Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 956 Dart, moved to Hangzhou City

Fuzhou prefect?

Lin Pingzhi didn't expect that the governor of Fuzhou would come to visit him today.

Rivers and lakes are rivers and lakes, and officialdom is officialdom.

The two are incompatible.

The prefect of Fuzhou came to visit in person, which is undoubtedly a compromise from the people in the officialdom to the people in the world.

"I gonna go see."

Lin Pingzhi said lightly.

As he walked to the lobby, he saw a man with a big belly sitting there drinking tea.

Looking at that fat head and big ears, it is conceivable that a lot of people's fat and people's anointing in Fuzhou City must have gone into his pocket.

"Master Taishou is here to visit, and I am sorry to welcome you far away, so please don't blame him, Lord Taishou."

Lin Pingzhi walked into the lobby with fists in his hands and a smirk on his face.

He didn't like it.

But the prefect of Fuzhou was a senior official in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Instead of having a conflict, it is a conflict with the Southern Song Dynasty.

For Lin Pingzhi, this was something he did not want to see.

The obese Fuzhou prefect saw Lin Pingzhi coming and got up quickly.

"Nephew Lin Xian is being polite!"

He said hastily, with a flattering smile on his face.

"When your father was still there, I was close friends with your father. Now that nephew Lin Xian can achieve such an achievement, I must know that Zhennan's brother Quanxia knows, and he will be very pleased."

Lin Pingzhi smiled.

He didn't take these polite words to heart at all.

If it is true what the Fuzhou prefect said, and his father Lin Zhennan is a close friend, then why didn't the Fuzhou prefect come forward when the Fuwei Escort was in trouble?

Do you really think he is stupid for talking such nonsense in front of him now?

"Your Majesty is serious. Our Fuwei Escort Bureau is just a reckless person who lives by relying on the weapons in his hands. How can we compare to Your Majesty?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.

There must be a purpose for the Fuzhou prefect to visit in person.

He still understands the reason why he should go to the Three Treasures Palace for everything.

The prefect of Fuzhou wiped the sweat from his forehead in embarrassment.

"Nephew Lin Xian speaks seriously."

He smiled and said, "I also heard about what happened yesterday. I wonder if the bodyguard entrusted by Chen Youliang is still there?"

When he said this, his expression became a little nervous.

His eyes, which were already narrowed into slits, revealed a look of uneasiness.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi had some speculations in his mind.

Originally, he thought that Chen Youliang's bodyguard just put some random things, but now it seems that this bodyguard seems to have something to do with Fuzhou prefect.

"After knowing Chen Youliang's purpose yesterday, the dart was destroyed by my sword."

He said without changing his face.

In fact, he brought this dart back and hid it in his system space.

It's just that there were beauties around yesterday, so he didn't have time to check it out.

Today, when the Fuzhou prefect came, he still asked about the dart, so he remembered it.

The governor of Fuzhou didn't know if he really believed Lin Pingzhi's words, or if he was pretending. His expression was obviously relaxed.

"That's fine, that's fine!"

He patted his chest, breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Lin Pingzhi and said:

"Nephew Lin Xian, if you have anything to do in Fuzhou City, you can send someone to the city guard's mansion to look for me. Our two families are best friends, and your business is mine!"

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Not to mention that he doesn't need to rely on people from the government at all.

Even if it is necessary, the next step is to rely on Hangzhou.

Fuwei Escort is ready to move to Hangzhou.

Fuzhou City will only be a semicolon.

After bidding farewell to the prefect of Fuzhou.

Lin Pingzhi took out Chen Youliang's dart from the storage space.


He tore off the seal and saw what was in the box.

In the box lay a letter.

Lin Pingzhi opened the letter and glanced at it briefly.

It turns out that the records above are all the things that the Fuzhou prefect committed in Fuzhou City.

The accounts that contain Chen Youliang's bribery to the Fuzhou prefect are all in it.

If this dart is sent to the palace, there will be two results.

Either go to Datian Ting, and the Fuzhou prefect will try his best to chase him down.

Either he was intercepted halfway, and he couldn't leave the palace.

And no matter what the result is, Fuwei Escort will definitely be destroyed by Chen Youliang and Tianfeng Shishilang.

The corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth twitched and he smiled contemptuously.

The above content is useless to him.

After burning the letter, he pretended nothing happened.

He is not a good person, and it is not his turn to intervene in things like cracking down on corrupt officials.

Even if he gets rid of the current Fuzhou prefect, the Southern Song Dynasty court will send a new Fuzhou prefect.

At that time, it will be another cancer.

For the people of Fuzhou City, they are still oppressed.

In order to solve this kind of thing, the root cause must be solved.

But he doesn't have this ability now.


half a month later.

All Fuwei Escorts moved to Hangzhou.

At the "invitation" of Simeng, a wealthy businessman from Hangzhou, Huang Jinsheng, gave up a piece of manor and donated it to Lin Pingzhi as the new site of Fuwei Escort.

In the lobby of Xinfuwei Escort, Huang Jinsheng's fat body kept nodding and bending over.

Beside him, Tang Qingfeng, Shangguan Xiaoxian, Huangfu Xing and Li Yutang were chatting there.

As Lin Pingzhi walked into the lobby, everyone's eyes focused on Lin Pingzhi.

"Brother-in-law, isn't this place nice? It's bigger than our Shuilongyin's residence in Hangzhou!"

Tang Qingfeng approached Lin Pingzhi as if asking for credit, and said with a smile.

Lin Pingzhi also smiled slightly at Tang Qingfeng.

"All of this depends on the golden student. This manor is a gift from him."

Huangfu Xing said from the side.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the plump Jinsheng, nodded and said with a smile:

"Thank you, Yuanwai Huang."

When Huang Jinsheng heard this, his face was full of horror.

He waved his hands again and again: "Mr. Lin's words are serious, if you like it, just like it."

The leader and deputy leader of the Four Leagues is standing beside him, what can he do?

The city guard of Hangzhou would humble himself in front of the Four Leagues, not to mention that he was just a businessman.

In front of such a huge force of the Four Leagues, he is not even a fart.

No matter how much he feels sorry for this manor, there is nothing he can do.

After Fuwei Escort moved to Hangzhou.

In Hangzhou, Lin Pingzhi owned such forces as Fuwei Escort Bureau, Shenshui Palace, and Yihong Sword Academy.

The Four Leagues are also his staunch allies.

It can be said that in Hangzhou in the future, Lin Pingzhi's words will be better than the prefect of Hangzhou.

When Lin Pingzhi was exchanging greetings with Li Yutang and the others.

Huang Yuanwen, Wanlisha's deputy leader, hurried in.

He moved closer to Li Yutang's side, and seemed to have something to say, but he didn't say it.

Shangguan Xiaoxian's temper immediately came up.

"Huang Yuanwen, what are you hesitating about? Say what you want! Just like a bitch!"

Huang Yuanwen's face froze.

But he didn't have any temper with Shangguan Xiaoxian.

Ye Zhiqiu of Diwangzhou abdicated, Shangguan Xiaoxian was already the new leader of Diwangzhou, and he was the deputy leader of Wanlisha, so his status was lower.

"Yuan Wen, tell me, there are no outsiders here."

Li Yutang said lightly.

Huang Yuanwen nodded after hearing what Li Yutang said:

"That Fusang man has come to Hangzhou City again."

Lin Pingzhi was a little curious when he heard this.

He found that both Shangguan Xiaoxian and Tang Qingfeng had unnatural expressions on their faces.

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