Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 940 Gao Yanan's heart, revenge!

Look up.

In the sky full of arrows, not a single ray of light could be seen.

Only the light refracted from the direction of the city made Lin Pingzhi understand.

This is so special that there are tigers in the front and wolves in the back.

If they really go back, I'm afraid Wu Sangui will have to scold her.

"Don't move!"

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

These words were naturally spoken to Gao Yanan in his arms.

However, Gao Yanan had doubts in his eyes, so he was straightened by Lin Pingzhi, and his head was pressed against his chest.

Limbs were also tightly covered by him.


She was just about to look up and speak.

Lin Pingzhi held her head down with his hand, and exerted another force, causing her head to suffocate again.

Just when she was frightened, she only heard the sound of "Dang Dang Dang".

It seemed to be the sound of the arrows that had been shot out earlier hitting the shield.

"Could it be..."

A guess suddenly emerged in her heart.

But she wasn't sure.

The sound of gold and iron colliding lasted for more than ten breaths before it stopped.

Lin Pingzhi let go of Gao Yanan at this time.

"Oh shit!"

He cursed, grinning in pain.

These arrows are all ordinary sharp edges.

Faced with overwhelming arrows, the only way to prevent Gao Yanan from being shot into a sieve is to help Gao Yanan block the arrows.

Before the rain of arrows fell, he used all the body protection skills.

Beiming Zhenqi, golden bell cover, iron cloth shirt, thirteen Taibao horizontal exercises...etc...etc...

Even the Iron Egg and Iron Whip skills, which were never dared to be used after the transplantation of system rewards, were used.

I'm afraid that a wind will blow my crotch by accident.

However, although the arrow's sharp edge is not good, it can't hold up a lot.

Since the compassion qi outside his body was the first to break, almost every breath, one of his body-protecting skills was broken.

Fortunately, with the help of the Teng Snake Armor, he managed to survive.

To him, the arrow blade hit the snake armor, like an ant bite.

But thousands of ants biting continuously made him feel unbearable pain.

Fortunately, it was just a little pain, and there was no skin trauma, and some blood surged in the body after being hit by the arrow, but it was not a big problem.

Once the nine yin and nine yang are in operation, everything will be as usual.

"This is……"

After Gao Yanan left Lin Pingzhi's arms, he looked at the devastated ground in shock.

Except for the small area where she and Lin Pingzhi were standing, the other places were all filled with arrows, and there was not even a place to stay.

Her previous guess was confirmed.

"are you OK?"

Looking at Lin Pingzhi who blocked the rain of arrows for her, she who was determined to kill him just now has become extremely soft in her heart.

This is also the first time she asked Lin Pingzhi with concern.

If it was before, she might definitely ask, is she dead or not, instead of speaking in a gentle tone and caring words like this now.

"Can't die."

Lin Pingzhi shrugged his shoulders, trying to ease the pain in his body.

He was already thinking about how to fool King Ruyang, the prospective father-in-law, into a competition with him, so that he could avenge the volley of arrows.

"Why...you want to save me like this?"

Gao Yanan looked at Lin Pingzhi with tears in his eyes.

She didn't care about how Lin Pingzhi survived the terrifying arrow rain. He didn't even have any blood on his body, what's more, there wasn't even a hole in his clothes.

These are not important.

It wasn't her point of concern either.

Obviously she wanted to kill Lin Pingzhi, but Lin Pingzhi saved her time and time again.

Even though she had a heart of stone, Lin Pingzhi finally melted away at this moment.

"Not to save you?"

Lin Pingzhi gave Gao Yanan a white look.

He felt that what Gao Yanan said was nonsense.

"If I don't save you, don't tell me you were shot... your family doesn't even know you?"

Originally, he wanted to talk about Gao Yanan's elders, but after thinking about it, as a gentleman, you can't curse!

Yes, you can't swear, King Ruyang doesn't count.

He is not human!

As for why he saved Gao Yanan, he didn't have an accurate answer in his mind.

Perhaps it was to give Cheng Buyou and Feng Buping an explanation.

Or, coveting Gao Yanan's body.

Maybe there are other reasons, but to him, it doesn't matter anymore.

Just now, my brain was hot, and I have already done such a behavior, and regretting it will not help.


Gao Yanan's face was already full of tears.

Although Lin Pingzhi's tone was not good just now, there was still no grievance or dissatisfaction in her heart.

She asked herself if she would think of saving others in the face of this terrible rain of arrows.

Perhaps, what she was thinking was how to save herself.

"I used to be bad, I..."

Gao Yanan just wanted to apologize, saying that he would no longer want to kill Lin Pingzhi in the future, and wanted to follow him in the future.

But before he finished speaking, Lin Pingzhi seemed to have thought of something, and directly hugged her again.

"Hurry up!"

As he spoke, he led Gao Yanan, using the arrows all over the place as a leverage point, and leaped towards the Mongolian army camp again.

Why is he handsome and unrestrained, nine times as handsome as the reader, yet he has to bear the rain of arrows at this age when he shouldn't have to bear all this.

The purpose is to hug Dugu Qiubai's thigh!

Once the real thigh is hugged, any Taoist who is damaged, and any Taoist who is wooden, will be fucked!

The only existence seeking defeat, truly invincible in the world!

It would be best if they could marry each other.

Dugu seeks defeat, he goes to worship, perfect!

When he brought Gao Yanan close to the Mongolian army camp, he saw many Mongolian soldiers in the Mongolian army camp, and his face was full of astonishment.

He didn't even notice that he approached Gao Yanan with his arms in his arms, and the group was in total shock.

He was more familiar with the Mongolian army camp, and with Zhao Min's concern, the Mongolian soldiers who recovered from the shock did not dare to stop him.

Soon, he came to the big tent of the Chinese army.

Outside the accounts, King Ruyang, Zhao Min, and Ning Zhongze were still in shock.

"I am back."

Lin Pingzhi made a sound, interrupting their shock.

At the same time, he looked around, wanting to see where Dugu Qiubai was and where his thighs were!


Ning Zhong hurried over.

"Where did you come from?"

She thought of the arrow rain before, and was a little worried about whether something happened to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head, seeing that he could not find Dugu Qiubai, he asked:

"Master, where is that person in the sky just now? Where is it?"

Nothing is as important as him hugging his thigh now.

He still has many, many, many, many questions anyway, and wants to ask Dugu Qiubai.

Perhaps, in Dugu Qiubai, he can get the real answer.

"You said... the god just now..."

Ning Zhong mentioned Dugu Qiubai, and his expression became shocked again.

"Flying towards the west..."

She pointed to the western sky.

But in the blue sky, let alone Dugu Qiubai, except for the white clouds, there is not even a single hair.

The sun is still in the east!


Lin Pingzhi stomped his feet angrily.

After all, it was still a step slow.

All of this must be "attributed" to his good father-in-law, King Ruyang!

If it wasn't for that thousand arrows firing together, maybe he would still be able to hold his thigh in time.

"Minmin, I think your father's skills are too poor, shall I teach him how to do it?"

With an evil smile on Lin Pingzhi's face, he walked towards King Ruyang step by step.

Next, he wants to avenge all arrows!

If you can't be beaten to death, you have to cry!

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