A group of Japanese pirates hovered around Lin Pingzhi, and after seeing the right moment, they shot together, trying to take him away.

Everyone took out their knives and stabbed towards Lin Pingzhi from different angles.

Some people stab it, some cut it, some cut from top to bottom, and some slash from left to right.

Basically covering all angles, there is no possibility of escape at all, so it can only be hard-wired.


They ignored that there was an upper position.

Lin Pingzhi jumped, and with a flick of his knee, he jumped out of everyone's encircling net.

That's a calm and breezy person, and it's like playing around with these guys, not taking it seriously at all.

With a thud, some of them also turned around, with one hand on their backs and the other hand holding the Vampire Blade, looking very chic.

"Huyan Dazang sent you bastards here, it's really a bit of a little Qiao."

Lin Pingzhi spoke slowly, with an expression as if he hadn't woken up.

The opponent's attack just now really made him unmotivated, and he had no desire to do anything at all.

But now he can't help it.

Who cares, grab one first, then get some reliable information out of their mouths.

Thinking about it, Lin Pingzhi raised his eyes, and suddenly stretched out the hand behind his back, he was accumulating energy just now.


The powerful suction immediately aimed at a certain Japanese pirate on the scene, this is the skill of capturing dragons!

The internal force turned into a chain, directly sucking that person over, and the other party couldn't find a point of strength at all.


The man yelled at him, but he couldn't understand what was going on, he just felt a strong force pulling him.


Naturally, Miyamoto Ichiro couldn't make Lin Pingzhi fulfill his wish. He knew exactly what the other party was doing, so he took out a cross dart from his pocket, and directly dealt with his subordinates.


Lin Pingzhi was not surprised. According to the attributes of these guys, it is reasonable to do such a thing.

"All warriors! I would rather die in battle than fall into their hands!"

Miyamoto Ichiro scolded.


All the warriors agreed in unison, they were not fools, they knew what Lin Pingzhi wanted.

It is nothing more than some reliable information, reliable intelligence jumping out of their mouths.

Naturally, they will not do what they want.


Lin Pingzhi shook his head, it seems that he can only do it hard, as long as he knocks down everyone, he can achieve his goal.

Of course, these guys in front of him are easy for him, not worth mentioning.


I saw him lift his left foot out, and the internal force all over his body was surging, and all the functions of his body, under the blessing of internal force, had reached an exaggerated level.

This is not.

He just stepped forward with his left foot, but in the next second, he was already in front of those warriors. He raised his Weeping Blood Ghost Blade and brushed it across.


I don't know how many people died because of this, and the warriors standing in the front fell to the ground one by one.

They didn't even have time to react.


At this moment, Miyamoto Ichiro realized how powerful Master Mingyue was, and he gritted his teeth, thinking of retreating.

Suddenly he heard the sound of the waves around him, rolled his eyes, and jumped into the waves first.

This is a river connected to Linhai, and it is also the main river, unfathomably deep.

For the Dongying people, it is more convenient to move in the water. Their childhood life in the sea has created their special skills.

Seeing their boss jumping into the river, the rest of the warriors also understood what was going on, and turned their heads and threw themselves into the river.

A series of muffled sounds sounded, and all the warriors jumped into the river like this, submerged under the waves.

When Lin Pingzhi came to the shore, it was naturally impossible to jump down. There was an undercurrent in the water, and he hadn't gotten used to it. Going down was basically nothing.

He looked down at the choppy waves, frowning slightly.

I thought in my heart that these guys are not stupid, and they know how to use their own advantages.


While he was in a trance, rows of cross darts suddenly jumped out of the water, and they came before him in the blink of an eye.

Those guys took advantage of the gap in vision and threw hidden weapons under the water. Because the distance was very short, the time for people to react was very short.

But Lin Pingzhi was able to react, but he was caught off guard by the sudden attack.

But at any rate, he managed to avoid it and was not injured.

Realizing that the opponent wanted to use his local advantage to fight, Lin Pingzhi immediately jumped off the shore, not giving the opponent a chance to catch him by surprise.


Who knows.

Jie Jie laughter came from around the pier again, from all directions, even Lin Pingzhi couldn't tell what direction it was.


There are people around every corner.



next moment.

The warriors who had just jumped into the river jumped out one after another, and circled around the pier to surround Lin Pingzhi again.

"Tch, I thought it was some great trick, is this back to the original point?"

Lin Pingzhi didn't take it seriously, and scanned the surrounding people.

But it didn't take long to spot a difference.

I saw these guys carrying all kinds of hidden weapons in their hands.


Miyamoto Ichiro was also unambiguous, and immediately ordered to attack without giving the opponent a chance to react.

As soon as the words fell, the warriors in all directions threw out those strange hidden weapons in their hands, and threw them fiercely towards the center.

There are cross darts, kunai, and some weird hidden weapons, and some inexplicable liquids are obviously painted on them.

It is poisonous at first sight.

"Small skills, do you think this can stump me?"

The corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth twitched, but he still didn't take it to heart.

I saw that he transferred his internal energy to his legs, and performed Lingbo Weibu leisurely.

In the process of moving, it seems to drag out afterimages, and the speed seems to be both fast and slow, which makes people feel very strange.

But it is this kind of seemingly embarrassing pace that can avoid the plots of those hidden weapons every time, and Lin Pingzhi is still unscathed.

But at the next moment, there was a muffled thunder sound, and suddenly countless smoke-mist-bombs exploded on the ground around him.

Those smoke-fog-bombs raised smoke and dust, which immediately surrounded Lin Pingzhi, blocking his vision, no, it's a little bit bad.

But Lin Pingzhi was protected by the Teng Snake Armor, so he wasn't afraid. For his limbs and head, he used golden bell shields to resist.

He had already thought of a countermeasure, and at the same time, his ears became extremely sensitive when his eyes were blind.

The sound of piercing the air has been heard one after another, and it seems that those hidden weapons are about to be thrown over.


Just when Lin Pingzhi was waiting with all his might, he was somewhat disappointed.

Because there is no hidden weapon flying towards him.

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