Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 933 Climbing the city wall and almost falling to death

The next day.

Looking at Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing who were sleeping soundly with tired faces, Lin Pingzhi kissed them lightly on the forehead.

After putting on his clothes, he left quietly.

Next, he also needs to get down to business.

But before going, he still needs to go and inform his wife and the others.

Zhao Min arranged it very well.

Ning Zhongze, Su Rongrong, Han Ji and Li Yuanzhi, together with Gao Yanan, the five girls were all divided into a big tent.

He doesn't need to run separately either.

After entering the big tent, the five girls slept in different ways.

Only Su Rongrong slept the most peacefully, lying there, motionless like a Sleeping Beauty.

Seeing that they were still fast asleep, he prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, just as he left the big tent, he sensed someone following behind.

He looked back, but saw Gao Yanan coming out of the big tent following him.

"What are you doing with me?"

Looking at the sleepy Gao Yanan in front of him, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

It would be easy for him to understand if he said that other women followed him.

The two love each other and are reluctant to part.

But Gao Yanan hated him to the core, why didn't he choose to have a good sleep and follow him?

"I'm looking for a chance to kill you!"

Gao Yanan's originally sleepy eyes flashed fiercely.


Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.

He didn't regard Gao Yanan as a threat at all.

In all honesty, Gao Yanan's martial arts were really not enough in his eyes.

"It's up to you, I'm going to Manchuria, do you want to follow?"

Said lightly, he turned and left.

The two left the camp of the Mongolian army.

Outside the camp, there is a towering city wall.

Lin Pingzhi reckoned that the city wall must be at least tens of meters high.

In order to resist the Mongolian army, the Qing Dynasty really spent its money.

But I have to say that the towering city walls are still very useful.

The Mongolian iron hoof is famous all over the world. If you fight on the vast plains, the Mongolian army must be invincible.

However, the Mongolian cavalry is really inferior to attacking the city and pulling out the village.

"I'm going into the city, will you follow?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Gao Yanan contemptuously, with a playful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Such a high city wall, with his lightness kung fu, of course he could go up it.

But Gao Yanan?


"Who said I can't!"

Gao Yanan pursed his lips, looking unwilling to admit defeat.

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the tall city wall, feeling a little apprehensive in her heart.

She felt that if she was less than half of it, she would have to fall to her death...

But Lin Pingzhi just mocked her like that, how could she let Lin Pingzhi underestimate her.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak, but took Gao Yanan to a city wall far away from the city gate.

It was early morning, and although it was the most exhausting time for people, the city gate was the most vulnerable place, and the defense was also the tightest.

He didn't want to attract the attention of the Qing Dynasty, so he planned to sneak in.

"You go first."

Pointing to the city wall, Lin Pingzhi said to Gao Yanan who was beside him.

Gao Yanan glanced at Lin Pingzhi, with a bit of grievance and unwillingness on his face, and he muttered something while pouted.

"Just go up."

She lost her temper as if she was angry.

Looking at the city wall in front of her, she took a deep breath, took a few steps back, performed a run-up, and then stepped a little bit, her body vacated.

The first step landed firmly on the city wall.


The city wall became Gao Yanan's leverage, but it also bounced her away.

She lost the next point of leverage, and her body was in mid-air, pulled by gravity, and began to fall straight to the ground.


Gao Yanan, who fell from a high altitude, couldn't help but let out a scream.

She jumped just now and was considered high, although there was still a lot of distance from the battlements.

However, falling from such a height would not be enough to break your body to pieces, but breaking your hands and feet is inevitable.

Regret spread in her heart.

She didn't even know why she got angry with Lin Pingzhi just now, which made her fall into such a situation now.

It's all right now, let alone kill Lin Pingzhi, if she doesn't die this time, she will be paralyzed.

The hope of killing Lin Pingzhi is naturally even slimmer.

Just when she slowly closed her eyes, ready to accept her fate.

She felt a pair of warm hands supporting her back, which was bristling with hairs from the sudden fall.

"No, don't be brave."

Lin Pingzhi's slightly joking voice rang in her ears.

Although she sounded mocking, after all Lin Pingzhi saved her again, she couldn't talk back anymore.


With a cold snort, he expressed his dissatisfaction without saying anything else.


At this time, the defenders on the city wall seemed to be awakened by Gao Yanan's exclamation, and quickly poked their heads out to check the situation.

"call out!"

Cold light flashed.

Before the defender could ring the warning gong, Lin Pingzhi's little Li flying knife directly pierced his forehead.

Under the city, Lin Pingzhi looked helplessly at Gao Yanan in his arms.

"Look, look, it woke people up, and caused people to lose their lives in vain!"

His words made Gao Yanan feel ashamed.

She didn't want to scream, but just now she was about to fall from such a height, she couldn't help it...


Even if she did something wrong, she refused to admit it.

She snorted coldly, thinking about breaking free from Lin Pingzhi's arms and standing on the ground again.

However, Lin Pingzhi hugged her even tighter.

"Why? Don't you want to follow me?"

He said jokingly.

Gao Yanan rolled his eyes at Lin Ping.

"This wall is so high, you can't climb it!"

She finally spoke.

But when he opened his mouth, he was choking Lin Pingzhi.

Although she knew that Lin Pingzhi's lightness kung fu was good, even better than Chu Liuxiang's.

But the question is, although the city wall is not smooth, but humans are not beasts, how can they climb such a high city wall without hooks and leverage points.

Just now, her experiment almost cost her life, which is a lesson from the past.

"That's you, not me."

Lin Pingzhi was not used to her either, and said directly.

He changed his posture and turned Gao Yanan from holding him horizontally to carrying him on his shoulders.

Gao Yanan's lower abdomen was squeezed by Lin Pingzhi's shoulders, and his body arched.

Soft, just touching Lin Pingzhi's back.

This made Lin Pingzhi realize that Gao Yanan seemed to be more predictable than he looked.

He subconsciously glanced over his shoulder, also a little surprised.

If Gao Yanan hadn't been carried on his shoulders, he really wouldn't have known that he could be so warped.

As expected of a Qingfeng female swordsman, her figure is impressive.

"Lin Pingzhi, what are you doing! You want to die, don't drag me!"

Gao Yanan shouted quickly from behind Lin Pingzhi.

She realized that Lin Pingzhi wanted to go up the city wall.

But the city wall has no leverage, how can it go up.

"To shut up."

Lin Pingzhi said lightly.

At some point, the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade was held in his hand.

"I can do what others can do, and I can do what others can't!"

Confident words reached Gao Yanan's ears.

Gao Yanan couldn't help being stunned.

Before she could react, she trembled all over.

The scene in front of him was really shocking.

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