Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 957 Another Action

Lin Pingzhi noticed that Shangguan Xiaoxian and Tang Qingfeng looked a little unnatural, but he didn't point it out.



Shangguan Xiaoxian was furious, probably to cover up the strangeness just now.

At this moment, Tang Qingfeng even glanced at Lin Pingzhi, obviously harboring ulterior motives.


Lin Pingzhi didn't change his face, but he had already remembered these two people in his heart. Obviously, they were planning something.

"That guy still dares to come?"

Shangguan Xiaoxian smiled anxiously, turned to look at Lin Pingzhi, and said:

"Boss Escort Lin, you don't know, this damned thing has been causing trouble in Sihui before, we worked together to repel it, who knew it would come over and make trouble again."

"how do I say this?"

Lin Pingzhi asked in detail, trying to find out the truth of the matter.

The golden student knew that he should not stay in this place, so he said goodbye immediately:

"The veteran suddenly remembered that there are still some things to deal with, so I won't bother you."

After speaking, step back obediently.

This old guy is quite sensible, and he doesn't listen to what he knows he shouldn't listen to.

Tang Qingfeng rolled his eyes, cupped his hands and said, "Let's go inside and chat, we can't let everyone stand here and talk."

Having said that, Lin Pingzhi immediately invited everyone to sit in the room and let people watch tea at the same time.

During this process, Tang Qingfeng contacted Shangguan Xiaoxian quietly, and the two seemed to be exchanging secret signals.

This scene happened to be noticed by Lin Pingzhi, but he just pretended not to see it.

As for Li Yutang and Huangfu Xing, they didn't notice this.

"Tell me, what the hell are these Dongying people doing?"

Everything was ready, Lin Pingzhi sat on the top seat and looked at Tang Qingfeng, his brother-in-law.

Tang Qingfeng glanced at Li Yutang, and seeing that the other party didn't say anything, he planned to tell the story by himself.

He explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly:

"Originally, we would hold the absolute lifeline of the economy in this place, but suddenly a group of Japanese merchants appeared and began to disrupt the market.

During that time, the whole city of Hangzhou was full of disturbances, and those guys stirred up the whole shopping mall by themselves, and how many small merchants under our name were affected by it.

Some merchants with unstable strength directly lost their fortunes because of this turmoil, so we also lost a lot of customers. "

Speaking of it.

Tang Qingfeng's face turned ferocious.

with a snap.

Shangguan Xiaoxian answered the conversation, using her loud voice, cursing there.

"The damn Dongpu people must have premeditated, so we spent a long time to find the base of those guys, and brought a lot of brothers to go straight to Huanglong.

The effect is indeed there. Logically speaking, those guys have lost their foundation, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

I didn't expect to come back to make trouble now, it's really sticky like a dog's skin plaster! "

"I see."

After listening, Lin Pingzhi remained expressionless, as if he didn't take it seriously. During the whole process, he was trying to figure out the thoughts and expressions of the two people in front of him.

Then ask again: "What is the purpose of those guys?"

Tang Qingfeng thought for a while and said, "I think it should be money.

Since ancient times, those who do great things need the support of money, and I think they should be the same. "


Lin Pingzhi agreed with this point, saying: "That's why I chose to attack you. It seems that those guys have made a big move."

"Because of the previous turmoil, they plundered too many small businesses' capital, and they probably have already saved a lot."

Shangguan Xiaoxian interrupted again.

Beside, Huangfu Xing said: "Although our Fourth Association is powerful, we must know that it is also supported by these small business friends, which can be regarded as hurting our foundation.

This time, we must pay attention to this matter. "


Suddenly stood up and cupped his hands, looked at Lin Pingzhi, and said: "It just so happens that the chief escort Lin is here, why don't you give me a helping hand? During the fight that day, maybe some of us have already noticed it, and there may be today's things."


Lin Pingzhi looked at everyone, no one seemed surprised by Huangfu Xing's words, everyone guessed it.

He asked Tang Qingfeng: "How do you say that?"

Tang Qingfeng didn't hesitate anymore, and said, "Brother-in-law... Boss Lin, in fact, when we wiped out those Dongying people that day, we noticed that those guys didn't seem to be using all their strength.

Moreover, their leader is really too weak, which makes us doubtful.

It is possible to set off such a large-scale organization and achieve such effects in a short period of time.

We don't think those guys are mediocrity, they're just a bunch of moneybags, obviously they don't show all their confidence. "

"I see."

Lin Pingzhi understood, stood up and said, "In this case, Lin is willing to help.

After all, we are also considered allies, and our interests are linked. Besides, my brother-in-law is also here, so we should not just stand by and watch out of emotion and reason. "


Everyone drank tea together, which was considered to have achieved the goal of cooperation. After they all sat down, Lin Pingzhi asked again:

"The other party is from Penglai Island, have you ever found out the truth?"


Shangguan Xiaoxian hesitated for a while, and said in a somewhat uncertain tone: "It seems to have something to do with Huyan Dazang."

The others also nodded.

Shangguan Xiaoxian said again: "Last time when we were besieging that guy, we discovered that he used a move similar to Yan Fan's.

If there is no accident, it should have something to do with Huyan Dazang, but I am not sure. "

"Not sure?"

Lin Pingzhi couldn't understand.

Tang Qingfeng explained: "Brother-in-law, that guy's tricks are somewhat similar to Yan Fan's, but in terms of his strength, he is definitely not the Huyan Dazang we know, otherwise we may not be his opponent."


Lin Pingzhi nodded. He had fought against Huyan Dazang. Although that guy was not his opponent, he was not so strong. He was not defeated so easily.

Moreover, he appeared in Fuzhou some time ago, which is completely inconsistent in terms of timeline.

"Oh no!"

While everyone was discussing, Li Hongqu broke in from the outside, looking anxious.

Obviously something big happened.

Otherwise, according to his status as the deputy leader, how could he be so gaffe?

"What a system!"

Of course Tang Qingfeng had to come forward to teach her a lesson, which was somewhat embarrassing, especially in front of her brother-in-law.

Doesn't it make him feel like he's mismanaged?Even such a small amount of manpower is not well educated.

Li Hongqu reacted and straightened his posture immediately, but his anxious expression was still easy to express.

"Masters, Chief Escort Lin, news came from his subordinates just now, saying that those Japanese pirates have started to act again!"

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