Nong Chaosheng didn't need to open it to know which two women were inside.

So there is no need to open it, especially because the chaotic students don't need to know which two women it is.

In the same way, this can provide a basis for further cooperation between the two parties, that is, increase a little trust.

Integrity is established by leaving a little room for each other.

Xiaoqian is a good girl.

Nong Chaosheng thinks so.

Because smart and ambitious.So is decisive killing.

This kind of ambition is also timid, and cooperation can only be limited.

"So, are you satisfied?" Xiaoqian said.

The expression on his face was so chaotic that he couldn't understand it.

I really don't understand it, because the opposite is a woman, a woman who doesn't want to have emotions other than business.

"What if I say I'm not satisfied?" Nong Chaosheng asked with a smile.

"If you are not satisfied, we will give you more benefits on the basis of the bottom line. After all, it is our side that has the problem, but if you go too far, we will not let you get what you want."

For some reason, Xiaoqian's tone became sharper, this is what negotiations should be like, even when she gave the bank note before, she didn't have such a tone.

"Then I can only say that I am very satisfied." Nong Chaosheng didn't want to get entangled in this aspect, after all, the matter was over for the time being, and it was a plan to kill many birds with one stone.

Before leaving.

"Shen Yunhai will be back soon."

Xiaoqian remembered this sentence.

What's the meaning?Could it be that Nong Chaosheng knew about our plan?

No, Nong Chaosheng doesn't know, it's just that investigating one's trading partners is also part of the deal.

In the collected information, Yunhaishen was mentioned too many times, which is why Nong Chaosheng added a random sentence.

"Pavilion Master, before leaving, Nong Chaosheng said that Yun Haishen would come back soon. I wonder if he already knows our plan?"

Xiaoqian reached the top floor and bowed.

"Hmm~ I think it should be to test us." The pavilion master thought for a while, "Don't panic, sometimes you are decisive, but sometimes you are indecisive and lose your ability to think."

It seemed that the so-called pavilion master had no intention of blaming Xiaoqian for killing two of her colleagues, and could only blame them for not being strict with themselves.

"Well, Xiaoqian understands, I don't know what the pavilion master needs Xiaoqian to do next." Xiaoqian asked.

"When the sea of ​​clouds reaches the vicinity, rush to see him immediately, whether it's in the Qian Dynasty or in the Cloud Sea Tower." The pavilion master said.

It seems that he wants to start his so-called plan ahead of schedule.

"Master, new information."

Xiaoqian took a look at the pavilion master, then got up quickly, and took the information from the pavilion master's shadow guard.

After reading it.

"Pavilion Master, Yun Haishen took two female family members directly to the Qian Dynasty Royal City, but Ling Fengyu was not there, so he was invited by Han Tianzong to help."

"Cold Sky Sect? Oh, yes, now that I think about it, it was the Cold Sky Sect who started the incident back then, and now it seems that it was the Cold Sky Sect's fault. It seems that the Cold Sky Sect will spend a lot of money this time, but it doesn't matter It's our business, and there will be a lot of variables without Ling Fengyu, Xiaoqian, you should contact Yun Haishen as soon as possible."

The following plans were made.

This plan is just a plan that Xiaoqian can know.

"Okay, I'll do it now."

Xiaoqian left.


"Contact Qin Zhengming."

Why did the pavilion master contact Qin Zhengming?

As for Ling Fengyu.

He did not go directly to the so-called Lingquan.

To be reasonable, if Ling Fengyu hadn't shown a little strength back then, even if he had sealed the Lingquan, they wouldn't have talked so well.

He went to another sect.

A sect that is somewhat contradictory to Han Tianzong.

It can't be called a contradiction, because it is impossible to evenly distribute the spiritual spring to arouse the contradiction to the point of irreconcilability.

Of course, these sects would not say it outright for the sake of their so-called face. This is a kind of etiquette, and it can also be said to be hypocrisy.

"Gaofeng? Why is the name of this sect so bewitching?" Looking at the word Gaifeng on the boundary below the mountain, Ling Fengyu couldn't help but whisper to himself.

The name Yao Daojiao is fine, as long as the people inside are not of the strength of Yao Daojiao.

Of course, what does this matter to Ling Fengyu?He just didn't want to go to Han Tianzong, it seemed that the disciple of the sect he rescued before was also from this sect.

"Please come with me, Your Excellency."

After a disciple notified, he came back quickly and brought Ling Fengyu in with him.

"I remember that there is a disciple named Feng Fuyao in your sect, how is it going now?"

Ling Fengyu asked casually.

"Elder Feng is retreating now, and he sent a disciple to invite you in. After a day, you will be able to see Elder Feng himself." The leading disciple said.

Cough cough, this is all grown up. Thinking about it, it didn't take long. Thinking about it carefully, being able to become a Zongmen elder level so quickly must be an existence with very good aptitude and strength.

Now that I'm here, let's meet him. At that time, I remember that I also taught him a trick.

So Ling Fengyu's thoughts wandered into the sky again.

At that time, Ling Fengyu successfully blended in by relying on his own strength, and then, someone wanted to form a team with him, but was ignored and rejected.

After all, I came here to play, not to break through the barriers and really enter a certain sect.

Just show a little bit more strength, no need to talk about emotions.

"Everyone, those who can pass the initial test must have not weak cultivation base, then congratulations to everyone, but the subsequent experience will be more difficult, please be mentally prepared."

At that time, Ling Fengyu had already noticed Feng Fuyao, a young child, a child who was guarded by two older sisters behind him.

