Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 943 System transformation, Lin Pingzhi's goal!

A great war requires the participation of a third party.

Although Gao Yanan is a Jianghu heroine known as the Qingfeng female swordsman.

But under Lin Pingzhi's rapid attack like a storm, he also suffered consecutive defeats.

Lin Pingzhi's other women were also concerned about Lin Pingzhi's injury.

When they came to visit Lin Pingzhi one after another, they were dragged onto the battlefield one by one by Lin Pingzhi.

In an instant, what was originally a one-on-one duel turned into a one-on-one duel against Lin Ping.

Even Yu Ningzhong was no exception this time.

Although she herself resisted, Lin Pingzhi's eyes turned red because she couldn't bear it.

There was no way she could.

Until the war is over.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the beauties lying all over the tent, with pride in his chest.

Thanks to him, if it was someone else, if he went through this a few times, he might die soon.

"Ding, conversion rate +1, successful conversion."

The system's notification sound was still stiff and mechanical.

But it shocked Lin Pingzhi greatly.

Finally, he got the conversion rate more than a dozen times, did the conversion succeed in the end?

When he checked his body, he found that his internal force seemed to have undergone a qualitative change.

At this moment, he truly stepped into the realm of transformation.

It has become a side-by-side existence with Qiao Feng, Jellyfish Yin Ji and other strengths.

The previous deep internal force blessing allowed him to create extremes to transform the environment.

But after all, it is a pole, and it cannot deal with the realm of martial idiots.

Today, only when he has truly stepped into the realm of transformation can he face off against existences in the realm of martial infatuation.

But this is only the beginning.

It's not over!

"Ding, the skill has increased for two years!"

"Ding, the power has increased for three years!"

"Ding, the skill has increased for one year!"


A series of seven system prompts sounded in his mind.

The seven reminders are all reminders to increase the year of skill.

He didn't know why seven prompts appeared, but he had some vague guesses.

Looking at the beautiful and delicious beauty lying on the ground.

He guessed that it should be Ning Zhongze who increased his skill for three years.

Ning Zhong has the highest martial arts among the seven girls, so it can increase his martial arts for three years.

It's less than a year old, it must be Han Ji...

Han Ji basically has no martial arts, and only added half a year's skill to him.

Ning Zhongze, Gao Yanan, Li Yuanzhi, Mu Wanqing, Han Ji, Zhao Min, Su Rongrong.

The sum of the seven daughters gave Lin Pingzhi eight and a half years in total.

In his mind, it was as if he had been fighting with others for eight and a half years.

Practical experience has also grown rapidly.

He is confident that even if a Taoist with a hundred damages appears in front of him, he can blow the head of a Taoist with a hundred damages.

But he doesn't intend to expose it now.

With Dugu Qiubai in front, once his strength is revealed, he may attract even more terrifying characters.

Set him a small goal first, the whole 100 years!

Lin Pingzhi's eyes froze, and there was an unconcealable joy hidden in his shining eyes.

"It seems that after this transformation, the system has also undergone some changes."

He muttered.

At first, the system's rewards were mostly exercises.

Now it is starting to be directly converted into a year of power.

If he remembers correctly, the young monk Xuzhu was taught a sixty year old kung fu by Wu Yazi in Leigu Mountain.

After knowing how to control it, he became a side by side with Qiao Feng.

In other words, the current him is equivalent to possessing a six-year-old skill.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look in the direction of the Manchu army.

There, there are more than a dozen of his women.

If it is there, is it possible to add decades of skill?

Thinking of this, he was ready to move.

But it is not yet possible to do so.

At least, until they wake up.

Time is fleeting.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

Zhao Min woke up first.

The moment she opened her eyes, she saw Lin Pingzhi sitting next to her with a smirk on his face.

"Look at what you've done!"

With a look of resentment, she rolled her eyes at Lin Pingzhi.

Finally, under the "service" of Lin Pingzhi, she began to wear clothes.

If it weren't for her tenacious adherence to the bottom line.

I'm afraid there will be another war.

"Next, do you want to go back?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min and asked.

Unwillingness appeared on Zhao Min's face.

"Although I don't want to, there is nothing I can do."

She was already afraid of the sword energy that Dugu wanted to defeat earlier.

If Dugu seeks defeat again, Lin Pingzhi may not be able to help her stop it.

So far, there is no other way but to truce with the Qing Dynasty.

"Then you take them back first, I still need to go to Manqing."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min and said.

After all, in the Mongolian military camp, with Zhao Min around, he didn't have to worry about his mistress and the others.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Min rolled her eyes.

"Are you looking for Xia Qingqing?"

She has a keen mind, how could she fail to guess what Lin Pingzhi was thinking.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak either, just smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

With that said, he left the big tent, stepped on the dark night to leave a fragrance, and plundered towards the city of Manqing.

Without the burden of Gao Yanan, his speed of walking alone has increased a lot.

In addition, the current him has a full six-year-old skill, which is more than one level faster than the previous speed.

the next day.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the women lying all over the place, his eyes were full of relief.

During this trip, his skills have increased for nearly 40 years.

It is already very close to the small pass of a hundred years of skill.

However, this mode of double cultivation to improve skills has not always remained the same.

He tried it with Xia Qingqing.

For the first time, one year can be added, because Xia Qingqing's martial arts is quite poor, and one year is the upper limit.

But the second time, it was only half a year.

Coupled with the system's prompt, this made him understand that the acquisition of skill has a cooling time.


Lin Pingzhi wakes Xia Qingqing up.

Although he couldn't bear it, because the beauty's brows and eyes were full of exhaustion.

But he didn't have time to wait any longer.

Dugu's seeking defeat put too much pressure on him.


Xia Qingqing slowly opened her eyes, looking at Lin Pingzhi in front of her, feeling sweet in her heart.

"Are you leaving?"

She seemed to have a feeling in her heart and asked Lin Pingzhi.

In such a short period of time, Lin Pingzhi has accompanied her twice, what is she not satisfied with?

What's more, even if she comes again, her body won't be able to bear it.


After Lin Pingzhi nodded, he moved closer to Xia Qingqing's ear and whispered something.

Xia Qingqing's expression changed from initial doubt to astonishment.

"Lin Lang, have you always had this thought?"

She looked at Lin Pingzhi in disbelief.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

He looked extremely focused.

"Qingqing, it's time for troubled times, and heroes come out of troubled times. I don't think I'm a hero, but I want to give it a try. What do you think?"

Lin Pingzhi's words were firm.

In Xia Qingqing's ears, it was like a sonorous and powerful bell that exploded in her mind.

"You can do it!"

She looked at Lin Pingzhi, and there was a radiance in her beautiful eyes.

At first, she also thought about letting Lin Pingzhi do this, but she didn't want to disturb Lin Pingzhi.

Now that Lin Pingzhi expresses her thoughts in this regard, she is naturally overjoyed.

"Lin Lang, don't worry, Manqing Kingdom has me!"

Xia Qingqing's body suddenly showed the aura of a superior.

The gradual strength of the Golden Snake Camp gave her full confidence.

Lin Pingzhi's goal is her goal, and she will definitely help Lin Pingzhi achieve it!

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