Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 916 Want to kill Hu Tiehua!Gao Yanan stop it!

Lin Pingzhi's lightness kung fu.

Even Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng couldn't compare.

How many people he wants to chase can escape?

It only took a while.

As soon as he reached the foot of Mount Hua, he succeeded in catching up.

"Hu Tiehua, why are you running? Did you do something wrong?"

Lin Pingzhi turned around and looked at Hu Tiehua who was blocked by him, with a mocking look on his face.

Hu Tiehua, who was blocked by him, turned dark and ugly.

"Lin Pingzhi, why are you chasing me!"

There was vigilance in Hu Tiehua's eyes, and he had already stood up slightly, ready to make a move.

"If you don't run, I will chase you? As the saying goes, don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, you run away in such a hurry when you see me, how dare you not see me?"

Lin Pingzhi asked with a sneer.

He knew that Hu Tiehua must have known that Chu Liuxiang had robbed the desert star.

Perhaps Hu Tiehua also participated!

"Tell me, tell me where Chu Liuxiang is hiding, I just went to him to ask for my things back."

Lin Pingzhi said indifferently, in his hand, the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade had been held by him at some point.

As Chu Liuxiang's iron son, Hu Tiehua must know where Chu Liuxiang is.

This point, Lin Pingzhi is still clear.

Disdain appeared in Hu Tiehua's eyes.

"You still want to find him? Don't think about it. As for the desert star, it has already been sold. Even if you find him, you won't be able to find the desert star!"

The Star of the Desert is a treasure used by Ji Bingyan to do business. After Chu Liuxiang snatched it from Su Rongrong, he gave it to Ji Bingyan.

Ji Bingyan also made a quick move in exchange for a large fortune.

Lin Pingzhi didn't know these things.

"Really? The star of the desert, I don't like it, what I like is Chu Liuxiang's life!"

Lin Pingzhi's eyes froze, and a murderous intent emanated from his body.

He didn't have a deep friendship with Chu Liuxiang.

I had a good impression of Chu Liuxiang before because Chu Liuxiang is the protagonist in the original book, and she has a really good personality.

But since you dare to steal his things, then it doesn't matter who he is!

Coincidentally, after killing Chu Liuxiang, he also wanted to see what treasures the system would reward!

"Lin Pingzhi! Don't think that you are really powerful because you are widely rumored in the world! Let me tell you, I, Hu Tiehua, am not afraid of you!"

Hu Tiehua shouted at Lin Pingzhi.

Among them, some of them are posturing, and some of them are really serious.

He hadn't seen Lin Pingzhi make a move, he had only heard it from rumors, and even Chu Liuxiang had never told him about Lin Pingzhi's martial arts.

This time he went to Huashan to find Gao Yanan, because Huashan was Lin Pingzhi's territory.

He wanted to let Gao Yanan leave instead of staying in Huashan.

Unexpectedly, he met Lin Pingzhi and his party on the mountain road on Huashan Mountain.

Knowing that Chu Liuxiang's Star of the Desert came from snatching, he subconsciously fled when he saw Lin Pingzhi.

But he really underestimated Lin Pingzhi's lightness skill.

You know, his relationship with Chu Liuxiang is there, and Chu Liuxiang has taught him about lightness kung fu.

Although his qinggong is much worse than that of Chu Liuxiang.

Compared with most people in Jianghu, they are already much stronger.

Lin Pingzhi caught up with him so easily, which surprised him.

"It's okay, you'll be scared later."

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.

Not afraid of death?

He has seen countless people who are not afraid of death.

Do you really think you are an indomitable hero?Why not be afraid of death?

Why don't you say that there are only beheaded generals, but no surrendered generals?

Talk to him?You are afraid of hitting!

Hu Tiehua was stunned when he heard Lin Pingzhi's words.

"What do you mean?"

he asked puzzled.

However, his pupils shrank suddenly.

In his ears, just now there was a "clang" sound, and the sound of drawing the sword out of its sheath, but before his eyes, he found that Lin Pingzhi's sword had already reached his body.

He panicked and wanted to fight back.

But just as he clenched his fists, Lin Pingzhi's sword was already at his throat.


Hu Tiehua trembled.

His heart now only feels extremely cold.

How could there be such a fast sword...

Lin Pingzhi's sword was so fast that he couldn't imagine it.

Old bug, oh old bug!How dare you provoke the wrong person!

Only then did he believe the rumors in the world.

Even, I still feel that the rumors in Jianghu are too modest.

As far as the strength Lin Pingzhi showed just now, it is definitely stronger than the rumors in the world!

"It seems that your martial arts are not at the same level as your words."

Lin Pingzhi said with a sneer.

This was the first time he fought with others after fighting with Feng Qingyang.

Although his strength has still not reached the level of transformation.

However, in Zaoji, he has reached the peak.

Next, just one chance away, he will be able to break through from the extreme to the realm of transformation.

Reaching the Transformation Realm, relying on his deep internal strength, even if he fights again with the Hundred Damaged Taoist who is at the Martial Crazy Realm, he will not hesitate at all!

As for dealing with Hu Tiehua, isn't that easy to catch?

"Lin Pingzhi, it's my bad luck to fall into your hands today. If you want to kill him or cut him to pieces, you will do as you please!"

Hu Tiehua had a resolute face, as if he regarded death as home.

"Is it?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.

He slightly moved the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade forward.

The blade pierced Hu Tiehua's skin, and blood oozed out.

Hu Tiehua was in pain, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

Lin Pingzhi always believed that no one is not afraid of death.

No matter how righteous Hu Tiehua behaved for Chu Liuxiang, when death really came, he would still feel fear.

"You don't think that I will take pity on you and not kill you no matter how much you show your love and righteousness?"

The corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth was full of sarcasm.

"My purpose is very simple. Tell me the whereabouts of Chu Liuxiang, and I can let you go. Otherwise, if you don't tell me, I will kill you. I want to see your good brother Chu Liuxiang, who values ​​love and righteousness, and know that I killed you." After that, will you come to seek revenge on me?"

It would definitely be a disaster for Chu Liuxiang to keep this person.

Not to mention his fame in Jianghu, now Ji Bingyan has sold Desert Star.

As long as Chu Liuxiang thinks about it, he will definitely be able to pull up a big force in a short time!


Hu Tiehua stared at Lin Pingzhi.

With Chu Liuxiang's temperament, if he knew that he died at the hands of Lin Pingzhi.

He will definitely avenge him, and in this way, he will follow Lin Pingzhi's way.

Whether he said it or not, Lin Pingzhi would succeed.

"You are so despicable!"

He roared at Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi also had a faint smile on his face, unmoved at all.

"Despicable? No, no, no, I prefer you to call me a gentleman."

With that said, he prepared to kill Hu Tiehua.

Just then.

Ning Zhongze and others, who were chasing down from the mountain road, also arrived.

"Don't! Stop!"

Gao Yanan shouted hastily.

She has feelings for Hu Tiehua, how could she watch Lin Pingzhi kill Hu Tiehua.

Lin Pingzhi saw Gao Yanan appear.

A sly look flashed in his eyes.

The reason why he said such nonsense was not to be a talkative villain, but to wait for Gao Yanan to appear!

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