Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 942 Work hard, body changes!

When Zhao Min heard Lin Pingzhi's words, a sly look appeared on his beautiful face.

"The man asked the Manchus to cease fighting with Mongolia. If I'm not mistaken, he should have come from the Manchus, right?"

She looked at Lin Pingzhi, her eyes sparkled.

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

Indeed, as Zhao Min said, Dugu Qiubai came from the Qing Dynasty.

And also forced Wu Sangui to truce.

"That's it!"

Zhao Min smiled even more happily.

She slowly left Lin Pingzhi's chest, looked at Lin Pingzhi and said:

"Now the Qing Dynasty must think that we are also preparing for a truce under the persecution of that person. We can make a truce posture during the day and let the soldiers reorganize their armaments. When they relax their vigilance and launch a surprise attack at night, they will definitely be able to destroy the city in one fell swoop!"

When Zhao Min said this plan, Lin Pingzhi didn't find it strange at all.

Ordinary people may only accept their fate obediently under the persecution of Dugu Qiubai.

Rao is Wu Sangui and King Ruyang, both are like this.

But Zhao Min is different, she can see through every stitch.

He even took this threat of Dugu seeking defeat as an opportunity.

According to Lin Pingzhi's speculation.

If a surprise attack is really launched at night, it is very likely that according to Zhao Min's thinking, it will be easy to succeed.

Once this is the case, the land of the Qing Dynasty will be vulnerable to the Mongolian cavalry.

Without Wu Sangui, who is good at fighting, Kangxi, who is young, can't be reused and can't stop the Mongolian cavalry at all.

"Minmin, no!"

Lin Pingzhi quickly dissuaded him.

That's Dugu seeking defeat.

He was not sure, under the sword of Dugu Qiubai, he could keep Zhao Min, that was one point.

Second, according to his original idea, he didn't want to see the Golden Snake Camp, Tiandihui and Honghuahui come into direct contact with the Mongolian army where Zhao Min was.

At that time, the two sides will definitely fight hard.

And there are his women on both sides, and he can't help at all.

"Why not? This is a rare opportunity!"

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi, his mouth pouted slightly, as if he didn't get support, and felt a little displeased.

Since she was a child, she wanted to be a boy.

Now is a good opportunity for her to prove herself and make great achievements. How could she just give up like this?

Regardless of whether Lin Pingzhi supports it or not, she will do it.

Anyway, her father, King Ruyang, will support her.

And tens of thousands of Mongolian troops will also listen to her command.

Lin Pingzhi frowned.

He was thinking about how to break the deadlock.

Not far away, Han Ji, who had nothing to do and had nothing to say, looked up bored, but exclaimed:

"what is that?"

These words attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but look up.

In the sky, there is a ray of light, which looks red and brilliant under the reflection of the rising sun.

With a tight breath, the light gradually enlarged.

Lin Pingzhi could already see clearly what that light was!

Sword Qi!

It's sword energy!

The direction of the sword energy is the west!

This is Dugu Qiubai's sword energy!

And the target of the sword qi...

Lin Pingzhi was startled, and quickly pushed away Zhao Min who was beside him.

"Minmin, be careful!"

As Zhao Min was pushed away.

There was a "clang".

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade appeared in Lin Pingzhi's hand.

Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to hesitate.


As the Crying Blood Ghost Blade waved three times, three sword qi struck towards the sword qi in the air.

But Lin Pingzhi's sword aura is nothing compared to Dugu Qiubai's sword aura coming out of nowhere.


Lin Pingzhi's three sword qi disappeared instantly under Dugu Qiubai's sword qi.

As if it never appeared.

"Hurry up!"

Lin Pingzhi's roar shook the sky.

When the people around heard the words, they didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly dispersed towards the surroundings.

Sword Qi strikes.

Many means of protecting the body were issued from Lin Pingzhi's body.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sword energy shattered Lin Pingzhi's body protection technique layer by layer.

With a "bang".

The sword energy exploded.

On the ground where Lin Pingzhi was standing, there appeared a large pit that could accommodate dozens of people lying down.


Ning Zhong was the first to respond.

She rushed towards the deep pit quickly.

Tears streamed from her eyes when she saw the scene in the pit.

Without wiping away her tears, she rushed down and began to check Lin Pingzhi's injuries.

His other women also came to Lin Pingzhi's side one after another.

Basically, all of them have tears in their eyes, which is very cute.

"It's okay... I can't die."

Lin Pingzhi staggered, and with the support of Ning Zhongze and Li Yuanzhi, he slowly got up.

Although Dugu wanted to defeat the sword energy, he carried it down.

But it has to be said that his body also suffered serious internal injuries.

With the support of the girls, Lin Pingzhi was carried to recuperate.

in situ.

Zhao Min's beautiful face was full of guilt.

If it wasn't for Lin Pingzhi, I'm afraid she was the one in the pit just now.

That person... is so terrifying...

She looked towards the west resentfully, with hatred in her eyes.

three days later.

Tens of thousands of Mongolian troops retreated hundreds of miles.

The Mongolian war against the Qing Dynasty, which had attracted worldwide attention, came to an end.

During these three days, Lin Pingzhi's magical powers also healed his internal injuries to a complete extent.

At this moment, in his heart, he simply hated Dugu Qiubai.

What thigh?

That's the final boss!

Such a strange method is simply too terrifying!

No no no!

If you can find a chance, you can kill Dugu Qiubai.

Otherwise, for such a powerful existence, living is a threat to him!

But with his martial arts, if he wants to beat Dugu Qiubai, he will not be able to give him another 100 years.

The only thing you can rely on is the supreme villain system!

With the help of the system, he will definitely be able to grow rapidly.

At present, his strength is enough to harden the environment.

It is only one step away from Huajing.

Thinking of this, he looked at Gao Yanan who stayed in the tent and took care of him.

During these three days, Gao Yanan took care of him meticulously.

He could clearly feel Gao Yanan's affection for him.

This also made him understand that maybe everything before was not in vain.


Lin Pingzhi looked at Gao Yanan, who was washing the cloth and was about to wipe his face, and shouted softly.

Hearing this, Gao Yanan didn't dare to hesitate, put down the cloth quickly, and came to Lin Pingzhi's side.

"I'm here, what's the matter? Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I'll do it."

A series of concerns warmed Lin Pingzhi's heart.

"It's okay, come here."

He looked at Gao Yanan and said softly.

Although Gao Yanan was puzzled, he obediently leaned over.

Unexpectedly, Lin Pingzhi hugged her directly.

This is the first time she has been so close to Lin Pingzhi since she fell in love with Lin Pingzhi.

Although there is a little excitement in my heart.

But she understood that Lin Pingzhi was still injured, so he shouldn't work hard.

"You are still injured, so you can't work hard."

Gao Yanan said with a blush on his face.

Without Lin Pingzhi's words, she knew what Lin Pingzhi was thinking just by feeling Lin Pingzhi's dishonest hand.

The corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth twitched slightly.

He gently attached to Gao Yanan's ear, and said softly:

"If it's you, then don't bother."

The voice just fell.

In the tent, Gao Yanan's exclamation sounded.

While Lin Pingzhi didn't notice it.

His body is undergoing strange changes.

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