"I've seen the pattern of this sword grid before."

Feng Fuyao looked at Ling Fengyu's waist.

"Did you mean this?"

Ling Fengyu untied it.

Then he hesitated and handed it to Feng Fuyao.

Seeing Ling Fengyu's hesitation, Feng Fuyao just smiled.

After confirming the lines on the sword grid, he quickly returned it to Ling Fengyu.

"I've seen similar lines in an ancient book."

Feng Fuyao recalled a little.

"Ancient books? How many years ago are the records?"

"About ten thousand years ago."

"Ten thousand years ago? Wasn't that when the Hundred Clans were still fighting?"

"Actually, it is said that it is a hundred clans, but it is actually an internal struggle among the human races. The human races evolved from a unified multiplication and formed different ethnic groups. The affairs of the world must be united after a long time. The war of the hundreds of clans began like this."

Feng Fuyao explained very concisely, most of which Ling Fengyu knew.

The civil war among the hundreds of clans is for the sake of fighting for the title of the human race.

What is the ending?

There is no ending, some people died, and then reintegrated into a unified human race.

Gui family, Feng family, surname.Bloodlines, etc. are no longer harsh from that time on.Hmm~ There are pros and cons, there are pros and cons.

"So, which race is this?" Ling Fengyu asked a very normal question.

"Well~ how do you explain it? Well, in fact, the way the book is described is different from the dictation and the pictures you see in person. When your business is over, I will take you to read that ancient book, and then you will know What is written on it?"

Feng Fuyao is very smart, he knows how much he says and how wrong he is, and the right amount of words is enough.

"So, it's a good choice."

Ling Fengyu re-attached the sword guard and placed it securely on his waist.

"Although it's a bit talkative, it's better to hide this sword grid, because there must be someone who knows the origin of the pattern on it. If someone covets the information on it, it will definitely cause trouble for you."

Feng Fuyao kept smiling, at such an age with such cultivation and so mature, he would be considerate, his future development is limitless.

What's more, his surname is Yun, unlike Ling who can take it at will without restriction.

Ling Fengyu just smiled and put the sword away.

"Actually, I often dream about the scene at that time." After seeing Ling Fengyu put it away, Feng Fuyao changed to another topic.


Ling Fengyu's team and Feng Fuyao's team chose the same path to enter.

Yes, that's right, the team.

Ling Ziying was entangled because of Ling Fengyu's indifference, and some people got impatient, so they forcibly gave Ling Ziying to Ling Fengyu, and a not weak existence even gave Ling Fengyu a rope to restrain Ling Ziying's skill.

He said that if he felt impatient, he would hang Ling Ziying up.

Well, that's why Lin Li was tied up when he saw Ling Ziying, that's where everything started.

This is also the reason why the members of Han Tianzong insisted that Ling Fengyu killed Feng Fuyao afterwards.

After all, I saw them enter together.

As everyone knows, in order to be 'alone' with Feng Fuyao, those two women dragged Feng Fuyao to a place with few people.

However, in order to be able to act alone, and to prevent those who are behind the scenes from making a move on him or Ling Ziying, Ling Fengyu is inseparable from Ling Ziying.

Let Ling Ziying stay away in order to catch up with him, not only protecting Ling Ziying, but also preventing Ling Ziying's voice from yelling in her ears.

Afterwards, except for going to Qianlingquan, I met again and I had never met before the first treatment.

In fact, some clues can be seen here. First of all, is Feng Fuyao from the Gale Wind Sect, and it has great potential, and the one who said these words is Han Tianzong, and it seems that he might kill people with a knife.

Anyway, Ling Fengyu was also smart, he didn't attack Han Tianzong directly, but attacked the shared things.

It was also thanks to Ling Fengyu that he went there, otherwise he would not have had the chance to save Feng Fuyao and the others.

These are all related.

"Actually, I'm quite unlucky. Even there, I can meet a woman who has been trapped for several years and has taken a fancy to me again. Sigh~"

Also, things have an extreme value at both ends, the closer to the extreme value, the worse it is, even more is not good, too little is not good.

Well, in fact, it’s like Ling Fengyu doesn’t have any, and Ling Ziying doesn’t count, but those who just blurted out to protect Ling Ziying don’t count.

This is another extreme value is not good.

"Yeah, meeting and following the same routine, and then falling in love with it, it would be too strange for outsiders to hear."

"I sometimes wonder if someone is secretly killing me."

Feng Fuyao seemed to have found someone to confide in.

He confided alone for a day until it was close to the setting sun.

Well, theoretically Feng Fuyao needs to treat Ling Fengyu to a good meal, but neither of them thought of this established etiquette.


A middle-aged man also came.

"Ah, Master."

The wind blowing master.

Ling Fengyu got up and saluted.


That is for people who are familiar with, and for the people in front of you now, you only need to salute.

The middle-aged salutes.His name is Yu Niezi, and that's his name.Alas~ I feel unworthy of him.

