Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 946 Ginseng Soup, Lin Pingzhi's Choice

"Ding, the skill has increased for one year."

"Ding, the power has increased for three years."

"Ding, the skill has been increased for five years."


The system reminder of increasing skill kept ringing in Lin Pingzhi's mind.

At this moment, he secretly rejoiced that his waist was very strong.

Otherwise, this way of becoming stronger, if it were someone else, I am afraid that they would die prematurely before becoming stronger.

Lin Pingzhi didn't know how long it took Nuwa to create humans.

But his creation lasted a full day and night.

Although it is not a loss, it is really a bit tiring.

He didn't force himself to deal with things anymore, but embraced the beautiful woman and fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already noon.

The beautiful woman beside him has left, and he is alone on the bed.

After stretching, Lin Pingzhi walked out of the room.

Because of his arrival, the Fuwei Escort Bureau did not undergo any major changes, and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

"Brother Lin."

Miao Ruolan's delicate voice rang in Lin Pingzhi's ears.

Lin Pingzhi looked sideways.

I saw Miao Ruolan holding a tray in her hand, and there was steaming hot soup on the tray.

"what is this?"

Lin Pingzhi frowned.

He hadn't eaten for a long time, but when he smelled the aroma of the soup, he felt his appetite whetted.

"Father said that you have been too tired these two days, and specially asked the kitchen to make ginseng soup, and asked me to serve it for you to nourish your body."

Miao Ruolan said, walked into the room with ginseng soup, put the ginseng soup on the table, waved to Lin Pingzhi and said:

"Brother Lin, come here, wait until the soup is getting cold."


Lin Pingzhi responded with a smile.

He walked to the table, looked at Miao Ruolan who was slightly parting her red lips and gently blowing hot air, and couldn't help feeling in his heart that all his women were really virtuous.

"Come on, sit down and I'll feed you."

Miao Ruolan pulled Lin Pingzhi to sit down, picked up the ginseng soup on the table, blew on it again, and handed the spoon to Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

Lin Pingzhi opened his mouth and drank the ginseng soup in one gulp.

Miao Ruolan looked at Lin Pingzhi expectantly and asked:

"Brother Lin, how does this ginseng soup taste?"

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi knew immediately that this ginseng soup must have been cooked by Miao Ruolan herself, and definitely not made in any kitchen.

"Sweet, very sweet."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

These words made Miao Ruolan a little nervous.

"Sweet? Am I mistaking sugar for salt?"

Worried in her heart, she quickly took a sip, but what she drank tasted salty.

This makes me very puzzled.

"Brother Lin, this soup is obviously salty, why is it sweet?"

She thought that sugar was put in before, which made her a false alarm.

Lin Pingzhi took the ginseng soup in Miao Ruolan's hands, and he didn't care whether it was hot or not, he drank it in one gulp.

"Lan'er Huishou Lanxin, the soup made by herself is of course delicious, but Lan'er is so beautiful, Brother Lin feels sweet when he sees you, so naturally this soup is also sweet to drink."

While speaking sweet words, Lin Ping put Miao Ruolan in his arms.

Miao Ruolan felt shy in her heart, Xia Fei's cheeks were a little embarrassed to look at Lin Pingzhi.

Even though she and Lin Pingzhi were not the first lovers, she has a thin skin since she was a child.

Looking at the shy Miao Ruolan, Lin Pingzhi couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha... Lan'er, what's there to be shy about, we can be considered an old couple, right?"

As he spoke, he caressed Miao Ruolan's tender face and kissed it lightly.

Miao Ruolan quickly lowered her head.

"Brother Lin, stop making trouble, Sister Long'er and Sister Mochou are still waiting for you."

As she spoke, she quickly wanted to break free from Lin Pingzhi's arms.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't let go, Miao Ruolan was mediocre in martial arts, so she couldn't break free.

"That's right, then Lan'er, remember to wash it up tonight, Brother Lin will come to you later."

