If King Ruyang is not Lin Pingzhi's quasi-father-in-law.

Lin Pingzhi really wanted to give him a slap.

He had never seen such a moody person.

Oh no, there are still.

For example, the monk who didn't quit before was defeated by him.

But there is still a big difference between King Ruyang and the monk who does not quit.

Monk Bujie has a carefree personality, so there is no need to worry even if he does something.

But King Ruyang's status as a monk is different, so it's not easy to do it.

"Can't you listen to Minmin finish?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at King Ruyang, so helpless that he used the honorific title of "you".

Fortunately, this kind of fiery personality was not inherited by Zhao Min's genes.

Otherwise, he might be pissed off by Zhao Min.

"Huh? Minmin?"

King Ruyang heard this and immediately looked at Zhao Min.

Zhao Min also had a look of helplessness on his face.

She has long been used to it, so she is used to it, but she is not as impatient as Lin Pingzhi.

"Father, can you give Minmin a chance to speak?"

Looking at King Ruyang, Zhao Min couldn't laugh or cry.

Embarrassment appeared on Ruyang Wang's face.

He put the tiger head golden knife back into the scabbard, looked at Zhao Min, and waited for Zhao Min to speak.

Seeing that King Ruyang finally stopped his impulsiveness, Zhao Min breathed a sigh of relief.

"Father, I asked him to come mainly to solve the Golden Snake Camp, the Tiandi Society and the Red Flower Society."

Zhao Min looked at King Ruyang and said slowly.

Ruyang King heard this and looked at Lin Pingzhi suspiciously.

"As far as I know, although this Golden Snake Battalion belongs to the army, it is also composed of many people from the Jianghu. The Tiandihui and the Honghuahui are all from the Jianghu. He alone, can he really do it?"

While speaking, he looked at Lin Pingzhi with suspicion.

Although Lin Pingzhi's martial arts seem to be very high.

But that's only relative to him.

The Golden Snake Camp, the Tiandihui, and the Honghuahui, so many people from the rivers and lakes, can they really do it with just such a badass?


Lin Pingzhi nodded and said confidently.

If it is said that in this world, the three major forces including the Golden Snake Battalion can be eliminated by one person, I am afraid it must be Lin Pingzhi.

"Minmin, look at the people you brought here, they can only say big things, but they don't know anything!"

King Ruyang looked at Zhao Min, and anger appeared on his face again.


Zhao Min was a little angry.

"Can you hear me out?"

She shouted at King Ruyang.

King Ruyang was stunned for a moment, and then a look of resentment appeared on his face.

"You say what you say."

He loves Zhao Min, his daughter, so he cares about Zhao Min's thoughts.

"Xia Qingqing from the Golden Snake Camp is his woman, and the Tiandi Society and the Red Flower Society are even more closely related to him."

Zhao Min rolled his eyes and said to King Ruyang.

King Ruyang looked at Lin Pingzhi with an expression of disbelief when he heard the words.

He felt that Zhao Min might be joking.

How can such a little boy have such a big influence?

He didn't believe it.

"Okay, father, you can rest. I won't interfere with the matters on the battlefield. I'll take care of the rest."

Zhao Min said, and took Lin Pingzhi out of the big tent.

The night gradually darkened.

The bright starry sky fully interprets the splendor of the Milky Way.

"Minmin, I can only persuade them to ignore this matter and let them join the Mongolian camp. This is impossible."

Lin Pingzhi said to Zhao Min.

If he joins Mongolia, perhaps his people will follow suit.

However, he is a Han Chinese, so he can't do it even if he is asked to join Mongolia.

"I see."

Zhao Min lowered his head.

She has liked the culture of the Han people since she was a child.

But there is no way, her origin is Mongolia.

King Ruyang is his father, and she has no choice but to help Mongolia.

"In my opinion, the best outcome is for Mongolia and the Manchus to end the war."

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

The plan in his heart can only be achieved if the two sides cease fighting.

If it can't be done, I'm afraid... the plan will be delayed for a long time.

"Do you think it's possible?"

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi with resentment in his eyes.

She doesn't want to have a war either, but she can't do it on her own.

"Okay, let's not mention this, where are your subordinates? Jiumozhi and others, did Crane Biweng bring a Taoist back?"

Lin Pingzhi gently hugged Zhao Min into his arms, resting his chin on Zhao Min's forehead, and asked softly.

If they were all there, he would have to use the Disguise Technique.


Zhao Min shook his head.

"They were all recalled by the Great Khan, and now I have only Ah Da and the others under my command."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

It is best if the Taoist is not around.

If Taoist Baishang was talking, knowing his identity, he would definitely fight him.

It would be useless to think about the face of Zhao Min and King Ruyang, such as Daoist, a strong man in the martial arts realm.

"Don't worry, I will go to the Golden Snake Camp tomorrow."

Lin Pingzhi embraced Zhao Min again, and said softly.

"I will also take care of the Tiandihui and the Honghuahui. At the very least, it will allow your father and the Qing Dynasty to fight in a dignified manner."

"it is good."

Zhao Min nodded.

For a while, the two were speechless.

Suddenly, Zhao Min's cheeks fluttered suddenly, and his whole body trembled slightly.

"In the big camp, or forget it..."

Zhao Min's voice trembled slightly.

She was a little shy.

This is the Mongolia camp, if other people hear her voice, then she, the Princess of Ruyang King, will not have the face to face others.

"Just keep your voice down."

Lin Pingzhi leaned into Zhao Min's ear and said softly.

As soon as these words came out, he hugged Zhao Min horizontally and walked slowly towards the bed in the tent.

There was panic in Zhao Min's eyes.

"Otherwise...you can go to Yuanzhi and the others, Wanqing is also fine... If it is not possible, the Su Rongrong you brought is also fine."

she said nervously.

In this big camp, if the voice spreads out, she will really have no face in the future.

"Your idea is good, otherwise, I will call them all?"

Lin Pingzhi's eyes lit up, and he looked at Zhao Min and asked softly.

How can a game with four or five people be as fun as a game with two people?

When Zhao Min heard this, his vision almost went dark and he passed out.

If Lin Pingzhi did so, the sound insulation effect of the tent would be poor.

Wouldn't the cry of that night spread throughout the entire Mongolian camp?

In this way, how can the Mongolian army have the strength to fight against the Manchus tomorrow?

"Minmin, long time no see, I miss you so much, miss you."

Affectionate words rang softly in Zhao Min's ears.

The warm breath made her ears itch and her heart itch.

Lin Pingzhi misses her, but she never misses Lin Pingzhi.

"Me too……"

Zhao Min lowered his head and whispered softly.

These words can be regarded as tacitly acquiescing Lin Pingzhi's behavior.

Lin Pingzhi was shocked as if he had received permission to attack.

He threw Zhao Min onto the bed, and was about to turn into a hungry wolf and pounce on it.

Unexpectedly, Mu Wanqing went straight into the tent.

"Is that bastard here yet?"

Mu Wanqing shouted, suddenly froze.

She realized that Lin Pingzhi in front of her was the bastard she missed day and night?

"Wan'er, are you here? It's just right, let's play together!"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Mu Wanqing with a smile.

Subconsciously, Mu Wanqing turned around and was about to leave.

However, Lin Pingzhi still used the dragon-capturing skill to put Mu Wanqing by Zhao Min's side.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

With an evil smile on Lin Pingzhi's face, he licked his lips slightly.

At this moment, he understood what it means to be delicious!

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