"what happened?"

He looked puzzled, put away his defensive stance, and began to ponder in his heart.

Could it be that those guys set off smoke-fog-bombs just to escape?

It shouldn't.

If you want to escape, you can escape by jumping into the river just now, why bother to come back and make a fuss?


There should be other countermeasures. Since those guys have set up an ambush, it is impossible to stop them easily.

Just as he was still thinking, he suddenly felt something fall from above.

The body's self-reaction made him subconsciously lift the vampire blade and swipe it directly, wanting to cut those things off.


The strange thing is that the weeping blood ghost blade only sparked a burst of sparks in the smoke and dust, but it didn't destroy those things.


This made Lin Pingzhi a little surprised, his weapon was extremely sharp, and it also had the blessing of internal strength.

Ordinary objects have already been cut into two sections, why did this happen today?

Before he had time to think about it, the object above his head was pressed down, and only then did he realize what it was.

It turned out to be the net.


The riverside was always windy, and a gust of wind blew away the smoke from the smoke-fog-bombs, so that the field of vision widened.

Lin Pingzhi inserted the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade into the ground to prevent himself from falling.

And the body has already been pressed with a net made of iron wire.

It turned out that the whistling sounds he heard just now were from this thing.

The surrounding warriors surrounded him, and the two people facing each other were holding a wire, and all the people together were like weaving a net.


Seeing this, Miyamoto Ichiro had a look of complacency on his face, and at the same time, there was a touch of ruthlessness, and his face darkened and mocked.

"The so-called Mr. Mingyue is nothing more than that, if you were captured by me and other unknown people, I think you are just a waste of fame!"

He held his head high and his eyebrows almost flew into the sky, feeling that he had made a great contribution.

At this moment, he is already imagining that his master will teach him all the unique skills as a reward.

Just thinking about it is fucking exciting.

Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly, showing a little solemnity.

His knees were slightly bent, and the metal that was pressing on him didn't look like wire.

The weight is also beyond the reach of ordinary metals.

He tried to shake it slightly to see if he could find any openings.

"Don't bother!"

Miyamoto Ichiro sneered: "These are made of black iron and black gold, and they are specially used to deal with users of sharp weapons such as swords!

Not only is it extremely tough, but it is also extremely heavy, and it is impossible for anyone to break free.

You are honored to be the first to be caught! "


Lin Pingzhi raised his head, thinking that you are a little too arrogant.

So you want to trap me, Young Master Mingyue?


next second.

Lin Pingzhi's internal energy surged out, just like those river waves around the pier, wave after wave.

This powerful wave of internal energy really startled the people around, even Ichiro Miyamoto's expression changed.

He didn't expect this young man to be so powerful.

This level of majesty is probably comparable to that of his master.

"Tai Chi!"

After uttering two words, Lin Pingzhi began to perform Tai Chi, combined with fist and sword.

Holding the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in one hand, and clenched into a fist with the other, his body swayed from side to side under the pressure of the heavy net.

The essence of Tai Chi is to use softness to overcome rigidity, and through some slight swings, to achieve the effect of four or two strokes.

Slowly, his swaying arc became more and more stable, and the net on his body also swayed with his movements.

The warriors holding the net around them, driven by the force, also followed the regular operation of left, right, front and back.

They were puzzled, but felt that this rhythm was quite comfortable.


Of course Miyamoto Ichiro was upset, the corners of his mouth twitched, he couldn't understand Lin Pingzhi's pretentious attitude.

He yelled: "Baga! Hold on, hold on! There are so many idiots of you, can't you hold down one person?"

I really can't hold back.

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly. The stronger the opponent's strength, the better it would be for him.

Another essence of Tai Chi is to use force to strike force. No matter how much force you exert, it will be bounced back.

Therefore, even though the warriors around him became more serious and worked harder, they still couldn't help Lin Pingzhi.


Miyamoto Ichiro gritted his teeth tightly with blue veins on his forehead.

next second.

He drew out his knife with a bang, leaped forward, stepped on those mesh wires, and ran towards Lin Pingzhi step by step.


Aim at one of the gaps and stab Lin Pingzhi directly.

He decided.

Under such circumstances, the opponent has no way to defend, and naturally there is no way to fight back.

Originally wanted to go back alive, but now it seems that it is not so easy, so I can only take the next best thing and bring a corpse back.

But that is also a great achievement.

So he didn't hesitate, the knife was clean and neat, aiming at the back of Lin Pingzhi's head, if he hits, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

Moreover, the knife is also mixed with the blessing of his internal force, making it even sharper.

It's a pity that Lin Pingzhi is not afraid.

His golden bell cover body protection, coupled with the Beiming Shengong body protection, and various internal strengths in his body, make his external kung fu quite tough.

Just as Miyamoto Ichiro's knife pierced past, the powerful internal force body shield directly knocked him away.


Miyamoto Ichiro couldn't believe it, he was already like this, and he still couldn't break through the defense.


With a disdainful laugh, Lin Pingzhi continued to deal with the surrounding warriors.

But just when Miyamoto Ichiro was thrown into the air, suddenly the tiger's body shook, and the internal force released from his body changed his trajectory.

He flew back upside down with Lin Pingzhi back to back.

But at this moment, the killing intent on his body was stronger and more threatening than before.


Aware of this, Lin Pingzhi looked back and found that this trick was Yan Fan.

Sure enough, this guy is Huyan Dazang's apprentice.

It's just that Yan Hui hasn't mastered this trick yet, and his movements seem a little clumsy.

"Yan back!"

Xingxu realized that the other party had already guessed it, so Miyamoto Ichiro stopped hiding, shouted, and stabbed at Lin Pingzhi.

This move hit a surprise.

At the same time, the surrounding warriors also learned to cooperate.

They thought to themselves that since they couldn't stabilize, they would completely disrupt the opponent's rhythm.

So he took the net in his hand and swayed it left and right, which disrupted Lin Pingzhi's balance and made him unable to move normally.


I have to say that this trick is indeed a bit troublesome.

Lin Pingzhi must get serious.

But right now.

Suddenly there was the sound of a sword whistling, and a beautiful figure flew out directly from the direction of the pier, and at the same time threw out a sword aura.

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