Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 939 The quasi-father-in-law of the cheating son-in-law, Arrow Rain!

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Lin Pingzhi frowned, looking at the Manchu officers and soldiers rushing forward, with impatience in his eyes.

He was an upright gentleman and never did what a wicked person would do.

Killing always comes when needed.

Lin Pingzhi, who was eager to see more of Dugu Qiubai's heroic appearance, didn't want to get entangled with these Manchu officers and soldiers here at all.

"I don't care about you today, Wu Sangui, next time I will take your head!"

Looking at Wu Sangui calmly, Lin Pingzhi showed disdain on his face.

If he wasn't worried about killing Wu Sangui, the situation on the battlefield would be one-sided. He really wanted to kill Wu Sangui.

But he knew he couldn't do it.


Pointing his toes, Lin Pingzhi held Gao Yanan in his arms, and the two fled towards the distance.

The Manchu Qing officers and soldiers rushing towards them, at this moment, are just their stepping stones.

The top of their heads is where Lin Pingzhi landed.

Although the saber and gun in his hand kept flying, the saber and gun didn't even touch the corner of Lin Pingzhi's clothes.

At this moment, it seemed that what these Manchu officers and soldiers were wielding were not swords and guns, but the light sticks from Lin Ping's previous life.

"Quick! Take them down!"

Wu Sangui kept roaring.

The fear that Dugu Qiubai brought to him was already deep enough.

He originally wanted to take down Lin Pingzhi and Gao Yanan, vent his fear and soothe his frightened soul.

Never thought that Lin Pingzhi's lightness kung fu is so powerful.

With one person in his arms, he was able to avoid all the knives and guns.

Even if it can't be compared with Yujian Feitian, who was alone seeking defeat before, it is not an existence that he can reach.

In particular, such a terrifying existence actually let go of the harsh words, saying that his head will be taken next time.

He naturally didn't want Lin Pingzhi to survive.

But no matter how hoarse he shouted, the Manchu officers and soldiers under him could only look up at Lin Pingzhi and leave with Gao Yanan in his arms.

"Trash! You are all a bunch of trash! There are thousands of people, and you can't even keep two of them!"

Wu Sangui's roar sounded behind Lin Pingzhi.

But as he carried Gao Yanan away, his voice gradually faded away.

He has only one goal now.

That is to go to the camp of the Mongolian army quickly and see what Dugu Qiubai will do to King Ruyang.

Wu Sangui had some brains, but his prospective father-in-law, King Ruyang, really had well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

Don't get overwhelmed, let the Mongolian army under you shoot a thousand arrows or something!

Come to the city wall.

Lin Pingzhi didn't even think about going through the gate, but fortunately, it's much better inside the city than outside it.

In front of him, there are steps to climb the battlements.


When many guards saw Lin Pingzhi rushing towards the city wall with Gao Yanan in his arms, they pointed the spearheads that were originally aimed at the Mongolian army camp into the city.

But the spearhead was too short. Facing Lin Pingzhi who was rushing towards him, the archers on the city wall hurriedly drew their bows and arrows.

"Not good! Too fast!"

The archer had just put on the arrow, and before he lifted it up, he heard the exclamation of his companions beside him, and raised his head in surprise.

I saw that the men and women who were still under the city had appeared in front of him at this moment.


He swallowed his saliva, wondering if such a powerful hero would kill him?

Lin Pingzhi came like a gust of wind, and it was the same when he left.

There was nothing in front of the archer's eyes. When he turned his head, he saw that Fang Fang, who had just appeared in front of him, had already left the city.

And jumping fast on the blood-stained ground.

His eyes almost couldn't keep up.

All this shocked Gao Yanan who was in Lin Ping's arms.

I thought to myself, could this be Lin Pingzhi's real lightness skill level?

She used to think that Chu Liuxiang's lightness kung fu was definitely one of the best in the world.

But now, seeing the speed that Lin Pingzhi showed just now, she never thought that a person's lightness kung fu could be so fast.

Chu Liuxiang's lightness kung fu, in front of Lin Pingzhi, was like playing with an axe, the difference between the two could be described as the difference between cloud and mud!

In addition, she has a very strange feeling.

Originally, she wanted to kill Lin Pingzhi, but at this moment in Lin Pingzhi's arms, she had a strange feeling.

Many Manchu officers and soldiers surrounded her before, but she was still thinking that Lin Pingzhi could lead her out of the siege, if not, it seemed good to just take Lin Pingzhi to die together like this.

But it was when Lin Pingzhi rushed out of the encirclement with her in his arms.

An indescribable sense of security welled up in her heart.

She blamed herself very much.

Obviously Lin Pingzhi killed Hu Tiehua, she should avenge Hu Tiehua, why did she feel this way?

Could it be that, like Lin Pingzhi's other women, she was fascinated by Lin Pingzhi's obsession?

Gritting her teeth, she dismissed this idea from her heart, and warned herself, never like Lin Pingzhi, she must kill Lin Pingzhi!

Of course!

"Da da da……"

The sound of the bowstring being tensed and then released rang in her ears.

She couldn't help but wonder what happened.

Could it be that the guards on the Manchu side launched a rain of arrows to kill her and Lin Pingzhi?

"Be careful!"

Before she could look up, Lin Pingzhi's voice rang in her ears.

At this moment, she didn't even have the slightest worry.

In Lin Pingzhi's arms, she raised her head slightly, and looked at the man who kept jumping around while holding her, his face full of seriousness.

She didn't have any worries...

But Gao Yanan was Gao Yanan, Lin Pingzhi was already scolding his mother in his heart!

He just came out of the city, just breathed a sigh of relief.

He also saw Dugu Qiubai over the Mongolian military camp.

I thought to myself, hurry up and look up at the heroic figure of the boss.

But his cheating son-in-law and quasi-father-in-law really came here for whatever he was afraid of.

The sound of the bowstring being released just now was not from the city, but from the Mongolian army camp ahead.

Mongols are good at riding and shooting, how can they ride and shoot!

More than [-] Mongolian soldiers fired thousands of arrows at the sky, trying to shoot Dugu Qiubai down!

But it's so special that Dugu can fly when he seeks defeat!

Lin Pingzhi watched Dugu Qiubai raise the altitude.


The arrows that were originally aimed at Dugu Qiubai were shot towards him in a parabolic shape.

This is so good at math, it was taught by the physical education teacher!

Why don't you come up with a Pythagorean theorem and shoot down the fucking Dugu Qiubai from the sky!

The sound of the bowstring falls.

Less than one breath time.

The bright morning turned dark.

The rising sun in the east was obscured by countless arrows.

"Grass Mud Daughter!"

Lin Pingzhi was cursing.

Although angry, the key now is how to lead Gao Yanan to survive the rain of arrows!

If this f*cking omission is made, he may not be in trouble, but Gao Yanan will definitely be shot into a sieve!

Three holes, all of them will become more than three hundred holes!

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