Li Yutang next to her looked a little dumbfounded. When would Qu Wuyi, who is usually aloof, show this little woman's attitude?

I'm afraid it will only be like this in front of Lin Pingzhi.

I really can't tell if I should be envious or jealous.

"Cough cough."

Lin Pingzhi didn't feel embarrassed either, emotions and desires are normal, what's there to be ashamed of?

With his usual expression, he greeted Li Yutang directly: "Leader Li, have you resolved it yet?"


Li Yutang nodded: "There are some small characters on my side, and a little trick can be enough, uh, they spank their asses.

But if during the battle, those guys ran away not long after, and they didn't fight me.

I guessed that something was wrong, they were probably talking about it, so I ran over to have a look. "


Lin Pingzhi nodded approvingly: "As expected of you, those guys should be targeting me, someone ambushed me just now.

Fortunately, there is the leader Qu to help. "

Lin Pingzhi teased Qu Wuyi behind him.

Qu Wuyi hid behind and grabbed Lin Pingzhi's waist, a little bit to blame.

At a time like this, don't draw your attention to me!


Li Yutang smiled heartily, what a couple of gods and gods.

one after another.

People from other leagues also rushed over, and it seemed that nothing too serious happened, and only Lin Pingzhi suffered serious injuries after all.

"Brother-in-law, Chief Escort Lin, are you alright?"

Tang Qingfeng and others rushed over and asked with concern.

It was obvious that Tang Qingfeng's expression was a little anxious, and it could be seen that he was really worried.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi bowed his hands to everyone: "Don't worry, those guys can't let me catch them without a fight."


Shangguan Xiaoxian praised: "The martial arts of the head of the escort Lin, how can those stinky fish and rotten shrimps be comparable?"

this sentence.

Let Lin Pingzhi remember it.

Those rotten fish and rotten shrimp?

It sounded like Shangguan Xiaoxian knew who was coming, it was very suspicious.

Lin Pingzhi didn't show his flaws to startle the snake, but turned around and looked at the waves of Jiang Tao outside the pier.

"Those guys are very good at swimming. It's not easy to catch them. If Leader Qu didn't come over, I might not be able to keep them."


Huangfuxing shouted.

Then stood by.


Qu Wuyi nodded and said nothing.

Everyone seemed to see her embarrassment, so they didn't make fun of her.

"How are you over there?"

Lin Pingzhi helped to change the topic, draw attention, and help block the fire.

Qu Wuyi felt warm in his heart.

Tang Qingfeng replied: "They are all small characters, although there are a large number of people, they will not pose a threat.

We came over as soon as we solved it, and it seemed that no one had any accidents. "

That's not.

There are still some people injured in each alliance. These people are not good at learning skills, and it is lucky that they did not lose their lives.

"Why do these guys suddenly attack?"

Qu Wuyi noticed something different.

She had something to deal with before, but after she came back, she heard that the Japanese pirates started to make trouble again.

So come here.

Now that I understand some specific situations, I immediately feel puzzled in my heart, feeling like those guys made a futile trip.

"I don't know."

Tang Qingfeng shook his head, and the others also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Only Li Yutang.

At this moment, Li Yutang had some doubts on his face, thinking, didn't he figure it out just now?

Then I figured it out.

It turned out to be deliberately concealing.

Lin Pingzhi smiled knowingly, and glanced at the girl next to him, thinking that this guy was smart and could compete with him.


He smiled inwardly, and then looked at Tang Qingfeng.

Isn't this guy a trick?

"Okay, let's leave everyone, and then strengthen the defense, those guys will definitely make another shot."

Lin Pingzhi yelled a few times to tell everyone to go back.

Everyone returned to their territory one after another.

On the way, Lin Pingzhi specially called Tang Qingfeng to let that guy go back with him.

It is said that there is something important to discuss.

Tang Qingfeng became suspicious, wondering if the other party knew something?

So before leaving, he exchanged glances with Shangguan Xiaoxian, but he didn't know what it meant.

Back at the new bodyguard bureau, Lin Pingzhi asked his servants to watch tea.

And he also deliberately asked everyone else to go out, just to give that guy a way out.

"You all go down, I want to talk to him alone."

Lin Pingzhi asked everyone else to leave.

Then he drank tea unhurriedly, despite the other party's puzzled face, he didn't say anything or ask anything.

I just wanted to wait for the other party to speak up and shake things out by myself.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit strange, obviously Lin Pingzhi was drinking tea calmly there.

But there was an invisible pressure on Tang Qingfeng.

Tang Qingfeng also pretended to be nonchalant, took a sip of tea, raised her head and asked, "What's the matter, brother-in-law?

Could it be a conflict with my sister?You can't come to me for this kind of thing. If you fight at the head of the bed and make up at the end of the bed, the two of you will naturally reconcile at night.

Hahaha. "

He smiled a little stiffly, a little unnaturally.

In addition, Lin Pingzhi had no intention of responding at all, and the laughter stopped abruptly, which sounded extremely embarrassing.

Tang Qingfeng's face also became a little embarrassed, gradually getting ugly, and swallowed with a grunt.

This kind of invisible pressure made him a little bit exposed, and his forehead was already covered with dense beads of sweat.

Even the action of putting the teacup made some mistakes, almost spilling the tea on the table.

"Brother-in-law, tell me what you have to say."

Tang Qingfeng spoke again.


Lin Pingzhi just raised his head to look at that guy, his words sounded a little impatient.

He deliberately put down the teacup heavily, giving the opponent a blow and giving him the final psychological blow.


Tang Qingfeng was taken aback. He was a little afraid of Lin Pingzhi, but after the foreshadowing just now, he was really frightened this time.


He couldn't hold back for a moment, immediately wept, knelt down, and kept begging for mercy: "Don't tell my sister, or he will take my skin off!"

"So you really have ghosts in your heart. I just cheated you a little, and you won't be able to sit still."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head in disappointment, this brother-in-law's mentality is really too weak, it's really a headache.


Tang Qingfeng wanted to cry but had no tears. His feelings were just to scare him. If he knew it, he would have been tougher.

"Tell me, what's the secret?"

Lin Pingzhi's tone was indifferent, without any emotion on his face at the moment, he said: "I noticed that you and that guy were a little unnatural long ago."


Tang Qingfeng let out a long sigh, thinking that brother-in-law, you are really good, but I didn't expect to notice it at the beginning.

He also admitted that he was defeated, and he was convinced that he lost.

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