Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 938 Dugu seeks defeat, Yujian flies to the sky!

Gravel blows sand.

Thousands of flying sand and rocks, like sharp blades, bombarded the surrounding Manchu officers and soldiers in unison.

For a time, there were countless casualties.

Originally, Lin Pingzhi wanted to protect Gao Yanan, lest Gao Yanan be hurt by this inexplicable AOE.

But those broken stones seemed to have eyes, and they avoided the two of them one after another, not even a single broken stone passed them by.

This level of control left him dumbfounded.

He became more and more sure that the man in front of him who called himself "Dugu" was definitely not Dugu Ruoxu.

Dugu Ruoxu's age is about the same as him.

At his age, most of them are third-rate, and the more powerful ones are second-rate, and first-rate can already be regarded as the pride of heaven.

With the help of the system, he was able to reach the current level of transformation.

There are very few people of his age who can reach the pinnacle.

Even if Dugu Ruoxu is a genius, he has a system, and the system is more powerful than his supreme villain system, so it is better than him, is it not too much for a martial idiot?

It's not that Wu Chi hasn't beaten him before!

Aren't Taoist Baishang and Zhang Ruoxu all Wu Chi?

But the pressure they put on Lin Pingzhi was not as good as "Dugu Ruoxu" with his copper bell in front of him!

How is this Dugu Ruoxu?

Even if Dugu Ruoxu's grandfather, Dugu Feiyun could be so powerful, he wouldn't believe it!

This Dugu must be someone else!

However, for the one with the surname Dugu, the first thing he thought of was Dugu seeking defeat.

If it is said that Dugu Qiubai is so powerful, he will believe it.

However, from Feng Qingyang's mouth, he knew that Dugu Qiubai might be hundreds of years old now.

At an advanced age of several hundred years, it is impossible to look the same age as him.

This allowed him to rule out Dugu Qiubai.

But such a powerful young man with the surname Dugu, he really couldn't think of who it could be.

Guessing in his heart was fruitless, so he thought about taking another look.

Perhaps in Dugu's next behavior, he could see some doubts.

The gravel fell, and besides Wu Sangui at the gate of the city guard's mansion, only Lin Pingzhi, Gao Yanan, and the instigator of all this - Dugu stood.

"you you you……"

Duolong, who issued the order for people to besiege Dugu, was already trembling all over.

He couldn't believe that Dugu dealt with so many Qing officers and soldiers in such an understatement.

All of this, in his eyes, was like a dream.

"Let's have a truce."

Dugu is still calm.

As if everything I did before was just a small thing.

"Your Excellency is so capable, why would you do things for Mongolia? If you don't join us, whatever you want, this king will give you!"

A bright light flashed in Wu Sangui's eyes.

Dugu's strength is beyond everyone's expectations.

If he can recruit Dugu to his command, let alone the war between Mongolia and Qing Dynasty.

After the war, with Dugu around, he could completely sweep the entire Qing Dynasty and become the emperor of the Qing Dynasty!

"I'm not Mongolian."

Dugu shook his head.

"You have a truce, and I will go to Mongolia."

After saying that, he just stood there, looking at Wu Sangui quietly.

Wu Sangui only felt the pain in his eyes, and when he opened them again, he felt great fear of Dugu in front of him.

"Okay... a truce... a truce..."

He muttered in his mouth.

The people sent by Prince Bao looked a bit ugly, but they didn't speak.

Only Duolong, who used to follow Wei Xiaobao and became condescending, hurriedly shouted:

"King Pingxi, what are you talking about! How can there be a truce! As long as we take Mongolia, we can sweep..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Sangui kicked him hard in the butt.


Wu Sangui shouted at Duolong.

No one knew what he had been through before.

Only those who know what he experienced will understand what fear he experienced just now.

Lin Pingzhi behind Dugu frowned.

There are great doubts in his heart.

Just now, the one used by Dugu seems to be somewhat similar to the soul-absorbing method in the Nine Yin Manual.

But it seems that there is no such great effect as the soul-hunting method.

It can only make people feel scared.

"I'm leaving."

Dugu turned around and faced the frowning Lin Pingzhidao.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

Is this gone?

He hasn't guessed the other party's identity yet!


Just wanted to ask, what is Dugu's full name.

But before he could say anything, Dugu seemed to know his problem, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and his smile was still full of aloofness.

"Lonely seeking defeat."

Those four words lingered in Lin Pingzhi's ears.

In his life, the biggest shock he received was nothing more than this.

It was precisely because of these four words that his heart was full of doubts.

When he was thinking about which question to ask first, he saw Dugu Qiubai in front of him, leaping into the sky in front of him.

"This is……"

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

This is hard to think about, want to commit suicide by jumping off a building?

If there is no building, just build it yourself?

This high jump, jump to where?

Of course, Lin Pingzhi was quickly slapped in the face.

He saw a ray of light coming from the sky, staying at Dugu Qiubai's feet.

It was a sword.

The sword body is simple and unremarkable, only allowing one person to stand.

Originally supposed to be subject to the law of gravitation, Dugu Qiubai, who fell from a high altitude, landed firmly on the sword.

One person and one sword, staying in the sky.

"God... Immortal..."

Duolong, who got up from the ground, was completely stunned watching this scene.

What did he do?

Just now he actually ordered his men to besiege the gods?

The most shocking thing is that he is still alive?

The few people standing were all dumbfounded.

Lin Pingzhi rubbed his eyes.

He is not dazzled, and Dugu Qiubai is indeed flying in Yujian Feitian...

Isn't this the martial arts world?

How can you still fly to the sky with a sword?

Is there any misunderstanding in this?

Could it be that this is a fairy world?

Is this world just a corner of the Xianxia world?

As for Dugu Qiubai, is it someone outside this world who has really come into contact with the existence of cultivating immortals? ? ?

its not right!

If this is the case, there is no reason why there has never been relevant information for so many years!

Not only that, even his great-grandfather Lin Yuantu did not reveal any relevant information.

After an analysis in the brain.

He finally found a result!

That is, this is Dugu seeking defeat!

Hundreds of years ago, the world was invincible, but only one defeat was sought.

But, why does Dugu Qiubai look about the same age as him?

Is it disguise?

Or do you have the skills to keep your face?

Or, is it rejuvenation?

Lin Pingzhi couldn't find the answer to the many doubts in his heart.

He fell in love with Dugu Qiubai of Yujian in the sky, and wondered if the other party could give him an explanation.

However, the other party didn't even look at him, and turned into a stream of light, even with a sword, towards the camp of the Mongolian army.

"Just now, was that a fairy..."

Gao Yanan's voice sounded behind Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi turned his head to look, and as expected, Gao Yanan's expression was dull, as if he had received great shock.

This is also normal. Normal people are shocked when they see this situation.

Yujian Feitian, is this something that humans can do?

He finally understood why, above the Martial Saint, one realm is one person.

Apart from Dugu Qiubai, who can match it?

"let's go!"

Lin Pingzhi didn't stay too long, he wanted to see Dugu Qiubai again.

See if you can chat with the other person for a few more words.

If I knew it was Dugu seeking defeat, as long as I can hug my thigh, I will not be afraid of anyone in the future!

He didn't care about other things, and carried Gao Yanan away.

Fang wanted to rush out of the city, but he heard Wu Sangui's roar:

"Come here, hack these two Mongolian spies to death!"

I don't know when, the surrounding area was once again surrounded by Manchu officers and soldiers.

They stepped on the corpses of their companions, armed with knives and guns, and rushed towards Lin Pingzhi and Gao Yanan!

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