Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 964 Shenshui Palace Brothel


Tang Qingfeng also acted thoughtfully, rubbed his chin with two fingers, and muttered: "Indeed, they will think that I have been caught once, and they will never continue to be a spy and continue to collude with the enemy."


Shangguan Xiaoxian nodded: "You are not stupid, how about it? The reward we give is quite generous."

"Do you still dare to trust me?"

Tang Qingfeng asked again: "Are you really not afraid of death?"


Shangguan Xiaoxian pushed his bamboo hat and replied: "If you don't admit that you have been discovered, then naturally I won't believe you.

But you just directly stated that you were discovered, so I can trust you, and the problems just now show that you are still worthy of cooperation. "

"how do I say this?"

Tang Qingfeng asked.

"When you heard the Japanese pirates coming at the manor before, your unnatural behavior not only fell into Lin Pingzhi's eyes, but also fell into my eyes."

Shangguan Xiaoxian looked self-righteous, as if she was showing off her wisdom.

She paused for a while and continued: "I know that with the wisdom of Mr. Mingyue, he will definitely find out your suspiciousness, otherwise his reputation in the Jianghu would not be so great.

And you seem to be beaten, he will not beat you for no reason.

So I have reason to believe that you have been discovered by him, and he asked that question just now on purpose.

As long as you don't admit it, I know that you are no longer reliable, and I will never waste any more time on you.

Fortunately, you have a simple mind and well-developed limbs. "

Tang Qingfeng's face was full of black lines, and he put on a speechless expression, but said to the business:

"Are you sure you want to continue? My brother-in-law is not easy to mess with."


Shangguan Xiaoxian threw out these two words, and then left with tea, disappearing in the crowd.


Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Tang Qingfeng sneered, thinking that Lao Tzu's beating was not in vain.

You just wait to be beaten by my brother-in-law!

Putting on a haughty expression, Tang Qingfeng also turned and returned to his residence.

dark place.

Lin Pingzhi nodded in satisfaction. After witnessing everything just now, he was finally relieved.

It seems that this brother-in-law is not useless, at least he is still useful.

He felt that this guy was quite confident and smart when he didn't face himself.

turn around.

Go back to the manor.


As night fell, a bright moon hung in the sky.

Under the night, under the moonlight, a woman came to the manor and found Lin Pingzhi's room following her breath.


Lin Pingzhi was having fun with fish and water inside.

Hearing the heavy breathing coming from the room, how cheerful it was, Qu Wuyi looked forward to it.



Lin Pingzhi's voice came from the room, and in the next second, the door of the room opened, and only a man and a few women were seen entangled inside, and the room was full of spring.


Qu Wuyi blushed slightly, complaining a little bit, after all, seeing her man having sex with other women, she was somewhat jealous and angry.

Lin Pingzhi also didn't put on his clothes, put down his exhausted wife Longer and others, went straight to Qu Wuyi, stretched out his small hand to hook her chin.


Qu Wuyi became shy.


Lin Pingzhi laughed, and stretched out his arms to hug her: "I just like the appearance of your little daughter, and only I can see it, and no one else can see it!"


Rushing back to the room, he said affectionately, "Wu Yi, I miss you so much."

"Me too."

Qu Wuyi couldn't stand it anymore, her breathing became short of breath.


There was another sound of male and female love in the room.

After this night, Lin Pingzhi's skill increased for three years.

Most of them were provided by Qu Wuyi, after all, the other women have already had sex, so it won't be of much use.

"I am leaving."

After breakfast, Qu Wuyi wanted to leave.

"Don't stay longer?"

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were ambiguous.

Qu Wuyi gave him a blank look, and said, "You think I'm as idle as you? There are still some things in the league that I need to deal with.


I'll see you again tonight..."

After speaking, he performed lightness kung fu and fled away.

Ning Zhong watched from behind and joked, "Pingzhi, it seems that Miss Qu misses you very much. I didn't have enough food last night, and I will look for you tonight."

"A long absence is better than a new marriage."

Lin Pingzhi smiled triumphantly, kissed his mistress, and then went to work on other things.

As for Tang Qingfeng, he had already been identified as a spy, monitoring the actions of the pirates all the time.

He didn't go to Shangguan Xiaoxian to startle the snake, and let that girl continue to make troubles in secret, and sooner or later, he would catch her.

After all, there was nothing else to do, so Lin Pingzhi planned to go to Shenshui Palace to have a look, just in time to make out with the jellyfish Yin Ji.

The jellyfish Yinji is a master of transformation, and if you have sex with her, you will get more rewards.

It is not too late.

Lin Pingzhi left immediately.

Before that, he had heard that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, had turned Shenshui Palace into a brothel. After all, there were mostly beauties in Shenshui Palace.

It's just a kind of showmanship, of course, if the guest officer gives enough money, and if the woman is willing, it's not impossible to carry out that kind of transaction.

There are many conveniences in deliberately turning Shenshui Palace into a brothel.

Whether you are a dignitary or a knight-errant, you can't escape the beauty.

In this way, it is possible to spy on information better, and it is also possible to build popularity, no matter from which point of view, it is quite good.

This also made Lin Pingzhi very appreciative, thinking that Yin Ji the jellyfish is indeed a person who has achieved great things.

Just have a brain and a long-term vision.

The address of Shenshui Palace was chosen in a relatively prosperous street.

When I came to the neighborhood, there were a lot of people around, and most of them were young men. As for why, I don't need to say much.

Along the way, voices talking about Shenshui Palace could be heard everywhere.

"This Shenshui Palace is really a good place. Not to mention how handsome the beauties inside are, tsk tsk tsk, I want to drool just thinking about it."

"That's right, it's much, much better than those other brothels. The only bad thing is that you don't play with it, hahaha~"

"That's because you don't have any money. I've slept in quite a few times! The beauties inside are all tender and juicy, it's really memorable!"

"If you want me to say, the most flavorful one is of course the proprietress, tsk tsk, that kind of charm is what a woman should have, just think about it!

It's a pity that the proprietress doesn't work in that kind of business. I heard that even the young master of the city guard is fascinated by her. He visits her every night, and she spent thousands of taels of silver. It's a pity that no beauty returns in the end! "


There was a lot of discussion.

Lin Pingzhi heard it, and thought to himself, you stinky men naturally can't get involved, are you half as good as me?

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