Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 917 Agree to the request and let Hu Tiehua go!

Lin Pingzhi, who had already had plenty of time to pierce Hu Tiehua's throat, did not go in.

Instead, it hovered there with a calm expression.


Hu Tiehua said nervously.

He also likes Gao Yanan, but he dare not face it.

Now that Gao Yanan appeared in front of him, he just felt ashamed.

"Brother Lin, can you let Hu Tiehua go?"

Gao Yanan didn't have time to pay attention to Hu Tiehua, and hurriedly begged Lin Pingzhi.

Seeing this, Hu Tiehua stopped quickly:

"Yanan, you don't ask him!"

He was already ready to die, and he didn't want Gao Yanan to go to Lin Pingzhi, a despicable villain, to plead for mercy!


Lin Pingzhi raised the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade slightly, facing Hu Tiehua's face.

"If you don't shut up, I don't mind, I'll cut your tongue off."

As he spoke, he pressed the sword edge between Hu Tiehua's lips.

As if Hu Tiehua yelled again, he pierced Hu Tiehua's mouth with a sword and smashed Hu Tiehua's tongue.


Gao Yanan shouted anxiously.

She was quite anxious.

Like Hu Tiehua for so long, how could she look at Hu Tiehua and die in front of her.

"Brother Lin, Yanan please! Please let him go!"

As she spoke, she wanted to kneel down towards Lin Pingxia.

Seeing this, Hu Tiehua widened his eyes and just wanted to make a sound.

Lin Pingzhi's sword moved forward slightly, as long as he opened his mouth, his lips would definitely be torn by the sword edge.

What I wanted to say at the beginning, I still didn't say it in the end.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak either.

He let Gao Yanan kneel on the side.

Soft-hearted, but bad things will happen, he knows this very well.

When Gao Yanan saw her pleading so much, Lin Pingzhi remained calm.

In her heart, she couldn't help hating Lin Pingzhi.

But she couldn't escape, Hu Tiehua's wealth and life were also in Lin Pingzhi's hands.

Seemingly thinking of something, she quickly got up and ran to Su Rongrong's side.

"Sister Rongrong, hurry up and persuade Brother Lin! Let him let Hu Tiehua go!"

Gao Yanan, who begged Lin Pingzhi to no avail, turned to Su Rongrong, who was begging to wait and see.

Su Rongrong followed Chu Liuxiang for several years, so she is naturally familiar with Hu Tiehua.

But she didn't intend to beg for Hu Tiehua's mercy.

Hu Tiehua is Chu Liuxiang's friend, and Chu Liuxiang snatched the desert star from her.

How could she intercede for Hu Tiehua?

He even wished that Lin Pingzhi would kill Hu Tiehua directly.

"Sister Rongrong!"

Gao Yanan cried out in a crying voice.

She thought that Su Rongrong was also familiar with Hu Tiehua, so she should be able to intercede.

But she overestimated Su Rongrong.

Su Rongrong was just a woman, she had already fallen in love with Lin Pingzhi, so it was impossible for her to intercede for Hu Tiehua based on her past affection.

What's more, hasn't Chu Liuxiang exhausted his affection?

The indifferent Su Rongrong just stood there, looking at Lin Pingzhi with affection in her eyes, but she didn't speak.

Gao Yanan gritted his teeth.

She really can't help it.

"Uncle Ning!"

Ning Zhong was the only one present, so she didn't intercede.

For Hu Tiehua, she could only beg one by one.

Ning Zhong glanced at Gao Yanan.

She heard from Su Rongrong that Chu Liuxiang robbed the desert star.

This Hu Tiehua is another friend of Chu Liuxiang.

She did not intend to intercede for Hu Tiehua.

Even, if it was her, she would kill Hu Tiehua decisively.

"Yanan, go ask Pingzhi."

Ning Zhong is still relatively soft-hearted.

Although she didn't intend to intercede for Hu Tiehua, Gao Yanan was also a disciple of Kumei and a member of the Huashan School.

Gao Yanan almost collapsed.

After tossing and turning, in the end she could only beg Lin Pingzhi again.

Hu Tiehua watched Gao Yanan pleading for him so much, and felt infinite regret in his heart.

If he was with Gao Yanan, Gao Yanan might not come to Huashan.

He would not come to Huashan to persuade Gao Yanan to leave.

In this way, the previous scene will not appear.

If he can survive this time, he will no longer escape Gao Yanan's feelings.


Hu Tiehua's voice was a little choked up.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Gao Yanan who was stumbling over to beg for mercy, and with a slight movement of his lips, a secret sound transmission was transmitted to Gao Yanan's ears.

When Gao Yanan heard this, an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

Immediately afterwards, a complicated look appeared on her face, with hesitation in her eyes.

Seeing this, Hu Tiehua guessed that Lin Pingzhi must have said something to Gao Yanan.

"Lin Pingzhi, you said..."

He was just about to question.

Lin Pingzhi was sent by Jianfeng.

It was directly on Hu Tiehua's teeth.

He thought Hu Tiehua was noisy, and he didn't want Hu Tiehua to interfere with Gao Yanan's decision.

If Hu Tiehua talks nonsense again, he doesn't mind, and wrings Hu Tiehua's tongue.

Anyway, promised Gao Yanan not to kill Hu Tiehua.

It doesn't mean that Hu Tiehua's tongue cannot be cut off.

"Think about it yourself. If you can't give a result, then Hu Tiehua will definitely die."

When Lin Pingzhi uttered the words "undoubted death".

Su Rongrong was shocked.

She glanced at Hu Tiehua with infinite tenderness in her eyes.

For Qingfeng female swordsman, such an expression is rare to see.

However, this glance will be a farewell forever.

"I promise you, let him go."

Gao Yanan said in a deep voice.

There seemed to be some death in the voice.

Lin Pingzhi also heard it, but he didn't take it seriously.

What's more, he still has the Dafa of Dementor.

Don't worry, Gao Yanan will be overwhelmed.

If you can't think about it, it's okay, he can use the soul-stirring technique to help Gao Yanan think about it a little bit.

"Okay, I'll let him go now."

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.

He took back the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade and patted Hu Tiehua on the shoulder lightly.

"You can get out, remember to go back and tell Chu Liuxiang to wash his neck and wait, the price of stealing things is to lose his life!"

With that said, he walked to Gao Yanan's side and said lightly:

"Don't forget, you promised."


Gao Yanan lowered his head and responded.

Her mood is not high.

He was not happy because Hu Tiehua was saved.

Hu Tiehua turned her head and looked at Gao Yanan with a complicated expression.

"Yanan, what did you promise him?"

After finishing speaking, he said firmly:

"Don't worry, no matter what you promise him, I will definitely find a way to save you from the sea of ​​suffering!"

His words seemed to express his never abandoning Gao Yanan, never giving up.

But in Lin Pingzhi's view, it was just a joke.

"Don't you want to go?"

He glanced at Hu Tiehua, took out a meteorite flying knife from behind his waist, and shook it in his hand.

The moment Hu Tiehua saw the flying knife, his expression changed suddenly.

Although he didn't witness Lin Pingzhi's throwing knife competition with Li Xunhuan, he heard Chu Liuxiang mention it.

He didn't have the confidence to survive before Lin Pingzhi's throwing knife.

Without the slightest hesitation, he hurried towards the distance.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Hu Tiehua and smiled.

Hu Tiehua really thought, could she survive?

If he was not dead, how could Chu Liuxiang come to his door?

How could Gao Yanan agree to his request?

Tonight, I can find a place to implement the request I made earlier.

Others, talk about it later!

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