Not long.

Han Ji quickly led a group of people and ran out from Fuwei Escort.

These people seem to be escorts of Fuwei Escort Bureau.

They all hold weapons in their hands.

Relying on his large number of people, Han Ji was also very arrogant at this time.

"Stinky boy! This time I want to let you know that there are some people you can't afford to offend!"

He spoke harshly at Lin Pingzhi.

As soon as the words fell, many bodyguards from Fuwei Bodyguard Bureau surrounded Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi's face turned cold, and there was a little anger in his eyes.

"You deliberately damage the reputation of Fuwei Escort, who is behind the instigation?"

He looked at Han Ji and questioned.

Han Ji had an arrogant face, completely ignoring Lin Pingzhi's words.

"Brothers, let's go together!"

He waved his hand.

Many bodyguards rushed towards Lin Pingzhi one after another.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi was not polite at all.

He stepped on Lingbo microsteps, using both fists and palms, within a few breaths, dozens of bodyguards from Fuwei Bodyguard Agency were knocked over by Lin Pingzhi, fell to the ground and howled.

Seeing this, Han Ji felt fear in his heart.

He couldn't imagine why the little boy in front of him had such powerful martial arts.

Even if there are dozens of people, they can't take it down!

"what happened!"

In Fuwei Escort, there was a deep roar.

When Han Ji heard the sound, joy appeared on his face.

"Grandpa Miao! Someone messed up!"

He was ecstatic.

The person who came was Miao Renfeng, the top martial artist in Fuwei Escort.

With Miao Renfeng around, he believed that he would be able to find his place again.

Master Miao... Lin Pingzhi had a sneer on his lips.

He didn't speak, just watched quietly.

Miao Renfeng walked up to Han Ji and asked solemnly:

"Han Ji, what happened?"

"Master Miao, that person is messing things up! Our dozens of brothers have all been knocked down!"

Han Ji pointed to the dozens of bodyguards lying on the ground crying.

Miao Renfeng frowned as he looked at the howling escort on the ground.

Although he didn't know what happened.

But the bodyguard of Fuwei Escort Bureau was beaten to the ground and howled, this is the face of Fuwei Escort Bureau.

He has to find this place.

However, when he raised his head and looked towards Lin Pingzhi, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes showed joy.

"Pingzhi! You're back!"

He rushed to Lin Pingzhi's side in a hurry, supported Lin Pingzhi's shoulder and looked at him.

"Yes, father-in-law."

Lin Pingzhi nodded with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Han Ji also froze on the spot.

He was stunned.

Just now... What did Master Miao call that brat?Pingzhi?

Could it be that……

Han Ji finally came to his senses at this time.

It turned out that this little boy turned out to be Lin Pingzhi, the owner of Fuwei Escort.

"Han Ji is damned, I didn't know you were in front of me, so I asked you to show me your hand!"

Without too much hesitation, he quickly knelt and kowtowed to Lin Pingzhi.

Miao Renfeng also had some doubts in his eyes.

"Pingzhi, what's going on?"

According to what he knew about Lin Pingzhi, how could Lin Pingzhi attack the bodyguards of Fuwei Escort for no reason, there must be something hidden in it.

"Father-in-law, let's talk first."

As Lin Pingzhi said, he slightly pushed Miao Renfeng.

Immediately afterwards, he clasped his fists in both hands and shouted to the onlookers:

"Everyone, under Lin Pingzhi, Tian became the owner of the Fuwei Escort. Today's scene also allowed Lin to find the pests of the Fuwei Escort. Please rest assured, Lin will definitely handle it properly!"

Perhaps it was because Lin Pingzhi was as handsome as the reader, and he easily gained the trust of the onlookers.

"I didn't expect Fuwei Escort's current owner to be so young."

"It turned out to be Lin Jiapingzhi. The last time I saw him, he looked quite immature. This time, I didn't recognize him face to face."

"Such a powerful martial art, it seems that the rumors in the Jianghu are true!"


Hearing the people around talking, Lin Pingzhi always had a warm smile on his face.

Under the leadership of Miao Renfeng, he brought the six girls to the lobby of Fuwei Escort Bureau.

There was no need for others to respectfully invite Lin Pingzhi to take the lead and sit towards the main seat very consciously.

"Father-in-law, what's the matter with this cold halberd?"

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Han Ji who was kneeling on the ground, and asked Miao Renfeng.

Miao Renfeng also had a look of helplessness on his face.

"The business of the Fuwei Escort is getting bigger and bigger, and the shortage of bodyguards and bodyguards is becoming more and more serious. Not long ago, Mo Chou thought of recruiting some bodyguards through martial arts competitions. head."

When he said this, Han Ji, who was kneeling on the ground, kept nodding and bowing.

That way, in Lin Pingzhi's eyes, he really looked like a dog.

But Lin Pingzhi understood that the dog's owner was not him.

But someone else.

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Han Ji with a serious expression, and asked in a deep voice.

A look of panic appeared on Han Ji's face.

"Wish! Wish! Young master, Han Ji is loyal to Fuwei Escort, he is sincere and sincere, and wants to join Fuwei Escort!"

Looking at his appearance, it seemed as if he wanted to give Lin Pingzhi his heart, and make Lin Pingzhi believe in his loyalty to Fuwei Escort.


Lin Pingzhi sneered.

"Only your ability? Defeating all heroes? You hold a crescent halberd, but you can only use the stick technique. The name of you, little Lu Bu, is nothing but fiction!"

He didn't believe it at all, this cold halberd relied on its real ability to beat the crowd.

In his opinion, it must be the person behind Han Ji, who is doing something inside.

When Han Ji heard Lin Pingzhi's words, his expression was a little unnatural.

"Young master, what are you talking about? I'm just a rough man. I don't know how to use halberds or sticks..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, his expression suddenly became dull, and his eyes turned white when he looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Tell me, who sent you to be the head of Fuwei Escort, and for what purpose!"

In Lin Pingzhi's eyes, it was as if he contained the sea of ​​stars.

He has already used the method of dementia.

Since Han Ji refused to tell the truth, he came to ask in person.

"It's... Chen Youliang of the beggar gang... the purpose is to slander the Fuwei Escort and weaken the reputation of the Fuwei Escort..."

Han Ji slowly answered Lin Pingzhi's question.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes froze, and a murderous intent emanated from his body.

"Who else are your accomplices in the Escort?"

While he was asking, he waved to Miao Renfeng, telling Miao Renfeng to remember his name.

Soon, Han Ji spat out more than a dozen names.

As the dementor Dafa dispersed, the cold halberd bled from the seven orifices and died on the spot.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were full of killing intent.

What a Chen Youliang, he is really looking for a dead end!

"Father-in-law, those people just now, are there no problems entrusting them to you?"

He looked at Miao Renfeng and asked in a deep voice.

Miao Renfeng nodded, with anger on his face.

"Don't worry, I will let them go naturally."

After saying that, Miao Renfeng waved his sleeves and hurriedly walked outside.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were deep, looking into the distance, as if traveling through time and space, he saw Chen Youliang.

Dare to touch his Fuwei Escort, he will make Chen Youliang die ugly!

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi's face showed joy.

At the door, the beautiful woman whom he had been longing for day and night had appeared in front of him.

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