Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 944 Fuwei Escort Bureau, Escort Head's Weirdness


Fuwei Escort.

After a year.

Lin Pingzhi, the real owner of Fuwei Escort, returns again.

Under Li Mochou's management, the Fuwei Escort Bureau became more and more prosperous.

Although the Fuwei Escort Agency is not as rich as an enemy, it has Lin Pingzhi's existence.

Fuwei Escort is on the road and never in trouble.

Entering Henan, there are Jindaomen and Songshan School watching.

Entering Shaanxi, there are Huashan School and Quanzhen Sect watching.

In the Jin Dynasty, there was the Hengshan School, and in the Shu Dynasty, there were the Tangmen and Emei School.

In the vast land of China, the Fuwei Escort Agency has opened up almost all the roads.

Even because of Zhao Min's relationship, even the Mongolian Prairie and the Fuwei Escort are now starting to work.

Since the establishment of the Fuwei Escort, except for this moment, the most powerful time was when Lin Yuantu was just established, and he was invincible all over the green forest.

But time has changed, when Lin Pingzhi's father Lin Zhennan took over Fuwei Escort, the situation has gone from bad to worse.

In the end, it led to the massacre of Fuwei Escort.

Today, Fuwei Escort not only creates new glories, but even surpasses the past!

All of this is due to the hard work of Lin Pingzhi's women.

"I am back."

Lin Pingzhi looked at the familiar words "Fuwei Escort Bureau", and he was also deeply moved.

It has been nearly three years since I came to this world.

Over the past three years, a lot has happened.

"Is this Lin Lang's home?"

Su Rongrong was slightly surprised when she looked at the huge building in front of her.

She had heard about the newly emerging Fuwei Escort before, and she heard that it was run by women, and she couldn't help but feel emotional.

But she never expected that the Fuwei Escort Agency belonged to her lover Lin Pingzhi.

Because this question has never been brought up before.

Now, she finally understood why Lin Pingzhi was not sad about the loss of the Desert Star.

"Yes, this is my home."

Lin Pingzhi turned his head and looked at the six girls who came with him, with a smile on his face.

"Master, Rong Rong, Yuan Zhi, Wanmei, Han Ji, Yanan, we will stay here for a while."

This time, except for Zhao Min, he brought all the six girls who were originally in the Mongolian army camp.

After all, Mongolia is always Mongolia, and it is not a place for him to stay for a long time.

If it wasn't for Zhao Min who wanted to stay in Mongolia, he also needed to stay in Mongolia, and I'm afraid he would bring Zhao Min with him.

"Heh, dare to come to Fuwei Escort Bureau to speak nonsense, what audacity!"

A piercing voice rang in Lin Pingzhi's ears.

He couldn't help frowning, and followed the prestige.

In front of him stood a man.

The man was holding a crescent halberd, and he was wearing a purple robe, which looked like a general's uniform, but he looked very imposing.

But martial arts, he will not comment.

But just because Lin Pingzhi didn't say anything, it doesn't mean that other people can bear it.

Mu Wanqing, who has a bad temper, will be torn apart after the end.

"Where did the reckless come from, speak wild words, bark at other people's doors, and are not afraid of being chased away by the master!"

Mu Wanqing's words made the man's complexion very ugly.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head helplessly.

Isn't this Mu Wanqing's character, he has long been used to it.

"This brother, my wife has a bad temper, and I offended you a lot just now, please Haihan."

He cupped his hands towards the man and said kindly.

Ning Zhong also hurried to pull Mu Wanqing.

She and Lin Pingzhi had the same thoughts. After all, Lin Pingzhi took them home, and it was better not to have extra troubles on such a happy day.

But Lin Pingzhi's kindness made the man feel that Lin Pingzhi was easy to bully.

"Bah! You are also worthy of my little Lu Bu Hanji as a brother?"

The man who called himself Little Lu Bu was named Han Ji.

But Lin Pingzhi had never heard of this character.

Because of Han Ji's roar, more and more people surrounded him.

