Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 937 Dugu makes a move, absolutely impossible!

Although Lin Pingzhi didn't know the strength of the Taibai Sword Sect.

But it is vaguely guessed that there should be at least the Martial Crazy Realm.

Even Dugu Feiyun may have reached the realm of a martial saint.

It is necessary for him to have a good relationship with the Taibai Sword Sect.

After all, that sect is somewhat powerful.

"I don't know what brother Dugu is doing in the city?"

With the intention of making friends, he moved closer to "Dugu" and asked with a smile.

Dugu looked at the towering city guard mansion with a calm expression.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi quickly said:

"Are you going to the city guard's mansion? It's just right, I'm going too, we can go together!"

As he spoke, he waved at Gao Yanan, signaling Gao Yanan to follow.


Gao Yanan snorted coldly, and followed reluctantly.

She didn't sleep all night, and she almost couldn't open her eyes.

Lin Pingzhi didn't even give her a chance to breathe. Did he take her as a person?

After arriving at the city guard's mansion, Lin Pingzhi wanted to discuss with "Dugu Ruoxu" how to get into the city guard's mansion.

Up to now, he still doesn't know what the other party came to the city guard's mansion for.

Just when he was about to ask, the other party stepped forward.

"Brother Dugu!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted.

If Dugu Ruoxu rushed forward like this, he would definitely attract the siege of the Qing army all over the city.

He can keep Gao Yanan safe from accidents, but he can't keep another Dugu Ruoxu!

"Dugu, come to pay a visit!"

The six plain words were spit out from the mouth of "Dugu Ruoxu" in an understatement.

However, to Lin Pingzhi's ears, these six words sounded like the roar of the thunder of the Nine Heavens God, and they were like thunder in his ears.

"This is Yingong!?"

Lin Pingzhi was suspicious.

But soon, this idea was rejected again.

The sound skill is to use internal force to activate sound waves, causing certain lethality.

But the six characters of "Dugu Ruoxu" are like six sharp swords, swimming in this world.

The sharpness in it even made it difficult for him to open his eyes.

"how is this possible!"

Lin Pingzhi's mentality is a little broken now.

He saw that Dugu Ruoxu's age seemed to be similar to him.

However, although he doesn't know the specific strength of this display, he can judge that it is much higher than him!

How much higher can it be?

He felt that it was at least three or four stories taller than him.

With his current strength, it is impossible for him to integrate the sword intent into his voice, but "Dugu Ruoxu" can do it.

He thought that he was invincible among his peers, but he never thought that the monster "Dugu Ruoxu" would appear.

The terrifying Taibai Sword Sect is able to cultivate such terrifying people.

Even if he has a system, at this moment, facing "Dugu Ruoxu" he appears bleak.

When the sound of lingering around the beam for a long time dissipated.

Lin Pingzhi opened his eyes wide.

Several guards outside the city guard's mansion were already bleeding from seven holes, obviously they couldn't stand the sword intent just now.

However, "Dugu Ruoxu" didn't seem to have thought of killing people. These guards were only injured from the beginning to the end, and no one died.

"Could it be... he thinks the same as me?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at "Dugu Ruoxu" standing not far in front of him, thinking in his heart.

If so, maybe he can continue to hide.

But whether it is what he thinks, he is still not sure.

However, it should not be from Mongolia.

Not to mention that the Taibai Sword Sect is originally a Han Chinese sect, even if it serves Mongolia, there is no reason why Zhao Min would not tell him the day before yesterday.

"Brother Dugu..."

he yelled softly.

At this moment, he became extremely cautious towards "Dugu Ruoxu".

However, Dugu just slightly raised his hand and didn't speak.

His eyes were still looking at the front door of the city guard's mansion.

Didn't wait long.

Then three people walked out from the city guard's mansion together.

Two of them, Lin Pingzhi knew, were Wu Sangui and Duolong, and the other, the first time he met, knew without thinking that it was from Prince Bao's side.

"Who are you?"

Wu Sangui looked at the three of Lin Pingzhi, and naturally regarded him, Gao Yanan, and "Dugu Ruoxu" as a group.

Since the war with Mongolia, there have been people on both sides of the rivers and lakes, and there have been deaths and injuries to each other.

But it was the first time that a person from the Jianghu came to the city guard's mansion.

But instead of assassinating, he swaggered and shouted at the door.

This made Wu Sangui a little confused.


"Dugu Ruoxu" said softly.

Lin Pingzhi did not speak, he had met Wu Sangui before, and it was Lin Ping's identity.

It's not because he's worried about being exposed, but mainly because he cheated on Wu Sangui's wife and daughter. If he talks to Wu Sangui, his conscience feels a little bit off.

After all, he is an upright gentleman, so he can't have a bad conscience.

Gao Yanan saw that Lin Pingzhi didn't speak, and she knew she had no part to speak, so she didn't speak.

Such behavior directly made Wu Sangui mistake Lin Pingzhi and Gao Yanan as followers of "Dugu Ruoxu".

"Young man, what are you doing here?"

Wu Sangui looked at Dugu and asked.

Although he is not from the Jianghu, but he also has some understanding of the Jianghu, and he has recruited many people from the Jianghu.

At least, no one can be like the young man in front of him, with the sharpness of sword intent mixed in his voice.

"You guys have a truce, a truce with Mongolia."

Dugu said lightly, no sadness or joy could be heard in his voice.

It's so calm to talk about the country's major affairs in one word.

This made Lin Pingzhi look at "Dugu Ruoxu" again.

But with this level of strength, it is indeed possible to achieve this level.

"You were sent by King Ruyang?"

Wu Sangui frowned and said.

As soon as the words fell, he denied this conclusion in his heart.

Based on his understanding of King Ruyang, if King Ruyang sent him, he would definitely assassinate him, not come to talk about a truce.

"No, I am me."

Dugu said lightly.

Fireworks with different colors... Lin Pingzhi complained in his heart.

Beside Wu Sangui, Duolong is impatient.

He usually followed the emperor. Although he came to assist Wu Sangui this time, he didn't know how to lead troops to fight. It was Wu Sangui who had been making the decisions all along, and his impatient temper was almost ignited.

"Okay! It's just a mere quack, why do you care about him! Come on!"

Doron raised his arms high and roared loudly.

In an instant, the vicinity of the city guard's mansion was surrounded by Manchu officers and soldiers.

"Take down this ignorant brat!"

As Duolong pointed at Dugu, many Qing officers and soldiers rushed towards Dugu one after another.

"Why bother."

Dugu's voice was still flat.

Thousands of officers and soldiers of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties did not seem to be in his eyes at all.

Lin Pingzhi concentrated his attention and fixed his eyes on Dugu, wanting to experience the power of Taibai's swordsmanship.

But he was disappointed.

Dugu didn't draw out his sword.

He stretched out his feet, and the toes touched the ground without a trace.


The sound of breaking wind sounded.


The ground paved with stone slabs began to crumble.

The gravel rushed towards the officers and soldiers rushing towards Dugu.


Lin Pingzhi suddenly understood one thing.

The person in front of him is absolutely impossible to be Dugu Ruoxu from the Taibai Sword Sect!

Absolutely impossible!

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