Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 930 Asking for the Formula, Acting in Anger!

"Boy, don't you want to treat this king? Hurry up!"

The Ruyang Dynasty shouted at Lin Pingzhi.

"Good Le!"

Lin Pingzhi responded, and hurriedly walked towards King Ruyang.

Seeing this, Zhao Min immediately wanted to hold Lin Pingzhi again.

However, Lin Pingzhi's speed was extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to King Ruyang's bed.

In the end, she clenched her fists and looked at Lin Pingzhi in front of King Ruyang with worry in her eyes.

"Boy, let me tell you, if you don't heal me, then you have committed the crime of bullying, and this king will definitely behead you!"

When Lin Pingzhi took off the bandage, King Ruyang was still there to warn Lin Pingzhi.

But Lin Pingzhi is very confident in the golden sore medicine, and has no fear at all.

"Don't worry."

he said with a smile.

After untiing King Ruyang's bandage, he applied the golden sore medicine on King Ruyang's wound.


King Ruyang gasped in pain because he sprinkled golden sore medicine on the wound.

Lin Pingzhi slowed down a bit.

He looked at King Ruyang, only to see that the latter clenched his teeth, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead due to the pain.

Except for the previous gasp, King Ruyang did not utter a single cry during the whole process.

This made him can't help but feel that King Ruyang is worthy of being a battle-tested man, and even a little pain can't make him scream.

"All right."

After applying the medicine for the sore, he stood up without even putting on the gauze.

When King Ruyang saw this, anger welled up in his eyes.

"Is that good? You don't even tie it when you untie it?"

He roared at Lin Pingzhi.

Earlier, for Zhao Min's sake, he wanted to let Lin Pingzhi try it.

However, Lin Ping took some medicine and didn't even know how to tie the gauze.

Is this also good?

Seeing this, Zhao Min hurried over.

She just wanted to intercede with her father Wang for Lin Pingzhi.

However, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the wound on King Ruyang's body, and couldn't help being dumbfounded, and he didn't say the words of pleading that he wanted to utter.

"Minmin, what kind of guy is this person you brought here! He can't heal wounds at all. In my opinion, he is a liar, so he should be killed!"

Ru Yang Dynasty looked at Zhao Min, and while speaking, his hands were still raised in the air, making a head-cutting motion.

"It's not... Father."

Zhao Min looked at King Ruyang, his face still full of astonishment.

"Aren't you in pain?"

In her words, there was a question of concern, but her face was shocked.

Seeing this, King Ruyang was stunned.

Only then did he realize that the wound on his body didn't hurt anymore.

Moreover, just now because he was angry, he stretched out his arms and waved them, but he didn't feel any pain.

"It seems that it really doesn't hurt..."

He said doubtfully.

With doubts, he looked towards the wound on his body.

I saw that the original cut on the body had completely healed at this time, not only that, even the wound disappeared without leaving any scars.

"This this……"

For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

The eyes that were originally full of anger were replaced by embarrassment at this moment.

"The effect of my golden sore medicine is like this. The wound is healed, why do I need to tie gauze?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at King Ruyang and asked with a smile.

He's not stupid, doesn't he know that gauze needs to be tied after applying medicine?

However, King Ruyang's wound began to heal when the golden sore medicine was applied, and there was no need to tie up the gauze at all.

"This golden sore medicine...is it so miraculous?"

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi with a complicated expression.

Previously, she thought that the golden sore medicine in Lin Pingzhi's hands was just an ordinary golden sore medicine, but she did not expect to have such an effect.

On the side, King Ruyang heard Zhao Min's words, sat up from the bed quickly, and pressed Lin Pingzhi's shoulder.

"Boy, how much of this golden sore medicine do you have left? Hand it all over!"

He was very excited.

With the golden sore medicine, the casualties of his army will definitely be reduced a lot.

In the case of unequal casualties, there is still a military advantage.

Conquering the Qing Dynasty is only a matter of time!


Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

It's not that he doesn't want to give it, it's just that this bottle of golden sore medicine is left.

The system is stingy, and there is nothing he can do if he only gives this little.

Fortunately, there is still a lot of this golden sore medicine left, and I can use it a few more times in the future.

King Ruyang frowned upon hearing this.

"No more? Where's the formula? Do you know the formula?"

he asked hastily.

This kind of magic medicine will definitely become a good medicine for the army.

As long as he knows the formula, he can ask his subordinates to search for medicinal materials, and then ask the military doctor to prepare them.

"do not know……"

Lin Pingzhi shook his head again.

The golden sore medicine rewarded by the system was not developed by him, so how could he know the formula.

Moreover, this world is not as good as the previous life. There are many kinds of high technology, and the composition can be judged through molecules.

He only knew that the golden sore medicine was easy to use, but he didn't pay much attention to the others.

What's more, most of the injuries he suffered were internal injuries, and the golden sore medicine was not very useful.

"If the prince wants it, this bottle can be given to you."

He smiled and handed over the golden sore medicine.

After all, King Ruyang is also his father-in-law.

And fighting all the year round, it is also a good choice to give the golden sore medicine to King Ruyang.

Of course, he has good intentions.

King Ruyang didn't think so.

He felt that Lin Pingzhi was begging for food.

"Stinky boy, do you think I'm a beggar? Hand over the formula, or I'll behead you! Do you still want to use the rest to get rid of me?"

These words, undoubtedly did not believe Lin Pingzhi.

Zhao Min was by his side, and didn't know what to say for a while.

King Ruyang is her father. Of course, she also thought that Lin Pingzhi could give the formula.

In this way, the Mongolian army will certainly be invincible.

But Lin Pingzhi is her sweetheart.

She was in between, and it felt inappropriate to speak for anyone.

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Zhao Min and saw the entanglement in her heart.

Simply, he didn't intend to embarrass Zhao Min either.


With a cold snort.

The internal energy in Lin Pingzhi's body gushed out.

King Ruyang's hand holding his shoulder was instantly shaken away by his internal force.

"Huh?" King Ruyang's eyes narrowed, "Do you still dare to fight back?"

As he spoke, he punched Lin Pingzhi in the face.

Looking at the sandbag-sized fist, Lin Pingzhi retreated slightly.

King Ruyang hit nothing, staggered and fell under the bed.


Zhao Min hurried to help King Ruyang.

However, King Ruyang was already furious at this moment.

He is the famous King Ruyang of Mongolia, and this little boy in front of him dared to make him make a fool of himself in front of Zhao Min!

"Minmin, get out of the way, I must kill this kid today!"

After pushing Zhao Min away, he pulled out the tiger-headed golden knife hanging by the bed, and started to chop at Lin Pingzhi.

Seeing this, Zhao Min hurriedly shouted:

"Be merciful!"

"I want to kill him, what kind of mercy!"

While King Ruyang chopped down, he let out an angry roar.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head helplessly.

Why can't a father be so lovable like his daughter?

This unreasonable virtue made his good impression of Mongolia because of Zhao Min disappear instantly.

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Moan softly.


The sound of the weeping blood ghost's blade being unsheathed sounded.

Knives and swords, with the help of candlelight, emit a penetrating light.

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