Qu Wuyi!

That beautiful figure is Qu Wuyi!

Looking at the running figure of the other party, a gentle smile appeared on Lin Pingzhi's face.

Swish swish!

With sword qi flying horizontally, Qu Wuyi charged towards Miyamoto Ichiro, directly blocking his way and breaking his Yan Fan.

"Lin Lang, can I come in time?"

In the end Qu Wuyi landed on the net, turned his back to Lin Pingzhi, asked with a gentle smile on his mouth.

"I say."

Lin Pingzhi laughed dryly and said, "Can you stop adding weight to me, I can barely stand up."


Qu Wuyi laughed jokingly, then jumped and blocked Miyamoto Ichiro in front of him, blocking his way.

As the leader of Hanjiang City, of course she also fought against these Japanese pirates.

Very clear about the opponent's means.

Generally, when the situation is not good, those guys will escape.

So he kept an eye out, Qu Wuyi blocked Miyamoto Ichiro's circuit, and he ran away without accident.

"Be careful, this guy has some skills."

Lin Pingzhi kindly reminded him that he was afraid that the other party would suffer.

"rest assured."

Qu Wuyi's tone was calm: "I've fought against him, he's no big deal.

On the contrary, it's you, Duni Bodhisattva, who can't protect himself when he crosses the river, and is still worried about me.

What, do you want me to help? "

"Need not!"

He was actually underestimated by this girl, it seems that he has to deal with him tonight.

at the moment.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly shook his body, and he unleashed the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, the power of the dragon elephant was overwhelming, and directly overturned the net above his head violently.

The warriors around couldn't resist at all, thinking that this is the power a person should have?

This is a little too outrageous.

Those warriors didn't have time to react at their feet, and they didn't have time to let go, so they were overturned to the ground.

The strength was so heavy that the dead and the wounded all passed out.

clap clap clap!

After clapping his hands, Lin Pingzhi moved his muscles and bones a little, and then pulled out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade inserted in the ground.


Facing Ichiro Miyamoto.


Miyamoto Ichiro was pinched from front to back, and his face was a little ugly.

I would have stopped playing before I knew it, and the battle should have ended earlier.

He suddenly raised his head and glanced in other directions, as if there were rescuers there.

Lin Pingzhi noticed this, isn't that the direction of the pier where the others are?

It seems.

There are really spies.


Withholding his gaze, Ichiro Miyamoto's tone was somewhat provocative, and he said cunningly: "You guys know how to bully the few with more!

Here is a solo fight? "


Lin Pingzhi almost didn't spit out, his face darkened, thinking about it, he had never seen such a shameless guy like you.

It seemed that dozens of you beat me just now, why didn't you say it was such a shame to bully the small at that time?

Now it's spraying.

What a double standard.

He said speechlessly: "Hey, hey, you still have the guts to say such things. You really deserve to be a little devil, shameless enough!"


Both Qu Wuyi and Miyamoto Ichiro were taken aback, not understanding.

Lin Pingzhi didn't explain, pointed at the opponent with the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, and said: "If you catch him without a fight, you can avoid the pain of flesh and blood.

You also know that we want to get information out of your mouth, why bother..."

As he was talking, he saw that guy Miyamoto Ichiro pouring a bottle of potion into his mouth.

You can think of it with your toes, it must be poison.

He will never betray information.

Lin Pingzhi and Qu Wuyi were taken aback by his decisiveness, and rushed forward to stop him.

But it was too late.

So Lin Pingzhi made an unexpected reaction.


Miyamoto Ichiro laughed wildly, it could be seen that something was wrong with his face, and he wanted to be embarrassed for the last time.

"You guys still want to get information from me, it's just crazy..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, his head was cut off.

Lin Pingzhi raised the Weeping Blood Knife in his hand, and slashed directly on his neck, grabbing his head.

The head flew in mid-air, and it was unbelievable to be able to see the eyes of that guy Ichiro Miyamoto.

As if to say: Why do you kill me?It's fine if you don't save me, as if you are afraid that I will live another second!


In the end, the corpse also fell heavily to the ground.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Qu Wuyi stared blankly at Lin Pingzhi, as if looking at a fool: "Why did you kill him?"

"He drank the poison, and he died anyway."

Lin Pingzhi replied normally, with no expression on his face.

But in fact, this answer is not normal at all, at least in Qu Wuyi's view.

He drank poison, so you're going to kill him yourself?

Qu Wuyi was speechless.

It's only natural that others can't understand, Lin Pingzhi shrugged his shoulders and smiled, he couldn't tell her about the system.

Those people will not believe it.

If you grab the head, you can at least get some system rewards.

Although Ichiro Miyamoto is not well-known, it is estimated that there is nothing good about it.

"Ding~ The host killed Miyamoto Ichiro, and his skill increased for half a year!"


The system beeped, and as Lin Pingzhi expected, this guy didn't give much rewards.

But it will be over.

"You say you're a deadhead!"

Qu Wuyi was still complaining, put away his weapon, pointed at Lin Pingzhi, and said: "Using internal force to force him out, you can even torture him to obtain useful information!

It's good for you, just give the result with one knife, I doubt if you are a spy! "


Lin Pingzhi let out a smirk, seeing no one around, he became bold, and directly stretched out his hand to embrace him in his arms.

Holding the willow slender waist again, it still feels great.

Qu Wuyi was taken aback immediately, and took a sharp breath, never expecting this guy to be so courageous.

This is the pier, people will come at any time.

There were two red glows on his face, Qu Wuyi kept looking around in order not to panic, for fear of being seen.

How embarrassing.

Her hands kept pushing and pushing, but the strength was very small, as if she didn't want to get out of this embrace.

"If I were a spy, what would you do?"

Lin Pingzhi was joking, lowered his head and leaned closer, touching the other person's forehead with his forehead.

The distance between the two parties is very close, and the heat exhaled by the other party can be felt.

"Lin Lang!"

This is the end.

Qu Wuyi was at a loss, and acted coquettishly as if surrendering, and murmured: "What do you want to do in broad daylight?"

"What do you say?"

Lin Pingzhi's hands had already begun to be dishonest, and he was really hungry and thirsty after a long absence.

As the saying goes, Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, so you can imagine how you feel, it's like a monkey scratching your heart.

That's what makes it an itch.

"Cough cough..."

A cough broke the ambiguous atmosphere.

Turn around.

Li Yutang didn't know when he appeared, and seeing Lin Pingzhi and his confidante getting intimate there, they were also a little embarrassed.

"look at you!"

Qu Wuyi was so shy, she hurriedly pushed Lin Pingzhi away, gave him a hard look, and then hid behind her.

Shame to death!

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