me?" Ghost Sparrow was no longer shocked.

"Because Ling Fengyu ordered it from me earlier, saying that you are just like that. You don't know how to practice well. As a brother, I can only find some external objects for you to defend yourself. This armor is a good one for me. The collection, Ling Fengyu bought it at an extremely high price, and said that if he went out on business, I would give it to him as a gift." Nong Chaosheng said with a smile.

Earlier, Ming Siyu returned the money, but Nongchaosheng had to find a reason to stay.

Hmm, why not stay here under the guise of Ling Fengyu's affairs?

So, today is the day.

"Is that so? Brother is really considerate."

Ghost Sparrow accepted it as a matter of course.

This girl is hopeless.

Everyone present, except Bai Muliao, was Fue and didn't know what to say.

Don't take the benefits others give you for granted.

"Looks like I'm a step too late?"

Yun Haishen came forward with a brocade box, followed by Mo Rufang and Lou Yueye.

"So, little sea cucumber, what will you give me?"

"good stuff."

The brocade box was opened, and the air breathed out, forming tiny but dense ice particles in the humid air.

"Cold Marrow Jade!" The well-informed Nong Chaosheng saw the extraordinaryness of the treasures in the brocade box at a glance.

"Yes, cold jade, Lingyan Mountain outside the extreme east, was rich in cold jade stones in the early years, and the only chalcedony in the [-] jade stones is cold jade, but as early as a hundred years ago, the cold jade of Lingyan Mountain It was picked clean."

It can be said that the cold marrow jade in the hands of the tide-gathering students is a priceless treasure.

Of course, it's just that things are rare and expensive, and it doesn't have much effect on cultivation. The most important effect is that summer is still cold, which is a kind of treasure for mortals who cannot cultivate.

It's summer after all.

For practitioners, it is the icing on the cake.

It's just that there is no place to mine it now, and it is out of print, so it has some value for collection.

It's good to give it to the sparrow, she doesn't work hard to cultivate, she really needs this kind of thing.

"Thank you brother."

When Guique was about to hug him, Yun Haishen dodged like Ling Fengyu.

"Okay, for the time being, you have grown up, so don't hug people casually."

"I won't." Ghost Sparrow said rebelliously.

She hugged Lou Yueye easily.

"Forget it, forget it, even if you are my elder brother in the future, I won't let you hug me. I only want the warm embrace of my sisters."


Well, everyone is a woman, which can be regarded as reassuring Yun Hai.

"Okay, I have another main purpose for coming here." Nong Chaosheng forcefully interrupted the flirting of everyone.

"what's up?"

"Is such that."

According to the records about the inner sea found by Nong Chaosheng.

Several drainage ditches need to be built to ensure that more water from the inland sea flows into the eastern ocean, so that disaster losses can be minimized.

"It is true that most of the influences of the external cultivation world have been resolved, but natural disasters have also been put on the table."

"How to say?"

Nong Chaosheng looked at Yunhaishen instead of Guique.


Yun Hai gave two deep embarrassing laughs.

Well, Lou Yueye saw that Yun Haishen didn't have any good strategies at the moment.

"Let me tell you."

Lou Yueye spoke loudly.


Lou Yueye's plan does not need to be stated explicitly, it is directly a replica of Ling Fengyu's plan.

It's just that one is at the Qian Dynasty's home court, and the other is at the Kun Dynasty's home court.

"Isn't this Ling Fengyu's plan?" Nong Chaosheng said with a smile, "Okay, okay, I'll tell you everything about Ling Fengyu's plan."

"The perfect plan is the same, Que'er, you should know how to do it, right?"

Yunhai smiled deeply and looked at the sparrow.

This can be regarded as misfortune.

"Understood. Zhu Haiqing." Ghost Sparrow became a little more serious.

"I'm here."

"Integrate all obedient sects and start digging canals. Only you who are smart can unify all sects."


"Shiraki." Ghost Sparrow looked at Shirley.

"Here I am."

"Can I trust you?"

"We now share common interests."

"Okay, go back to the Kun Dynasty and find Yufeng and Duan Yuanhui. Aren't they ready to dig the canal? It's up to you to wait for the part that borders the Qian Dynasty and the Kun Dynasty to be dug through."

"It's not a difficult task, let's go right away."

It seems that if the sparrow wants to be serious, it can still do things perfectly.

"Sister Lou."

Ghost Sparrow asked suddenly.

"Why, do I have a job too?" Lou Yueye joked.

"Yes, you and Sister Mo need to go to the source of the inner sea to see the current water situation, and then tell Zhu Haiqing the change of the water situation as quickly as possible. Is it possible?"


"Finally, Brother Yun."

"Count me in?"

Yunhaishen was surprised.


Ghost Sparrow, nodded seriously.

"Come with me to Meiling and meet this woman Xiaoqian."


This is strange, what kind of idea is Ghost Sparrow this time.

The weird smile on the corner of his mouth made Nong Chaosheng feel that the ghost sparrow before was just pretending to deceive anyone.

"what about me?"

Nong Chaosheng became a little interested.

"If you don't mind, come with me and Brother Yun."

What kind of crooked idea is this sparrow playing?

Many people frowned.

Because this plan is not the same as the impression of Ghost Sparrow before.

It can be said that it is very different.

"Brother Ling said that love can be true, but other than that, the truest self will always be hidden."

This sentence is enough.

It turned out that the ghost sparrow had been acting, but it was too real, and no one in the crowd could tell whether it was true or not.

"No, Que'er, do you really have such deep scheming?"

I don't know why the sea of ​​clouds is deep.

"No, it's just that you can't rely on others, you can only rely on yourself."

This is true.

Not only right, but very right, you can hand over your back to others, but you cannot hand over your sword to others.

This is the difference.

"Okay, let's say it's pretty good."

The deep sea of ​​clouds ended the current topic.

Then they each complete their own tasks.

The side missions of the Dynasty should be solved soon.

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