"Fuyao, you forgot etiquette again." After complimenting each other, Yu Niezi educated his apprentice.

"Oh, yes. Why did I forget this process." Feng Fuyao patted his head.

Then he said to Ling Fengyu: "According to the rules of the Gale Sect, I should invite you to taste the special products of my Gale Sect."

"Okay, let's go."

Say goodbye to Yu Niezi.

Feng Fuyao took Ling Fengyu to the canteen of the Gale Gate.

Well, it's quite big, it can hold four tables.

In fact, there are basically a few people entertained every day.

Because they all focus on cultivation, who would care about appetite? Apart from passing on cooking techniques, there seems to be no additional use.

"A Niang, A Niang." Feng Fuyao called.

Feng Fuyao's voice echoed in the brand-new cafeteria.

"This girl called A Niang went to the vegetable garden to get the freshest vegetables."

"How did you know."

Ling Fengyu pointed to the window for picking up vegetables, and there was a sign standing there.

The words on the sign are beautiful, and it is written like this - picked in the vegetable garden, and returned when the sun sets.

"Okay." Feng Fuyao ran out, "Just stand here and don't move around, I'll get it for you..."

After all, he is still a young man, he is in a hurry, and he is a good existence.

After seeing the layout clearly again, Ling Fengyu found a nearby table and sat down, then poured himself a cup of cool tea.

After all, it's late spring again.

"Your Excellency is Ling Fengyu?"

A few people who seemed to be about the same age as Feng Fuyao approached Ling Fengyu.

Judging by this attitude, I'm afraid they are here to find fault.

"I'm Ling Fengyu, but the title Your Excellency doesn't suit me. I'm just a Gentle Elder, so I came to your Gale Wind Sect. What's the matter? Don't you welcome me?" Ling Fengyu said indifferently.

It's just that talking with a blank face, I feel like I'm looking for a fight, but what can I do?The person in front of him can't let Ling Fengyu spend a lot of effort to change his facial muscles.

"It's not that you don't welcome it, it's just that the strong in the cultivation world are respected. It seems that your strength is not so respectable?"


Oh, yes, these people can't see through Ling Fengyu's strength and what they think is the realm.

"What you said makes sense to you, but it seems that something is missing, such as respecting the old and loving the young, such as respecting teachers and respecting morals, and respecting brothers and friends!"

The last word is the point.

If these are lost, then the vertical rules will be reduced by half.

"It is undeniable that everything you said does not include you, the old, the young and the disabled, master, senior brother and younger brother. These titles and responsibilities have nothing to do with you."

What an eloquent junior.

That's right, Ling Fengyu is indeed not from their Gale Wind Sect.

"So, what is the purpose of you coming to me? I don't have anything I can offer as a gift to the younger generation."

Good guy, you raised your seniority all of a sudden.

In connection with the above, the relationship between Feng Fuyao and Feng Fuyao is old, and now he says that the people in front of him are all juniors. Isn't this bluntly raising Feng Fuyao's seniority?

Maybe it was too straightforward, the few people in front of them knew what Ling Fengyu said without spending time thinking about it.

Good guy, isn't this saying that I am young and ignorant?


"You bastard!"

One impulsively slapped the table, intending to shatter it to show his anger and awe.

Ling Fengyu quickly pressed his hand on the table, and poured his inner essence into the wooden table.

The person slapped him with a palm, but he couldn't move at all. Is this strength?

Not power, but the control of power.

When it was photographed, it was known how much force was used, and then the same level of force was infused into the wooden table to counteract, so that it would not hurt the table and make people feel that their strength was too obvious.

In fact, there is still overflow, which shows that Ling Fengyu's judgment in the moment had an error. It may be that his output power is not enough, or it may be that his judgment is not accurate.

In short, it has not reached the most refined level, Ling Fengyu knows that he still needs to practice more to control his power.


A moment of doubt is enough for Ling Fengyu to do many things.

"The deterrence brought about by destruction will only make people have a greater counterattack and revenge."

The sentences are classic and every word is pearls.

Sometimes problems can be solved without fighting.

After all, you can solve the problem without fighting, so why bother?

"You are not my opponent."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"It is true that practice is the criterion for testing the truth, but what can you lose? If you kill you, your Gale Storm Sect will anger me because of your provocation, and you will apologize to me instead. If I am humiliated, come back When Elder Feng saw this scene, he couldn't hold back his face. Even if he was so smart, he wouldn't do anything to you in the open, but I don't need to say more about how you will be treated in Haifengmen in the future? There is also me. "Speaking of this, Ling Fengyu pointed at herself with her finger, "Several sects who share the spirit spring invited them together to restore the spirit spring. If something happens to me, how will you be treated? "

After all, it is full of Spring and Autumn brushwork, Ling Fengyu just doesn't want to beat people and kill people, it's too troublesome.

Several people were silent.

If it is true as what Ling Fengyu said, it seems that they are not good for them if they can't beat them, but they still feel that something is wrong.

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