Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 947 Chen Youliang's Cruelty

"It is precisely because I know that Chen Youliang knows, so I don't kill them!"

Lin Pingzhi looked at the three people below and said calmly.

His brows and eyes are full of confidence.

It seems like he knows all of this.


Miao Renfeng was also a little puzzled.

Since the other party knew it, why didn't they just kill Chen Youliang directly, frustrate the other party's spirit, and let him go instead?

"Because I want Chen Youliang to be happier."

The corners of Lin Pingzhi's mouth turned up slightly, and his expression became a little strange.

Xiao Longnv and Li Mochou looked at each other, they both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

"Understood, Pingzhi, you want to..."

Miao Renfeng just wanted to tell Lin Pingzhi's plan.

"Father-in-law, it's good to know, you don't have to say it."

Lin Pingzhi interrupted quickly, raising his eyebrows at the same time, and said with a smile:

"Some things are meaningless to say."

His mysterious appearance made the three of them shudder.

It seemed that in their memory, they had never seen Lin Pingzhi like this.

After Chen Youliang's people have made a decision.

Lin Pingzhi left the lobby first.

Tonight, he has an appointment with Miao Ruolan.

But tomorrow is the time to take down Xiao Longnu and Li Mochou.

In the previous Polar Brawl, the second daughter did not participate.

Perhaps because of their first relationship, they were a little embarrassed and did not participate in the war.

He had to find a chance to fight them one-on-one.


Night falls.

Night always comes quietly.

The nights in Fuzhou before were always very quiet.

But today, the silence of the past was broken.

"Elder! Elder Chen!"

Loud shouts sounded from the Earth Temple outside Fuzhou City.

Here is the Fuzhou sub-helm of the Southern Beggars Gang.

Chen Youliang, the elder of the nine bags from the main rudder, is in charge.

Many beggar gang disciples had already fallen into a deep sleep.

They have long been used to sleeping on the floor.

But the sudden shout also startled them.

The disciples of the Beggar Clan picked up the wooden sticks beside them one after another, and stared covetously at the outside of the temple.

When someone came in, a Beggar Clan disciple shouted:

"A member of Fuwei Escort Bureau?"

They were a little surprised.

How could people from Fuwei Escort come to the beggar gang's territory late at night.

And looking at their shabby clothes, they seem to have suffered a lot.

Could it be that on the way back from carrying the darts, he encountered robbers?

"It's me! The second mouse!"

One of the "bodyguards" shouted quickly.

With the help of the faint moonlight, the beggar gang disciples in the earth temple finally saw clearly that this person was really the second mouse of the beggar gang disciples.

"Er Mouse, where did you go? Why are you wearing the clothes of Fuwei Escort? They are also members of our beggar gang?"

"Yes! Where's Elder Chen? Where's Elder Chen!"

The second mouse cried and shouted, and even when he spoke, there was still air leaking from his mouth.

Chen Youliang, who had already fallen asleep, was woken up.

His face was very ugly.

When the orange light of the torch was reflected on his face, his dark face was clearly visible.

"Where did you go?"

Chen Youliang looked at the Ermozi and other dozen or so disciples of the Beggar Clan who were dressed in bodyguard costumes, and asked in a deep voice.

"Elder Chen, it's not you..."

The second mouse had just spoken, but hadn't finished.

Hearing a "clang", the blade was unsheathed.

When Chen Youliang raised the knife and dropped it, the second mouse had already stared at him, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and fell straight to the ground.

"Elder Chen!"

Some beggar gang disciples shouted quickly.

However, Chen Youliang turned a deaf ear.

"You, why did you go!"

He held a knife in one hand and grabbed the collar of the "guardian" with the other.


The same words just came out.

It was cold again.

Under Chen Youliang's knife, another dead soul was added.

He asked repeatedly, raised the knife repeatedly, and dropped it repeatedly.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen disciples of the Beggar Gang who got mixed into the Fuwei Escort and were kicked out all died.

No one knows why Chen Youliang did this.

The people present, except him, no one knew who he killed and what he did.

But no one dared to ask.

Since Chen Youliang came to Fuzhou Sub-Helm, the whole Fuzhou Sub-Helm has become Chen Youliang's voice.

"Brothers of the beggar gang!"

Chen Youliang raised the bloody long knife and shouted loudly:

"They pretended to be bodyguards of the Fuwei Escort Bureau, and they robbed homes and houses, intending to destroy the relationship between the Beggar Gang and the Fuwei Escort Bureau, and to discredit the Beggar Gang. According to the rules of the gang, this elder has killed them! I hope all brothers take this as a warning , don't do those shameful things!"

When the voice fell, the earth temple was extremely silent.

Except for the faint sound of breathing, and the sound of blood bubbles bursting in the pool of blood, there was no sound at all.

It was not the first time they met Chen Youliang's fierceness.

They don't need to think about it to understand that Ermozi and the others must be doing things for Chen Youliang, but Chen Youliang didn't want this matter to be made public, so they killed them to silence them.

This, although well aware.

But he didn't dare to stand up and blame Chen Youliang.

Because there are lessons learned from the past.

For the dirty things Chen Youliang did, some disciples of the sub-rudder went to the chief helm to complain to the helper Shi Huolong.

The result is predictable.

Now that this happens again, they dare not speak out.

"You guys, clean up this place. After all, you are disciples of the Beggar Clan. Although you made a mistake, you can't expose the corpse in the wild. It's better to bury it."

Chen Youliang waved to the few disciples of the beggar sect who were closest to him, with a look of compassion.

As he returned to the resting place, the dim candlelight reflected his ferocious face.

"What a Lin Pingzhi!"

Chen Youliang clenched his fist, his arm trembling constantly.

He had thought about whether Lin Pingzhi would find the person he arranged.

But he never expected that Lin Pingzhi would let them back.

For a while, he couldn't figure out what Lin Pingzhi meant.

But he can be sure that Lin Pingzhi already knew that he did it.

Even if Ermozi and the others didn't expose it, there must be a tail behind Ermozi.

He, Chen Youliang, cannot escape the relationship.

"Lin Pingzhi, since the door has been opened, wouldn't I be too sorry for you if I don't come to visit you!"

Chen Youliang muttered.

Tomorrow, he will personally meet Lin Pingzhi, the rumored son of Mingyue!

Let's see if it's really as extraordinary as the rumors say.

Be it Lin Pingzhi or Fuwei Escort, what Chen Youliang wants, he has never been unable to get!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he lay on the bed, looking forward to the collision with Lin Pingzhi tomorrow.

As everyone knows, Lin Pingzhi in Fuwei Escort Bureau didn't take Chen Youliang seriously at all.

In his eyes, there is only Miao Ruolan who is charming and charming.

Miao Ruolan, who is as beautiful as Qiushui, still seems to be unable to let go when facing Lin Pingzhi.

She crossed her hands in front of her body, trying hard to block the view.

But the one in front of him was Lin Pingzhi.

How can I miss this ray of spring.

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