"It's nice here."

Lin Pingzhi looked around, found a more suitable place to sit down, and ignored Mr. Chen at all.


As if there was a gust of cool wind blowing, the scene looked a little awkward, and everyone present was sweating.

Who is that man?

Dare to be so rude to Mr. Chen, I'm afraid I'm tired of work.

Or is there some big shot behind it?

"Young master, do you want me to go over and break his leg?!"

At this time.

A servant next to Mr. Chen showed a fierce look.

He stared straight at Lin Pingzhi.

"No need!"

Mr. Chen raised his hand to signal him to back down, there was a malicious look in his eyes, and there was still a trace of interest.

"It's been a long time since I've encountered this kind of stunned head. Today, the young master wants to show off his power and prestige!"


With a big wave of his hand, he sat down towards Lin Pingzhi's opposite position. There happened to be someone in that position, and he was kicked away.

I really have no eyesight.

on the scene.

The atmosphere calmed down a bit, and on the central stage, ladies came up to perform their talents one after another.

If someone thinks it is good, I will throw some money out to reward it.

Or if it's interesting, they will give some more money to take over that lady.

of course.

Generally speaking, it is just to accompany wine, and never do other things, and the price will be increased for other things.

Every talented woman basically has a price.

If there are many people who want to fight for it, it is equivalent to an auction, and the one with the highest price wins.

"it is good!"

At this moment, there is a girl playing the piano on the scene. After one song is over, the artistic conception is long and memorable.

Some people threw money one after another, which I appreciate very much.

At this time.

Mr. Chen also waved his hand and threw out 50 taels of silver, which amazed the audience and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

And the woman who played the piano thanked her again and again, she made a lot of money, and she had enough money for a year.

Mr. Chen enjoyed the feeling of being looked up to by everyone, but he did not forget to look at Lin Pingzhi with provocative eyes.

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, took a sip of wine, and just when the piano player thought the reward was over and was about to leave, she threw out a silver ticket.

100 two!



All the people present looked over at the same time, thinking, isn't this the young master who threw money at the door?

Everyone's jaws dropped to the ground, it's unbelievable that someone made such a big shot.

To know.

At this time, the woman playing the piano is actually not top-notch in this Shenshui Palace.


The woman playing the piano also screamed, not daring to take it away, feeling that they were joking with her.


Lin Pingzhi smiled heartily, and said: "This young lady has a long piano sound, which makes people have endless aftertaste, and it is really worth the reward of 100 taels.

Right, Mr. Chen? "


Defiance to go back.

There seemed to be sparks in the scene.

Everyone held their breath and began to speculate on the identity of this young master.

Dare to challenge Mr. Chen face to face, probably because he has some status, otherwise he wouldn't be so stupid.

If he is really that stupid, how can he earn so much money?

"Not bad!"

Mr. Chen had a sullen face. In fact, he was very angry now, but he wanted to use money to defeat money.

He took another 200 taels of silver from his subordinates, threw it out angrily, and pretended to appreciate it: "What this young master said is very satisfactory to me, and this young lady is also worthy of my reward! "

Everyone present was stunned.

Did their money come from a dream?

Such a waste.

What a waste, if you don't want it, give it to me, I don't think it's too much!


Seeing my sister stepping on dog shit luck today, the other ladies in Shenshui Palace are all red-eyed.

That's called envy, jealousy and hatred.


Mr. Chen continued to provoke, thinking that you have a lot of money, keep going, let's see who has more inventory!

"Young Master, it is really fate to meet you today. May I ask which family you are from?"

"It's just a nameless person."

Lin Pingzhi pretended to be modest: "The surname is Lin, in terms of family background, in terms of status, how can it be as good as Mr. Chen?

Mr. Chen is the son of the city guard, how much higher than us ordinary people! "

"Then how dare you not know what is good or bad!"

One of the guards behind Mr. Chen couldn't hold back any longer. He thought to himself, he had never seen such a beating guy before.

At the same time, I have never been so suffocated.


Mr. Chen gave a warning look, but what the guard said really satisfied him, and said, "You are really short-sighted. This Mr. Lin is just modest. Seeing how generous he is, how can he be an ordinary person?"


Looking at Lin Pingzhi: "Probably, Mr. Lin still has extra money on him, please be merciful, don't reward me too much, and refute my face."

Anyone can hear the smell of gunpowder in his words.

Deliberately leading the other party to tip, just to compare who is richer and richer.

Does this even compare?

It must be Mr. Chen!


The guard just now cooperated: "This son will definitely not disappoint everyone, right?"

The two sang together, one with a red face and the other with a pale face.


Both of them had sarcasm on their faces, and they believed that the other party couldn't afford more money.

"Hahaha! That's it!"

Who knows.

Lin Pingzhi laughed out loud, thinking to himself, don't you want to keep me from stepping down?Then you won't be able to get off the stage.


He threw out another 500 taels of silver bills without blinking.

on the scene.

The atmosphere is very quiet, you can hear a needle drop.

No one expected to see this scene.

Even Mr. Chen didn't think that even he would not just throw away the 500 taels of silver.

Does your mother's family run a bank?

"Master Chen, please."

But at this time, Lin Pingzhi came to provoke again, thinking that I have already expressed it, so why don't you express it?

Keep throwing, I'll see how much you have in your pocket.

"Oh shit!"

Mr. Chen was also impatient, and everyone could clearly see that the flesh at the corner of his mouth was twitching.


Usually I am above others, but now I am somewhat uncomfortable when I meet someone who dares to resist.

I saw that Mr. Chen took all the money from all his subordinates and threw it out in front of everyone.

Everyone counted carefully, and it is estimated that there are seven or eight hundred taels left, a pile of silver piled up into a hill.

It can be said that the eyes of everyone present were shining brightly, and there was no way to take their eyes off the pile of silver.

If it was theirs, they would have nothing to worry about for the rest of their lives.

Some people even had the idea of ​​grabbing and running, but they didn't dare to continue thinking about it after taking a look at the guards behind Mr. Chen.


"keep going!"

Mr. Chen was completely anxious now, with both hands resting on the low table in front of him, roaring like crazy.

As if declaring his own victory.

"Hahaha! You fucking want to fight me, you're just dreaming!"

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