Seeing this, Gao Yanan thought that Lin Pingzhi must be a heartless man.

Otherwise, how could this woman be murderous.

But soon, she was dumbfounded.

Originally thought that Ah Jiu's sword would directly pierce Lin Pingzhi's body.

Unexpectedly, there was still a long distance away from Lin Pingzhi, Ah Jiu threw the sword aside and threw himself into Lin Pingzhi's arms.

"You bastard, you still know how to come back!"

In Lin Pingzhi's arms, she sobbed and shouted.

Xia Qingqing on the side also consciously stepped aside.

Gao Yanan was a little dumbfounded.

I thought that Ah Jiu would kill Lin Pingzhi, but unexpectedly fell into Lin Pingzhi's arms.

She really couldn't figure out what kind of charm Lin Pingzhi had that could fascinate so many women.

After a simple tenderness.

Several people sat in the tent.

"Lin Lang, what's the matter here this time?"

Xia Qingqing looked at Lin Pingzhi with a gleam of wisdom in his eyes.

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi couldn't help feeling that Xia Qingqing, who used to be a flower vase, had also grown significantly because of the heavy burden she was carrying.

"It's really something to come here this time."

Lin Pingzhi nodded and said:

"I want you to withdraw from this war, not only the Golden Snake Battalion, but also the Tiandi Society and the Red Flower Society."


Ah Jiu spoke first, without even waiting for Xia Qingqing to speak.

Xia Qingqing looked at Lin Pingzhi and said in a deep voice:

"Lin Lang, back then most of the generals of the Golden Snake Battalion, as well as the Red Flower Society and the Tiandi Society, were unwilling to cooperate with the Manchu Tartars, but they thought that the Mongol army would be more difficult to deal with, so they planned to cooperate with each other. It would be fine if they quit, but The Manchu Kingdom may not be the opponent of the Mongolian army, and the Manchus will also be occupied by Mongolia."

Of course Xia Qingqing didn't want to cooperate with people from the Qing Dynasty.

Just because Mongolia is too powerful.

The Southern Song Dynasty lived in a corner, Dali embraced the Southern Song Dynasty, Tubo relied on Mongolia, and Xixia originally relied on the Qing Dynasty, but recently it has been a little shaken.

If the Manchus were defeated, the world would be so big that the Mongol army would be invincible.

Xia Qingqing didn't want to see this.

It is undoubtedly even more difficult to help Daming in the hands of the huge Mongolian army.

"I see."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

Of course he understood Xia Qingqing's concerns.

Even if Xia Qingqing didn't say anything, he would have guessed it at the beginning.

Although this was a problem, he didn't want to see Zhao Min and Xia Qingqing confront each other.

Even in his heart, he has already thought about using another identity to deal with King Ruyang.

As for the Qing Dynasty, they can continue to use Lin Pingzhi's identity to deal with Wu Sangui, Kangxi and Prince Bao.

His purpose was not to kill them, but to make a truce between the two.

Before he achieves his goal, the Manchu Kingdom cannot be destroyed.

At least, it cannot be destroyed by Mongolia.

Ah Jiu rolled Lin Ping's eyes, and said:

"You understand that you are still outside and won't come back to help!"

She has some resentment.

During this period of time, she had seen how tired Xia Qingqing was.

Although these sisters are helpful, they are women after all, and in terms of physical strength, they are still much inferior to men.


Xia Qingqing yelled in a stern voice.

She is in charge of the Golden Snake Camp, even Ah Jiu has to obey her orders.

When Ah Jiu was called by Xia Qingqing, she said "Oh" with a bit of aggrieved expression.

"Lin Lang." Xia Qingqing looked at Lin Pingzhi again, "What are your plans?"

Based on what she knew about Lin Pingzhi, Lin Pingzhi definitely wouldn't just persuade them to leave.

Lin Pingzhi must have made some arrangements.

"I will make a truce between the Qing Dynasty and the Mongolian Kingdom. You can rest assured about this."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

Xia Qingqing froze for a moment.

She remembered what she had heard, and her expression changed immediately.

"You won't, want to repeat your previous behavior in Xiangyang?"

Go in alone, face hundreds of thousands of troops, and capture the leader of the opponent...

"No, how could it be?"

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

At the beginning, he thought this way. Although it is famous, the problem is that it is also really dangerous.

After thinking about it, he decided to play the assassination style.

"It's not good."

Xia Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"How long do you plan to stay in the Golden Snake Camp?"

She looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

At this time, there was also a hint of shyness in the eyes.

After not seeing him for so long, she really missed Lin Pingzhi.

"Accompany you today, tomorrow..."

Lin Pingzhi hadn't finished speaking.

Only two hearty laughter sounded.

"Hahaha! Brother Lin Xian, long time no see!"

"Lin Shaoxia, I haven't seen you for a long time, your demeanor is even better than before!"

The person who spoke was Chen Jinnan, the head of the Heaven and Earth Society, and Chen Jialuo, the head of the Red Flower Society.

Gao Yanan had also heard of the names of the two, and it was widely rumored in the world that both of them were great heroes who stood up to heaven and earth.

But the person who is a hero in her eyes has a very happy conversation with Lin Pingzhi.

She could even see the respect for Lin Pingzhi from their eyes.

This made her a little suspicious.

I was also thinking in my heart, who exactly is Lin Pingzhi.

Why can the leaders of the two major forces now respect...

She followed Lin Pingzhi's side during this period of time, and she only felt that Lin Pingzhi was despicable and disregarded the three cardinal principles and five permanent principles.

But all of this seemed to be just what she felt.

Others, don't seem to feel this way...

"Is this Emperor Lin Xian's new beauty? She looks like a heroine!"

Chen Jinnan noticed Gao Yanan at this moment, and asked Lin Pingzhi.

Xia Qingqing and Ah Jiu had already paid attention.

It's just that Lin Pingzhi didn't say anything, and they didn't ask.

"certainly not!"

Gao Yanan quickly denied it.

She didn't want to be Lin Pingzhi's woman.

Originally, she wanted to say that she was coerced by Lin Pingzhi with the life and death talisman, but when she saw Lin Pingzhi looking at her with a smile on his lips, she couldn't help swallowing what she wanted to say again.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Qingfeng female swordsman Gao Yanan, and she is my junior sister from the Huashan School."

Lin Pingzhi introduced with a smile.

A trace of confusion flashed across Chen Jinnan and Chen Jialuo's eyes.

What Qingfeng female swordsman?Never heard of it!

She looks pretty good, no wonder Lin Pingzhi let her follow her.

But for Lin Pingzhi's face, even though the two are leaders of powerful forces, they both apologized and clasped their fists at Gao Yanan and said:

"Long time, long time!"

"The female swordsman of Qingfeng is worthy of the name!"

Gao Yanan could also feel the false flattery of the two.

But there was nothing she could do.

Poor martial arts, low reputation, being praised by Chen Jinnan and Chen Jialuo is also because they mistook her for Lin Pingzhi's confidante...

"You two, it's getting late, you should go back first, I still have something to talk about here."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

He started seeing off guests.

Chen Jialuo froze for a moment.

"Lin Shaoxia, now..."

Before he could say the words "it's still morning", Chen Jinnan covered his mouth.

"Yes, yes, it's getting late, so we won't bother you anymore."

With that said, Chen Jinnan dragged Chen Jialuo, and the two walked outside.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Gao Yanan and said:

"Go and guard outside, empty the surrounding area."

Next, he will face a big battle.

Both Chen Jinnan and Chen Jialuo are here, so Luo Bing and Shuang'er must have known about it, and they will come to him next.

This time he will be one against ten!

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