Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 936 Dugu, or Dugu Ruoxu?

the next day.

Gao Yanan stayed up all night.

"Damn it! Damn Lin Pingzhi! Why don't you just die!"

With dark circles under her eyes, she stomped her feet.

Yesterday morning, after Lin Pingzhi entered the tent, women came to the tent one after another.

And everyone who came was no less than him.

She originally thought that with so many women going in, Lin Pingzhi would definitely be overwhelmed soon.

However, all day and night...

That bastard Lin Pingzhi never sleeps.

There was a voice in the tent that made her Joffrey cheeks all the time.

The worst part is that she can't leave yet.

Because Lin Pingzhi asked her to stay outside and not let other people disturb her.

In one day and one night, she had sent many people who came to look for Xia Qingqing.

Not long ago, she finally heard the voice disappear in the tent.

Everything has become calm.

She also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, she could find a place to rest.

This day and night is really too difficult.

Gao Yanan yawned and stretched long.

Just before her legs moved, her ears moved and she heard some sounds.

Even though the tent has been busy all night, how can there be any movement in the early morning?

Confused, Gao Yanan turned his head and looked towards the tent.

I saw Lin Pingzhi walking out of the tent in a hurry.

Not only that, looking at Lin Pingzhi's face, she didn't seem to be tired at all.

This made her terrified, how could there be such a terrifying man?

That was a day and a night!

"Why are you looking at me?"

Looking at Gao Yanan's expression, Lin Pingzhi couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Does he have flowers on his face?Or where is the neck planted with strawberries?

Otherwise why look at him like that?

"No...it's okay..."

Gao Yanan said hesitantly.

After finishing speaking, he seemed to be certain of something again.

"Aren't you tired?"

she asked with some hesitation.

Originally, she didn't want to ask this question.

But in her heart, she was really curious.

"Tired? Not tired, are you tired?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Gao Yanan, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, a half-smile.

When Gao Yanan heard this, he really wanted to bite Lin Ping directly.

She thought to herself, couldn't Lin Pingzhi see that her complexion was so bad?

Could it be that she looks energetic and lively?

"Not tired."

Although she complained in her heart, she still wanted to be tough in front of Lin Pingzhi.

No matter how tired you are, when it comes to your mouth, you will become not tired.

"That's it."

Lin Pingzhi glanced at her and said calmly:

"Since you're not tired, don't sleep late and come with me."

Then he walked forward.

When Gao Yanan heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

What do you mean don't sleep late?

She closed her eyes all day and night?

After hesitating for a while, Lin Pingzhi had already taken a few steps, as if he knew that Gao Yanan hadn't followed, he turned his head and said:

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Today Lin Pingzhi intends to settle the matter between the Qing Dynasty and Mongolia.

Only after the matter here is resolved, can he have the leisure to busy himself with other things.

"Come... come..."

Gao Yanan followed Lin Pingzhi with a bitter face.

She had thought about it, or else she would just find a place to rest for a while.

But here she is not familiar with the place.

In comparison, it may be more reliable to follow Lin Pingzhi.

The Golden Snake Camp, the Red Flower Club, and the Tiandi Club are located in a relatively remote position in the city.

After all, most of them are people from the rivers and lakes, not the main combat power.

And Wu Sangui, Kangxi and Prince Bao, the three forces are the city guards.

From Xia Qingqing's mouth, Lin Pingzhi learned.

Both Kangxi and Prince Bao just sent people to assist, and the main commander was Wu Sangui.

Because Gao Yanan walked relatively slowly, Lin Pingzhi didn't deliberately speed up, but instead strolled in the courtyard, as if he was taking Gao Yanan for a stroll instead of going to do something important.

"Where are we going..."

Gao Yanan looked tired and shouted behind Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi said calmly without turning his head:

"Follow it."

However, after walking a few steps, he stopped.

Gao Yanan's eyes were dazed, he didn't notice that Lin Pingzhi stopped, and directly bumped into Lin Pingzhi's back.


She cried out in pain, covered her nose, and wanted to ask Lin Pingzhi why he stopped again.

But when she followed Lin Pingzhi's gaze, she was sluggish on the spot.

She had never seen such a temperamental person.

It's not just that she hasn't seen it.

Lin Pingzhi had never seen it either.

How should I describe this man... with sword eyebrows and star eyes?

It's just the appearance.

In terms of appearance alone, Lin Pingzhi is nine points as handsome as the reader, and the man in front of him is only eight points, not as handsome as Lin Pingzhi.

But that aloof temperament became the focus of the audience.

Even if Lin Pingzhi stood with him, all eyes would be on him.

Just when Lin Pingzhi was feeling emotional, the man also turned around and looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Are you Lin Pingzhi?"

The man's voice sounded very vicissitudes.

It seems that countless years have passed, but it is quite different from his 25-[-]-like face.

"I am Lin Pingzhi, may I ask your Excellency?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at the man with doubts flashing in his eyes.

Recognizing him at a glance, he should be somewhere, someone who has seen him, or someone who both of them know well.

But among the people he knew, no one had mentioned such an aloof man.

"Dugu, you can call me Dugu."

The man who called himself "Dugu" had a faint smile on his face.

The slight upturn of the corner of his mouth still couldn't reduce his aloofness.

As if, his aloofness is completely natural.

"Dugu Ruoxu? Are you Dugu Ruoxu, the little sword master of the Taibai Sword Sect?"

Lin Pingzhi exclaimed.

The Taibai Sword Sect, Tianxianggu and Tangmen are all in the Tianya Mingyue Saber, and they are also known as the existence of the Eight Desolations.

However, he has only dealt with Tianxiang Valley and Tangmen.

The Taibai Sword Sect has always been hidden from the world.

People in Jianghu only know that Taibai Sword Sect is located on Taibai Mountain in Qinling Mountains. However, the Qinling Mountains are so vast that it is too difficult to find the location of Mount Taibai in Qinling Mountains.

But his understanding of Tianya Mingyue Knife also let him know something about Taibai.

Taibai's head is Feng Wuhen, with an iron sword, he has been invincible all over the rivers and lakes.

Taibai's Supreme Elder, Dugu Feiyun, is even called the Sword Master by people in the Jianghu.

And Dugu Ruoxu is the grandson of Dugu Feiyun, known as the Little Sword Saint.

Together with Gongsun Jian, another Tianjiao of the Taibai Sword Sect, they are collectively known as Taibai Shuangxiu.

If it was Dugu Ruoxu, then Lin Pingzhi would understand why he had such an aloof temperament.

The grandson of the Juggernaut, he has been hailed as a little Juggernaut since he was a child, and he is hidden from the world, lacking interpersonal communication, and being aloof is normal.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi said that he was Dugu Ruoxu, Lonely was slightly speechless, and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to explain, but his expression was a little hesitant.

In the end, he didn't speak, just nodded with a smile.

"Little Sword Saint Dugu Ruoxu's name, Pingzhi has already heard of it, and he has admired it for a long time!"

Lin Pingzhi greeted him politely.

Gao Yanan, who was beside him, was puzzled.

What little sword master, what Dugu Ruoxu, I've never heard of it!

Such a proud look, as if he owed him money.

I don't know what to do in this city, it is likely to work for those Manchu Tartars!

Such a person, Lin Pingzhi can also compliment him.


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