His gentle smile is a slight warm breeze, he is not as good as Ling Fengyu, because Ling Fengyu can't express on his face, and I don't know if it's because of the two big sisters or his smile, Ling Fengyu envies him so much.

Afterwards, Ling Fengyu noticed Ling Ziying's loud voice, which didn't sound like a woman's voice at all, and she was heroic. If she hadn't had such a loud voice, calling her brothers everywhere, he wouldn't have noticed.

"Fuyao, you just need to follow us." Feng Fuyao's two beautiful sisters said so.

"The strength of the two older sisters is indeed very powerful. Fuyao has also been taught, but the second elder sister, didn't she come out this time to practice? If I rely on these two beautiful sisters for everything, won't I be looked down upon?"

The twinkle in the eyes is earnest.

It's sincerity, Feng Fuyao never lied.

"It's really amazing." A big sister hugged Feng Fuyao in her arms.

During this process, Feng Fuyao couldn't breathe at all.

Maybe it is because of sincerity and face that attracted these two beauties.

At least Ling Fengyu thought so.

Feng is a very rare surname, that is, it is more than Lin.

The wind blows.

The [-] miles that soared upwards, his previous generation obtained it for him, and wanted him to become a giant in the sea and a rook in the sky.

If he obtains it by himself, it means that he himself has great ambitions.

"I'm meeting you for the first time, my name is Ling Ziying!"


"My name is Ling Ziying!" The loud voice made many people look sideways.

"I heard." Ling Fengyu said calmly.

"What's your name?"

At this time, Ling Fengyu's name was not well known by everyone.

"I don't want to have anything to do with you." At this time, Ling Fengyu didn't understand the art of language, and because she had been practicing, she rarely had the chance to speak.

"You are so handsome, but you don't make any facial expressions. Let's have a smile."

Is Ling Ziying's voice really too loud?

"I remember that the ruffian Street Liuzi outside molested all the good-looking girls—girl, give me a laugh." As soon as Ling Fengyu said this, everyone laughed.

"This man is very interesting." The second sister, who had been hugging Feng Fuyao, was also attracted by Ling Fengyu's tone.

"I really envy him for not being seduced by women." Feng Fuyao said.

"What? You don't want sister and us anymore?" The eldest sister snatched Feng Fuyao from the arms of the second sister.

"No, Big Sister, I didn't mean that. Me, uh~" Feng Fuyao was unable to make a sound again.

"Your Excellency, please stay here for a while, and wait for Elder Tomorrow Feng to come out and receive him in person." The disciple of Gale Wind Sect bowed and left.

The next day.

Sure enough, Feng Fuyao really came out of the state of seclusion, and came to Ling Fengyu's room in person, and he knocked on the wooden door lightly.

"Come in."

Ling Fengyu said calmly.

Ling Fengyu woke up from the state of cultivation, opened his eyes, and what he saw was that he had grown up and was soaring.


That's the first thing you say.

"You should call me by my name. My name is Ling Fengyu, not benefactor."

"Okay, Ling Fengyu, Fuyao hasn't been able to repay you for saving your life back then, let alone you left me to study in the end. Let my cultivation base improve quickly."

Ling Fengyu stretched out his hand.

"Don't talk about repayment. You are you and I am me. What I valued you at the time was your sincerity in protecting the weak, so there is no need for you to repay."

"Then this time is~"

Good guy, Feng Fuyao thought that Ling Fengyu wanted him to help with something, so he came here.

"It's just that I don't want to go directly to the Cold Sky Sect. I thought that because of you, there should be more barriers between the Cold Sky Sect and the Gale Wind Sect, so I came here."

Ling Fengyu explained.

In order to solve the matter of Lingquan, Feng Fuyao still knew about Lingquan, but he didn't go deep into it. He just knew that it couldn't be used, but he didn't know that it was Ling Fengyu who made a move.

"Speaking of which, I'm really surprised that you, who were chosen by the peach blossom luck, still maintain the body of a boy."

"Hey~ I actually get annoyed when I mention this." Feng Fuyao also had his own troubles.

"How to say?"

Right now, Feng Fuyao said everything he could say.

Apart from the two women that Ling Fengyu saw back then, Feng Fuyao was followed by several women, not to mention anything else, just the appearance is so um~ excellent.

Others are bitter and jealous, if not for the protection of the two beautiful sisters, I am afraid that Feng Fuyao would have been killed in secret long ago.

This is not something that ordinary luck can describe.

Ling Fengyu thought that the depth of the sea of ​​clouds was strong enough, but he didn't expect the wind in front of him to be even more gentle.

No, when he went out to practice, he was actually attracted by the leader of the demon sect. Of course, the leader of the demon sect hid his identity and came into contact with Feng Fuyao as a casual cultivator, unlike Ling Fengyu. Feng Fuyao readily agreed to the invitation of the leader of the Demon Cult to accompany him, because the things he had come out to do were over, and it was not yet time to return to the sect.

The plot of the story is very old-fashioned, and it has been staged many times even on Feng Fuyao. Basically, it is either brainless or disobedient, resulting in unpredictable accidents, and then Feng Fuyao is injured, then solves the problem, and loses his strength of those who are out of danger.

After that, she was stunned by the leader of the Demon Cult and moved back to her place. If it wasn't for her reluctance to take medicine, Feng Fuyao would have lost her virginity long ago.

Old-fashioned stories are actually very useful.

Well, except for Ling Ziying, the same model, in exchange for her inexplicable behavior.

Thinking about it, Ling Fengyu touched the sword lattice tied around his waist.

Seeing this detail, Feng Fuyao couldn't help smiling.

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