Listening to the voices of the people around him, Lin Pingzhi felt disdainful, but also felt a sense of accomplishment.

With his head held high and his chest high, he came to Shenshui Palace in this way.

The current Shenshui Palace is extremely prosperous. Although it has just moved to Hangzhou, its popularity has already started.

Let's say that.

Originally, this street was not so prosperous before, but it was because of the arrival of Shenshui Palace that this phenomenon was created.

It can be said that this brothel has driven the GDP of the entire street, which is an exaggeration when you think about it.

"Master, let's play!"

"My lord, why don't you come in and have fun!"


There are many business solicitors at the door, and on the windows upstairs, some sexy beauties are waving their red sleeves and smiling shyly.

That look.

It's really unbearable.


While Lin Pingzhi was still admiring the scenery in front of him, he was disturbed by a loud laugh beside him.

He turned his head to take a look, only to see a luxuriously dressed son, who was supported by his subordinates, came to the gate of Shenshui Palace.

The ladies at the door, as if they saw the God of Wealth, wished they could throw themselves into each other's arms.


This son also seemed to be very picky, and he didn't pay any attention to the vulgar fans in front of him.

It caused those sisters to leave angrily, and it was 1 reluctance in their hearts.

"Isn't this Mr. Chen? Sure enough, he showed up on time today!"

"The sun hasn't set yet, and I'm running here in such a hurry, it seems that I can't wait."

"Is this young man very good?"

"You! You don't know Mr. Chen, which Shankaka came from? How ignorant!

His father is the Lord City Guard! "

"So that's it, so it's him. I heard that he has been coveting the proprietress for a long time, and he spends here every day!"

"That's right, we squander hundreds of taels of silver every day, we people can't even imagine it!

He is so rich that he has no friends! "



Hearing these voices, Lin Pingzhi looked curiously at this gorgeous son.

As expected of the second generation of officials, he was wearing silk and brocade, with finger rings on his fingers, and even the jade pendant on the folding fan was worth several hundred taels of silver.

For ordinary people, this is simply a walking gold mountain and silver mine, shining everywhere.

"Get out of the way!"


That Mr. Chen waved his hand, and threw the copper plate he took from his subordinates on the ground.

Start paving directly.

The people around have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and it is clear that Mr. Chen likes this kind of force.

So every time I wait here, now I bend down to pick up those copper plates on the ground.

Chen Gongzi naturally had a reason for doing this. Looking at the group of poor people bending over to pick up money around him, he felt very comfortable in his heart.

Everyone around bowed down and lowered their heads, but he was the only one with his head held high, didn't he bring out his height?


Lin Pingzhi saw through this guy's hypocrisy at a glance, and immediately rolled his eyes, thinking that rich people really know how to play.


He should be considered rich now.

"Brother, don't pretend to be arrogant here, can this thing be eaten?

Bow your head and pick up the money, maybe you can earn enough living expenses for a few days, Mr. Chen won't care about it! "

At this time.

A man next to him saw that Lin Pingzhi was still "pretending to be noble", so he reminded him.

As for why he did this, the reason is because he was like this before, but later he found out that dignity is a fart, and picking up money is the real thing!

"Will I be like you?"

Lin Pingzhi sneered and didn't even lower his head.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Such a move immediately attracted a lot of sighs and contemptuous glances from around.

Those who picked up the money seemed to have seen a different kind, and thought to themselves, what are you pretending to do there?

It is estimated that when no one is there later, he would like to lie on the ground and collect money.

"How awesome, do you think you are Mr. Chen, with endless money?"

"That's right, young people just like face, but later you will find that face is not important at all!"


The people around seemed a little dissatisfied with Lin Pingzhi's behavior, as if they had belittled them.

Everyone started verbal attacks.

And beside.

Mr. Chen also noticed Lin Pingzhi, but he just glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a disdainful arc.

That kind of disdain.

It can be seen with the naked eye, and it can be seen quite clearly.


Lin Pingzhi sneered at that time, thinking that if he wanted to compete for financial resources, he was somewhat confident.


He also imitated the other party's appearance and took out his own purse.

Just because he knew that he was here to visit a brothel, Lin Pingzhi also took some silver taels with him.

Mainly some broken silver.

At least it's worth more than copper plates.

This is not.

He grabbed a handful at random, and he didn't know how many there were, so he just waved his hand and scattered a lot of silver.


The people in front of him also bowed down and lowered their heads, and they instantly stood out from the crowd.

"I go!"

The people who mocked him just now were startled, and after a moment of stupefaction, they immediately ran to Lin Pingzhi to pick up the money.

after all.

Broken silver is worth more.

blink of an eye.

Everyone gathered at Lin Pingzhi's side.

It seems that this phenomenon is called the stars holding the moon, the more people around, the more dazzling it seems.

"Brother, it turns out that you are the real God of Wealth. Disrespect and disrespect, we were the ones who looked down on people just now!"


Everyone touted it.

And this time.

More people found Lin Pingzhi's good looks, that's what makes him unique, that face alone is simply the best among the fair faces.

"I'm sorry, I brought too much today, but I'm exhausted. It's a good thing to throw away a little."

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly, glanced contemptuously at Mr. Chen, and then walked into Shenshui Palace.


The ladies near the door were full of enthusiasm, attracted by Lin Pingzhi's appearance, and attracted by Lin Pingzhi's wealth.

He walked in like this, seemingly ordinary, but in fact he was very tall.

"Oh shit!"

Mr. Chen didn't even react at that time, he just watched the other party take away his light in a foolish way.

&nmd dare to show off in front of me?I don't even know who it is! "

He kicked some people in front of him away, and angrily followed in until he was side by side with Lin Pingzhi.

just now.

He's about to get his place back.

After all, he is also an old regular customer here, and of course he is very popular, and people keep calling his name.

"Boy, where are you from?"

Chen Gongzi asked Lin Pingzhi coldly, but he still didn't look directly at him.

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