"What's the matter, what's the matter? What are you doing here?"

A woman who still has a charming charm enters the canteen of the blast first in front of the wind.

"Aniang." These people were quite respectful to the woman in charge of the cafeteria.

"Leave if you have nothing to do, I don't have any food for you today!"

Well, the temper is also quite explosive.

It's very hot, but it's a good one, uh~um~canteen aunt.

Her hands are pure white, but there are also some small wear and tear, and there is no gap between her breaths, and her eyes look at everything around her, including people, in a way of looking at ingredients. Hairpin accessories are very simple.

Her figure is very good, like a young girl, the clothes on her body are a bit old, made of linen, maybe they are still the clothes of the past, so she looks a little tight, and even a small piece of collarbone is squeezed out of Yubai's neck.

Capable is capable, but I always feel that something is wrong.

Yes, compared to the vicissitudes on her face, she was a bit too girly, like forcing the head of a half-mature lady into a girl's body.

After Ling Fengyu noticed this sense of separation, she became obsessive-compulsive. When she was cooking, Ling Fengyu often secretly glanced at her.

Feng Fuyao thought that Ling Fengyu had taken a fancy to him, after all, the authorities were obsessed with him, and he judged others by himself.

"Aniang's name is Xu Liling. She is the wife of the previous sect master. Since the previous sect master and the previous sect master of Han Tianzong disappeared together, she has been cooking for us in the cafeteria. Actually, ah~" Feng Fuyao hadn't said anything yet. After finishing, he was hit on the head by a wet ladle.

Judging from the fact that Let Feng Fuyao hit him in the head without any precautions, Xu Liling is still somewhat capable, and in addition to the sign written before, both civil and military skills.

What Feng Fuyao never said for fun is that this generation of sect masters is Xu Liling's spare tire. Well, the word spare tire is not good to use here. After all, Xu Liling would rather cook here for others than marry him. Anyway, for Xu Liling Love is enough.

"Hey, Niang, you taught me not to tell lies to people who trust each other, so I can't tell the truth now."

Feng Fuyao handed the ladle back with a playful smile.

"Honestly? What you said was just your own guess, and you said it to everyone, it would be nice if I didn't beat you so hard that you couldn't get out of bed."

Xu Liling took the water ladle and dealt another blow to Feng Fuyao's face.


Feng Fuyao fled in pain.

Ling Fengyu smiled inwardly.

This is the power of youth.

Ling Fengyu felt a little envious of the emotion between them.

Xu Liling ate with them.

It feels like eating at a neighbor's house.

Ling Fengyu felt it was natural.

"Ling Fengyu, please stay here."

Originally, Ling Fengyu wanted to follow Feng Fuyao, after all, Feng Fuyao asked Ling Fengyu to drink the precious wine he obtained during his training.

In the end, Xu Liling stopped her.

"come on!"

Feng Fuyao patted Ling Fengyu's shoulder.

Hmm~ This familiar movement, the same tone, the same look in the eyes, was done by Yun Haishen last time.

Well, it is in a similar environment.

"The wine is ready, I will bring some appetizers." Ling Fengyu also patted Feng Fuyao on the shoulder.There is no need to refute the word refueling, because refuting will only bring too much bickering.

Wait for the wind to blow away.

"You don't even refute him? It looks like he's making fun of you." Xu Liling poured a cup of light-colored tea.

Ling Fengyu took it and sniffed it and knew it was a bamboo leaf.

"The tip of the bamboo leaf in the morning sun, it takes three days to conceive." Ling Fengyu said after taking a sip.

"However, although it is not the most tender, it is not completely faded, leaving this faint trace is a wonderful aftertaste." Xu Liling said.

"Why do you feel like you are talking about the wind blowing?"

Ling Fengyu heard something wrong in the words.

"Aren't you the same? There is also a trace of greenness in the deep-looking eyes."

Well, it turned out to be talking about myself.

No, what does it matter to you?

Ling Fengyu complained in his heart.

"So, is there anything you can do to keep me here?"

Ling Fengyu drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, letting the taste swirl in his mouth and come out of his nostrils.

"I want to ask you one thing." Xu Liling refilled a cup of tea for Ling Fengyu, which meant that she really wanted Ling Fengyu to help her with this matter.

"whats the matter?"

"After the spirit spring recovers, pick the flowers next to it. I need its flower heart."

that flower~

This flower is combined with only a few common spiritual herbs, and these can be used to #@! #! @'s elixir.

Of course, this is one of the formulas that Ling Fengyu knows, so what does Xu Liling want to do.

"Give me a reason."

"I'm going to castrate a few people who want to insult me!"

"Well, a very good reason. What chips can you give?"

"A drop of icy dew."

hehe.Ling Fengyu smiled inwardly, well, you won, it is really a precious thing.

"Okay, deal."

However, Ling Fengyu didn't quite believe Xu Liling's reasons.

After chatting with Wei Wei for a few words, Xu Liling cleverly prepared a few delicious appetizers for Ling Fengyu.

What about the appetizers that Ling Fengyu brought over?

Boiled shrimp, old pickles in vegetable oil, peanuts in vinegar.

