Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 931 Assassination?

The sharp Weeping Blood Ghost Blade avoided the tiger-headed golden knife in Ruyang King's hand.


The blade of the sword trembled slightly and let out a clang, hovering over King Ruyang's neck.


King Ruyang's protruding Adam's apple moved up and down.

There was a look of horror on his face.

Obviously he was the first to strike, but his knife hadn't touched the little boy in front of him.

The blade had already reached his vitals.

Zhao Min panicked a little.

She quickly ran to Lin Pingzhi's side, grabbed Lin Pingzhi's arm, and removed the sword that Lin Pingzhi had placed on her father's neck.

"I told you to show mercy, didn't you hear me!"

There was some resentment in the rebuke.

In her opinion, her royal father is just a reckless man on the battlefield, how can he be Lin Pingzhi's opponent.

Why don't you know how to hold back...

"He hit me with a knife first..."

Lin Pingzhi felt a little wronged.

It was obviously King Ruyang who made the move first, so why did Zhao Min reprimand him.

That's all, she is the princess after all, so she should save some face in front of her father.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, and I guarantee that I haven't hurt a single hair."

His attainment in swordsmanship has long allowed him to send and receive as he pleases, how could he hurt King Ruyang.

That's the prospective father-in-law!

If King Ruyang is really moved, Zhao Min will definitely not let him overflow.


Zhao Min rolled Lin Ping's eyes and hummed.

She also knew that Lin Pingzhi was indeed showing mercy.

Otherwise, with Lin Pingzhi's martial arts, why would he use a sword if he wanted to kill her father?

"Father, are you okay?"

Ignoring Lin Pingzhi any more, she hurriedly greeted King Ruyang.

King Ruyang shook his head in a daze.

Only then did he react.

Earlier, when her precious daughter said to be merciful, she was not asking him to be merciful, but to let this little boy in front of him... be merciful.

Thinking about it now, he only heard the sound of unsheathing and the sound of the sword just now.

What I saw in front of me was like a phantom, erratic.

"Which sect do you... belong to?"

Looking at Lin Pingzhi, King Ruyang asked in a deep voice.

Although he is a veteran in the battlefield, he also understands that the martial arts of some people in the world are very strong.

He had heard of this in Mongolia long ago.

After all, Guo Jing Guo Daxia, who guarded Xiangyang in the Southern Song Dynasty, lived in Mongolia and Genghis Khan's tribe since he was a child.

Perhaps these people in the rivers and lakes can't play a big role in the big battlefield with tens of thousands of people.

But he understands that a general who is targeted by people in the world is in danger of being assassinated at any time.

At this moment, he might really understand the real reason why Zhao Min brought Lin Pingzhi here.

This is to assassinate Wu Sangui!

it is good!very nice!

As expected of him, the daughter of King Ruyang, she is a great talent!

"Minmin, are you going to ask him to assassinate Wu Sangui? With his skill, this king thinks it's feasible. You have a good vision!"

King Ruyang looked at Zhao Min with infinite light in his eyes.

Having a daughter like Zhao Min is really a great blessing in the life of King Ruyang.


Zhao Min shook his head.


King Ruyang was stunned.

Doesn't it mean that this little boy is the key to turning the tide of the battle?

Isn't it to assassinate Wu Sangui?

"With his level of martial arts, assassinating Wu Sangui must have a high success rate! Just let him do the assassination!"

King Ruyang was a little anxious.

"As long as Wu Sangui dies, the allied forces of the Qing Dynasty will lose a general, turning the tide of the battle, just around the corner."

Lin Pingzhi stopped talking to his prospective father-in-law, his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Good guy, this prospective father-in-law is a bit selfish.

Want him to kill Wu Sangui?

Why not let him kill Kangxi and Prince Bao together?

In this way, he led the Mongolian army to attack the Forbidden City like a broken bamboo.

"If you can kill Wu Sangui, you can kill Kangxi and Prince Bao. Then the Qing Dynasty is like a piece of paper, vulnerable to our Mongolian cavalry!"

King Ruyang pinched his chin, and his eyes revealed the light of wisdom.

As if, this is already the pinnacle of his resourcefulness!

Lin Pingzhi's face was full of helplessness.

He didn't expect that King Ruyang really dared to think.

However, King Ruyang is just thinking about it.

It is impossible for him to do this.

The Qing Dynasty must not be destroyed.

This is not for his own sake, but for the great-grandfather who was secretly cultivating in the palace.

"Father, this method will not work."

Zhao Min persuaded directly, and her face was also helpless.

As her father, she was more than brave but not resourceful.

I don't know how she was born so smart.

"You can think of this move, can't Wu Sangui, Kangxi, and Prince Bao think of it?"

She looked at King Ruyang and said.

King Ruyang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized.

"If you say it like this, it seems to be true. Doesn't that mean that there are also people from the Jianghu in the Manchu Qing Dynasty who came to kill me?"

His nerves tensed suddenly.

Just now he overlooked one point, since he can think of asking people in the world to assassinate Wu Sangui and the others, then they can also think of letting people in the world assassinate him.

"Minmin, let all the soldiers in the army put on their armor and rest, and be ready to fight at any time!"

He looked at Zhao Min and said quickly.

He still cherishes life very much.

In other words, even if it is death, I still want to die on the battlefield in an upright manner.

He didn't want to be assassinated, he died extremely uselessly.

"Father, don't worry."

Zhao Min felt helpless.

"The Jianghu people I recruited were playing games with those from the Qing Dynasty. During this period of time, each of them was killed or injured. They didn't report to the father, because they didn't want to distract the father."

If it wasn't her who followed this time, but her elder brother Wang Baobao, I'm afraid the Mongolian army would definitely be wiped out.

"I see!"

There was a knowing smile on King Ruyang's face.

"Minmin, you are worthy of being my king's good daughter!"

Looking at King Ruyang who was laughing heartily, Zhao Min couldn't help rolling his eyes.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi with embarrassment, after all, she dared not communicate with Lin Pingzhi as usual in front of her family.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head with a smile, indicating that he was okay.

King Ruyang's thinking is actually quite right.

People in the Jianghu play assassination, they are veterans.

Back then in Xiangyang City, didn't he pass through thousands of troops, charged straight at Jin Luan, and put his sword on Kublai Khan's neck.

Only, this time he couldn't do it.

He is a Han Chinese, even if he didn't kill and torture Mongolia because of Zhao Min, he doesn't want to help Mongolia.

Otherwise, with his skill, if his great-grandfather doesn't show up in the Qing Dynasty, who is his opponent?

"and many more!"

King Ruyang suddenly shouted.

He looked at Lin Pingzhi, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"You kid, you have no formula, and you can't assassinate, so what do you want?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and wanted to chop Lin Pingzhi with the tiger-headed golden knife in his hand.

But thinking of Lin Pingzhi's skill before, he was worried that Lin Pingzhi was in a hurry, so he finally put down the knife.

Staring at Lin Pingzhi with eyes like copper bells, he tried to press Lin Pingzhi with his eyes.

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