Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 963 Why not agree


Tang Qingfeng stood up slowly, and said: "It's true as you imagined, there is something wrong between me and Shangguan Xiaoxian.

However, I haven't promised that girl yet. "


Lin Pingzhi continued to ask: "You mean that guy has an affair with Japanese pirates, but you are still considering whether to join?"


Tang Qingfeng nodded, not daring to look into Lin Pingzhi's eyes, and her voice lacked confidence: "Shangguan Xiaoxian has already been entangled with those Japanese pirates.

Some time ago, that little girl came to me and said that she wanted me to join their alliance, so that it would be even more powerful.

Moreover, it also drew a big pie for me, which gave me many, many benefits, and made me continue to think about it. "

"Are you excited?"

Lin Pingzhi narrowed his eyes, as if a icy knife had been shot out, piercing Tang Qingfeng's knees.

With a snap, Tang Qingfeng knelt down again, unable to bear the pressure at all.

His face was ugly, and his tone begged: "Brother-in-law, I don't dare anymore, and I'm still hesitating, I didn't join their alliance at all!"

"Then what happened to today's action?"

Lin Pingzhi continued to keep a straight face, not giving him a good look.

This guy.

Nearly ruined his own reputation.

My brother-in-law has an affair with Japanese pirates. If it gets out, won't other interested people catch it?

And it will also damage the reputation of the Escort, it's really a bastard, don't think about it at all.

Not even worried about your own sister's reputation?

Don't even think about your own family?

What a beast.

"Today I don't know too well, anyway, I just went with him, and before I left, I asked Shangguan Xiaoxian, and the girl said she was here to test it out.

But I think things should not be so simple. "

Tang Qingfeng revealed everything he knew, not daring to hide anything.


Lin Pingzhi smiled sarcastically, and scolded: "Do you know that those guys came after me today?

They deliberately caused trouble at various docks in order to separate our personnel, and then sent heavy troops to surround and suppress me.

If it hadn't been for the arrival of Alliance Leader Qu today, I might have met with misfortune! "

He lied on purpose.

Even if Qu Wuyi didn't come, there was nothing he could do.

Just to scare the bastard in front of me on purpose.


Tang Qingfeng's expression changed, filled with guilt.

He is quite concerned about Lin Pingzhi, after all, he is his brother-in-law, and he cares about his sister's happiness.

How could it be possible not to worry?

Hearing that those guys actually wanted to attack his brother-in-law at this moment, he finally realized it.

What kind of temptation is actually just using yourself.

With grief and anger in his heart, he gritted his teeth tightly, turned his head to the side and said guiltily: "Brother-in-law, it's all my fault. If I had told you all this earlier, I wouldn't be in danger today!"


I don't know how to express it.

"You, you..."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head, suddenly an idea came up in his heart, he smiled slyly, and asked, "Then do you still want to join now?"

"of course not!"

Tang Qingfeng's tone was firm. Now that he knew the purpose of those guys, of course it was impossible to join forces with them.

Naturally, he had to stand on the side of his family, otherwise he was no different from a beast?

At first.

When Shangguan Xiaoxian found him, he claimed that the cooperation was only for gaining some benefits and would never harm the people around him.

Now it seems that I have been deceived, of course I have to wake up.

It's not too late to rein in the precipice!

"Why not?"

But when Lin Pingzhi asked back, Tang Qingfeng was instantly stunned.

Tang Qingfeng froze in place, with question marks on his head, completely unaware of what her brother-in-law was talking about.


He questioned, feeling that the other party was still blaming him, and declared: "Brother-in-law, no matter how much I value interests and power, I will never betray you!"

"Good boy!"

Lin Pingzhi walked over and patted Tang Qingfeng on the shoulder. He could tell that the words came from his heart.

He was very satisfied, and then explained: "I mean, why don't you pretend to agree?"

Tang Qingfeng realized immediately, came back to his senses clearly, and gave Lin Pingzhi a thumbs up: "Brother-in-law, you are such a thief!"

"Otherwise, how could you have tricked your sister?"

Lin Pingzhi chuckled: "If you complete the task perfectly this time, you can make up for it, understand?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Tang Qingfeng nodded and accepted the task.

It is of course best to be able to offset the merits.

He was also full of confidence.

"Well, we still have to make some preparations."

Lin Pingzhi opened his mouth again, and before the other party asked what was going on, he directly punched him, hitting the other party's face hard.


Then he kicked again and again. Of course, he also paid attention to his proportions, so he couldn't kick his brother-in-law to death.


Tang Qingfeng stepped back quickly, enlightened during the beating, and knew that this was another strategy.

Then he ran away in desperation.

escaped from the manor.

Shangguan Xiaoxian was waiting outside, disguised as a passerby, and immediately called Tang Qingfeng: "How?"

"Why are you here?"

While rubbing the wound, Tang Qingfeng looked back and found that the girl was selling tea, so she asked for a bowl.

In this way, the conversation between the two seemed less suspicious.

Shangguan Xiaoxian wore a bamboo hat to cover her face, lowered her head to hold a bowl of tea, and said nonchalantly, "Have you exposed yourself?"


Tang Qingfeng said it naturally, without hiding anything, without any lag, and was extremely suspicious.

He drank the tea with a grunt, gulped it down, wiped his mouth with his sleeve and said, "I just said that my brother-in-law is not so easily deceived, just because of my little actions just now, he began to doubt me.

I was more afraid of him at first, but when I was frightened by him just now, I immediately shivered.

But don't worry, I didn't shake you out. "

"is it?"

Shangguan Xiaoxian had been sizing up Tang Qingfeng's expression, and was a little relieved when he heard the last sentence.

"Then what are your plans next? Do you still want to join?"

Shangguan Xiaoxian continued to ask, trying to win him over.

As someone close to Lin Pingzhi, if he can become a partner, he will be able to keep abreast of Lin Pingzhi's movements all the time.

It is naturally much more convenient to move hands, and the success rate is extremely high, and you can also guard against their movements.


Tang Qingfeng had known for a long time that the other party would continue to win her over, and said in surprise, "Are you sure? Now that my identity has been exposed, you still want to lure me into the gang?"


Shangguan Xiaoxian showed a fox-like smile, charming and cunning: "Because of this, the deceptiveness is stronger."

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