Well, it seems that Ling Fengyu is the only appetizer that an old alcoholic would always prepare.

It is also the simplest, one is boiled in water, the other is steamed when cooking, and the other is kept ready.

That night.

In Ling Fengyu's house.

The two chatted like brothers.

It turns out that drinking can really enhance friendship, well, at least this is the case now.

The next day.

Outsiders found that the two were practicing in the same room.

"Elder Feng, Senior Ling, people from the Hantian Sect are here to see you."

A disciple reported the news.

Well, they all evolved from older brothers and uncles to seniors.

"Let's go." Feng Fuyao didn't have much fear.

He was even more aware that his brief disappearance had caused Han Tianzong to find a reason to harm Ling Fengyu with trumped-up charges, all of which were entangled in the interests of the sects.

"Senior Ling."

This time, the visitor from Han Tianzong was quite polite.

"Let's go now?"

Ling Fengyu asked.

"If Senior Ling still has something else to do, there is no problem in delaying it for a few days."

Respectful tone, as long as there is no major contradiction is still very applicable.

"No, I'm still busy. Wait for me to change my clothes."

Ling Fengyu brought Feng Fuyao into the house.

Then he borrowed a good suit from Feng Fuyao.

Ok.I don't have such nice clothes.

It is said to be borrowing, and both the borrower and the borrowed know that this is a loan without repayment.

So it's all a gift.

The golden clothes are good-looking, but I always feel that they don't go well with Ling Fengyu, who has a cold face.

The golden clothes, the patterns sewn with gold threads are also golden, in the shape of a phoenix, listening to the random language of the wind, this dress has a matching windbreaker, which symbolizes the phoenix feathers.

The matching crown of the dress is also golden.

In short, Ling Fengyu's whole body is golden.Well, I feel much more refreshed.

"Let's go." Ling Fengyu greeted.

Deep sea of ​​clouds.

After meeting Prince Huai, he settled in Prince Huai's mansion just like Ling Fengyu.


After all, they are brothers and sisters, the kind of sworn brothers.

Yun Haishen brought two beauties to settle in, which made the pouting expression on Guique's face that had finally disappeared.

Fortunately, Mo Rufang is a good girl and she saw something was wrong.

Just free your hand to coax the sparrow.

Why, Mo Rufang coaxed, and Zhu Yunyao, who accidentally entered beside him, was unhappy, obviously it was me first, ahem.Sorry, I made a mistake.

In short, three women play a drama.

Yun Haishen approached Nong Chaosheng, and happened to take Zhu Haiqing to act together.

The purpose of looking for a trendy student this time is to trade, that's right.

Ling Fengyu has no money, and Guique has no money, but Yun Haishen still has some money, at least he can repay most of the debts.

"So, you want to pay back the cost of the ghost sparrow's treatment?" Nong Chaosheng summed it up.

"Yes." Yun Haishen did not say that he wanted to pay for weapons and the like.

Well, in fact, with so much money, Yun Haishen couldn't pay it all at once.

"Yes, yes, but not at this price."

"What? Do you still want to increase the price?"

"Yes, buying and selling generally refers to things and not people, but in fact, don't the prices of commodities without an absolute price tag depend on people?" Nong Chaosheng has his own theory.

In fact, it is also true, as long as the price is not lower than the cost, the more familiar the person, the lower the price.

"Okay, how much do you want to add?"

"It's quite a lot. Only the Bingning dew is included in the bill for the sparrow, and everything else is not counted. If she relies on her own ability to pay back, it will be ten thousand gold, that is, ten drops of Bingning dew." If you come, you will get one thousand-year-old ginseng and two hundred-year-old blood-blood grass..."

"Okay, okay, I know you won't add things that don't exist, tell me, how much is the total?"

"Twenty thousand gold."

"Hey, what a good price."

It is indeed a good price, and no one counts it all.

Yun Haishen emptied his home and took out a large bank note and several small bank notes.

Then he said: "Give me the IOU of the sparrow."

"Give you."

He said yes, but after showing Yun Haishen a clear look, he lit it up and raised it.

"This is my integrity." Nong Chaosheng said so.

This is also a demonstration of integrity, because a fair transaction is based on the strength of both parties.

"Understood. As for the final payment of these weapons, you can also find me, okay?"

"If you really want to pay instead of Ghost Sparrow, it will still be double."

"Hehe, it's really about seeing people do business. He's really a real businessman."

"After all these are custom made, not fixed prices."

Nong Chaosheng originally wanted to provoke Yun Haishen to stop him, but it turned out to be the opposite.

"Understood, anyway, you can't go to the sparrow for money, come to me directly."

Yun Haishen finished speaking and left.

"What a bad temper, everyone is so pampered, but do you know that pampering is the biggest harm?"

Nong Chaosheng thought for Ling Fengyu's sake, and really wanted to change Guique's character.Now it seems that there are three big mountains in front of him.

"Change the way of thinking. Wouldn't it be much better to let the sparrow take charge?"

Nong Chaosheng changed his mind on his own.

Take it for granted.

Ideas based on oneself can easily not be effective for others.

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