Lin Pingzhi whispered in Miao Ruolan's ear.

The hot air she exhaled made Miao Ruolan's ears itch and her heart beat faster.


She responded softly like a mosquito whispering.

Having made an agreement with the beautiful woman, Lin Pingzhi let go of his hand and let Miao Ruolan leave his arms.

He also got up quickly and walked towards the lobby.

Miao Ruolan said that Xiaolongnv and Li Mochou were waiting for her, presumably because of Hanji.

Fuwei Escort Bureau is his home, so naturally he is very familiar with everything.

When they came to the lobby with ease, there were only Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou and Miao Renfeng in the lobby.

"Lin Lang."

When Li Mochou and Xiao Longnv saw Lin Pingzhi appear, they rushed to meet him.

Miao Renfeng also greeted Lin Pingzhi:

"Pingzhi, all the people have been found, should they be killed or not?"

The owner of Fuwei Escort Bureau is always Lin Pingzhi, even if he is Lin Pingzhi's father-in-law, Lin Pingzhi still has to make the decision in the presence of Lin Pingzhi.

"Let it go."

Lin Pingzhi said casually.

When these words came out, not only Miao Renfeng was shocked, but Li Mochou was very puzzled.

"Lin Lang, Han Ji and those people were all sent by Chen Youliang to destroy the reputation of the Fuwei Escort Bureau. They finally found them out. If they don't kill them, why keep them?"

Li Mochou's face showed killing intent.

Fairy Chilian is worthy of being Fairy Chilian, even though she has been cultivating her mind and character in Fuwei Escort for a long time, she still has such a strong killing spirit.

"Senior sister, there must be a reason for Lin Lang to say this, let him explain the reason."

Xiao Longnv tugged on Li Mochou's sleeve, dissuading her.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi thought to himself that although Xiao Longnu had a little more fireworks, her heart was still kind.

"Mochou, you really should learn from Long Er."

Lin Pingzhi hugged Xiaolongnu into his arms.

Perhaps because of Miao Renfeng's presence, Xiao Longnv's face was also slightly flushed.

"Can't you wait for your husband to finish talking?"

Lin Pingzhi added, biting Li Mochou's face at the same time.

Li Mochou is different from Xiao Longnv, even if Miao Renfeng is present, her face doesn't change.

There was a happy smile on his face.

"Yes, yes, Mo Chou knew it was wrong, Lin Lang, tell me, why didn't you kill them?"

Li Mochou leaned against Lin Pingzhi's arms and asked softly.

When Miao Renfeng saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched.

What should he say?

Who would have thought that Fairy Chilian, the famous female devil in the world, would be so cute in the arms of his son-in-law?

And Lin Pingzhi, as his son-in-law, really didn't consider his feelings?

You know, even though he has a daughter named Miao Ruolan, she has been alone for nearly 20 years.

In front of him, is it really appropriate to be so affectionate?

But looking at Lin Pingzhi's face, there was no embarrassment at all. What else can he say as an elder?

Or, is it useful?

He couldn't beat Lin Pingzhi, did he say he was beaten?

Lin Pingzhi really ignored Miao Renfeng's thoughts.

He hugged Xiao Longnu on the left and Li Mochou on the right, and said with a contented expression:

"I'm back, do you think Chen Youliang doesn't know?"

Xiao Longnv looked at Li Mochou for some reason.

Li Mochou is a brainless existence in some places, so naturally she can't figure out what Lin Ping means.

Seeing this, Miao Renfeng knew that the second daughter didn't know, so the one Lin Pingzhi asked was asking him.

"Chen Youliang is the elder of the Nine Pockets of the Beggars' Gang, and the gang's eyeliner is spread all over the place. I'm afraid that even before you arrived in Fuzhou, Chen Youliang knew you were coming back."

"That's right!"

Lin Pingzhi let go of Xiao Longnv and Li Mochou, and sat straight at the head seat, with the air of the patriarch of a wealthy family.

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