"I heard that Hanji is the head of the Fuwei Escort Bureau. If this kid dares to provoke Hanji, I'm afraid he won't be able to eat today, so he will walk away!"

"Fuwei Escort Bureau is gaining momentum! I heard that Lin Pingzhi, the former young escort leader, is now a well-known figure in the Jianghu, and the black and white in the Jianghu must be given a little bit of light."

"That's right, in our Fuzhou area, it's really rare for the Fuwei Escort Agency to be so big. Who would have thought that the women of the young escorts would be so powerful!"


The words of the onlookers put Lin Pingzhi in a good mood.

He also understood that this cold halberd was the head of Fuwei Escort Bureau.

It's just that the name of Little Lu Bu is a bit bluffing.

I'm afraid there are not many real skills.

"You are the head of Fuwei Escort Bureau, so you don't know who I am?"

Looking at Hanji, Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

If Han Ji's attitude is okay, he can let Han Ji go.

"Hey! Kid, who do you think you are? In Fuzhou, no one in the Fuwei Escort Bureau dares to provoke you. When you come to the door of the Fuwei Escort Bureau, you dare to speak nonsense. You are looking for death!"

As Han Ji said, he waved the crescent halberd in his hand wildly.

The halberd blade flew towards Lin Pingzhi's chest.

Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly.

Is this person really "Little Lu Bu"?

It seems that any stinky fish and rotten shrimp dare to take such a bluffing name.

Although this cold halberd was using a crescent halberd, it was using the stick method, not the halberd method at all.

Moreover, this stick method is messy and disorderly, it looks like that, it is enough to bluff people.

But for Lin Pingzhi's superb martial arts, it's as ridiculous as a three-year-old child playing with a stick.

Facing the halberd blade, Lin Pingzhi turned slightly sideways, and at the same time his shoulder shook and hit the halberd pole.

The cold halberd holding the crescent halberd suddenly staggered.

Even the man and the halberd fell to the ground together.

"Are you really the head of the Fuwei Escort Agency?"

Lin Pingzhi frowned, he felt that Han Ji might have faked it.

Even if his father, Lin Zhennan, was in charge of the Fuwei Escort Bureau, there would not be a bodyguard head with such poor martial arts.

What is the difference between this level and the street rogue?

Let this kind of person run darts, if the people in the green forest don't sell Lin Pingzhi's face, Qinglong, who is not controlled by Ming Yuexin, will wait for the evil forces to intervene, can this kind of person really protect the darts?

If Mochou or Longer chose the person, he would be a little surprised.

What kind of ability does this cold halberd have to be chosen?

Lin Pingzhi was still thinking, but Han Ji was enraged by Lin Pingzhi's words.

The implication in those words is obviously that he is not worthy to be the head of Fuwei Escort.

"You dare to fight back! Don't forget, this is Fuzhou! It's the territory of Fuwei Escort Bureau. If you dare to touch me, I will make you go all the way!"

After speaking, he ran towards Fuwei Escort Bureau.

Lin Pingzhi's brows have not been stretched yet.

He always felt that something was wrong.

This cold halberd, between the lines, seems to be in the Heifuwei Escort.

What he did, not only did not look like the head of the Fuwei Escort, but seemed to damage the reputation of the Fuwei Escort.

If this is the case, Han Ji's actions are undoubtedly successful.

He had already heard the people on the side talking.

"Unexpectedly, the head of the Fuwei Escort Agency would call someone instead of attacking first!"

"What do you mean Fuzhou is the territory of the Fuwei Escort? How did the Fuwei Escort become so domineering?"

"Hey, it's just a broken bodyguard agency. If you say such big words, if you can't beat them, you will call someone. In my opinion, this Fuwei bodyguard agency is nothing more than that!"


Everyone's discussion made Lin Pingzhi's face darken.

It seems that Fuwei Escort has been targeted by interested people.

If he hadn't come in time, I'm afraid there would be even more trouble after a long time!

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