
Upon hearing these words, Tang Qingfeng slammed the table and stood up, looking quite angry.

The same is true for the rest of the people.


The expressions vary, and to varying degrees.

Lin Pingzhi saw it and said to them: "Everyone, then go and meet them. I'll see then, what are those little devils capable of?"

"Little devil?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Lin Pingzhi didn't explain it either. People of this era naturally couldn't understand this title, so he just blurted it out casually.

"Let's go, go early."

With a casual urging, Lin Pingzhi set off first.


There are not many other people, entangled in the problem just now.

Tang Qingfeng said to Li Hongqu, "Lead the way!"


The latter nodded, exchanged glances with the leader without a trace, and then set off.

Lin Pingzhi and the others followed behind, and soon brought a group of brothers to the scene of the incident.

This is the confluence of rivers, and the place where the accident happened is at the pier, and now the pier has become a mess.

All I saw was a group of guys in close-fitting black clothing, smashing things and grabbing things by the way.

These people are generally short in stature, and they look like pirates at first glance, as can be seen from their wretched movements.

"This is not the worst!"

At this time.

Li Hongqu suddenly opened his mouth, pointed in other directions, and said, "Over there, over there... and over there!"


Just as he was talking, the Japanese pirates at the pier, after grabbing something, jumped into the river with a splash, and disappeared without a trace.

Not even a few bubbles are left.

Shangguan Xiaoxian explained: "Boss Escort Lin, you don't know, these guys are from Dongpu, and they are excellent in water!

We still had an advantage when we were on land before, but if we were in the water, those guys would be terrible. "


Lin Pingzhi nodded slightly. He had never fought in water before, so he was a little uncertain for a while.

Without waiting for him to give orders, Shangguan Xiaoxian suddenly shouted: "Come on! Show these guys some color!"

After talking, I took the people first.

But the people from other alliances did not keep up.

During this gap, Tang Qingfeng suddenly suggested: "Let's act separately. There are troubles that need to be solved in various places. It is better to separate them."


The rest of the people didn't think too much, and rushed in the direction Li Hongqu pointed just now.

"Boss Lin..."

Tang Qingfeng turned to look at Lin Pingzhi, and said, "You go over there."


Lin Pingzhi always felt that something was intentional and a little bit awkward, but he couldn't tell what was going on.

He didn't think much about it, and followed the direction of the other's finger, hurried over to help, turned left and right, and came to a nearby pier.


He also brought some escorts with him, but because he came in a hurry, he didn't bring any powerful characters.

Following an order, several subordinates rushed out.

At this moment.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly realized that the situation in front of him was a little different from just now. This place was too remote, giving people an indescribably dangerous feeling.

And it was so quiet, completely different from the previous place, it seemed like the calm before the storm.


Sure enough, as he expected, the next moment, the surface of the nearby water suddenly exploded, and wretched Japanese pirates jumped out of the water, each with a knife in their hand.


One of them yelled, and everyone rushed forward.

These guys have all learned Japanese ninjutsu, and their figures are weird, like ghosts, and their movements are unpredictable.

The people from the Escort Bureau brought over were knocked to the ground in two or three strokes, and there was no room for resistance at all.

After the rest of the people were dealt with, those guys set their targets on Lin Pingzhi and surrounded Lin Pingzhi in a circle.


One of them looks quite different, from his movement and footsteps, it can be seen that his cultivation is not shallow.

Lin Pingzhi saw it at a glance.

The man covered his face, but the pride and contempt in his eyes were already very obvious.

He surrounded Lin Pingzhi and laughed at the same time: "This is the famous Mr. Mingyue?

It's better to be famous than to meet! "

Looking at the pirate in front of him who spoke poor Mandarin, Lin Pingzhi took out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade.

There was an expression of indifference on his face.


How could these miscellaneous things in front of him get into his eyes?

Although dozens of people surrounded him, the only one who could get his hands on was the Japanese pirate who just spoke.

The rest are some rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs, not worth mentioning at all.

This is not.

The corner of his mouth slightly hooked, looking quite casual, and said: "It seems that this is planned by you in advance, isn't it?"

"Not bad!"

The man who spoke just now said again: "We deliberately made noise to lure you out!

Especially you, Young Master Mingyue, it's too late to realize this now, and everyone praised you for being both wise and brave, but now it seems that you are really exaggerating. "

"You're quite slippery with your lips, you've been here for a while."

Lin Pingzhi didn't take it to heart, twisted his wrist to hold a sword flower, and said casually, "Tell me, who ordered you to come?"


The man's face turned hard, and there was a chill in his eyes: "No one instructed, it's my uncle who wants your dog's life!"


Lin Pingzhi couldn't help laughing, and shook his head: "With your bastard, you can't make such a big storm.

Who is behind you?

Tianfeng Fourteenth Lang, or Huyan Dazang? "

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

The man obviously wanted to cover up, and suddenly revealed his family name: "But, I don't recommend telling you your identity, my name is Ichiro Miyamoto!"

Lin Pingzhi's expression didn't change at all, he had never heard of the name, but Miyamoto Musashi had.

He took out his earwax and said: "It seems that you are bound to win, and you have misunderstood me to some extent. Today, I will let you know how powerful I am, Young Master Mingyue!"


As soon as the words fell, a sword qi slashed out, which contained a strong internal force, rippling away in circles, and directly shocked the surrounding people back.

Some of the weaker ones even dropped the weapons in their hands, and they were scared to pee.


Miyamoto Ichiro was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the young man in front of him to be so powerful, but he meant to catch up with him.

He gritted his teeth: "Let's go together!"

As soon as the words fell, the Japanese pirates gathered together again, and surrounded Lin Pingzhi with neat steps, and the wooden clogs under their feet made a crackling sound.

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