Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 955 The death of Chen Youliang, Fuzhou prefect

"Lin Pingzhi!"

Chen Youliang's eyes were full of shock.

He didn't expect to see Lin Pingzhi again here.

Originally, he thought that Lin Pingzhi should not have returned to Fuzhou City.

The people from Fuwei Escort Bureau should be captured by Tianfeng Shishilang's people.

"You don't want to know, how is Tianfeng Shishilang?"

Looking at Chen Youliang in front of him, Lin Pingzhi slightly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly.

Chen Youliang was shocked, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Facing Lin Pingzhi, his brain was running fast.

"Mr. Lin, things are not what you think. All this has nothing to do with me."

He struggled to explain.

Although he felt that Lin Pingzhi would not believe his words, he wanted to try it.

"Chen Youliang, do you take me for a fool?"

Until now, Chen Youliang is still trying to defend himself.

Lin Pingzhi really couldn't see it.

Hearing this, Chen Youliang's eyes were stern.

He gritted his teeth and shouted at Lin Pingzhi:

"Lin Pingzhi! Don't force people too much!"

Although he didn't want to fight with Lin Pingzhi, but the matter had developed to the present, the only thing he could do was to resist.

And Tianfeng Shishiro brought so many people.

Although Lin Pingzhi is very powerful, he feels that Tianfeng Shishilang must have consumed a lot of internal energy.

Lin Pingzhi standing in front of him now, maybe he is only strong in the outside world!

This might be his lifeline!

"Too deceiving?"

Lin Pingzhi squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Youliang in front of him, with a sarcastic look on his face.

"Chen Youliang, ask yourself, are you human? In my eyes, you are worse than a dog, and you dare to bark?"

His sarcasm made Chen Youliang's expression extremely ugly.

But he didn't have a seizure, instead he put his hands behind his back and quietly gestured to the disciples of the Beggar Gang behind him.

Lin Pingzhi also had a panoramic view of this scene.

There was a playful look in his eyes.

"Chen Youliang, put away your tricks!"

Contemptuous words came from his mouth.

"If you want to go, go quickly!"

It's not that he is too conceited, but that he really doesn't like Chen Youliang.

"Okay! Lin Pingzhi, you forced me to do this!"

Chen Youliang didn't hide it anymore.

With a wave of his hand, thousands of Beggar Sect disciples surrounded Lin Pingzhi.

Under this siege, Lin Pingzhi didn't have the slightest hint of fear in his eyes.

Most of the disciples of the Beggar Clan are real beggars. They usually don’t have enough food and clothing to keep warm, and they don’t have the strength to practice martial arts. How high can martial arts be?

Even the martial arts of these beggar gang disciples are much worse than those Japanese pirates who killed themselves before.

"Brothers! Hack him!"

With Chen Youliang's roar sounded.

Many beggar gang disciples rushed towards Lin Pingzhi.

Taking advantage of this moment, Chen Youliang looked around nervously.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he slipped outside.

"You are really courting death!"

Lin Pingzhi focused his eyes, looking at the many disciples of the Beggar Clan in front of him, and put the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in his hand into the system space.


A record of twenty-eight palms subduing the dragon was shot.

Nearly a hundred Beggar Clan disciples in front of him were blown away by this palm.

Dead dead, wounded.

As soon as the move was successful, many Beggar Clan disciples felt timid, and some dared not look directly at Lin Pingzhi.

They are all human beings, plus Chen Youliang domineering in front of them on weekdays, Lin Pingzhi is such a powerful character, they really dare not take on such a powerful role for a while.

Looking around at the beggar gang disciples who dared not step forward due to fear, Lin Pingzhi looked indifferent.

He raised his eyes and looked in the direction where Chen Youliang was standing.

But he saw that the place where Chen Youliang was originally was empty, and there was no sign of Chen Youliang at all.

"Chen Youliang, do you think you can run?"

A look of sarcasm appeared on Lin Pingzhi's face.

He saw Chen Youliang who had already run some distance away.

Following his hand, he touched his waist.

The Meteorite Flying Knife appeared in his hand.


Xiao Li Fei Dao, the example is not false.

At this moment, it seems that there are only three things in the world.

Lin Pingzhi, Fei Dao, Chen Youliang.

Three points and one line, there is no room for other things.

Chen Youliang froze for his life and froze in place.

On the back of his head, there was a bloody hole splattered with blood.

Time seemed to stand still.

Chen Youliang's body fell straight on the ground.

With the death of the nine-sack elder who took the lead.

Disciples of the beggar gang, scattered like birds and beasts.

No one dared to stay any longer.

They were all afraid that Lin Pingzhi would take out another throwing knife and cut a bloody hole in their heads.

Seeing that all the disciples of the Beggar Gang had retreated, Lin Pingzhi also heaved a sigh of relief.

He also has a great relationship with the beggar gang.

Fortunately, these beggar gang disciples didn't rush forward frantically.

Otherwise, facing so many disciples of the beggar sect, it would be wrong to kill him, and it would be wrong not to kill them.

Who made him think about Sister Rong, who was once the current leader of the Beggars' Sect.

What's more, Hong Qigong is also kind to him.

A human being cannot repay favors like this.

It is enough to remove the malignant tumor of Chen Youliang, the beggar gang.

After all the dust settled, Li Mochou and others also had to walk out of the lobby.

Immediately, a dozen beauties surrounded Lin Pingzhi, booing and asking for warmth beside Lin Pingzhi.

"Lin Lang, do you have any?"

"Let me see Lin Lang, did he hurt you?"

"Ping'er, you are not allowed to do this next time, and we can help you too."


Lin Pingzhi didn't know how to respond to so many beauties asking for their care and warmth, so he could only smile and nod.

Miao Renfeng looked at this scene at the end, his eyes were full of sourness.

Can't you tell if Lin Pingzhi was injured?

There was no blood on his body, not even his clothes were wrinkled, and his hairstyle was not messed up.

Where does it hurt?

Evidently unscathed.

He was the one who was really hurt!

He faced the siege of so many Japanese pirates before, although he was not seriously injured and unconscious, at least his body was dripping with blood.

These people all went to greet Lin Pingzhi, and even his daughter forgot about him as a father.

Wait until it is confirmed that Lin Pingzhi is not injured.

The girls breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Miao Ruolan also thought of Miao Renfeng, and with an embarrassed look on her face, she walked up to Miao Renfeng and asked:

"Father, are you okay? I'll help you go back and rest."

Miao Renfeng didn't speak, just looked at Miao Ruolan quietly.

In the end, I had no choice but to sigh: "Women are not allowed to stay in college!"

Miao Ruolan blushed when she said this, and lowered her head in shame.

Just now she didn't think too much, she just thought that Lin Pingzhi must not get hurt, and she completely forgot about the existence of her father Miao Renfeng.

At this time, she also felt ashamed of being teased like this.


The next day.

The pool of blood in Fuwei Escort has been cleaned up by the servants.

But in the air, there is still the smell of fresh blood, which is very pungent.

Early in the morning, the gate of Fuwei Escort was full of noise.

Lin Pingzhi was also woken up because of this.

Walking out of the siege of many beauties, I learned from the servants that it turned out to be the prefect of Fuzhou City who came to pay a visit.

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